Meterra Economic Treaty Association



The Meterra Economic Treaty Association - META for short - is a trade, culture, and customs union of non-aggression on the continent of Meterra. Nations in the Association have agreed to ease restrictions of trade, travel, and to overcome barriers to cooperation and co-habitation on the continent of Meterra.

Chief Executive Officer:
Tsubo Tsango
of The Marä of Naizerre

Roster of Member-states
(as of 14MAY22)

Full Members:
The Demescian Nations
The Marä of Naizerre
The United Kingdom of Sasten
The Republic of Mouxordia
The Monarchy of Guslantis
The Empire of Lanceria
The Majestic Twelve of Haor Chall
The Kingdom of Ponterre
The City-State of Irostima
The Most Serene State of Predice
The Kingdom of Saintonge
The Marquisate of Vivanco
The Kingdom of Plembobria
The Third Republic of Dhahara

Third Party Members (3PM):
The Syrixian Empire
The Democratic People's Republic of Skanda
The Democratic Districts of Midir​
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CONSIDERING that the pursuits of peace and prosperity are best safeguarded by the collective efforts of nations

DECLARING that those efforts can be furthered by measures of common sense in all sectors

HOLDING that the marketplace of ideas is best protected when nations of all types come together in friendly competition

RESOLVING to create a new environment of brotherhood and co-operation in place of historic rivalries

HAVE DECIDED to create a Merchant Trading Organisation to this end also agree upon the following articles of trade and co-operation;

Article 1

The SIGNATORIES agree to open their borders and economies to open and unrestricted trade between each other.

A signatory may at any time declare a sector or entity within a sector to be an AREA OF PROTECTION, removing it from unrestricted trade between members.

Signatories will endeavour to avoid declaring an AREA OF PROTECTION unless it is unavoidable.

Article 2

The SIGNATORIES will endeavour to create a level economic playing field between each other; for this purpose the signatories will trial a single reserve currency for a period of two years pegged to the current international standard;

FURTHER, the signatories will allow free movement of citizens and subjects of their nations to other signatories; unless the person in question is otherwise restricted by law;

The SIGNATORIES will also allow the free movement of labour between signatories, unless otherwise restricted by local laws.

ALSO, signatories are encouraged to streamline citizenship and visa applications by citizens of other signatories.

Article 3

SIGNATORIES agree not to wage war on each other and will endeavour to resolve all disputes co-operatively and peacefully;

SIGNATORIES will further aid another signatory in any way they can should they come under attack by a non-signatory nation or entity;

SIGNATORIES will further also share relevant intelligence relating to other signatories in a timely and open manner;

Article 4

THE SIGNATORIES understand that the above articles will create an undue strain on existing infrastructures and may inconvenience many, especially those taking advantage of the free movement of peoples;

THUSLY; the signatories shall establish a Committee tasked with thinking of commonsense standardisations leading to better and more effective practices across multiple sectors.

Article 5

FULL MEMBER STATUS will be handed to the original six signatory nations and will share the leadership of the organisation; with a ceremonial PRESIDENT position held in a rotational method;* shall be afforded to the original six signatory nations and afforded to any other nation provided the following is true:
  • the nation in question is located, at least in part, on the continent of Meterra or its subcontinents, and;​
  • the nation in question has achieved, at minimum, a two-thirds majority vote for FULL MEMBER STATUS from already-seated FULL MEMBERS, which includes an undefined period of questioning or investigation into the prospective member's economic or political benefit to META;*​
THIRD PARTY MEMBER (3PM) STATUS shall be afforded to foreign entities who, for various reasons, could not meet the requirements or do not wish to pursue FULL MEMBER STATUS within META. 3PMs are members that wish to partake in the trade of only specific resources, goods, or services with META. 3PM does not guarantee, facilitate, nor promote the trade between other 3PM nations and any and all dealings or economic negotiations between 3PMs will be regarded as outside of META jurisdiction and as an inter-personal matter between aforementioned negotiating nations. 3PMs are allowed to sit-in on META meetings and offer opinions or voice concerns, but are unable to partake in any votes. Any votes lodged by 3PMs are purely ceremonial. 3PM is afforded provided the following is true:
  • the nation in question has achieved, at minimum, a two-thirds majority vote for THIRD PARTY MEMBER (3PM) STATUS from already-seated FULL MEMBERS, which includes an undefined period of questioning or investigation into the prospective member's economic or political benefit to META;*​
ASSOCIATE STATUS shall be afforded to nations who adopt some or all of the articles above without first becoming a signatory of the treaty. Associate member shall be encouraged to become full members after a period of time whereby the adopted articles are in effect in their nation;*

OBSERVER STATUS shall be afforded to foreign entities who wish to have a say within the organisation and for nations eligible to become Full or Associate Members but choose not to.*

NEW MEMBER STATES will only be accepted into the pact with a two-thirds majority vote of current members.*


THE ABOVE ARTICLES are adopted in full by the SIGNATORIES who are;









* : AMENDMENT 1, formalized on 15 JUN 18, which redefined Membership Statuses in Article 5.



UZIMAJUĆI U OBZIR da su potraga za mirom i prosperitetom najbolje zaštićena kolektivnim naporima naroda

IZJAVLJUJUĆI da se ti napori mogu poticati zdravim mjerama u svim sektorima

DRŽCĆI da je tržište ideja najbolje zaštićeno kada se države svih vrsta okupe u prijateljskoj konkurenciji

RJEŠAVAJUĆI stvaranje novog okruženja bratstva i suradnje umjesto povijesnih rivalstava

ODLUČILI su u tu svrhu stvoriti Trgovačku trgovinsku organizaciju, također se slažu sa sljedećim člancima trgovine i suradnje;

Članak 1

POTPISNICI pristaju otvoriti svoje granice i gospodarstva kako bi otvorili i neograničenu međusobnu trgovinu.

