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- kyle.kyle

Saintonge got two million Prydanian immigrants because of that civil war. When Prydania sent their people, they did not send their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing poverty. They’re bringing their political divisions. They’re violent Vikings. And some, I assume, are good people.
496 Retwitches • 2.6K Likes

Replying to @FLVillault
Plaisance and Côme had always seen itself as rival cities in the Pouilles, but as a city councillor of Plaisance, I must extend my condolences to @Côme for being saddled with such a distasteful representative. Côme may be our rivals, but we Plaisants know that the Comasques are not like @FLVillault.
1.1K Retwitches • 5.3K Likes

Replying to @FLVillault
What can we expect from a Du Tertre protégé and apologist like you? Rodéric du Tertre hated immigrants so much he had one ‘disposed of’ in 2018. Kjell Sörby was homeless and struggling. And yet Du Tertre had him killed because he was ”dirtying” his tidy town.
#JusticeForKjellSörby: Rodéric du Tertre was ejected from the departmental council of the Simbruins. He will soon rot in jail.
Remember that fate, Monsieur Villault.
121 Retwitches • 658 Likes

Replying to @FLVillault
The Brotherhood of Prydanians in Saintonge unequivocally condemns your xenophobia and xenophobic comments. Those declarations have no place in civilised discourse, and do not promote harmony in society.
5.8K Retwitches • 35.2K Likes

Replying to @FLVillault
Bjarnsteinn Landvik here, winger for Côme FC. Monsieur Villault, en quelle catégorie suis-je ?
1.2K Retwitches • 5.8K Likes

Replying to @FLVillault
I’m Thibault-Carsten Lavicomterie de Rochedragon, son of a Prydanian refugee mother who is the owner of Spilvel. Monsieur Villault, en quelle catégorie suis-je ? #EnQuelleCatégorieSuis-Je?
2.6K Retwitches • 11.5K Likes

Replying to @FLVillault
This is Brice-Ketille de Sallagriffon, son of Count Éric-Thibault of Sallagriffon, descendant of Duke Robert III of the Griffonné. I am also a descendant of Queen Luta Loðbrók of Saintonge and Queen Asleif Loðbrók of Saintonge, two immigrant queens. Monsieur Villault, en quelle catégorie suis-je ?
306 Retwitches • 1.0K Likes

Replying to @FLVillault
Hrafnkatla Sterri, formerly of Haland, Prydania. Chief researcher at NyjaRannsó Pharmaceutical Company, Côme. Monsieur Villault, en quelle catégorie suis-je ?
68 Retwitches • 306 Likes

Replying to @FLVillault
Hjallkár Fröyland, PhD, born in Skorraey, Prydania. Currently a professor of particle physics, Ducal University of the Pouilles. Monsieur Villault, en quelle catégorie suis-je ?
155 Retwitches • 842 Likes

Replying to @FLVillault
Hello I am Gnyr Koppernaes, coloratura soprano at the Opéra royal de Saintes, vocalist of the band Trollgaard. Monsieur Villault, en quelle catégorie suis-je ?
948 Retwitches • 5.6K Likes

OOC Note:
En quelle catégorie suis-je ? = "In which category am I?" also a nod to Thorbjörn's Höjsleth's comment here.
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