The North Pacific v St George


TNP Nation
The Court is now in session and will hear the case of The North Pacific v. St George.


I bring forward the following charge(s) holding that all the below is true and honest to the best of my belief.

Name of Complainant: 9003

Name(s) of Accused: St George

Date(s) of Alleged Crime(s): 11/02/2020

Crime: Gross misconduct

Specifics of Crime(s): St George was biased and abused his power to conduct Speaker’s checks by willingly ignoring a citizenship application with the intent to limit the individuals free speech. Thus infringing on that citizens right to fair and equal treatment under the law. .

Summary of Events:
In the early afternoon EST of the date of the crime, St. George posted several messages in the regional Discord server in which he insulted Wonderess. Below is a summary of those messages.
Follows a conversation showing the strong distaste that St George (known on Discord as MadJack) has for wonderess. The events below occurred while St George held the office of speaker.

A summary of the key messages in the conversation are outlined below.

Wonderess is trash and people shouldn't interact with him - full shun, because that's all he deserves.

Most people in TNP are fundamentally decent period. There are some, like Wonderess and Cosmo, who aren't.

Will not be quoted due to profanity but both summarize to say
"F*** Off"

You are trash pretending to be something better than trash
While this is not a crime in itself, it shows a clear personal bias towards Wonderess.
St George then willingly posted the following

Just a note - the Speakers Office will not be processing Wonderess's citizenship application. It will be left to go the full 14 days allowed by law. I am fully aware of the potential consequences of this action.
He then went on to accept others ignoring said application, as seen here, This shows his intent to purposefully delay this specific application, thus infringing on Wonderess's right to "equal and fair treatment"as given by Article 9 of the Bill of Rights.

9. Each Nation in The North Pacific is guaranteed the organization and operation of the governmental authorities of the region on fundamental principles of democracy, accountability, and transparency. No action by the governmental authorities of the region shall deny to any Nation of The North Pacific, due process of law, including prior notice and the opportunity to be heard, nor deny to any Nation of The North Pacific the equal and fair treatment and protection of the provisions of the Constitution. No governmental authority shall have power to adopt or impose an ex post facto law or a bill of attainder as to any act for purposes of criminal proceedings.

Just a note - the Speakers Office will not be processing Wonderess's citizenship application. It will be left to go the full 14 days allowed by law. I am fully aware of the potential consequences of this action.

It would be to the detriment of the office, the Regional Assembly and to TNP to endorse the application of someone who would happily malign, exclude and discriminate against people based on their sexuality or other innate characteristics.

Bill of Rights Article 9
9. Each Nation in The North Pacific is guaranteed the organization and operation of the governmental authorities of the region on fundamental principles of democracy, accountability, and transparency. No action by the governmental authorities of the region shall deny to any Nation of The North Pacific, due process of law, including prior notice and the opportunity to be heard, nor deny to any Nation of The North Pacific the equal and fair treatment and protection of the provisions of the Constitution. No governmental authority shall have power to adopt or impose an ex post facto law or a bill of attainder as to any act for purposes of criminal proceedings.

Follows a conversation showing the strong distaste the St George aka MadJack has for wonderess. The events below occurred while St George was in the office of speaker.

A summary of the key messages in the conversation are outlined below.

Wonderess is trash and people shouldn't interact with him - full shun, because that's all he deserves.

Most people in TNP are fundamentally decent period. There are some, like Wonderess and Cosmo, who aren't.

Will not be quoted due to profanity but both summarize to say
"F*** Off"

You are trash pretending to be something better than trash

Presiding over this case as Moderating Justice will be @Zyvetskistaahn @Vivanco

Representing The North Pacific as Prosecutor: @Lady Raven Wing

Representing St George as counsel: @Mall and @mcmasterdonia

Plea of the Defendant: Not Guilty

  • Evidence Submission [November 30, 2020 - December 20, 2020]
  • Argumentation [December 20, 2020 - December 29, 2020]
  • Deliberation [December 29, 2020 - January 04, 2021]
  • Sentencing [January 04, 2021, January 09, 2021]

This post will be updated as information becomes available including the trial timetable.
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As the Court reassembles itself and selects a new Chief Justice, as part of the prior Court I will announce that @saintpeter has decided to recuse themselves from the case. Once a new Chief Justice is selected by Court, a Temporary Hearing Officer will be appointed.
@St George Lady Raven Wing has been chosen as Prosecution for this case, and has taken their oath of office.
You have 24 hours since such oath was taken to submit a plea to the Court. Failure to do so, a plea of Not Guilty will be entered into the record in your behalf.
The Court takes note of the defendant's plea.