Potpisnik može u bilo kojem trenutku proglasiti sektor ili entitet unutar sektora zaštićenim PODRUČJE, uklanjajući ga iz neograničene trgovine između članova.

Zemlje potpisnice nastojat će izbjeći proglašavanje PODRUČJA ZAŠTITE, osim ako to nije neizbježno.

Članak 2

POTPISNICI će nastojati stvoriti jednake ekonomske uvjete međusobno; u tu svrhu potpisnici će testirati jedinstvenu valutu za razdoblje od dvije godine vezano na trenutni međunarodni standard;

DALJE, potpisnici će omogućiti slobodno kretanje građana i subjekata njihovih naroda drugim potpisnicima; osim ako je dotična osoba zakonom drugačije ograničena;

POTPISNICI će također omogućiti slobodno kretanje radne snage između potpisnika, osim ako lokalnim zakonima nije drugačije ograničeno.

Također, potpisnike se potiče da pojednostave državljanstvo i vize za građane drugih zemalja potpisnica.

Članak 3

POTPISNICI se slažu da neće ratovati jedni protiv drugih i nastojat će sve sporove rješavati suradnički i mirnim putem;

POTPISNICI će dodatno pomagati drugog potpisnika na bilo koji način u slučaju da napadnu zemlju ili entitet koji nije potpisnik;

POTPISNICI će također pravodobno i otvoreno dijeliti relevantne podatke koji se odnose na druge potpisnike;

Članak 4

POTPISNICI razumiju da će gornji članci stvoriti nepotrebno naprezanje postojeće infrastrukture i mogu donijeti neugodu mnogima, posebno onima koji koriste slobodu kretanja naroda;

thusly; potpisnici osnivaju Odbor čiji je zadatak razmišljanje o standardizaciji zdravog razuma što vodi boljim i učinkovitijim praksama u više sektora.

Članak 5

STATUS PUNOG ČLANICA bit će predan originalnim šest zemalja potpisnica i dijelit će vodstvo organizacije; sa svečanim položajem PREDSJEDNIKA koji se drže rotacijskim načinom;* bit će dostupan izvornim šest zemalja potpisnica i dodijeljen bilo kojem drugom narodu pod uvjetom da je istinito sljedeće:
  • dotična se država nalazi, barem dijelom, na kontinentu Meterra ili na njegovim potkontinentima;
  • dotična nacija postigla je, najmanje, dvotrećinsku većinu glasova za PUNO ČLANSTVO ČLANICA od već sjedećih PUNIH ČLANOVA, što uključuje neodređeno razdoblje ispitivanja ili istrage ekonomske ili političke koristi budućeg člana za META; *

STATUS TREĆEG STRANAKA (STS) pruža se stranim subjektima koji, iz različitih razloga, nisu mogli ispuniti uvjete ili ne žele slijediti PUNO ČLANSTVO ČLANICA unutar META. STS-ovi su članovi koji žele sudjelovati u trgovini samo s određenim resursima, robom ili uslugama s META-om. STS ne jamči, ne olakšava niti promovira trgovinu između ostalih zemalja u STS, a bilo koji ugovori ili ekonomski pregovori između STS smatrat će se izvan nadležnosti META-e i kao osobno pitanje između gore spomenutih pregovaračkih država. STS-ovi smiju sjediti na sastancima META-e i nuditi mišljenja ili glasovne zabrinutosti, ali nisu u mogućnosti sudjelovati u bilo kojem glasanju. Svako glasovanje koje su podneli STS-i čisto je ceremonijalno. STS se nudi pod uvjetom da je istinito sljedeće:
dotična nacija postigla je najmanje dvotrećinsku većinu glasova za STATUS ČLANA TRETOG STRANAKA (STS) s već sjedećih PUNIH ČLANOVA, što uključuje neodređeno razdoblje ispitivanja ili istrage ekonomske ili političke koristi budućeg člana za META*

UDRUŽENI STATUS se daje zemljama koje usvoje neke ili sve gore navedene članke, a da prethodno nisu potpisnice ugovora. Pridruženi član potiče se da postanu punopravni članovi nakon razdoblja u kojem su usvojeni članci na snazi u njihovoj državi;*

STATUS PROBLEMA pruža se stranim entitetima koji žele imati priliku unutar organizacije i za države koje ispunjavaju uvjete da postanu punopravne ili pridružene članice, ali ne žele.*

NOVE DRŽAVE ČLANICE bit će prihvaćene u pakt samo s dvotrećinskom većinom glasova trenutnih članova.*


NAVEDENI ČLANICI u potpunosti usvajaju POTPISNICI koji su;









* : IZMJENA 1, formalizirana 15. lipnja 2018. kojom je redefinirano Članstvo u Članku 5.



Full Members:
The Federal Commonwealth of Demescia
The Marä of Naizerre (The Grand Poobah of Penis Mwikiza Rould)
The United Kingdom of Sasten (Representative Resard Ervas)
The Republic of Mouxordia (Secretary of State Boris K. Poklonskaja)
The Monarchy of Guslantis (hiatus)
The Empire of Lanceria (META Ambassador Jules Bayrand)
The Majestic Twelve of Haor Chall (Envoy Ion Dardanus)
The Kingdom of Ponterre (Her Majesty's Ambassador to META Thierry LeClerc)
The City-State of Irostima (Representative Masuda Nader)
The Most Serene State of Predice (Ambassador Vicenzo Rissi)
The Kingdom of Saintonge (Ambassador Rachel-Francine Chambault)
The Marquisate of Vivanco (Deputy Minister of External Relationships and Internal Commerce Iuliano Temera Loranz)
The Nation of Plembobria (Her Majesty's Representative to META Patrice Hossam)
The Third Republic of Dhahara (Ambassador Rashid Yieshak Amensisa)

