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Even though these pictures I think make me look like a stooge, I'll post them anyways. These are from the last week of March of this year, when I was in Ottawa for the Forum for Young Canadians. In a few weeks I'll be able to post up pictures from my grad, after it actually happens.

That is me sitting all formal like in the Senate of Canada. The desk I'm sitting at is Senator Roméo Dallaire's. Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire was the Force Commander of the UN Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR), which attempted to stop the 1994 genocide in Rwanda while the world looked on. He is a hero of mine.

This one is me and a gal I met from Alberta at the National Library of Canada. I still don't know why the boy-statue has an apple in his hand...
Hail Comrade Hotsuit! Smashing red tape with bulging muscles of proletariat steel! Clobbering the enemies of progressivism with the green-eyed Will of the People!!

Tis me in the red fleece. :w00t:
Here's what he really looks like:

<picture posted>
When I was growing up, a friend of mine's little brother actually had that condition. Yes, with the arms, yes 4 realz. He was a cool kid tho; like a 10 year old trapped in a 6 year old's body. And of course the obvious impairment.
I attempted snowboarding once. It was February 2006 and I busted my left knee. It was a lot of fun though! :w00t:
i find boarding way easier then skiing. possible because it is impossible for my legs to go in opposite directions when strapped into a board
Boarding is better. It's allegedly harder to learn, but once you do, it's way easy, whereas skiing is easy to learn, but a bugger to master.
Hm, best is to master both, of course...theh. :shifty:

Soig, where in France? Tell us, tell us! Was it good? How expensive? When? Snow conditions? Sorry, but I'm the most skiing-addicted person I know (along with a friend of mine). We even planned to go to Argentine or Chile in summer to be able to ski..muahaha, climate change? Which climate change?

Also, I feel I need to share this:



Hungarian gypsies in Budapest, from earlier this year. The car is a roughly 20 year old Russian Lada. Very cool in my opinion, I thought about buying one, too...XD
This is from some time ago, in a far off land called Arizona. I was visiting some of my friends who were doing an Eco-League semester at Prescott College. This bull thing was right outside of the local hospital, which I had to visit at one point due to rampant sickness. I was almost collapsing while filling my prescription for hydrocodone cough syrup, and was walked back to where I was staying arm and arm with a friend. :) (That cough syrup was very good)


Ride the bull!

Edit: I'll post another from my geology trip when I sift through the pictures and locate a good one.
So.. I was just browsing through these pictures and realized that I'm surrounded by beautiful women where. I would've NEVER guessed.

I love this game even more!
Not far off what's on display in town centres on a Friday night. If he sprouted "Wanna buy some skunk?" it'd be spot on.