Old Citizenship Applications

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Nation: Sanjurika

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
Sanjurika passes admin check.
Sanjurika is approved and granted citizenship, having passed all three checks.
I, the leader of Grimoirepolis ( https://www.nationstates.net/nation=grimoirepolis ) pledge loyalty to The North Pacific,
obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society.

I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific.

I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific.

I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges.

In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.

Siwale Edit: Removed quoted OP
Nation: Rotipia

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
Taluna fails admin check - mobile IP, please reapply with a residential Internet connection.
Taluna is rejected for failing an admin check.
Nation: Rotipia

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
Taluna passes admin check.
Taluna is approved and granted citizenship, having passed all three checks.
Nation: Avgrunden

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
Avgrunden passes admin check.
Avgrunden is approved and granted citizenship, having passed all three checks.
Nation: Erepublic

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
erepublic passes admin check.
erepublic is approved and granted citizenship, having passed all three checks.
Nation: [of North Americas]

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.

Siwale Edit: Removed quoted OP
stashman25 passes admin check.
stashman25 is approved and granted citizenship, having passed all three checks.
Nation: The Peoples Australia

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
I, the leader of the North Pacific nation of the Democratic Republic of Freienland, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
Nation: The Number 8

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
eight fails admin check - multiple accounts, please send me a TG.
The Peoples Australia passes admin check.

The Peoples Australia is approved and granted citizenship, having passed all three checks.
Frei is rejected for posting an inccorect oath. Please reapply with the correct oath.
eight is rejected for failing an admin check.
Nation: The Confederation of Fascism

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
Nation: Ryasta

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
arietti fails admin check - multiple accounts, please send me a PM.
arietti is rejected for failing an admin check.
I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
Vanapia is rejected for not specifying a nation in the region. Please use the full application.
Nation: Varagog

I pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
toogletoggle fails admin check - educational IP, please reapply with a residential Internet connection.
toogletoggle is rejected for failing an admin check.
I,the leader of The North Pacific nation of Republic of United States of Medford, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
I, leader of the North Pacific nation of Varagog, pledge loyalty to The North Pacific, obedience to her laws, and responsible action as a member of her society. I pledge to only register one nation to vote in The North Pacific. I pledge that no nation under my control will wage war against the North Pacific. I understand that if I break this oath I may permanently lose my voting privileges. In this manner, I petition the Speaker for citizenship in The North Pacific.
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