Third Party Members (3PM):
The Empire of Syrixia (Ambassador Mateusz Szymanski)
The Democratic People's Republic of Skanda (Ambassador Hitashi Itokure)
The D. D. of Midir (Representative Jacob Rammstein)
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The High Assembly of Meterra (HAM) is the council of representatives which decides on all matters concerning META. It is regarded as the headquarters of the Association, and is located in Omoxoje, Ojoso, Demescia.​

In accordance with Article 5c.3a of the Treaty of Omoxoje, the Chief Executive Officer unilaterally appoints the Commissioners of the Commission's Departments, which are as follows:
Prosoponrepresents the Association on the world stageTogbata, NaizerreMauricia Samperion of Vivanco
Meterran Universal Standards Commission for Electrotechnics and Telecommunications (MUSCET)regulates and standardizes protocols and specifications of electrotechnic and communicative devicesCerštuva, MouxordiaAlex Strakas of Haor Chall
Bureau of Education and Youth (BEY)ensures the compatibility and integration of Meterra's diverse education systems and the facilitation of healthy young populacesSaintes, SaintongeGio Chapelle of Demescia
Meterran Security Bureau (MSB)streamlines citizenship and asylum procedures and the commonization of individual and collaborative security policiesKesavren, SastenRaphael Kuat of Haor Chall
Common Infrastructure, Transportation, and Energy (CITE)standardizes and regulates infrastructure, public transportation and electrical frameworks and the collaboration of projects involving the aforementionedKesavren, SastenŠime Kalinić of Mouxordia
Meterran Natural Conservation Commission (MNCC)develops and facilitates the collaboration on policies to conserve the natural environments and ilks of MeterraTogbata, NaizerreEdmond Hachette of Lanceria
Meterran Heritage Conservation Commission (MHCC)develops and facilitates the collaboration on policies to conserve the indigenous cultures and endangered heritages of MeterraHorizon City, GuslantisSegismundo Inclan of Vivanco
Meterran Mission (MM)facilitates and makes practical the practice of human rights within the proceedings and functions of the Association and current and prospect constituentsHorizon City, GuslantisEric Ido of Naizerre
Synergy's Exchequer (SE)collects the funds and dues, directs the fiscal facilitation of the Association, and organizes the collective investment of the Association in its constituentsSaintes, SaintongeVarnan Izair of Sasten
Metenoriummints and monetarily facilitates the MetenCerštuva, MouxordiaPatrice Hossam of Plembobria
Directorate of Primary Industry (DPI)regulates and standardizes the practices and products directly associated with the primary sector of the Meterran economy (exempli gratia, agriculture, mining and forestry)Xi Char, Haor ChallSef Sharma of Demescia
Directorate of Secondary Industry (DSI)regulates and standardizes the practices and products directly associated with the secondary sector of the Meterran economy (id est, manufacturing)Xi Char, Haor ChallRezne Ervas of Sasten
Directorate of Tertiary Industry (DTI)regulates and standardizes the practices and products directly associated with the tertiary sector of the Meterran economy (id est, service industries)Xi Char, Haor ChallNathifa Awad of Irostima
Unitary Customs Office (UCO)issues certificates of origin on foreign goods and the facilitates trade between the Association and outside States and FirmsTogbata, NaizerreMarie-Catherine Dugenne of Saintonge

  • Naizerre-Syrixia City and Region of Durban Matter
  • Plembobria-Crilalia Autonomy Referendum
  • The Somaad-Oclusia Claims (hiatus)
  • None

Valid as of 16APR20
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Please note the addition of a new section which is to serve as a quick-reference tool to understand what matters are currently being discussed or are on META's radar. Any further changes or ideas can be voiced either through PM, on this thread, or in the Discord.
The Republic would like to open the floor for discussion of trade negotiations between META and non-META entities, and the redefining of our member statuses.

Mouxordia proposes that any member of META forfeits its right to conduct economic business independently of the rest of META. This drastically increases the stability of both the Association and the meten, and ensures that all member-states get equal opportunity and their voices heard in any negotiations between non-META nations or entities.

Mouxordia also proposes that the redefinition of our membership levels be adjusted to fit with whatever new economic guidelines are implemented. FULL MEMBERS would be totally involved economically and have to be physically located on Meterra or its subcontinents. ASSOCIATE MEMBERS would either be committed on the path to FULL membership, or involved economically with META. While OBSERVER MEMBERS would be allowed to sit-in on META meetings and see the workings of decision-making in META, but unable to vote or voice their opinions on matters at-hand.
Guslantis is not in favor of restricting economic business. With the multinational company of Thomas being based within Guslantis, and their dedication to spending millions of Guslates/Meten over the next coming months to expand their business to Prydania, a nation not in META, restricting business could hurt their overall goal of bringing technology to everyone. Thomas is also a member of the Amica Consortium, which is dedicated also to spreading technology across Eras.

If our fellow members of META are in favor, we would be happy with an exception clause to exempt Thomas Inc., its subsidiaries, the Amica Consortium, and future endeavors by the aforementioned entities.
As the representative from the Republic of Mouxordia speaks of his proposal to further define trade, business, and economic relations of all those states gathered within this prestigious hall, two pairs of ears cannot help but perk up, and almost instinctively decide to toss out what they had planned for the representative to say. Quickly redrafting their statement, and having two staffers on-hand check for spelling and punctuation in rapid-pace, instead of the representative for Yukkira going up to the podium, two individuals, both dressed in modern formal wear, go in his place,

"To the most prestigious members of the Meterra Economic Treaty Association, my name is Arima Yuki. I am the Crown Prince of the Principality, the High Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Supreme Lord-Commander of the Imperial Yukkirian Guard, and am the Protector of the Most Noble House of Yuki in my generation.

