Bobberino Spammer in Chief Pronouns He/Him, They/Them TNP Nation Bobberino Discord Bobberino#6969 Jul 16, 2018 #41 Supercalafragilisticexpialidocius
Siwale Administrator - - - Pronouns he/him/his TNP Nation Siwale Discord siwale Jul 16, 2018 #42 Bobberinoshistic
El Fiji Grande Over 40000 km and counting - - - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation El_Fiji_Grande Discord El Fiji Grande (#3446) Jul 21, 2018 #43 Siwalitious.
BluieGamer Resident Future Drug Maker - TNP Nation Konar Discord Bluie Gamer#6287 Jul 21, 2018 #44 Werfaoih
El Fiji Grande Over 40000 km and counting - - - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation El_Fiji_Grande Discord El Fiji Grande (#3446) Jul 21, 2018 #45 Fijitastic
El Fiji Grande Over 40000 km and counting - - - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation El_Fiji_Grande Discord El Fiji Grande (#3446) Jul 29, 2018 #49 Swander - defined as that moment right before a disaster when your life flashes before your eyes
El Fiji Grande Over 40000 km and counting - - - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation El_Fiji_Grande Discord El Fiji Grande (#3446) Jul 29, 2018 #53 Woosher - a terrible time in the bathroom
El Fiji Grande Over 40000 km and counting - - - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation El_Fiji_Grande Discord El Fiji Grande (#3446) Aug 11, 2018 #57 Azama - the magnificence of nature as seen from a vista point.
El Fiji Grande Over 40000 km and counting - - - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation El_Fiji_Grande Discord El Fiji Grande (#3446) Oct 10, 2018 #59 Flabbagabba - Discord political 'debate'
Kanada TNPer TNP Nation Kanada Discord icebergspaz#1398 Oct 24, 2018 #63 Expidegrosstreud - The feeling you get when sniffing the horrid smell of expired milk.
arietti the sentient Ry Bread, at your service! Oct 25, 2018 #64 conversaries- the people you're have a conversation with
arietti the sentient Ry Bread, at your service! Oct 25, 2018 #65 Expidilitocioiditus- that feeling of having an itch you can't quite reach no matter what you try.
artiza old but not obsolete TNP Nation Sunto Oct 25, 2018 #66 Fircamper - when stands alone behind a big tree in the dark
Ninhundland TNPer TNP Nation Ninhundland Discord Folkmann #5587 Nov 2, 2018 #67 Gelögechbleebeknekzezik
Ninhundland TNPer TNP Nation Ninhundland Discord Folkmann #5587 Nov 2, 2018 #68 Avsynðerłöpé - Name for a conlang Avxynðörłöpel - Plural dymonym Açaisia - Land of Açai
El Fiji Grande Over 40000 km and counting - - - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation El_Fiji_Grande Discord El Fiji Grande (#3446) Nov 4, 2018 #69 Colstatia - the feeling you get when you realize there's still pizza in the fridge from yesterday that you're very happy to eat cold now.
Colstatia - the feeling you get when you realize there's still pizza in the fridge from yesterday that you're very happy to eat cold now.
artiza old but not obsolete TNP Nation Sunto Nov 5, 2018 #70 Blonget - rarely used percussion musical instrument
Sanjurika Koala Fanatic - TNP Nation Sanjira Discord Sanjurika Nov 5, 2018 #71 urghle- argh, but with a u and more interesting to say
El Fiji Grande Over 40000 km and counting - - - Pronouns he/him TNP Nation El_Fiji_Grande Discord El Fiji Grande (#3446) Dec 28, 2018 #73 Romuveeran - the feeling of joy right after a storm
Janus Eh? [HA and Culture Staff] - TNP Nation YetiNation Discord Janus#1875 Jan 4, 2019 #74 Fregger- the grammar checker here at the forum.
artiza old but not obsolete TNP Nation Sunto Jan 8, 2019 #75 Glurko - The sound of a flat tire on the run
Janus Eh? [HA and Culture Staff] - TNP Nation YetiNation Discord Janus#1875 Jan 8, 2019 #76 Artiza! Glad to see that you're still around. Wouls - a combo of wedded and souls.
Janus Eh? [HA and Culture Staff] - TNP Nation YetiNation Discord Janus#1875 Jan 13, 2019 #78 Flambus - a flamboyant wumbus.
Bobberino Spammer in Chief Pronouns He/Him, They/Them TNP Nation Bobberino Discord Bobberino#6969 Apr 2, 2019 #80 Sanjurika - a koala that farts around all the time