100 things we've learned from song lyrics

58) Don't stop believing.

59) It's the final countdown.

60) Rock and roll ain't noise pollution.

61) Don't fear the reaper.

62) Girls just want to have fun.

63) Stacey's mom has got it goin' on.

I keep thinking of more and more and more, but I don't wanna hog em all, so I'll stop for now >_>
73. The big bang, took and shook the world - shot down the rising sun.

Speaking of shot.....

73.1. I shot the Sherriff.
85) The master of puppets is pulling your strings, twisting your mind and smashing your dreams.
82. I have always been here

82.1 The kids are alright

82.2 The mama pajama rolled out of bed and she ran to the police station