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  1. Upper Kirby

    The RMB Post-a-thon

    Who's winning?! Who's winning?! :o
  2. Upper Kirby

    100 things we've learned from song lyrics

    6) Girls aren't a tonic or a pill. So hang up the chick habit, hang it up, daddy, you're just jonesing for a spill. (April March, "Chick Habit")
  3. Upper Kirby

    az is back

    Azazel, son of fire who would not fall down before the son of clay. Cast out down from the stars and accursed. Some say they're goat-demons who haunt the desert. Son of Azazel... a unique lineage to be part of. In honor of the special, wonderful, World's Most Perfect Child™ and his foreboding...
  4. Upper Kirby

    Share Your Photos Here!

    Hello, Ladies
  5. Upper Kirby

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Bloodshot Bill - I'll Know
  6. Upper Kirby

    Argentina vows Falklands return!

    The feeling pre-1982 was that Britain would have eventually given the islands "back" to Argentina (Argentina probably has about as much claim to those islands as Canada does to St. Pierre and Miquelon) peacefully eventually. The only hitch is the islanders do not want to be Argentine, and you...
  7. Upper Kirby

    Greetings from Vacilo

    Estas son las mañanitas que cantaba el Rey David a las muchachas bonitas se las cantamos aquí. Despierta, mi bien, despierta mira que ya amaneció, ya los pajarillos cantan la luna ya se metió. Qué linda esta la mañana en que vengo a saludarte venimos todos con gusto y placer a felicitarte. El...
  8. Upper Kirby

    Prime Minister's Question Time

    Sometimes "day" is a special word meaning "fortnight". :blush: Consider my pencil sharpened and my papers shuffled. The Prime Minister eagerly anticipates the much anticipated history course of the Mr. Fulhead Land.
  9. Upper Kirby

    Applications for Semester 01

    Nation Name: Upper Kirby Region of residence: The North Pacific Desired Courses: B08, B02, E01, E09 & E10
  10. Upper Kirby

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    The Surfin' Dead - The Impaler (A Tale of Zombie Love)
  11. Upper Kirby


    Hello hello how are you Lookee! Lookee! Someone new! Bonjour, bonjour! Comment allez-vous? Back and forth, but of course! Bienvenue! Bienvenue! Welcome to the North! :Hello:
  12. Upper Kirby

    Argentina vows Falklands return!
  13. Upper Kirby

    Adolf would have loved this architect...

    IIRC work started in fall 2001 and the monument was finished a couple years ago or more recent than that. It is located in the American national mall, that -formerly- unbroken space between the Washington and Lincoln monuments. When the current administration, with all we've seen of them, puts a...
  14. Upper Kirby

    Adolf would have loved this architect...

    In nations outside the English-speakers and the Eurozone the swastika is still in use. In South Asia you can find it nearly anywhere; even in Finland it is still used conspicuously. Most of Asia is fairly benign or indifferent toward the swastika, probably because they were being busy being...
  15. Upper Kirby

    Adolf would have loved this architect...

    I (personally) think Hitler would be more flattered by whoever designed the US national WW2 monument. More than an unfortunate overhead coincidence, this screams fascist art.
  16. Upper Kirby

    The RMB Post-a-thon

    What of a thread to post ads and spam that really stand out? For instance, this is a recent gem: It gave me warm fuzzies.
  17. Upper Kirby

    TNP Welcoming Committee

    If everyone does a little no one has to do a lot. I have a question. What's an effective way to get people to listen, beating out all the crazy recruitospam we're sure to compete with for inbox space?
  18. Upper Kirby

    New Member!

    Hello boys and girls, Hello boys and girls, Hello boys and girls, I'm glad you're here today. Hello El Castillo Hello El Castillo. Hello El Castillo. We’re glad you're here today. We will work and we will play, We will play, we will play. We will work and we will play, Here at school today...
  19. Upper Kirby

    Embassy of The West Pacific

    We'll have you mentioned as the North's most prodigious wallaby philanthropist.
  20. Upper Kirby

    What Song Are You Currently Listening To?

    Amy Winehouse - Rehab
  21. Upper Kirby

    Former English Colony

    Skip: You guys. You lollygag the ball around the infield. You lollygag your way down to first. You lollygag in and out of the dugout. You know what that makes you? Larry! Larry: Lollygaggers! Skip: Lollygaggers. Edit: Oh yeah, it also has a lot of meanings related to fellatio; basically...
  22. Upper Kirby

    The RMB Post-a-thon

    I'm on the board this time at least. It's a mindtrap sometimes, you get there to clear spam but the last post on the board is a TNP native discussing something, so you feel like by posting you're really just clearing them off. The goal is all the spam cleared off totally, even the ones in the...
  23. Upper Kirby

    Campaign Against Spam Warning Center

    What's this weekly competition looking like so far, MO?
  24. Upper Kirby

    The West Pacific

    For those not paying attention The West Pacific recently had a change of delegate -no, different from and after TAO won elections. Out of seemingly nowhere, Cave Canem found himself king of the hill yesterday afternoon (morning?). Noticeably supported by a small amount of foreign agents. You'd...
  25. Upper Kirby

    Turkey at the edge of Europe, yet in the EU ?

    To turn this thread in a different direction (we may split if needed), recent goings-on in Iraq may have an effect on Turkey's EU membership bid. That article only alleges shelling, but just the other day (yesterday?) news was screaming Turkey moved...
  26. Upper Kirby

    Paris Hilton

    If you want to see schadenfreude, head over to Fark and you will find it. It is hard not to get drawn into the crowd celebration. /royalty deserves only the best... guillotines //still feeling guilty as sin
  27. Upper Kirby

    Paris Hilton

    I know just the right word. Back to the OP: The French Revolution makes more sense to me now.
  28. Upper Kirby

    Paris Hilton

    She rolled doubles. There was nothing they could do.
  29. Upper Kirby

    it's a funny old world.

    "Sir, did you realize there is a man on a wheelchair on your front grill" "A who on a what on the where now?" I had to chuckle.