Following Chapter 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3 of the Court Rules and Procedures, the Court request for the Defense and Prosecution to present their proposed schedules for the next phase of this trial: Evidence Submission.
In the case one or both parties would like any deposition to be made, we are in the need to coordinate for these to be done efficiently and succinctly.

The Defense and Prosecution have 48 hours to set forth a proposed schedule with the following details:
  • Length of the Evidence Submission period.
  • Availability for Depositions from the parties.
  • Possibility of any of the parties anticipate submitting a Request For Review.
    • If so, specify when.
Your honor,

Prosecution believes a period of 3 days will be sufficient for the Evidence Submission phase, as determined by what evidence is expected to be entered into the record by both parties. At this time, I have arranged for a witness to give a statement, which has been included in my estimates of the time required to submit evidence. Should the Defense request a full deposition, I would think a 7 day period would provisionally be more appropriate, in recognition of the added time depositions can take.

At this time, I have no expectation of a R4R being necessary in the course of the trial, including during the Evidence Submission period.
The defense has less than 24 hours to specify their proposed schedules. If they do not answer when the time limit is met, we shall proceed with only the Prosecution's proposition.
( @mcmasterdonia @Mall )
Your honour,

The defence believes an evidence submission phase of seven days is an appropriate timeframe for evidence we may need to submit. We would also expect a full deposition of any witness testimony that is presented. Therefore the seven days is the minimum acceptable timeframe to allow the defendant fair due process. With respect to the R4R, the defence does not anticipate a R4R, but naturally this may change in respect to how this trial may progress.
In light of the above, the evidence submission period will commence immediately and expire on Monday, December 7, at 10:56 AM CET, unless otherwise extended by the Court.
Parties are advised the deposition threads will be made available on request.

@mcmasterdonia @Mall @Lady Raven Wing
Your honor, I wish to enter the following pieces of evidence for the record:

Pieces from the TNP forum itself, which I request the Moderating Justice accept without authentication upon their confirmation that the pieces in question "does not contain any content that does not appear in the original location." Per the rules, all of these pieces are linked (via the quote function) for appropriate viewing.

Just a note - the Speakers Office will not be processing Wonderess's citizenship application. It will be left to go the full 14 days allowed by law. I am fully aware of the potential consequences of this action.
The Speakers Check is an endorsement of a potential citizens application. It would be to the detriment of the office, the Regional Assembly and to TNP to endorse the application of someone who would happily malign, exclude and discriminate against people based on their sexuality or other innate characteristics.

The law states after 14 days an application passes if it is not yet checked. It can wait until then.
It appears that rather than speak to me directly about it, some people are instead using this as an opportunity to say things about me that I cannot currently respond to. Let me lay out where I'm out and hopefully dispel some misconceptions:
  1. This is very much not about the election. Frankly, I don't care who wins, don't care who runs and don't care who Wonderess - or anyone else - will or would be voting for. I plan to abstain if I vote at all.
  2. I am 'corrupt' for taking this action. Now the way I measure corruption is that for something to qualify as corruption, I would have to gain something from it - I'm not sure what I personally gain from this. Is there a sense of satisfaction from not processing someone's application? No, not really. Does it make me more likely to win re-election, or enhance my standing in the region? I think public reaction to this move shows it isn't the case. I foresaw the reaction, and whilst I'm not exactly enjoying myself, it's nice to be in the thick of things I guess.
  3. The idea that I have broken the laws or my oath of office in taking this move. I don't believe I have but if I have, I wouldn't be the first government official to have nor will I be the last. Hell, declassification still isn't happening and there's probably a good 2 or 3 r4rs or court cases one could make out of Z-Day. I'd rather not spend my time doing that. Either way, if people believe I have broken my oath or a law then you know where the courts are and you can seek my recall in these very halls.
  4. This is due to a dispute I have with Wonderess. Well, yeah. I have a dispute with how Wonderess acts, the things he says and what he does when in positions of power. I believe that TNP is better off without him. But I'm not the Vice Delegate. I don't have the power or the authority to reject his application for anything other than: a missing or incomplete oath or application, or by listing a nation not in TNP or one that doesn't exist. That's the extent of my ability to deny an application, beyond rejecting applications that fail the Vice Delegates or Admin Checks. However the law states that should an application not be processed within 14 days, the applicant automatically becomes a citizen. As I view an affirmative Speakers Check as an endorsement of an applicant to be a citizen in good standing, I can not allow the Office to endorse someone who would act to exclude, deride or diminish people for their sexuality or other innate characteristics.
At (time=1605495060) Wonderess will become a citizen. Until otherwise directed, I will be carrying out the rest of my duties with the same dedication I have shown since entering the Office.
Hey-o - here comes a schedule for checks, in place from Monday:
Robespierre and MadJack (lead)Robespierre (lead) and MadJackRobespierre (lead) and MadJackBobberino (lead) and MadJackMadJack (lead) and Lady Raven WingBobberino and Comfed (lead)Lady Raven Wing (lead) and Comfed
The contents of the linked thread, beginning from the linked post to present (or to the next General election, should this trial run that long):

