Darn itI misspoke, I hadn't seen the "former". You need to be either a current Keeper, or current NPA member.
I am no longer requesting this card. I've just bought one today, so I've invalidated the above post.I only see the chance of this request being fulfilled occurring if a person is no longer interested in NS Cards, but I'll leave it here anyway:
WA nation: https://www.nationstates.net/nation=destructive_government_endorsing_system
Qualifying status: Keeper
Destination nation: https://www.nationstates.net/nation=destructive_government_endorsing_system
Link to card: https://www.nationstates.net/page=deck/card=7608/season=1
And meHey, I do, too :p .
I would request HMS Unicorn but I did notice the previous notice about it being extremely rare since its CTEd so I will request r3r's other nation.Card Request:WA nation: Dinoium
Qualifying status: North Pacific Army (not a full Keeper due to me not endorsing Pall)
Destination nation: Dinoium
Link to card: Penguin Territory
I would request HMS Unicorn but I did notice the previous notice about it being extremely rare since its CTEd so I will request r3r's other nation.
I am no longer a Keeper - had to unendorse Pallaith.
But at least I got his card lol
WA nation: Planes
Qualifying status: Keeper
Destination nation: Planes
Link to card: https://www.nationstates.net/page=deck/card=482801/season=1
WA nation: Darcania
Qualifying status: NPA
Destination nation: Darcania
Link to card: https://www.nationstates.net/page=deck/card=1550098/season=1