Yukkira is not in favor of restricting economic business. This is especially true since the Principality is considered as a mere Observer member of the META; not an Associate member or a Full member. Not only would this proposal force unto the Principality, the undo burden of cutting off domestic trade on Iteria to come into compliance with the proposal should it pass, but it would inevitably lead to the Principality withdrawing its membership from the META so to maintain the economic trade that it is privy to by being on the unrelenting and ruthless continent of Iteria. The Imperial Court wishes to propose an amendment to the proposal; to exempt Observer members from having to comply with this proposal and to make it optional for Associate members to fall into compliance with. Doing so would make the META more friendly to non-domestic countries considering to petition the META for membership, in addition to allowing for the META to gain unfettered access to non-domestic markets at little to no cost.

Should the Principality's consideration be taken into effect, I would be happy to further discuss the notion of unfettered access to non-domestic markets in relation to Yukkira, in further detail with all of the META members present here today. Thank you all for your attention."
In this particular matter, the Lancerian Empire agrees with Guslantis. At this time, we are not in favour of these restrictions.

We are, however, content with the clarification provided by better definitions of the various levels of META membership or involvement.
To the esteemed members of META,

The Empire of Peregrinum hereby requests entry into this Treaty Organization as a full member. It is the will of the Emperor that Lozinak join with the other powers of Meterra to work towards a bright, and prosperous future for all on the continent.

Gloria Imperatori,
Victoria Verenis
Tribuni Peregrinus
To the members of the META
I, Klaus Laudenheim, ambassador of the Social Republic of Champion Bay, representing the best interests of the Champion Bay Government, request to join the Meterra Economic Treaty Association as a full member, a bright, prosperous economic future is in our best interests and we would love to work with other nations on Meterra to achieve that goal.
Semper Fidelis, Semper Providere
Regards, Champion Bay
Naizerre formally starts the following discussions:

-To admit The Empire of Lozinak as a Full Member of META.

- To admit the Social Republic of Champion Bay as a Full Member of META
The Triple Federation of Trinster would like to enquire into what economic benefits the Empire of Lozinak and the Social Republic of Champion Bay hopes to achieve, and what economic benefit they can contribute to META.
In the broadest terms, The Empire of Lozinak seeks to streamline trade throughout the continent, and among observer nations abroad. Under edicts from past Emperors, Lozinak has remained relatively closed off from the world. Emperor Nicholas seeks to reverse many of these edicts and bring the Empire onto the world stage in order to expand the number of markets available to us for imports and exports. Additionally the Empire welcomes the cultural exchange brought by the streamline travel policy of META.

The Empire offers in return what it ask for. Access to Imperial markets and trade, cultural exchange, and goods and resources previously banned for export through Imperial edict. The Emperor is prepared to tap into significant mineral and energy resource deposits that exist in the North of the Empire, and have remained largely untouched.

These are the broad offerings and aspirations of the Emperor, if the esteemed representatives have any more specific questions, I shall be delighted to answer. Thank you.

Gloria Imperatori,
Victoria Verenis
Tribuni Peregrinus
The Lancerian Empire finds this answer from Lozinak acceptable. We will not oppose their acceptance. We eagerly await more information from Champion Bay.
In broad terms, Champion Bay wants to streamline trade across the continent and end the heave handed laws on private companies and international trade, we would like to put ourselves in the international stage to broaden our economic horizons, we will welcome the cultural exchange brought by META's streamline travel policy.
we offer in return what we ask for, access to national markets and trade, cultural exchange, and to allow privately owned corporations to flourish, we are prepared to open up drilling of the oil and mineral deposits off the coast and in the mountains.
these are the offers and aspirations of Champion Bay, we will be happy to answer any further questions.
Semper Fidelis, Semper Providere
Klaus Laudenheim
Regards, Champion Bay
A Message From Lancerian Prime Minister Isaac Oudinot To The Members of META:

Fellow META nations,

I send this message to you all with a proposal. Throughout Eras there are nations that do not enjoy the stability and prosperity that many of us take for granted, ravaged by conflict of some sort. In some of these instances, the Lancerian Empire has seen the opportunity to spread peace and stability that citizens all around Eras seek. We speak of an independent force that may keep the peace, provide security, assist in the distribution of aid, or observe that nations are fulfilling the conditions of peace treaties.

The first of these missions may take place in Norsia. Lancerian officials have begun to speak with Norsian officials on the possibility of a "peacekeeping" force that would provide security and help with aid in the nation just recovering from war and beginning new elections. While we are content to make this a Lancerian force, we would prefer to take this opportunity to make this a first "META Peacekeeping Operation".

With this in mind, I'd like to open discussion on the formation of the META Peacekeeping Corps. The details of the corps structure and procedure should be discussed but we have a baseline suggestion. The META Peacekeeping Corps would have a permanent administrative staff from META nations coordinating logistics, administration, and other general duties necessary to maintaining the corps. Each META Peacekeeping Operation must be proposed with specific mission objectives and/or outlines. Each META Peacekeeping Operation proposal must be approved by a majority of META nations and the subject nation(s) to commence. After an operation is approved, each META nation may opt-in on if and how many troops they may provide to the operation. Each operation is commanded by a General from a META nation. Each META Peacekeeping Operation would conclude once it has completed it's objectives or it is deemed unnecessary.

In the event we decide to go through with this proposal, the Lancerian Empire is prepared to opt-in with a significant amount of troops and we'd like to nominate Lancerian Gen. Laurene Dallaire to command the operation.

It is my hope that META will embrace this idea and do our part to spread peace in Eras.