The following are various quotes of the Defendant from the regional Discord. As these are offsite, they will require witness authentication, for which I have asked (and they accepted) @9003 to testify to such. As Defense has indicated a desire to have a deposition for all witness testimony, I will skip having them submit a statement and ask the Court begin a deposition on such as soon as reasonably possible.


Most people in TNP are fundamentally decent period. There are some, like Wonderess and Cosmo, who aren't.

Wonderess is trash and people shouldn't interact with him - full shun, because that's all he deserves.
The following are various quotes of the Defendant from the regional Discord. As these are offsite, they will require witness authentication, for which I have asked (and they accepted) @9003 to testify to such. As Defense has indicated a desire to have a deposition for all witness testimony, I will skip having them submit a statement and ask the Court begin a deposition on such as soon as reasonably possible.
A Deposition has been open.
I remind the parts that the evidence submission period will end in 48 hours. As the Court Rules and Procedures establish, it is in this period where the parts can submit evidence or object to the evidence, in this main thread.
Are you willing to waive authentication @Vivanco on the A & B portions of evidence then, since they exist on this forum and can be appropriately confirmed as such?
Are you willing to waive authentication @Vivanco on the A & B portions of evidence then, since they exist on this forum and can be appropriately confirmed as such?
The Court Rules and Procedures state the following:
Chapter 1: Criminal Trials
Section 3: Evidence
3. Relevant evidence may be admitted or excluded at the discretion of the Moderating Justice after hearing from both sides.
The admission of the evidence by the Court will only be done after the Evidence Submission period is over.
However, I shall make clear the following.
Chapter 1: Criminal Trials
Section 3: Evidence
4. Documentary evidence, which includes forum posts or threads, off-site chat logs, screenshots and other evidence of a similar nature, must be authenticated according to the criteria below.

Forum posts and threads may be accepted without authentication, as long as the Moderating Justice is provided with a direct link to the posts and threads entered into evidence and is able to view them in their original locations. The Moderating Justice must confirm that the evidence submitted does not contain any content that does not appear in the original location before accepting it without authentication.
If by the end of the Evidence Submission period there are no objections to the evidence, no authentication will be needed for its acceptation.
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The Defense requests that this Court open deposition threads for @Wonderess and @St George while reserving the right to submit additional requests as needed.
A deposition for @Wonderess will be open shortly.

About the deposition for @St George , I would like to clear up within the limits of Article 6 of the Bill of Rights.
6. No Nation shall be held to answer for a crime in a manner not prescribed by the Constitution or the Legal Code. No Nation shall be subjected to being twice put in jeopardy for the same offense. No Nation shall ever be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against itself.
The bolded parts are the important ones, for it's the relevant part in this case.
Due to the fact that it is requested by the defense, the legal representation of the defendant, I will allow this.

