Hunter Kidlington de Collobrières @HunterKidColl
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Proposition 5: Reporting of results is speeding up. Three departments submitted their results in the past three minutes. The Yerres, the Sambre, and the Tessin all vote NO.
Sambre (77): 45.54% YES | 49.18% NO | 5.28% Abstain
Tessin (93): 45.11% YES | 49.71% NO | 5.18% Abstain
Yerres (99): 45.66% YES | 48.65% NO | 5.69% Abstain
3m ago
Nicholas-Martin Delerestraint @nm_delerestraint
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The bellwether Sambre votes no. Spells trouble for the YES campaign and the Prime Minister. #STGReferendum2020
2m ago • Reply
Anne-Marcelline de Saint-Corentin @AMStCorentin
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Agreed. The YES camp and the Prime Minister must be very nervous right now. The Sambre's vote is a close 45.5% YES / 49.2% NO and gave a minuscule 44K plurality to the NO. But if we extrapolate this to the country, if Saintonge as a whole votes the same as the Sambre, META may be defeated by 3.4 million votes. #STGReferendum2020
1m ago • Reply
Kyle MacTaggart-de Flesselles @KyleMdeFlesselles
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From @ChimamandaNwakuba, our correspondent at the Prop 5 YES Campaign HQ in Saintes (translated):
Not just nervousness, but shock and disbelief at the YES Campaign headquartes in Saintes tonight as the results from the Sambre was announced (see picture below). They know the implications of the vote in this bellwether department and how close the vote was in a department that was thought to (and was expected to) vote YES. #STGReferendum2020
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Finnbjörn Mösgaard @FinnbjornMosgaard
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For those interested, the details of the vote from the Sambre: #STGReferendum2020

1m ago • Reply
Brice-Gauthier Kermadec @BGKermadec
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Interesting vote there from the Sambre, personally I was expecting it to give a slight YES plurality. The rural parts of the department gave a weak NO vote like most of the places we've seen. But the department's two main cities, Sainte-Menehould and Trappes, gave surprisingly stronger NO votes than expected. Ste-Menehould, a post-industrial town that would be much affected by META's labour liberalisation, had been drifting leftwards (with its National Assembly seat, Sambre-6, falling to the Nationals last year). Ste-Menehould would give a NO vote, but the strength of the NO vote there was surprising. The intendance of Ste-Menehould was 50% NO, the city proper of Ste-Menehould was like 58% NO. It also didn't help that its MP, Romaric Monsacré, opposed META.
Trappes, on the other hand, was supposed to be the YES' hope in the Sambre. Its MPs, Marie-Maëlys Tauziède-Rodier (Sambre-4) and Anne-Marguerite Mandelot (Sambre-5) were for META. And yet the city of Trappes voted only 49% YES, barely enough to overturn the NO plurality in the more rural parts of the intendance of Trappes.
I agree that this might portend a bad outcome for META/Proposition 5... but we've still got 62 departments to go and I presume, both sides aren't calling it over until it's over. #STGReferendum2020
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