March Update for the Ministry of Communications
01 - 03 - 2020
Current Status:
- The Northern Star
- The Northern Star XVI (Originally Due 31/01/2020) - 1 Article Edited and ready, 2 Articles pending editing, 1 Article pending submission, 1 article scrapped for publication
- The Northern Star XVII (Originally Due 29/02/2020) - All articles unclaimed
- The Northern Start XVIII (Scheduled for 31/03/2020) - All articles unclaimed
- The Northern Lights
- The Northern Lights Issue 31 - Several articles pending editing, Several Articles pending submission
I will provide another update on the status of the Ministry at the end of this month. Thank you, and if you are interested in assisting with the Ministry of Communications, please apply for the Ministry. We are always looking for more writers and editors. We have a lot of work on our plate, and we will need all the help we can get to get back on schedule for the remainder of the term.
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