Both depositions will be open shortly.
Due to the recent opening of new depositions, in order to give both parts sufficient time for the use of said depositions in all fairness, and considering the possible interferences of Real Life and time zone differences, I will extend the Evidence Submission for 48 hours longer, the new limit being the 9th of December 2020, at 10:56 AM CET.
While the used deposition schedule does have myself as Prosecution questioning first, would it not be more logical for the Defense to have first questions on what are effectively their called witnesses?

Additionally, does the allowance of the Defendant Defense, giving a deposition, as called by their own Defense, indicate that I am allowed to question them as any other witness, that I am not to question them, or that they retain a right to not answer any question of mine as they see fit?
Given the additional witnesses and to allow all due time for necessary questions, I suggest the evidence submission period be extended by a further seven days.
While the used deposition schedule does have myself as Prosecution questioning first, would it not be more logical for the Defense to have first questions on what are effectively their called witnesses?
That is correct, it has been fixed.
Additionally, does the allowance of the Defendant Defense, giving a deposition, as called by their own Defense, indicate that I am allowed to question them as any other witness, that I am not to question them, or that they retain a right to not answer any question of mine as they see fit?
Given the fact that the defense has allowed the defendant to appear before the Court as a witness, it is only fair that they are treated equally as any other witness. The Bill of Rights states the privileged status of the defendant on the fact of being considered a witness or not, not on their capacity to be questioned.
However, I would like to note that they do have the right not to answer any question as they see fit, for it is not mandatory to answer said questions, only to effectively tell the truth as their oath states. They have as much right not to answer as any other witness does.
Given the additional witnesses and to allow all due time for necessary questions, I suggest the evidence submission period be extended by a further seven days.
What does the prosecution think of the requested extension?
Given the fact that the defense has allowed the defendant to appear before the Court as a witness, it is only fair that they are treated equally as any other witness. The Bill of Rights states the privileged status of the defendant on the fact of being considered a witness or not, not on their capacity to be questioned.
However, I would like to note that they do have the right not to answer any question as they see fit, for it is not mandatory to answer said questions, only to effectively tell the truth as their oath states. They have as much right not to answer as any other witness does.
Thank you
What does the prosecution think of the requested extension?
Given the additional depositions, I see no reason to object.
There are almost 24 hours left until the evidence submission date end is met.
The defense has yet to start the deposition of the defendant or declare their lack of questions so the prosecution may start their questions. ( @Mall @mcmasterdonia )
The defense has yet to start the deposition of @Wonderess or declare their lack of questions so the prosecution may start their questions. ( @Mall @mcmasterdonia )
The defense has yet to continue the deposition of @9003 or declare their lack of questions so the prosecution may start their questions or end the deposition. ( @Mall @mcmasterdonia )

@Mall @mcmasterdonia @Lady Raven Wing

Below are the official record versions of the depositions.

I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help me God.
The witness is sworn, questions may be asked.
Your honour, are witnesses permitted to embellish their oaths?
The Court Rules and Procedures states the following:

The witness' oath has the very exact words needed, and the addition does not contradict the oath.
I say they are permitted to add things after the oath as long as they don't act against the very nature of the oath, or the oath on itself.
The oath was taken, and the additional embellishment didn't modify the oath, thus leaving the oath alone in nature.
I will permit this.
@Mall @mcmasterdonia @Lady Raven Wing are there any questions for this witness?

If not or if none are put before the time currently set for the expiry of evidence submission, I will bring this deposition to a close.
In absence of questions from Defense, I have none of my own.
The Court considers that the defense has had more than enough time to begin the questioning to the witness, and their lack of answers will be taken as absence of questions.
For that, the deposition is concluded. The official record will be posted in the trial thread in due course.
I swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.
The witness is sworn, questions may be asked.
@Mall @mcmasterdonia @Lady Raven Wing are there any questions for this witness?

If not or if none are put before the time currently set for the expiry of evidence submission, I will bring this deposition to a close.
In absence of questions from Defense, I have none of my own.
The Court considers that the defense has had more than enough time to begin the questioning to the witness, and their lack of answers will be taken as absence of questions.
For that, the deposition is concluded. The official record will be posted in the trial thread in due course.
I will extend the period for evidence to allow for motions to be made relating to the deposition records. Given that any issues with questions should already have been raised by way of objection and that the parties have had considerable time already to consider the documentary evidence, I will limit that time to 24 hours, taking us to Tuesday Dec 15 2020 13:40:00. If there are no motions, I would be grateful for that to be indicated. I would also ask for indications as to how long will be required for arguments.