Isaac Oudinot
Prime Minister Of The Lancerian Empire

Esteemed nations of META:

To say that the Republic is pleased that discussion has finally opened and drawn such fervent discussion in regards to membership statuses and associated economic practices in the Association. This was our original and foremost intent, and now that attention has been drawn to the matter, we would like to formally propose a more realistic and less stringent solution to the Association's problem.

There would be only 2 levels of membership, reduced from our current 3: Full Membership, and Third-Party Membership (3PM).

- Full Members are just that, full and vetted members of META, and would enjoy complete and unrestricted trade between all other members of META; to include the resources necessary to build any infrastructure to facilitate the movement of goods or persons freely across borders. Requirements for membership will remain the same. That is, prospective Full members must attain a two-thirds majority vote from the current-seated Full Members of META and they must be geographically-located on the continent of Meterra, or its subcontinents. This includes an undefined period of questioning or investigation into the prospective member's economic or political benefit to the Association.

- If accepted as a Full Member, said newly-annoited Full Member will enter a temporary status titled Interim Membership. This is a period of 6 months, renewable for 6 additional months up to 2 years, for nations to transition and align with META agreements, standards, and practices. Interim Members would not be required to fulfill the total amount of time allotted, as is only meant as a stop-gap for current-seated Full Members to ensure alignment with META interests.

- Third-Party Members (3PM) are members who, for various reasons, could not or do not wish to pursue Full Membership status. This is reserved for nations who wish to partake in the benefit of trading only particular resources, goods, or services with all members of META. 3PM is attained in the exact same way that Full Membership is: by way of two-thirds majority vote from current-seated META Full Members. 3PM would not guarantee trade between other 3PMs of META, and any and all dealings or economic negotiations between 3PMs will be regarded as outside of META jurisdiction and as an inter-personal matter between aforementioned negotiating nations. 3PMs would be allowed to sit-in on META meetings and offer opinions or voice concerns, but would be unable to partake in any votes, which would continued to be reserved for Full Members.

In regards to Article 2, which outlines META economic practice between members, META members would reserve their right to still freely conduct economic business with nations outside of META. However, Full Members of META would not reserve the right to refuse to conduct economic business with other META members, to include 3PMs. The Republic believes that ensuring this practice would uphold the entire purpose for META and an agreement of this type and magnitude: economic enhancement, cooperation, stability for the continent of Meterra. Refusal to conduct business for any reason with member nations (other than those that violate international law, laws of common decency, or other extreme illicit, illegal, or dangerous activity not aforementioned), would not only undermine META's purpose, but permit and promote an ideology or practice that would surely and eventually lead to the dissolution of META. If any membership is denied by a majority vote, META members would still be welcome to invoke their right to conduct private trade with that nation, outside the jurisdiction and protection of META.

The Republic of Mouxordia agrees and supports The Lancerian Empire's statement. The Empire of Lozinak would be a beneficial member of META.

However, the Republic urges the Socialist Republic of Champion Bay to provide a more sufficient answer. We believe that Champion Bay is, in fact, not a carbon-copy of the Empire of Lozinak, and it would behoove them to supply a truthful and wholehearted answer to our query.

The Republic moves to open the floor for discussion regarding the respected Lancerian Empire's proposal.

It is our understanding that META already has a de facto military force - that is, one composed of all the militaries of the members of META - to protect META trade and other economic interests between all members. Of which, upon last check of the signatories list, Norsia is not. For what reason would META have any justification for interference in the domestic affairs of another non-member, let alone one that lies across a sea and halfway across another continent? It is the belief of the Republic that META is first and foremost an economic association - as is given in the very name - and that military assets only exist within META as a protection force for our interests. If the respected Lancerian Empire wishes to conduct peacetime operations or provide to Norsia, then it should be conducted as private matter between just the two of them, outside of META jurisdiction.

If Norsia was a member of META, it would be a significantly more reasonable (though still incredibly shaky) reasoning for META intervention and aid. The Republic also believes that Norsia itself should make their request to META.
Naizerre supports and welcomes the statements of our friends the Republic of Mouxordia and the Lancerian Empire. The Marä of Naizerre agrees with the Republic of Mouxordia that membership in the META could be streamlined and the proposals put forth are both straightforward and workable.

The Marä of Naizerre also echoes the concerns of the Republic over possible involvement in Norsia. However, peacekeeping forces and outreach programs go hand in hand, and good relations with the emerging Bergum Pact will open up further opportunities in that market. We should also be aware that the forces of imperialism have growing interest in Norsia, and it could be that one or more may seek to once again exploit an innocent Marä that is vulnerable after years of war. For this reason the Marä of Naizerre supports the Lancerian Empire's proposal.

The Mara of Naizerre would like to set forth our own proposal. Currently the Standardisation Committee of the META only has legislated on very few sectors, leaving friction in the trade between member states, thus the Marä of Naizerre would like to suggest a Rule of Mutual Recognition. This Rule would allow products that for example meet the regulatory standards of Trinster or Demescia be sold throughout the META, even if they do not meet the regulatory requirements of Naizerre, or Sasten, or Mouxordia. This would only apply to sectors where the Standardisation Committee has not harmonised the existing regulations of member states or issued new ones.
The Sutherland Federation would like to apply for Associate Status within the Meterra Economic Treaty Association. Acknowledging the continent we share and wanting to be a part of the optimistic and beneficial relationship that exists among the established members of Meterra. It is necessary to note our isolated position in comparison to the other members of this Meterran union. With this in mind we hope we can count on guidance and assistance in regard to becoming more connected and acquainted with the good nations of this association. If there are any questions or concerns with this motion, the Arc-Regent Jonathan Augusta is more than happy as head of government to speak to your representatives directly and in person if you wish to assess our worthiness to enter. We send this proposal with greatest regards for each member nation and we look forward to working with you in the future.

