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Repeal: Liberate The East Pacific
Category: Repeal | Target: SC #247
Proposed by: Tinhampton | Onsite Topic
Voting Instructions:Security Council Resolution #247 “Liberate The East Pacific” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
AWARE that SC#247, a light-hearted and admittedly symbolic jibe at The East Pacific's (TEP) then-government penned by a vassal state of United Massachussetts (now TEP's Minister of World Assembly Affairs), focused almost entirely on the actions of then-WA DelegateQueen Yuno (Yuno) at the cost of virtually ignoring the manoeuvres of other TEP officials; its arguments shall be fully refuted below;
RECALLING that a new administration led by WA DelegateFedele (which has, similarly to Yuno, expressed their support for a repeal of SC#247) came into force in TEP in October 2018, which was quick to change TEP's colour scheme from pink to a more traditional green, as well as both lifting the old ban on emigration and removing bans for those nations that had left TEP upon their request;
OBSERVING that, despite Yuno having previously been a Sergeant in The Black Hawks as well as a major influence in moulding The West Pacific's modern military, neither region ever capitalised on Yuno's year-long delegacy to hijack TEP and there was certainly no conspiracy amongst raiders to truly wreak merry hell upon it during this time; indeed, the East Pacific Sovereign Army has remained able to be flexible between invasion and defence;
ADAMANT, therefore, that the first three points that this august body used to liberate TEP - i.e. that it banned emigration, used the colour of pink on its official documents, and was allegedly in thrall to The Black Hawks and The West Pacific - are now of little or no significance in light of a recent East Pacifican changing of the guard; but
BELIEVING that it is standard practice for a feeder Delegate to send out many mass telegrams that might be relevant to other nations' day-to-day cultural experience (such as informing them about new, fun regional events) or to bear many endorsements to keep their region secure; the fact that they do so should not be isolated to paint them as evil tyrants out to defeat their underlings with their verbosity and voting power; and
CONCLUDING that many of the arguments made in SC#247, whilst delightfully humourous, must be seen in both the historical context in which they applied as well as in the modern era, where they are now less visible:
HEREBY REPEALS SC#247 "Liberate The East Pacific."
Security Council Resolution #247 “Liberate The East Pacific” shall be struck out and rendered null and void.
AWARE that SC#247, a light-hearted and admittedly symbolic jive at The East Pacific's (TEP) government at the time it might have been, focussed almost entirely on the actions of then-WA DelegateQueen Yuno (Yuno) at the cost of virtually ignoring the manouvers of other TEP officials; its arguments shall be fully refuted below;
DISAPPOINTED at the actions of TEP's then-government as masquerading as the tyrannical "Eastern Loligarch Order" for the four days the target resolution was at vote in order to fuel support for it, an all-round devious ploy for which Yuno later apologised for; feigning the abolition of the Concordat (TEP's constitutional document) in favour of a Francoist system of governance as preferred by the New Pacific Order, as well as formulating a mock prohibition on TEP citizens holding dual citizenship;
NOTING, however, that a new and more up-front administration led by WA DelegateFedele (which has expressed their support for a repeal of SC#247) came into force in TEP in October 2018, which was quick to revert the regional colour scheme from an egregrious pink back to the calming green hues traditionally associated with TEP, as well as both lifting the prohibition on emigration imposed by Yuno's government and removing bans for those nations unlucky enough to have fallen foul of this antiquated legislation upon request;
OBSERVING that, despite Yuno having previously been a Sargeant in The Black Hawks in addition to being a major influence in setting up The West Pacific's military as we know them today, neither region ever capitalised on Yuno's year-long delegacy to hijack TEP and there was certainly no conspiracy amongst raiders to truly wreak merry hell upon the region during this time; indeed, the East Pacific Sovereign Army has retained its ability to be flexible between invading and defending regions even through Yuno's governance;
ADAMANT, therefore, that the first three points that this november body used against The East Pacific to Liberate it - i.e. that it banned emigration, used the colour of pink on its official documents, and was allegedly in thrall to The Black Hawks and The West Pacific - currently hold no significance whatsoever, especially in light of a recent East Pacifican changing of the guard and their subsequent U-turn on the necessity of SC#247; but
BELIEVING that it is standard practice for a feeder Delegate to send out many mass telegrams that might be relevant to other nations' day-to-day cultural experience (such as informing them about new opportunities to partake in fun regional events) or to hold a large number of endorsements to keep their region secure; the fact that feeder Delegates do so should not be isolated to paint them as evil tyrants out to defeat their underlings with their verbosity and voting power, and certainly should not be isolated to foist upon their regions a Liberation that will never work as it was intended to; and
CONCLUDING that the target resolution not only crossed the line from the WA's traditionally well-renowned dry sense of humour to sheer scaremongering about mere mundanity on most occasions, but also deserves to be thrown into the rubbish bin post-haste, joining potentially thousands of pieces of bubblegum wilfully discarded due to anti-TEP sentiment at the time of its passage:
HEREBY REPEALS SC#247 "Liberate The East Pacific"... POP!
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Repeal "Liberate The East Pacific" was passed 15,081 votes to 1,767.
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