Edit: 9003's deposition has been struck from the record.
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Your honour, I understand that there are time frames for evidence submission and for the trial itself. However, I do think a degree of flexibility is required here, particularly when we account for this time of year and the needs of a defendant to a fair trial. A 24 hour time frame is simply not suitable to allow this to occur, particularly one that is commenced in European time which is very late in the evening for me. There would be no opportunity for any response to motions made by the Prosecution or to any clarifying questions that you might have, as I will be in a real court for the day tomorrow. I request a 72 hour time frame to allow a fuller discussion of any matters that may arise. This will allow my client the proper opportunity to receive legal advice and a defence.

Nonetheless, in accordance with my duty as the representative of Madjack and in order to afford him his due rights as a citizen of The North Pacific under article 7 of the Bill of Rights, I motion that the evidence provided by 9003 be dismissed in its entirety. On an objective assessment of the evidence, it is clear that 9003 has wilfully deceived the Court in their testimony. I believe it is within your honours ability to assess this evidence as being perjurious in nature, without necessarily making a statement on 9003's criminality, and that therefore you should order it be removed from the official record.

I have presented an indictment accordingly to have 9003 pursued for the offence of perjury, a most grievous offence against the honourable Court. I believe that this is a very serious matter and not one to be taken lightly.

To elaborate further, 9003 stated in their evidence that:

The above comments I did not see until they where mentioned here as I do not read the real life channel unless told there is something I need to see there. nor pretend to know what is and what isn't out of line there and was under the assumption that any comment made would have been reported by people already.

Despite 9003 being the complainant that resulted in this indictment against St George for exercising his duties as the Speaker of the Regional Assembly, 9003 has stated while under oath that they had never seen the discord evidence before until they were posted in this thread. This same discord evidence was utilised by 9003 in their own complaint. This can be seen from the original complaint here.

St George has an absolute and guaranteed right to the presumption of innocence. St George has the right to a fair and impartial trial. 9003's deceptively provided evidence is contrary to the public record of the very basic facts that led to this trial to take place at all. For 9003's evidence to be included in the official record of a public trial would be unduly prejudicial to St George's rights as a citizen of The North Pacific and unfairly damage his good standing within our community.

It is my respectful submission, Your Honour, that it is your responsibility to preserve these rights of the defendant and the integrity of this Court. Therefore, the evidence of 9003 must be dismissed in its entirety as it forms the basis of a perjurious action before this Court. Furthermore, that 9003 must be pursued to the fullest extent of the law for their perjury before this court.

I have no objection to the entrance into the official record of the threads relating to madjack and Wonderess.
I have no objections to a further extension of the evidence submission period, particularly if the Court does in fact reject the entirety of 9003's testimony.

However, in regard to such testimony, I must object to the suggestion of completely removing the entirety of said testimony. While the response in question certainly suggests a potential problem, there has been no objection to the authentication of the two posts in question. Indeed, the Defense's objections and questions have similarly rested upon such posts to be true, and they have not provided contrary evidence that 9003's testimony regarding the existence and contents of the posts is such.
Your honour, I understand that there are time frames for evidence submission and for the trial itself. However, I do think a degree of flexibility is required here, particularly when we account for this time of year and the needs of a defendant to a fair trial. A 24 hour time frame is simply not suitable to allow this to occur, particularly one that is commenced in European time which is very late in the evening for me. There would be no opportunity for any response to motions made by the Prosecution or to any clarifying questions that you might have, as I will be in a real court for the day tomorrow. I request a 72 hour time frame to allow a fuller discussion of any matters that may arise. This will allow my client the proper opportunity to receive legal advice and a defence.
The court understands the reasoning behind the defense on the problem of time zones and the frame placed. Considering also the RL events of the defense and the prosecution having no objections to the extension of the Evidence Submission period, I shall extend it further due to the fact that evidence motions have been set by the defense to give the court time to resolve these disputes and for the parties to consider it, to the 19th of December 2020, 13:40:00 CET.