In faith and patience,
The Core Union, Legislative and Advisory Body of Sutherland a Nation United
The Triple Federation approves of Mouxordia, Lancereia and Naizerre's suggestions, but would like to promote the goal of standards harmonisation, lest we get complacent.

The Triple Federation would also like to ask what Sutherland could offer META.
The Sutherland Federation is a collection of dominions which would be happy to trade goods such as livestock, book binding and publishing, wheat, and rice. However, our most prized commodity is our ideas and philosophical research which the Federation would like to share and worth on collaboration on with scholars from friendly nations that share an interest in the betterment, of person, nation, and world.
We, the Commonwealth of Demescia, will abstain from the matter of mutual recognition, but note that it may ultimately lead to goods coming through nations with the lowest standards, turning it into the chain-as-strong-as-weakest-link scenario.
The Marä of Naizerre does not believe this would be the case, as it is in our interests to ensure high standards in many sectors. However, overly stringent regulations can harm effective commerce, and can act against the interests of the consumer to prop up monopolies. By encouraging Mutual Recognition, monopolies and ovr regulation can be effectively fought against by all our nations.
Guslantis is absolutely in favor. Regulation can get in the way of many products being distributed to the greater masses, and helps bring goods and services faster across Eras.
First off, the government of the United Kingdom of Sasten wants to acknowledge and apologize for the extended, and frankly excessive, amount of time that it has taken us since we last addressed this assembly. There were a multitude of reasons for this, none of which excuse the single largest economy in META from abrogating its responsibility to engage with other members. With this statement we hope to rectify this.

As the first matter of business, we wish to address legislative matters.

Firstly, we are strongly in agreement to the Mosordian delegation's proposal to rewrite the membership definitions of the association. The status of an Associate Member has never been entirely clear, and the existence of simple Observer Members has seemed, at best, rather pointless. The Third-Party Membership tier puts everything that we had thought about memberships below Full status into writing; we are obviously supportive of this.

Mosordia's other proposal however has left us quite confused. Their original statement that "that any member of META forfeits its right to conduct economic business independently of the rest of META" was not clear in its meaning, and the government is seriously concerned that the proposal was meant to strip away a large portion of our foreign policy and instead have it be dictated by all of META as a collective. While that fear has mostly passed, we still want some definitive clarification on this.

Passing to the second statement, that is an initiative that we support, although not without reservations. The main concern in particular is in regards to forcing META member to accept unlimited trade with 3PMembers; this is primarily due to the much lower standard that non-full members seem to be held-to, and raises questions on whether we'd have to just accept trade with anyone who wants it, while they can use it to circumvent any restrictions for reasons we feel is necessary. Remember that while we don't speak for anyone but ourselves here, Sasten does not just ban trade with other nations for any old reason.

Looking at Lanceria's proposal, while we find its purpose to be commendable, we don't believe that such an internationalized peacekeeping force is within META's mandate; we are a trade pact with a mutual defence clause, not a military alliance or union. At the present time, we are strongly against an extension of that, as this is ultimately a large purview creep that we are not comfortable with allowing.

There is the additional factor of our current policy of strict non-interventionism; we've seen what sorts of havoc foreign nations can inflict on another, especially via force. While we are not rabidly anti-imperialist as some countries on the planet are, we also do not believe it to be in anyone's interest that we use our considerable military and economic might to inflict our will on everyone the king sees in his morning news briefing or Fluttr feed.

We now arrive at Naizerre's proposal...and we just can't help but remark on how singularly abusable it is. Regulations are extremely important to any economy that values its own safety and viability. We will not go off on a tirade on this, but suffice it to say that regulations exist for a reason. There is merit to harmonizing regulations across META and eliminating regulations that make it unduly hard for businesses without providing much gain. There is far less merit to have that mean effectively forcing everyone to lower their standards to whoever has the worst ones without so much as a discussion on what those standards are.

Additionally, what's to stop a member of META from simply prohibiting all regulations? This would basically force every member to have no regulations of our own, which history has shown to have the potential to kill hundreds and injure countless more, by virtue of members being forced to allow even the most incredibly dangerous products to be sold within their borders.

If this measure is passed by the rest of META, Sasten will NOT abide by it, under any circumstances. This is just an incredibly bad (and dangerous) idea, and we are a bit baffled by all the other members' nonchalance about this, seemingly while putting little thought into its full implications.

Now on to the topic of the addition of new members to the organization.

As of this time, we believe that Lozinak has the potential to be a productive member of META and a good trading partner; they have much to offer, and it would be in mutual interest to all of us that they gain membership. To that end, we are tentatively in favour of their admittance to the Meterra Economic Treaty Association.

Champion Bay for their part have utterly failed to demonstrate their utility to META. Simply plagiarizing the statement of a previous applicant is in no way indicative of the actual situation within their own country. For an applicant to be permitted in, they must be truthful and informative; C.B.'s statements are neither of these.

On the subject of the entity referring to itself as Sutherland, Sasten only conducts trade with independent nations that exist, not provinces of another nation that claim to be independent. If they ever want to have the possibility of joining META, they must first secure legal and internationally-acknowledged recognition of their existence as an independent state; we do not just go around signing trade deals with sub-territories without their national government's approval.

