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Office of the Delegate
Is this also going to replace the delegate directive thread?I am revoking Delegate Directive #6. This is being done as part of a rewrite of our voting policy. Parts of the directive will be present in the new WA voting policy.
No - delegate directives will continue to be posted in that topic, but I will make announcements concerning directives here.Is this also going to replace the delegate directive thread?
Whilst the current WA voting policy was the same as the Delegate Directive, it remains in effect in the interim.What process will be used in the meantime to determine how the Delegate will vote?
Even more diplomats are as of now not masked.Since the start of the term there have been three unprocessed foreign envoy masking applications.
Thanks for the note! Obviously wasn't around last term to do those applications. I currently do not have permissions for the Foreign Envoys group but will request them immediately.Even more diplomats are as of now not masked.
39. When deployed in a foreign region, members of The North Pacific Army will refrain from excessive use of force including altering the regions chosen embassy list or password protecting the region. Before leaving, The North Pacific Army must provide natives with the means to restore the region to its original state. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies.
muted cacklingUnder Section 7.6 Clause 39 I am exempting the following regions from our prohibitions on altering the region:
The Power Guilds
Raxulan Empire
This is in response to their attack on the NPA's former jump point, Birb.
Section 7.7: Diplomacy:
38. The Delegate may choose to designate a region or organization to be prohibited from creating in-game embassies and forum embassies, hosting cultural events together or other formal collaborations with The North Pacific with a majority of the Regional Assembly confirming such.
39. These prohibitions may be repealed with a majority vote of the Regional Assembly.
40. Regions exempted by the Regional Assembly from the restrictions on the North Pacific Army will automatically have the diplomatic restrictions imposed on them.
It will be at vote shortly.Is section 7.6 next?
We're keeping our eyes open. There's not much details on it yet so hard to do anything concrete. From the looks of it, it seems as though it's not too competitive (compared to say N-Day) but more of an individual thing with regions cooperating. Obviously, this is coming off a short blurb. I do plan to be online when it starts in case any mass tgs: need to be sent, use Appearance for anything, etc.Does the government have a plan for how it will approach the recently announced Trade Fair?
Options are being considered.Who is MoD?
Out of an abundance of caution, and because it is related to the exempted region Layem, I will in fact be doing this.Given the present state of Concord, will a proposal to authorise participation in the destruction of that region shortly be put to the Assembly?
39. When deployed in a foreign region, members of The North Pacific Army will refrain from excessive use of force including altering the regions chosen embassy list or password protecting the region. Before leaving, The North Pacific Army must provide natives with the means to restore the region to its original state. Exceptions to this clause must be publicly authorised by the Delegate when it is in the best interests of The North Pacific or its allies.
No particular reason. It’s how I’ve seen it done and I’m following suit. Usually it’s trolling or harassment of players, sometimes flamebaiting, in terms of the NS stuff. In terms of community, it’s usually being particularly offensive or targeted in the abuse of other players, typically due to bigotry or violent language.A question for the Delegate, although I suppose it could be asked to anyone with Border Control powers. In the "Currently Banned" thread, in cases where the reason is "violating NS and community rules," why are we not listing the specific rules broken?
It is documented. It’s the same process of digging up the cause whether I named a specific NS rule or community guideline or didn’t. And I would be able to produce the receipts if I had to.Shouldn't the reason be documented in case of an appeal, or are the border control officers retaining that information elsewhere?
At this time I wouldn’t block Osiris from using the tool. I may have been under the impression this was already done with BoM, but I will happily look into it and apply such a prohibition if it is not already in place.Do you plan on or have you blocked BoM and Osiris from using the endorse the world tool?
Although... considering the nature of the region it might not be as consequential for themAt this time I wouldn’t block Osiris from using the tool. I may have been under the impression this was already done with BoM, but I will happily look into it and apply such a prohibition if it is not already in place.
It had a super busy month and it’s had a little break, with a little unexpected break due to some personal setbacks for key personnel. We have some cool stuff planned for the rest of the term.Hey, on an unrelated note, how's the Ministry of Culture doing?
Nothing concrete as of yet. It's been on the radar since the previous delegate, but we weren't really actively working on it when season 3 of cards hadn't even come out. Now with that done and this comment, we know we have a few months before it really starts to become real.Since Sedgistan has hinted that admin may commence testing the Frontier/Stronghold update in the first quarter of 2023, does the government have a plan for addressing this update which will result in a loss of 50% of the nations that naturally spawn in TNP, especially given the fact that it is already difficult to maintain activity in the government as it is? If not, will the government make a plan?