100 things we've learned from song lyrics


Ever listened to a song lyric and learned a valuable life lesson? Given the quality of musical knowledge that stalks this forum I hope we'll be able to get a lot!

1) Cocaine is fun, heroin isn't. (Clapton's Cocaine, the VU's Heroin)

2) If you want to be a mountain climber, fall in love.

3) Don't eat yellow snow!
6) Girls aren't a tonic or a pill. So hang up the chick habit, hang it up, daddy, you're just jonesing for a spill. (April March, "Chick Habit")
13) All you need is love.

14) You can't always get what you want; but if you try, sometimes you get what you need.

15) Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way.

:hug: Yay! Syd's back! :worship:
19) Lola is actually a man

20) If you give me three steps, you won't see me no more.

21) The world is just a great big onion
17) You'd better let somebody love you before it's too late.
23) True love will find you in the end (this is a promise with a catch, only if you're looking will it find you)


25) Doctors are largely useless individuals, who will dish out commentaries on your love life rather than offer any medical assistance.
33) If there's ever a time for a dramatic monologue of one's life history, it's in the belly of a giant whale before you avenge your mother's death by killing the man who conned her out of her money.
34) I never loved Eva Braun

35) it started with a kiss.

36) Roxanne no longer has to put on the red light, because those days are over.

37) If ever you have a son, don't for God's sake call him "Sue". sooner or later he will track you down in a saloon and beat the crap out of you.
50) East coast girls are hip and stylish.

51) You can still have fun if your daddy takes your T-bird away.

52) Grits will no longer be served on the sloop John B.
50) East coast girls are hip and stylish.
50.1 And the southern girls with the way they talk...

50.2 The mid-west farmers daughters really make you feel alright

50.3 And the northern girls with the way they kiss
50.3a They keep their boyfriends warm at night

50.4 The west coast has the sunshine
50.4a And the girls all get so tanned
51.a) We all live in a Yellow Submarine

51.b) Sarah Smiles

51.c) There is no dark side of the moon really.

Edit: Sorry to hog the numbers