There is one additional point however: Sutherland's so-called "government" is a religious structure, that is to say, a theocracy. We do not like theocracies. Especially Messianist ones. While we have reached a time and maturity enough to not let our toxic grudges and feelings poison our relations and pollute our interactions with the world, those feelings must be understood if we ever hope to work together. Our history with both theocracy in general and Messianism as a religion is long, and incredibly bloody. The accumulation of power in religious clergy has long been a cause of incredible anguish in our society, responsible for countless wars and minor genocides stretching back five thousand years; the religious elite were indirectly responsible for the collapse of our ancient empire; subsequent to that, it nearly destroyed our culture and civilization, and resulted in a war that would go unsurpassed in its scale, and horror, for another five centuries, until the Fascist War consumed Sasten in 1940, a war in which many further atrocities were committed in the name of defending against religion. Messianism for its part has been marked by its antagonistic disdain for and hostility towards our culture and ways of life; forces and entities acting on its behalf have spent the better part of a millennium trying to utterly destroy our society and enslave our people. And we have retaliated, sometimes gently, oftentimes with brutality previously unheard-of in our society, acts that we now look back on as barbaric and shameful. We are different now, at least we like to think we are, but the attitudes, the biases, the hatreds that lead to these atrocities have never left us, and we have never been able to shake them however hard we've tried. While we have no intention of causing you harm, many in our country look on Sutherland through a lens of incredible suspicion, and in some cases, fear. And while we try to be different to how we were in the past, we simply cannot guarantee that we will get along smoothly, even if or when you gain full access to META. We are not proud of this. Perhaps though we might start a new chapter in this story, after all, the future has yet to be written, so to say.
We now arrive at Naizerre's proposal...and we just can't help but remark on how singularly abusable it is. Regulations are extremely important to any economy that values its own safety and viability. We will not go off on a tirade on this, but suffice it to say that regulations exist for a reason. There is merit to harmonizing regulations across META and eliminating regulations that make it unduly hard for businesses without providing much gain. There is far less merit to have that mean effectively forcing everyone to lower their standards to whoever has the worst ones without so much as a discussion on what those standards are.

Additionally, what's to stop a member of META from simply prohibiting all regulations? This would basically force every member to have no regulations of our own, which history has shown to have the potential to kill hundreds and injure countless more, by virtue of members being forced to allow even the most incredibly dangerous products to be sold within their borders.

If this measure is passed by the rest of META, Sasten will NOT abide by it, under any circumstances. This is just an incredibly bad (and dangerous) idea, and we are a bit baffled by all the other members' nonchalance about this, seemingly while putting little thought into its full implications.

It seems the United Kingdom of Sasten is confused about the nature of the Marä's proposal. This would apply only to sectors that 1. META has no existing regulations on and 2. aren't protected sectors as designated by member countries.

It would also seem that the the United Kingdom isn't approaching the META in good faith, or is just ignorant. The assumption behind your objection is that a fellow member of META - a brotherhood of nations as described in the treaty that Queen Azaras Kotsunel signed to join - would apply to the common market of META the kind of practices one sees from imperialists, exploiters and air-gangsters. We can assure the United Kingdom that Marä does not approach the META in this way, and demands and expects all members of META participate in the organisation in good faith.

The Marä is very disappointed that at the first instance of something the United Kingdom doesn't like, its response is to threaten non-compliance, presumably in the hope that doing so will frighten other META nations into line. The United Kingdom may be the biggest economy in the META bloc, but all the marä of the META are equal.

We call upon the United Kingdom to instead of threatening non-compliance and undermining the entire organisation of META to instead engage in good faith negotiations to resolve any differences that do exist, both in terms of regulation and in how the United Kingdom conducts itself.
The Triple Federation would like to re-iterate its wish that Naizerre's proposal be a temporary proposal while the META Standards Committee continues to our end goal of total standards harmonisation, as this is almost certainly the best option for a functional and united META.

We would also wish to support Naizerre's call to the United Kingdom of Sasten, as we feel this situation could be handled far better, and in a far more constructive manner.
St George:
It seems the United Kingdom of Sasten is confused about the nature of the Marä's proposal. This would apply only to sectors that 1. META has no existing regulations on and 2. aren't protected sectors as designated by member countries.

It would also seem that the the United Kingdom isn't approaching the META in good faith, or is just ignorant. The assumption behind your objection is that a fellow member of META - a brotherhood of nations as described in the treaty that Queen Azaras Kotsunel signed to join - would apply to the common market of META the kind of practices one sees from imperialists, exploiters and air-gangsters. We can assure the United Kingdom that Marä does not approach the META in this way, and demands and expects all members of META participate in the organisation in good faith.

The Marä is very disappointed that at the first instance of something the United Kingdom doesn't like, its response is to threaten non-compliance, presumably in the hope that doing so will frighten other META nations into line. The United Kingdom may be the biggest economy in the META bloc, but all the marä of the META are equal.

We call upon the United Kingdom to instead of threatening non-compliance and undermining the entire organisation of META to instead engage in good faith negotiations to resolve any differences that do exist, both in terms of regulation and in how the United Kingdom conducts itself.
We do not accuse anyone of anything, and are genuinely confounded as to how you took our statement to be an attack on the organization. Our statement of non-compliance is not intended to be a petulant threat against getting whatever we want, in fact it is not meant to be a threat at all. It is a statement that the government of Sasten regards such a measure as ill-conceived, and frankly dangerous to our economy and the well-being of our citizens. While we do have an obligation to respond fairly and in a constructive manner to our fellow member of META, as a government, our duty is first and foremost to our own people rather than a larger organization; if forced to chose between the organization and our citizens, we simply must put the needs of our population first. That it is the first thing we've seriously objected to is a coincidence and nothing more; we are not attempting to stoop down and bully our fellow members into anything simply because our relative size permits it. What we do want is for everyone to step back and take a serious look at this proposal, rather than simply saying that regulations are just bad, or a nonchalant "Eh". This proposal will have serious effects on our nations, and it deserves to be treated with due consideration and thought.

