[FT]Intergalactic Institute of Stellar Cartography

St George

RolePlay Moderator
Deputy Speaker
He/Him, They/Them
Weesa did a map, Ani!
Our maps all blank!
Weesa on the imjurs too!
The imjurs map is blank too!

Map claim rules:
1.Yousa limit toda maximum of 150-200 star systems. For da purposes of da map, a star system isa singular instance of whita pixels, regardless of size.
2. Claims is limit toda maximum of four sectors onda map and must be in contiguous sectors.
3. Yousa ask da cartographers to draw a claim for yousa, da is yousa claim. Complaints within reason ganna be entertain.
4. It takes a while count systems, so yousa ask for a claim to be drawn for yousa, provide a request number of systems in ranges of 20 or 30 (e.40 to 60).
5. Be nice toda cartographers or weesa ll putin yousa entire claim inda black hole.
6. All yousa on da map musta post everery 4 months or yousa willsa be removed.
Map Claim Rules:
1. You are limited to a maximum of 150-200 star systems. For the purposes of the map, a star system is a singular instance of white pixels, regardless of size.
2. Claims are limited to a maximum of four sectors on the map and must be in contiguous sectors.
3. If you ask the cartographers to draw a claim for you, that is your claim. Complaints within reason will be entertained.
4. It takes a while to count systems, so if you ask for a claim to be drawn for you, provide a requested number of systems in ranges of 20 or 30 (e.g. 40 to 60).
5. Be nice to the cartographers or we'll put your entire claim in a black hole.
6. Everyone on the map will be required to post at least once every 4 months or face removal from the map. You don’t have to make an rp, even posts of pictures of your space nation or descriptions of races in your space nation would work. One way or another, you must post in something related to Inaius. Thanks for cooperating.
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I would like to request a Cartographer to create my claim for the Caillte please. I have no special requests for location other than farish away from Terra due to my back story. Claim size 40 systems please.
I already pinged you my claim on Discord, but I thought it was better to have it here. Name for the claim is the "Imperial Sau'eli Federation".
I'd like the following claim to be made for the Tellusian Republic

I'd also request that the Caillte claim is placed near mine, as they were also a human empire and have a shared history with us.
Could you possibly put my claim in this area? It’s for the Siezon Empire. It doesn’t matter to me if it borders another claim or not. 170 systems, please. And, finally, please color it red/dark red. Thanks! :P
Apologies about the earlier post (thank you for deleting it)

I'd like to claim the below for the Leviathan-Avalonian Federation. Please feel free to edit the borders to make it less err, vine-y. Thank you very much!

Could I please move my claim to this small spot here? Just naming it "The Leviathan" is fine. Thank you!

To boldy go where no astrographer has gone before...

So, I know that this has been basically dead for awhile now, but since I've taken over for Iraelia I thought I might as well do a map update. The majority of claims on hold are due to activity concerns.

- Ulalume Empire

- Keim? Shugi-Sha

Imperial Sau'eli Federation -> Constantinus Imperium
Tellusian Republic -> NPC
Leviathan-Avalonian Federation -> The Leviathan, moved to new claim.

On Hold
- Free Venra Commonwealth. Activity Concerns.
- Deropia. Activity Concerns.

- Polar Arc. Please submit a proper claim.
I would like to claim the place between the machinus, siezon empire, and tellusian republic in sector 6 & 10
And name it Blood Arc Empire
To Inaius...and Beyond!

This is my first map update, though I've been an Astrographer for a while. I hope it's all right. :P

- Alanician Alliance
- Axlon Network

- None

- None

On Hold
- Blood Arc Empire. Activity Concerns.

- None
Polar Arc:
Activity concerns?
We’d simply like to make sure you'll actually RP, and not just go inactive after getting on the map. That’s the only concern. The same goes for Berkowitzia.
I'd like to expand the Leviathan's claim per the picture below:
