[GA, Passed] Ban on Conversion Therapy

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Sil Dorsett

The Belt Collector
TNP Nation


Ban on Conversion Therapy
Category: Social Justice | Strength: Mild
Proposed by: United Massachusetts | Onsite Topic

Noting that countless analyses, studies, and evidenced-based tests have conclusively shown what already makes intuitive sense, that sexual orientation and gender identity are not choices, thus rendering conversion therapy useless,

Concerned by the alarming effects of conversion therapy and other attempts to forcibly alter sexual orientation because of homophobic prejudices, including:
  • depression and suicidal tendencies in LGBT+ youth, born from the feeling of rejection conversion therapy techniques plant in them,
  • emotional and physical trauma from the often severe intimidation and painful physical "treatments" employed by conversion therapists,
  • what can only properly be described as the physical and emotional abuse of non-conforming individuals,
Asserting that forcing the most vulnerable and impressionable among us, young people, down a fraudulent and harmful path of self-hatred is inherently cruel,

The General Assembly, therefore:
  1. Defines, for the sake of this resolution, "conversion therapy" as any attempt to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of an individual through psychological, physical, or coercive spiritual intervention,

  2. Prohibits any person or organisation in a World Assembly member-state from performing conversion therapy on minors,

  3. Prohibits any public or governmental body in a World Assembly member-state from recommending or performing conversion therapy on any individual,

  4. Urges member-states to take steps to help the survivors of conversion therapy recover from its effects through counseling, social assistance, or other means.

Voting Instructions:
  • Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
  • Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
  • Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
  • Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.

Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!

The Ministry's Opinion:
The Ministry concurs with the author's justification for a total ban on conversion therapy. We believe this proposal is necessary to protect the lives of an often marginalized group of people. Conversion therapy is pseudoscience with no reliable evidence of its effectiveness and is potentially harmful to those who undergo it, especially in teens and children, who have higher suicide and self-harm rates after going through such procedures.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.
For pretty much the same reasons as before.
1. "conclusively shown what already makes intuitive sense, that sexual orientation and gender identity are not choices"
The author presents opinion as though it were irrefutable science, and, while the scientific community has failed to reach a definitive conclusion on the subject. A proposal with a dishonest foundational premise should be immediately suspect.
2. "Defines, for the sake of this resolution, "conversion therapy" as any attempt to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of an individual"
I am not convinced (and there is zero scientific evidence) that a child of 5,6,7 years has the intellectual capacity to make determinations about their gender identity. Children are impressionable, and are just as likely to be gleaning to an overheard concept, as they are to be feeling a legitimate disconnect from their physical state.
At that age, lots of kids think they're Batman, too. Those children's parents wouldn't be doing much of a job if they enabled and encouraged that child to continue to think that way into young adulthood. Similarly, it is the parent's role to explain and sort out any confusion their child may be experiencing with regards to their gender, if they are still in a highly developmental stage. Criminalizing that ability for parents has the potential to do as much harm, create as much confusion, depression, and internal conflict for children, as the conversion therapy that this proposal seeks to outlaw.
Had this proposal stuck to the subject it was initially trying to tackle, it would have had my support, but as written, it is too far reaching, and relies to heavily on conjecture and pop-culture pseudo-science..
For pretty much the same reasons as before.
1. "conclusively shown what already makes intuitive sense, that sexual orientation and gender identity are not choices"
The author presents opinion as though it were irrefutable science, and, while the scientific community has failed to reach a definitive conclusion on the subject. A proposal with a dishonest foundational premise should be immediately suspect.
2. "Defines, for the sake of this resolution, "conversion therapy" as any attempt to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of an individual"
I am not convinced (and there is zero scientific evidence) that a child of 5,6,7 years has the intellectual capacity to make determinations about their gender identity. Children are impressionable, and are just as likely to be gleaning to an overheard concept, as they are to be feeling a legitimate disconnect from their physical state.
At that age, lots of kids think they're Batman, too. Those children's parents wouldn't be doing much of a job if they enabled and encouraged that child to continue to think that way into young adulthood. Similarly, it is the parent's role to explain and sort out any confusion their child may be experiencing with regards to their gender, if they are still in a highly developmental stage. Criminalizing that ability for parents has the potential to do as much harm, create as much confusion, depression, and internal conflict for children, as the conversion therapy that this proposal seeks to outlaw.
Had this proposal stuck to the subject it was initially trying to tackle, it would have had my support, but as written, it is too far reaching, and relies to heavily on conjecture and pop-culture pseudo-science..
Children as young as 5 years old react to psychological gender association tests the same whether they identify as trans or cis. Medical professionals work with parents to measure the nonconformity of a child’s gender. Families that do not support their child’s identity create a 59% chance that their child will commit suicide. The concept of gender is a deep developmental part of a person. Feeling as though they are a superhero is not equal to this is any capacity. This idea is rooted in the fact that cisgender identity is widely accepted, so therefore a child must follow this same path to being accepted. It actually created a deterioration of mental health. The rejection from a family can do just as much or more damage to a child as conversion therapy. These things that I have discussed are recognized by all major medical and mental health organizations across the world, not pseudo science.
This proposal also does not take the right of a parent away to discuss the matters. It takes away the ability to use harmful tactics against a minor to change their identity.
Union of Caplis:
This proposal also does not take the right of a parent away to discuss the matters. It takes away the ability to use harmful tactics against a minor to change their identity.
I disagree, the way that the proposal defines conversion therapy:

"Defines, for the sake of this resolution, "conversion therapy" as any attempt to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of an individual through psychological, physical, or coercive spiritual intervention,"

can easily cause a simple discussion about the matter where a parent might urge the child to think about it again to be interpreted as coercive.

I vote Against
Union of Caplis:
This proposal also does not take the right of a parent away to discuss the matters. It takes away the ability to use harmful tactics against a minor to change their identity.
I disagree, the way that the proposal defines conversion therapy:

"Defines, for the sake of this resolution, "conversion therapy" as any attempt to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of an individual through psychological, physical, or coercive spiritual intervention,"

can easily cause a simple discussion about the matter where a parent might urge the child to think about it again to be interpreted as coercive.

I vote Against
There is a clear line between discussion and coercion. Urging your child to be different than how they feel is coercive. A parent must give their child full information on the topic, and once the child is well informed, they can make the right decision for themselves.
I am breaking my contrarianism policy, so I am voting For

This is one of those things that I just can't separate IC or OOC. Its a little awkwardly formatted and written but its one of those things where I have lost people RL due to these things. Its legitimately something that ruins lives and leads to the death of an unknowable and forgotten group of people.
For pretty much the same reasons as before.
1. "conclusively shown what already makes intuitive sense, that sexual orientation and gender identity are not choices"
The author presents opinion as though it were irrefutable science, and, while the scientific community has failed to reach a definitive conclusion on the subject. A proposal with a dishonest foundational premise should be immediately suspect.
Um, no the consensus in science is that is it not a conscious choice, the only ones pushing the "its a choice" narrative are scientists that are funded by faith groups.

2. "Defines, for the sake of this resolution, "conversion therapy" as any attempt to change the sexual orientation or gender identity of an individual"
I am not convinced (and there is zero scientific evidence) that a child of 5,6,7 years has the intellectual capacity to make determinations about their gender identity. Children are impressionable, and are just as likely to be gleaning to an overheard concept, as they are to be feeling a legitimate disconnect from their physical state.
Well using your logic from point #1, anything that makes a false claim needs to be thrown out. There is evidence that children that old have the capability to deal with these issues. Even though it is disputed. Either way its definitely not healthy for parents to scream at small children they are going to hell and will never see their "good" family members in heaven entirely because they think that way.

At that age, lots of kids think they're Batman, too.
So your argument here is that we should be able to torture kids who say they think they are batman? Cuz that is what Conversion Therapy and the tactics that are employed against kids to try to force them to change is.

Those children's parents wouldn't be doing much of a job if they enabled and encouraged that child to continue to think that way into young adulthood. Similarly, it is the parent's role to explain and sort out any confusion their child may be experiencing with regards to their gender, if they are still in a highly developmental stage. Criminalizing that ability for parents has the potential to do as much harm, create as much confusion, depression, and internal conflict for children, as the conversion therapy that this proposal seeks to outlaw.
Had this proposal stuck to the subject it was initially trying to tackle, it would have had my support, but as written, it is too far reaching, and relies to heavily on conjecture and pop-culture pseudo-science.

Your statement here is highly disingenuous, this isn't the "You are forced to be supportive bill" this is the "You can't torture children bill" There is nothing that written as you must support them, its entirely about you can't use tactics to coerce or threaten them. This does stick to the subject at hand. The vast majority of parents don't send their kids Conversion Centers. Its homebrew attacks on kids before they have a chance to actually understand their own feelings.
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