Further to that, we do admit to not having read the last sentence of that proposal; the staffer assigned to that file has been reprimanded, reassigned, and advised to keep normal sleep hours in the future; we are sorry for any acrimony we may have caused by our tiredness-induced insolence. However, the fact of the matter is that very few sectors have had regulations harmonized as of this time, and as such this rule would still apply very broadly, thus going back to our (and Demescia's) original point that this proposal would effectively neutralize all but the loosest regulations within META as companies will simply make their products to match the lowest regulations for any given product and have everyone be obligated to sell them. While regulations harmonization will be a good thing, we question the utility of first reducing them in this way; it seems to be more of a sledgehammer-like tool than the nuanced discussions such an issue really needs.

As for the situation we posited, we were simply using a hypothetical scenario involving no particular member to demonstrate our interpretation of your proposal; we do not accuse Naizerre, or indeed anyone at all, of acting in a bad-faith manner, and we agree that air-gangsterism would indeed be a stain on this organization. While we sincerely hope that all members will act altruistically, now and in the future, to deny that one may not is nevertheless more idealistic than we believe is prudent. We need to prepare and think through all possibilities, however unlikely. History has shown the mistake in assuming that something will never happen simply because it wouldn't be very nice.

We are not trying to be mean, or bullies, or airgansters, or whatever other unconstructive bad-faith attitude we seem to have given off. That is not our goal. What we are concerned over is how many members are simply going along with this proposal without seriously discussing it, and we also have a responsibility to our own people that to us outweighs the overall goals of META; in fact, every member of META has this same responsibility to themselves. To that end, we look forward to further constructive discussions on this matter.
The Sutherland Federation hereby retracts its application to join the Meterra Economic Treaty Association effective immediately.
The Republic of Mouxordia would formally like to call the following votes:
  • Admittance of the Empire of Peregrinum as a Full Member of the Meterra Economic Treaty Organization.
  • Admittance of the Socialist Republic of Champion Bay as a Full Member of the Meterra Economic Treaty Organization.
  • The amendments in membership proposed by the Republic of Mouxordia, which would subsequently change the Principality of Yukkira's membership from Observer Member to 3PM.
  • The amendment of Article 2 proposed by the Republic of Mouxordia, with the caveat that it will not go into effect until a consumer goods oversight body is officially approved by all members; the purpose, function, and reach of which will be decided in continued further discussion.
The United Kingdom of Sasten hereby votes as follows:

On the admittance of the Empire of Peregrinum as a full member, we lodge a vote of Aye.
On the admittance of Champion Bay as a full member, we lodge a vote of Nay.
On the amendments in membership proposed by Mouxordia, we lodge a vote of Aye.
On the amendment of Article 2 proposed by Mouxordia, with the caveat proposed by the same, we lodge a vote of Nay.

While we are opposed to the Article 2 amendment and have voted accordingly, we find the proposed caveat to be sufficient to allay some of our concerns. After some deliberation we have decided that we will respect and adhere to it should it come to pass. We acknowledge the untoward acrimony our previous declarations have caused, and wish to improve our cooperation with our fellow members in the future. Respecting the regulations of this body will be of paramount importance in that.
The Marä of Naizerre votes thusly:

On the admittance of the Empire of Peregrinum as a full member, we vote Aye.
On the admittance of Champion Bay as a full member, we vote Aye.
On the amendments in membership proposed by Mouxordia, we vote Aye.
On the amendment of Article 2 proposed by Mouxordia, with the caveat proposed by the same, we vote of Aye
The Triple Federation votes as follows:

AYE- The admittance of the Empire of Perengrium

NAY- The admittance of Champion Bay

AYE- Mouxordian Membership Proposals

AYE- Article Two Amendment
On the admittance of the Empire of Peregrinum as a full member, we cast Aye.
On the admittance of Champion Bay as a full member, we cast Aye.
On the amendments in membership proposed by Mouxordia, we cast Aye.
On the amendment of Article 2 proposed by Mouxordia, with the caveat proposed by the same, we cast of Aye
On the admittance of the Empire of Peregrinum as a full member, we say aye.
On the admittance of Champion Bay as a full member, we say aye.
On the amendments in membership proposed by Mouxordia, we say aye.
On the amendment of Article 2 proposed by Mouxordia, with the caveat proposed by the same, we say aye.
Voting has ended, and the following are the results.
  • On the admittance of the Empire of Peregrinum as a Full Member of the Meterra Economic Treaty Organization, META concludes AYE, with a unanimous vote in favor.
  • On the admittance of the Socialist Republic of Champion Bay as a Full Member of the Meterra Economic Treaty Organization, META concludes AYE, with a 3-2 vote in favor.
  • On the amendments in membership proposed by the Republic of Mouxordia, which would subsequently change the Principality of Yukkira's membership from Observer Member to 3PM, META concludes AYE, with a unanimous vote in favor.
  • On the amendment of Article 2 proposed by the Republic of Mouxordia, with the caveat that it will not go into effect until a consumer goods oversight body is officially approved by all members; the purpose, function, and reach of which will be decided in continued further discussion, META concludes AYE, with a 4-1 vote in favor.
Congratulations to both the Empire of Peregrinum and the Socialist Republic of Champion Bay on becoming Full Members of the Meterra Economic Treaty Organization. The Amendments will be added to the appropriate documents shortly - in as close as wording as possible to reflect their values - along with our new members' plenipotentiaries added to the registrar.

Our next order of business should be the discussion of the formation of a regulatory body whose purpose would be the proper integration of goods and services into META member-states' markets, with special emphasis to ensure safety, environmental, and worker regulations are adhered to. Those regulations should be decided by member-states and agreed with a consensus. Seeing as this matter concerns the respected Sasten the most, I suggest their plenipotentiary lead the effort to develop regulations that would sate their concerns, and seem feasible and reasonable to the other members.
The Naizerri representative would like to call a vote on the continued third party membership of the Principality of Yukkira. The Marä finds that their international actions mean they no longer constitute a nation the Marä believes META should associate with. They have been a destabilizing influence internationally and we should make it clear we expect better of 3PM nations.