Military Sign Up! (+ basic information)



Serve Your Region - Join the NPA Today!
Exemplo Ducemus

The North Pacific Army (NPA) is The North Pacific's very own military force. The NPA defends TNP, its allies, and serves TNP abroad by helping our friends and fighting against our enemies. You can help us with this!

NationStates warfare is conducted by World Assembly nations seizing the position of WA delegate in other regions. This is done by having soldiers endorse one WA nation and move to a target region in a coordinated fashion, allowing that nation to seize the delegacy.

Operations generally take place at the time the game calculates the delegates of regions–the server update (also referred to as just the update.) This occurs at two times during the day:
  • 12:00 AM - ~1:30 AM Eastern Time
  • 12:00 PM - ~1:00 PM Eastern Time
However, not all operations take place at those times and you do not need to be available during them to join the NPA. If you can participate at those times, you should join the Special Forces--if you cannot, you should join the Auxiliary. Contrary to popular belief, the NPA will not take up all of your time, and indeed we welcome people who can commit very little time at all--everyone can (and should) join!

Service Options
There are two branches of service in the NPA, the Special Forces and the Auxiliary.
The Special Forces participate in regular operations at game update time. NPASF members receive the full experience of NS warfare and are promoted much more quickly. The requirements for NPASF members are:
  • Have a nation in the WA;
  • Be able to dedicate approximately 90 to 120 minutes per week to NPA update operations as a base standard of activity, except during leaves of absence;
  • Be able to respond to deployment orders in a 24-hour period;
  • Use discord for NPA communication purposes;
The Auxiliary is for those who are not able to attend regular update operations but still wish to assist the NPA. Auxiliary soldiers are only expected to respond to deployment orders which do not require update activity, but the Auxiliary may also be called upon for critically important update operations (however, those who cannot be online for the update period would not be expected to attend). The requirements for Auxiliary members are:
  • Have a nation in the WA;
  • Be able to respond to deployment orders;

Regardless of your choice, no experience is required. Training will be provided for all new recruits by able and experienced NPA soldiers.

How to Join
To enlist in the NPA, fill out this application in full and post it in the thread. The Minister of Defence or another member of the NPA High Command will reach out to you with more information shortly.
Nation in The North Pacific: [nation]nation name here[/nation]
Current World Assembly nation: [nation]nation name here[/nation]
Discord Username (if applicable):
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so, which times can you attend?
Which branch (the Special Forces or Auxiliary) do you wish to join:
Are you interested in recruiting for the NPA?
Previous NationStates military experience, if any:
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any:

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Please send all questions to the Minister of Defence, who you can find on the government registry.
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Nation in The North Pacific: Trademarks United
Current World Assembly nation: Trademarks United
Discord Username (if applicable): BenevolentDictator#7152
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?: Yh, both times.
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Espionage.
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None.

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: Skerordere Ang
Current World Assembly nation: Skerordere Ang
Discord Username (if applicable):
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? 12PM EST
Previous NationStates military experience, if any:
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any:

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: Skerordere Ang
Current World Assembly nation: Skerordere Ang
Discord Username (if applicable):
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? 12PM EST
Previous NationStates military experience, if any:
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any:

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: Madjack
Current World Assembly nation: Madjack
Discord Username (if applicable): St George#1524
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Minor is easiest - might be able to make the occasional major.
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Ran Osiris' first military, formerly of UDL, TBH, NPA.
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: none

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Current World Assembly nation:
Discord Username (if applicable):
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend: idk when. probaly 3.30pm or 3.40pm (uk times) (i have school to go too)
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: none
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: none

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
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Nation in The North Pacific: Royal Bengaluru
Current World Assembly nation: Royal Bengaluru
Discord Username (if applicable):Karthikeya#5859
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?12AM EST
Previous NationStates military experience, if any:none
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any:none

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
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Nation in The North Pacific: Free States of Earth
Current World Assembly nation: Free States of Earth
Discord Username (if applicable): The king of dinos#4720
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Yes, at 12PM EST
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
nation in The North Pacific: MTdemocracy

Current World Assembly nation: MTdemocracy

Discord Username (if applicable): Oiboioi#3958

Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?: 4:30 pm EST

Previous NationStates military experience, if any: none

Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
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Nation in The North Pacific: Whole India
Current World Assembly nation: Whole India
Discord Username (if applicable): Whole India#5046
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Yes, both.
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Liberated Iran twice, Liberated South Pacific, Liberated Warzone, Liberated Warzone Australia, Raided and Captured Indian National Parliament, Raided and Captured Jaipur, Raided and Captured Church Of Magdalene, and other small insignificant operations.
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: The Snakes, Cattle, Anti-raiding league.

