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- El Fiji Grande (#3446)

Midterm Report
Following the conclusion of the May elections, The North Pacific entered the delegacy transition. Starting at around 870 endorsements, it took me roughly two weeks to ascend to the in-game delegacy.
On the first day of the term, I posted my Opening Address. Within days of the election, all Ministers had taken their oaths and assumed office.
Minister Oaths (listed in order):
Shortly following that, I made my Gameside Advocate appointments, keeping on many of the same people who’d served under the last administration.
Gameside Advocate Oaths (listed in order):
Concerningly, it has become apparent that Highton, Lotion, and Malphe never re-took their oaths of office. This has been addressed by reappointing them (once again) to be Gameside Advocates. Since doing so, Lotion*, Highton*, and Malphe* have each taken their Oaths of Office. Furthermore, my administration fully intends to comply with the resulting Freedom of Information Act request filed by the Attorney General.
In order to fulfill the minimum number of Election Commissioners, I appointed Eluvatar, Owenstacey, and Brendog to the role, each of whom were confirmed by the Regional Assembly, and each subsequently took their oaths.*** In an effort to nominate additional Election Commissioners and to invite newer nations to become interested in the office, I opened an application for the role. Based on the results, I appointed Lord Lore and Robespierre, who are awaiting confirmation by the Regional Assembly.
In mid-June, I posted the Delegacy June Update.
Most recently, my administration compiled a full report to satisfy COE’s Freedom of Information Act Request on government communication with banned nations.
Ministry of Communications:
The Ministry of Communications manages four main publications: The North Star (TNS), The Northern Lights (TNL), The Roleplay Reel (RPR), and the Northern Broadcast Service (NBS).
The North Star - Issue VIII was published on time on June 1.
Issue IX of The North Star has been delayed due to an elusive Spotlight interview, but is otherwise ready for publication.
Issue IX of The North Star has been delayed due to an elusive Spotlight interview, but is otherwise ready for publication.
The Northern Lights is published once every two months, meaning Issue XXIX is due any day now. Issue XXIX will focus on improving regional communities and developing regional culture. The expected publication date is July 7th.
The Roleplay Reel is also published on a two-month cycle. However, it only makes sense that The Roleplay Reel be published on alternating months from The Northern Lights, so as not to overwork the Ministry of Communications in these timeframes. Issue II of The Roleplay Reel should be expected at the start of August.
NBS has seen a number of shows so far this term, and is on track to meet the standard of one show per week. These shows are listed below:
An Interview with Robespierre
NBS News Show May 25, 2019
NBS News Show June 8, 2019
NBS Roleplay Show (Eras), June 23, 2019
Strangereal Roleplay Show June 28, 2019
Two additional SR roleplay shows and one Eras roleplay show are in my editing backlog, but should be published at some point later this week.
An Interview with Robespierre
NBS News Show May 25, 2019
NBS News Show June 8, 2019
NBS Roleplay Show (Eras), June 23, 2019
Strangereal Roleplay Show June 28, 2019
Two additional SR roleplay shows and one Eras roleplay show are in my editing backlog, but should be published at some point later this week.
bootsie radio: Episode 6: An Interview with El Fiji Grande
The Ministry of Communications also expanded its Points and Ranks System to include efforts made by authors on The Roleplay Reel.
See the June and July Ministry updates for more information.
Ministry of Culture:
The Ministry of Culture has been working on a number of projects, though for the most part, progress has yet to become public. The most visible progress has been in terms of NBS, in which the Ministry of Culture has organized and run each of five different roleplay shows on the RP Server. Only two of these shows have yet been uploaded, but the rest should be completed by the end of this week.
Following the ruling made that TNP’s government will only focus on IC NS-related content, TNPU was split off from the Ministry of Culture to become fully independent, allowing it to continue publishing material on IRL events and history.
The Roleplay Reel is underway, and should be published by the start of August.
We’re mid-way through advanced planning for a roleplay event with Greater Dienstad, open to the whole of NationStates.
The Ministry of Culture has been helping plan an endorsement frenzy, this time more a reiteration of the SC Weeks, focusing on celebrating the service of our Security Councillors and boosting endorsement counts across the board. Culture has been instrumental in creating badges to be awarded as prizes during the event.
Planning is also underway for The Lennarts. The event will cover the time that has elapsed since the last Lennarts, and will take into consideration some of the suggested improvements.
See the June and July Ministry updates for more information.
