Note: Name was accepted as Tazium, we generally don't accept qualifiers like "South", "Central", "New", "Old", etc due to it creating the appearance that there is another nation of similar history, ethnic background or etc. If you wish to challenge this decision it can be discussed in the #Cartography channel on the TNP RP Discord Server.
Note: Your claim is 280,000+ pixels with the maximum being 172,000. Unforntually I have to deny it because there is no natural way of me sizing down nations this far over the pixel limit.
Nation Name: Osynstry (Colour Count now says 171,849 - NOTE: First link is in red, the second is fixed into the correct colour HOWEVER may have some residual glitches from being a bit temperamental with the tolerance)
Hey! I would like to make a secondary nation claim in Collandris for my Romantic based nation, Caselania. I adjusted parts of it upon seeing the claim for Montendria.
I would like my nation to be removed from the map, as I would be leaving the Eras RP for now as I reorganise my commitments in TNP and the broader NationStates.
Note: Accepted as Ashling. We generally don't accept "new" or "cardinal direction" names because they imply the existence of a "old" or another nation that doesn't exist.
For the country of Arisom, please expand here if it's okay.
Note: We do not generally approve expansions especially right after someone has already just been granted their claim. You would need to show extraordinary reasoning for the NEED to expand and especially because your nation is already as large as it is.