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: Unitegone
Current World Assembly nation: Unitegone
Discord Username (if applicable): Owen#8590
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? Minors only
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Former NPA Officer (Captain I think), Chief of General Staff of the UKAF
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None (Used to be UKAF)

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: Ancapimania
Current World Assembly nation: Ancapimania
Discord Username (if applicable):
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?I can attend 12 at midday because that is 5:00pm in my time,but I can't attend midnight because that is 5:00am
Previous NationStates military experience, if any:Member of 2 military organisations
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: IDSF,UDAF

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
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@Ancapimania, please fill out the rest of the oath. For now I can't accept your application because of that
Nation in The North Pacific: The Democratic Republic of Nytoa
Current World Assembly nation: The Democtartic Republic of Nytoa
Discord Username (if applicable):
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? 10am-5pm eastern (normally can vary)
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: none
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: none

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
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Nation in The North Pacific: Lady Raven Wing
Current World Assembly nation: I Came I Saw I Dominated
Discord Username (if applicable): LD#2860
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?: Yes, depending on the day
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Lily, TBH
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None at present

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
@The Republic Nytoa ~ accepted pending the passing of an admin check. I'll contact you with more information if you pass your admin check ^-^

@Lady Raven Wing ~ your application has been accepted! Welcome to the NPA, I'll be contacting you with more information shortly
@The Republic Nytoa due to not passing the admin check (you apparently have multiple forum accounts, probably should get that sorted out by contacting a tnp admin) your npa application has been rejected for the time being.

@Ancapimania your application has also been rejected due to you being an alt of ancapstands.
Nation in The North Pacific: Destructive Government Endorsing System
Current World Assembly nation: Pineapple Belongs on Pizza 1
Discord Username (if applicable): DGES#0407
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? 12 AM EST, any time around that area
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None. I'm a big newbie
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: (non-military) The North Pacific Cards Guild/Ministry of Cards

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
@DGES Accepted ~ welcome to the NPA! I shall be contacting you shortlly
Nation in The North Pacific: The Democratic Republic of Vlak
Current World Assembly nation: The Democratic Republic of Vlak
Discord Username (if applicable): None
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? 14PM-17PM EST (Not always)
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: None
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: None

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.
Nation In TNP: Anderingo
Current WA nation: Anderingo
NPA Division: The Auxiliary.
Previous Military experience(If any): None
Other military or non-military organizations you are involved In(If any): None.
RL country: United States (CST)

I, Anderingo request to join The North Pacific Armed Forces. I pledge to serve our regions security and military interests. I pledge to obey all military rules and laws, as well as the laws of The North Pacific in my service in the military. I pledge to respect the chain of command, and my fellow officers at all times. I pledge my loyalty to the North Pacific Region, our people, and our government.
@Anderingo is accepted, pending the passing of an admin check.

UPDATE: due to not passing the admin check, your application is denied.
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Nation in The North Pacific: Genaroia
Current World Assembly nation: Genaroia
Discord Username (if applicable): lathomas#6165
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend?: Maybe, sometimes I’ll be there, sometimes not
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: No, sorry
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: No, sorry

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation
Nation in The North Pacific: Treekidistan
Current World Assembly nation: Jambuvadweep
Discord Username (if applicable): Indusse#2211
Are you able to attend operations at 12AM/12PM EST? And if so which times can you attend? 12 PM EST
Previous NationStates military experience, if any: Nothing Notable.
Other NationStates military or non-military organizations you are involved in, if any: Indian Armed Forces, Fylkirvegr Regional Army.

By my honour and by my conscience, I will endeavour to be a trustworthy and faithful soldier of the North Pacific Army. In peace and in war, I will support and defend The North Pacific and its legal system of government. If I perceive or gain knowledge of activity to overthrow the legal government of the region, I will report it to the Security Council without delay. I promise to act properly and uprightly, to obey the lawful orders of the Delegate and my superiors, to comply with the law and all military rules, and to keep the military secrets trusted in me. Should I be given a position of military leadership, I will endeavour to set a good and encouraging example to my subordinates. When deployed, I will be mindful that my actions reflect on my region, and endeavour to represent The North Pacific with honour and dignity. I swear all this freely and without reservation.