Nonetheless, in accordance with my duty as the representative of Madjack and in order to afford him his due rights as a citizen of The North Pacific under article 7 of the Bill of Rights, I motion that the evidence provided by 9003 be dismissed in its entirety. On an objective assessment of the evidence, it is clear that 9003 has wilfully deceived the Court in their testimony. I believe it is within your honours ability to assess this evidence as being perjurious in nature, without necessarily making a statement on 9003's criminality, and that therefore you should order it be removed from the official record.

I have presented an indictment accordingly to have 9003 pursued for the offence of perjury, a most grievous offence against the honourable Court. I believe that this is a very serious matter and not one to be taken lightly.

To elaborate further, 9003 stated in their evidence that:

Despite 9003 being the complainant that resulted in this indictment against St George for exercising his duties as the Speaker of the Regional Assembly, 9003 has stated while under oath that they had never seen the discord evidence before until they were posted in this thread. This same discord evidence was utilised by 9003 in their own complaint. This can be seen from the original complaint here.

St George has an absolute and guaranteed right to the presumption of innocence. St George has the right to a fair and impartial trial. 9003's deceptively provided evidence is contrary to the public record of the very basic facts that led to this trial to take place at all. For 9003's evidence to be included in the official record of a public trial would be unduly prejudicial to St George's rights as a citizen of The North Pacific and unfairly damage his good standing within our community.

It is my respectful submission, Your Honour, that it is your responsibility to preserve these rights of the defendant and the integrity of this Court. Therefore, the evidence of 9003 must be dismissed in its entirety as it forms the basis of a perjurious action before this Court. Furthermore, that 9003 must be pursued to the fullest extent of the law for their perjury before this court.

I have no objection to the entrance into the official record of the threads relating to madjack and Wonderess.
However, in regard to such testimony, I must object to the suggestion of completely removing the entirety of said testimony. While the response in question certainly suggests a potential problem, there has been no objection to the authentication of the two posts in question. Indeed, the Defense's objections and questions have similarly rested upon such posts to be true, and they have not provided contrary evidence that 9003's testimony regarding the existence and contents of the posts is such.

The court will resolve the evidential motions shortly.
As I believe the answer would be relevant to the paired motions, I would request that the dosition of 9003 be opened long enough for the Witness to answer the final question of the Defense (which I would thus have no objection to).
As I believe the answer would be relevant to the paired motions, I would request that the dosition of 9003 be opened long enough for the Witness to answer the final question of the Defense (which I would thus have no objection to).
The Court accepts the request as we are still deliberating on the motion.
This is the Court's judgement on the current motion against 9003's deposition.

In order for a deposition to authenticate the evidence submitted by the parts it is fundamental that the court trusts the witness, since we rely on them fulfilling their oath to their full extentextent, core reason of the existence of said oath, and the defense has shown a fundamental contradiction within the subject at hand of the proof shown before us. Without getting into detail on whenever this act may constitute perjury or not, since that will be discussed in another trial, it is a fact that we see a flaw within the integrity of the witness and the deposition at large.

For that, and in order to ensure the fairness of the trial to have faithful witnesses, the Court will accept the defense's motion and disregard the deposition of the witness from the official record, allowing the parts to open up new depositions if needed.

The current deposition of 9003 will be closed and it will be taken out of the official record.

The evidential motion was made during the period of time considered for evidence submission.
We consider it is appropriate to allow a period for parties to take any further steps in relation to evidence if they are needed, but this will be the last extension the court will provide. We shall extend it to the 20th, one day further, having 3 days remaining for the submission of evidence.
The evidence submission period is over. The Court will resolve on what evidence is considered admitted tomorrow as soon as I am able to.
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The court will say the following evidence are accepted:

A.1 is accepted as evidence in accordance to the actual legislation regarding the no need of authentication of proof coming from the forum.
A. 2 is accepted as evidence in accordance to the actual legislation regarding the no need of authentication of proof coming from the forum.
A. 3 is accepted as evidence in accordance to the actual legislation regarding the no need of authentication of proof coming from the forum.
B. 1 is accepted as evidence in accordance to the actual legislation regarding the no need of authentication of proof coming from the forum.
B. 2 is accepted as evidence in accordance to the actual legislation regarding the no need of authentication of proof coming from the forum.

The evidence submitted as C. 1 and C. 2 have not met the needed criteria to be authenticated and such they are not accepted as evidence to the court.
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