Hunter Kidlington de Collobrières @HunterKidColl
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Proposition 5: The City of Saintes gives a weak YES, not enough to turn the tide.
7m ago
Anne-Marcelline de Saint-Corentin @AMStCorentin
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It wasn't so much of a big YES that people were expecting. It was more of a whimper of a YES. #STGReferendum2020
6m ago • Reply
Kyle MacTaggart-de Flesselles @KyleMdeFlesselles
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From @ChimamandaNwakuba, our correspondent at the Prop 5 YES Campaign HQ in Saintes (translated):
The roller coaster of emotions at the YES camp seems to be ending in tears. #STGReferendum2020
5m ago • Reply
Brice-Gauthier Kermadec @BGKermadec
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The left-bank of Saintes voted against META. The working-class areas of Saintes such as the 10th and 11th arrondissements voted massively NO. The middle-class areas in the southern part of Saintes also voted NO. The NO is especially marked in areas where immigrants from non-META countries are concentrated: precincts in Prydanian-heavy Caulaincourt and Saint-Jourdain, and Hessunlander-heavy Villeperdue and Sainte-Jalle. This vote might have been due to the sentiment that people from non-META countries will be having more difficulty immigrating once Saintonge opens its doors to META.
Despite Saintes being a (usually) Coalition-voting city, it barely voted YES. On the surface, it should be voting massively YES. But the exit poll shows a substantial chunk of middle-class Coalition voters are voting NO, enough to offset the National voters that were voting YES. This might be multifactorial, but I suspect that the factors involved include the possibility of a downward pressure on wages (because META may affect white-collar wages as well) and unchecked immigration. #STGReferendum2020
3m ago • Reply
Finnbjörn Mösgaard @FinnbjornMosgaard
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The last department to still report its vote is the department of the Haine. This is how it looks right now, with the intendancy of Coire still to release its result:

6m ago • Reply
Kyle MacTaggart-de Flesselles @KyleMdeFlesselles
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Right now we're just waiting for Coire itself and its largest suburb, Courtételle. Interesting that the intendancy’s second-largest commune, Damphreux, voted NO. Currently the running tally in the intendancy is that YES has a 8K lead – still not enough to overturn the 19K NO lead.

5m ago • Reply
Nicholas-Martin Delerestraint @nm_delerestraint
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So you mean to say that the fate of the referendum rests on TWO communes? Wow. @BGKermadec Any predictions? #STGReferendum2020
4m ago • Reply
Brice-Gauthier Kermadec @BGKermadec
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The city of Coire is big enough to turn the entire referendum one way or the other. I would be very weary of giving predictions right now. While Coire was a Coalition-voting city, in 2019 it joined the other eastern cities like Côme, Plaisance, and Novale in voting for the Nationals. Former Prime Minister Jean-Louis Hauteclocque de Champtoceaux retained his seat only because he was the leader of the Liberal Party. The other Liberals in the area were voted out - in fact, JLHC is the only remaining Liberal National Assembly deputy from the Haine.
Eastern Saintonge is different from central Saintonge, in that the rural areas may give a slight YES vote, and the cities may vote NO or just a weak YES. In the intendancy of Salernes (Simbruins), the countryside voted YES, but the city of Salernes itself voted NO. The intendancy of Plaisance (Corb) voted a slight YES, but that's thanks to the YES-voting rural areas outvoting the weak NO from Plaisance city itself. The same dynamic occurred in Bouche-du-Rhâne in the south. If you look at the intendancy of Coire's second-largest city, Damphreux, it voted NO by a majority. If Coire votes similarly, Prop 5 is doomed.
Right now, there are three possibilities: if Coire votes massively YES, the same way as Bâle (Sarine, the department to the north of the Haine), YES will win. If Coire votes NO, like Damphreux, Plaisance or Nyon, NO will win. If Coire votes a weak YES like Côme or Novale, it depends on how big the YES plurality is. We might be looking at razor-thin majority on either side here. #STGReferendum2020
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