Ministry of Home Affairs:
The Ministry of Home Affairs has had a rough term so far, following far behind the progress of the other ministries. The Ministry only conducted four lists in the first eight weeks. That said, the Gameside Advocates have been doing well in running Season 3 of the RMB AMA series. To a large extent, this early inactivity was the result of the many Leaves of Absence of Marcus Antonius, who ultimately resigned, leaving the door open for a more active Minister to complete the goals I have in mind for Home Affairs. I appointed Robespierre to the office, who has subsequently taken his Oath of Office and posted his Opening Address.
Since taking office, the Ministry has been substantially more active, but as of yet there is little to publicly show for it. Home Affairs is actively reviving its Points and Ranks System and Mentorship Program, and has made progress towards updating TNP’s scripted telegrams. The Ministry of Home Affairs is also working with The Ministry of Culture to bring back The Lennarts. Most recently, the Ministry announced Project Provide, which is an effort to work collaboratively with other Ministries to continue the NBS Tutorial Series to help introduce newcomers to each of our Ministries.
See the June Ministry update and Robespierre’s Opening Address for more information.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
Much of the work of The Ministry of Foreign Affairs takes place behind the scenes - in monitoring significant events within the NS World to helping develop our response should it be required. In particular, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has provided advice in relation to the upcoming RP event with Greater Dienstad, and has been keeping an eye on the evolving situation within The East Pacific. Given the large number of interregional events being planned, the Ministry may become more active in helping in this area as well going forward.
Substantively, the Ministry has overseen efforts to distribute each of our text-based publications to our embassies abroad, improved distribution efforts by coordinating more with the Ministry of Communications, and updated its Roster. Updates to the Civil Defence Service are underway, and the Ministry is assisting in providing a full list of changes to the current targets.
See the June and July Ministry updates for more information.
Ministry of Defense:
The NPA has had an active term, as can be seen from the Mission Logs. The biggest operations of the term so far have been The Rejected Realms delegacy transition, the Warzone operations, a joint detag operation with the SPDF, and the liberation of Anontia.
The North Pacific Army conducted a joint operation with the RRA. In doing so, NPA soldiers temporarily joined the Libcord server to conduct the operation. For clarity, the NPA does not intend to join Libcord, and was instead conducting this operation as part of a broader effort to conduct more joint operations in general. As such, the NPA continues to follow through on its promises to conduct operations abroad, and these actions do not represent a walking-back of my May campaign statements. The NPA remains committed to independence.
There have been several promotions over the course of the term, with both Robespierre and Yuno becoming officers.
For more detail, see the NPA Bulletin in Issues XVIII and XIX of The North Star, the latter of which should be published by the end of the week.
Ministry of WA Affairs:
The Ministry of WA Affairs has had a very quiet term, with the wide majority of WA proposals not going to vote. Only three GA IFVs and five SC IFVs have been issued since the start of the term. The Ministry continues to invite authors to come forward with new proposals that we can help sponsor, and leadership is working on a few resolutions as well. Early planning has started for a WA Resolution authorship event in order to help encourage new authors.
Ministry | Goal | Status |
Admin | Ministers will publish monthly reports | On Track |
HA | conduct weekly manual recruitment lists | Falling Behind |
HA | update and rewrite recruitment telegrams | In Progress |
HA | resources for newcomers: NBS tutorials, updating the FAQ’s, mentorship program | In Progress |
HA | The RMB AMA program will continue | On Track |
HA | GA’s will bring at least twenty new players to forumside | In Progress |
HA | continue the current NS Card programs | On Track |
Comms | TNS: monthly | On Track |
Comms | TNL: every other month | On Track |
Comms | RPR: every other month | Delayed by one month |
Comms | NBS: weekly shows | On Track |
Comms | Expansion of the points system to award staffers for editing/formatting | Completed |
Culture | promote The Roleplay Reel (RPR) within the RP community | On Track |
Culture | produce at least four RP-themed NBS shows | Exceeded |
Culture | host a Comms Festival | In Planning |
Culture | host the Lennarts | In Planning |
Culture | host Delegate Delirium | Not Started |
Culture | host an Endorsement Frenzy | In Planning |
WAA | IFVs to come out right at the start of voting | Not Great |
WAA | WA Resolution Workshop with our WALL allies | In Planning |
Defense | joint operations with our allies | On Track |
FA | cross-cultural activities and events (see Culture/WA) | In Planning |
FA | keep the Civil Defense Service up to date | In Progress |

El Fiji Grande