
Condemn The Communist Bloc
Category: Condemnation | Nominee: The Communist Bloc
Proposed by: Violent Mob | Onsite Topic
This resolution does the following
#1 Notes that The Communist Bloc has contributed to the death of democratic regions and right wing regions.
#2 Notes that the Communist Bloc has assumed the role of thought police on NationStates
#3 Recognizes the danger of the spread of the undemocratic and in-humane ideology of Communism throughout the World Assembly
#4 Contributes the fall of glorious regions of peace and democracy to the Communist Bloc
#5 Notes the breaches of religious rights to all religions
Notes the history of civil liberties and rights abuse by the Communist Bloc
Recognizing that there is no hope of debate within said region
Affirming that a condemnation by the nations of the world and of the Security Council will boost its reputation within the freedom-loving, downtrodden, and the rightist regions.
Affirming that by passing this resolution the religious regions of the World Assembly will be indebted to the Security Council and the World Assembly
Calling on the World Assembly to stop itself form becoming dominated by the politics of silencing free thought and expression
Recognizing that the World Assembly is the haven of free thought by which sovereign nations have the right of expression, and condemns The Communist Bloc of cravenly violating its hallowed halls
Recognizing that The Communist Bloc must be reminded of its place, as a region of equal standing with any other , and this resolution will permanently remind them of the harm they caused to their fellow regions
Furthermore condemns the Communist Bloc of shamefully crushing democracy
This resolution hereby condemns The Communist Bloc of egregious crimes against humanity
This resolution hereby condemns The Communist Bloc of the violation of civil rights and liberties
This resolution hereby condemns The Communist Bloc of state-sponsored terrorism
This resolution condemns The Communist Bloc as engaging in silencing opinions and ideas that do not conform to their own
This Resolution Formally Condemns The Communist Bloc
Voting Instructions:
- Vote For if you want the Delegate to vote For the resolution.
- Vote Against if you want the Delegate to vote Against the resolution.
- Vote Abstain if you want the Delegate to abstain from voting on this resolution.
- Vote Present if you are personally abstaining from this vote.
Detailed opinions with your vote are appreciated and encouraged!