[SC - PASSED] Commend the Holy Principality of Saint Mark

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Winter Kingdom
TNP Nation
Boston Castle

Commend The Holy Principality of Saint Mark
Category: Commendation | Target: The Holy Principality of Saint Mark
Proposed by: Giovanniland | Onsite Topic

The Security Council,
Recognizing The Holy Principality of Saint Mark(Saint Mark) as a nation that has gone beyond the call of duty in the building of regional communities;
Celebrating Saint Mark's innovative actions that helped shape the modern government of the West Pacific(TWP), such as instituting weekly meetings for the regional Cabinet to discuss recent happenings and check the progress of plans as a way to ensure accountability; and as the first Speaker of the Hall of Nations, writing the Etiquette of the Hall that established the functions and procedures of the Hall of Nations as the body composed of all TWP citizens;
Lauding Saint Mark's prioritizing of new nation integration as a crucial aspect of region-building in TWP, via the creation of The West Pacific Master Dispatch as the modern hub for guides, foreign updates, and other resources to be published with a layout and level of organization that allows essential information to be easily found; and their still ongoing term as Chancellor of the University, in which they encourage new nations to enroll and help the classes happen smoothly through several courses, where student nations learn about and participate in the tasks undertaken within each ministry of the region, to become new regional leaders;
Praising Saint Mark's community-focused approach to foreign relations, in which they not only rejuvenated the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the boost of diplomat numbers, improvement of monthly reports to inform the region of public foreign happenings, and authorship of guides for ambassadors on how to conduct themselves and interact with their assigned regions; but also enhanced relations between TWP and:
  • Osiris and Balder, via the creation of activities to celebrate the treaties with said regions, respectively the West Osi High School Prom and Dragons of the Frozen Sea events;
  • Lazarus, via the negotiation of the Treaty of Fùhuó after a large period of Lazarene instability, demonstrating the interest of both regions to enrich the active cultural, diplomatic and military bonds previously set forth by the defunct Chol Covenant treaty;
  • The South Pacific, via the spearheading of a détente with the laudable intent of reducing years-long tensions between the two large Feeders, that has since resulted in a friendlier relation, despite notorious governmental differences;
  • The Pacific (TP), via the work behind the scenes to promote peaceful diplomacy between them, Lazarus, and Osiris, paving the way for a treaty between TWP and TP to be re-established after Saint Mark's delegacy;
Applauding Saint Mark's additions to TWP culture, such as their authorship of articles and edition of publications for The West Pacifican from 2017 to 2019, laying the foundations for the eventual revamp and renaming of the regional newspaper into The Western Post during 2020; their creation of the yearly Festival of the Perfections event for the showcase of art, poetry, and writing from nations across the multiverse; and their role in establishing and promoting a platform for TWP nations' representatives to handle situations of international importance, report on national happenings and publish information about their lore;
Noticing that Saint Mark's region-building contributions extend to other regions like Edlhus, which they founded via Marcarius Halohin as a unique region focused on lineage relationships between nations and built as a casual meeting point due to the fact those nations are most often active in other primary regions; contributing to the region by authoring the governing documents known as The Edicts of Edlhus and The Code of Comport, and leading the region's entry into the 2020 UCR Con, an annual interregional event for smaller regions, in which Edlhus had one of the most active booths;
Respecting that Saint Mark's satellite state of Pyo Karma helped shape a thriving community with around 125 World Assembly nations in Karma, by developing the regional lore together with Rigels Light to make Karma stand out from other regions, and helping to maintain the activity of Karma's Path of Enlightenment, in which a resident nation must conclude a task and be approved by the Sages to participate in The Sangha, Karma’s legislative body;
Further respecting that Saint Mark's approach to foreign relations is also present in Karma, where as the first Guru of Diplomacy they started Karma's foreign relations, guided diplomats to represent it abroad, and negotiated the friendship treaty with Caer Sidi;
Concluding that Saint Mark's contributions have created a kind and caring environment in several regions, making them a better place for their residents;
Hereby commends The Holy Principality of Saint Mark.
Note: Only votes from TNP WA nations and NPA personnel will be counted. If you do not meet these requirements, please add (non-WA) or something of that effect to your vote.
Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

[TR][TD] For [/TD][TD] Against [/TD][TD] Abstain [/TD][TD] Present [/TD][/TR][TR][TD]13[/TD][TD]3[/TD][TD]2[/TD][TD]1[/TD][/TR]

"Commend The Holy Principality of Saint Mark" passed 9,780 (76.0%) to 3,091(24.0%).
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This resolution seeks to Commend The Holy Principality of Saint Mark (hereafter referred to by their nickname, Halo) for a variety of reasons. The author cites their presence in The West Pacific where they modernized proceedings of its Government and contributed immensely to its culture. Further, this resolution details Halo's contributions to the foreign policy of the West through their prodigious efforts at writing treaties and bringing former enemies or regions who were not thought well of by the West to the table for talks. Finally, Giovanniland details Halo's impressive contributions to the formation of several regions, citing the leading role they played in the formation of Edlhus and Karma.

There is very little we can say about this resolution that will not come out to be a superlative. This resolution is well written and it provides a bevy of information about this nation and its satellites that the original proposal commending it did not. Additionally, we must commend the author on the sheer breadth and depth of achievements they found about the player, they show a real dedication to the history of this player that is rarely matched. Finally, we must also note that even given Halo's past with the General Assembly community, our community will not act on malice towards any when it comes to their proposals. We exist to judge merits, not morals.

For the above reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote For the Security Council Resolution at vote, "Commend The Holy Principality of Saint Mark".
Our IFV Recommendation Dispatch, please upvote!
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Halo is a non-complier, someone who has signed on as saying that they are willing to disregard international agreements. For that, they should not be commended when they are going to participate in a body and willingly ignore the rules. They are not someone the SC should hold up as a role model.

Halo is a non-complier, someone who has signed on as saying that they are willing to disregard international agreements. For that, they should not be commended when they are going to participate in a body and willingly ignore the rules. They are not someone the SC should hold up as a role model.
As I said on the onsite thread, Halo quit the WA about two weeks after signing the CIAP, has not rejoined since, and thus - for all intents and purposes - his noncompliance with certain resolutions is arguably "moot" even by Administrative Compliance Act standards.
This is moot given that Halo is still in the WA—just under another nation.

I would not be very comfortable having the SC commend someone who flouts the rules of the WA and diminishes the institution. It doesn’t make sense. That’s a mostly RP type argument though, and given the nation isn’t in the WA, and wasn’t a champion for non-compliance even when he was (he signed on to someone else’s statement), it makes no sense in that context. Consider also that one thing that is constantly told to non-compilers is that they should leave the WA - he did! Would the WA permanently block someone from being commended because they signed on to a statement of non-compliance in the past but were otherwise not an engaged and regular participant in WA debates, and are no longer in the WA and no longer non-compliant in any way?

I think your argument is more a non-RP one, one that is concerned with the player and not the nation in an RP context. And that just makes the argument even weaker. The player behind Halo is also not known for championing non-compliance, he isn’t a WA regular, and other than signing on to that statement, has nothing to do with any of that stuff. His active non-compliance was not a major part of his history, his accomplishments, his activity, and given that non-compliance was done with a nation that’s not in the WA now...this doesn’t seem particularly relevant or pressing. These commendations are seen as having more weight for the player over the individual nation, especially when RP isn’t a major element in them. Even you know Halo isn’t a grouchy anti-WA non-compiler. To act as if that statement he signed on to defines his relation to the body for all time when he’s not even actually non-compliant is really stretching things in my view.

My opinion on non-compliance is well known. Halo was never one of the major offenders, and there is no context (engagement as a player, nation in the WA) where non-compliance continues to be a current thing with him. I feel like I’m repeating myself a lot here because...this is super basic and easy to grasp. You want to sink the whole thing over this when it’s honestly not relevant anymore. That’s your right, but as someone who feels strongly about non-compliance, I can nevertheless have a bit more perspective about this. Frankly I don’t see how this position is that different from m, say, holding an incidental R/D position against a nominee when the full spectrum of their experience is meant to be considered. Big picture this is a deserving nominee being honored with a much better written resolution than the previous one.

This has achieved the necessary approvals to enter the formal queue. Barring it being withdrawn or marked illegal, it will proceed to a vote at Major Update on Saturday, August 21.
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My sincere apologies that this IFV didn't come out at/near midnight. We dealt with some tech glitches, but I am pleased to report that I can now send out our stuff!
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