Continent Names

So, I see a few posts in here that say that it would be unfair to me to name a continent Gathas or anything similar because of me not being Gotic. Personally, it doesn't bother me that much and I will go along with whatever they wanna call it. That's just my two cents.
Well, then there's no issue :P
The islands in the southwest that Esplandia is on had a name suggested by Nightsong. He calls it Icenia. I'm going to put that one forward as the official name as I like it. I was just calling them the Western Isles.
I think Icenia is a good name too, for what it's worth :D
I also like Icenia.
I'd like to hear McM's opinion on the South Eastern continent too. So far I just simply called it the Southern Continent.
Help with old Native-American-esq language would be helpful.
I'd like to hear McM's opinion on the South Eastern continent too. So far I just simply called it the Southern Continent.
Help with old Native-American-esq language would be helpful.
One Native American name you could use is Kanza which means 'people of the south wind'. Seeing as it is a real life tribe in North America, I'd say you could use some variation of the name... something like Kanzia, Kanzi. Though it really is up to you and the others on that continent.
That could work... I'll let that name run around my mind for a bit. But I'd still like McM and anyone else who might be active to voice their opinions before the final decision.
I, for one, think the continent McM and Then are on should be called Kian, after the Kianese Empire.
I'd like to hear McM's opinion on the South Eastern continent too. So far I just simply called it the Southern Continent.
Help with old Native-American-esq language would be helpful.
Iirc, it's called Kian
In my opinion, regarding that continent, I feel that naming it in such manner would be on par with calling the Northwestern continent Goy or Andy or Nord or (shudder) Nin. Not to mention the bulk of McMasterdonia is on Meterra, not the southern continent. In addition, McM has not roleplayed in a significant amount of time. Those are my two cents (unless Then is ok with it).

In my opinion, regarding that continent, I feel that naming it in such manner would be on par with calling the Northwestern continent Goy or Andy or Nord or (shudder) Nin. Not to mention the bulk of McMasterdonia is on Meterra, not the southern continent. In addition, McM has not roleplayed in a significant amount of time. Those are my two cents (unless Then is ok with it).

Iirc, Kianese was also a race, one thats population outweighs most other nations on the continent. With that being said, I believe the problems that you outline for that continent are the exact same ones that exist for the name y'all suggested for the Northwestern Continent. I personally am fine with both names, just think that it's a little hypocritical. :P
Thank y'all for your information. It helps solidify my opinion that McM should help decide. If his people had come into contact with my people in the pre-colonial years, and may even have had a conflict or two over land-ownership, that would affect my nation's history as well as the In-Character relations between us.

It doesn't even matter that he doesn't RP anymore, I want McM to talk to me. :(
Thank y'all for your information. It helps solidify my opinion that McM should help decide. If his people had come into contact with my people in the pre-colonial years, and may even have had a conflict or two over land-ownership, that would affect my nation's history as well as the In-Character relations between us.

It doesn't even matter that he doesn't RP anymore, I want McM to talk to me. :(


Happy to chat to you about it. Telegram or forum PM is the best way to get me to notice any particular thread. Given your proximity to my nation, we could discuss how you'd fit into my history.

That aside, I would be happy for it to be called Kian, given that this was the name of my continent on the last map and most of the nations at that time were part of the Kianese empire at some point or another. However i am open to alternatives.

In my opinion, regarding that continent, I feel that naming it in such manner would be on par with calling the Northwestern continent Goy or Andy or Nord or (shudder) Nin. Not to mention the bulk of McMasterdonia is on Meterra, not the southern continent. In addition, McM has not roleplayed in a significant amount of time. Those are my two cents (unless Then is ok with it).

Iirc, Kianese was also a race, one thats population outweighs most other nations on the continent. With that being said, I believe the problems that you outline for that continent are the exact same ones that exist for the name y'all suggested for the Northwestern Continent. I personally am fine with both names, just think that it's a little hypocritical. :P

I have not RP'd this year, just to be clear. Which given my time in NS, is not that long really.

The kianese certainly along with those from Imperium helped to spread their religion and their trade language (Mercanti throughout the world). Certainly a significant influence in the grand scheme of things.
So, iirc, here's what I think we have so far for names:








I, for one, motion for a Eras-RP-community-wide vote to decide which names we'll use and to affirm any uncontested names.
Would Archlancer Island (the large one that me and Archegnum are on) be technically considered part of the "North-Center" Continet?
McM and I have been in discussion recently. And now I think it'd be a good idea that Kian be the normal Mercanti name for the South-eastern continent, while Kianza would be an old and less used tribal Thenacan translation.
Would Archlancer Island (the large one that me and Archegnum are on) be technically considered part of the "North-Center" Continet?
I would argue not. It's much closer to Meterra. Part of Archegnum is even ON Meterra.
I am still in favor of retaining Collandris as the name for the Island/Continent that Xen and I are on and I like the name proposed for the SW continent that McM, Thenica, and St Owhela are on being Kian.
I am still in favor of retaining Collandris as the name for the Island/Continent that Xen and I are on...
Can you tell us about the origin of the name Collandris? Does it have any significant meaning?
On the subject of Collandris the continental/giant island name Xen and I sit upon:

Collandris is the archaic version of the word for Calandria in the old tongue of the settlers of this land. A Calandria is a piece of equipment used for beer making. This references the fact that the settlers of the continent were beer makers and it was and still is an important part of the culture of the people on this continent.

Some of the ancient brewers were medicine men for their communities, dosing their beers with medicinals. Traces of sage and thyme, which contain anti-cancer properties, were found in ancient beer jars. Similarly wormwood, which also has cancer-fighting agents, has been found in ancient rice wines. Although they didn't know all the details, beer contains high B vitamin content, and the essential amino acid lysine, along with it being a safe drink as the brewing process kills off bacteria and viruses, they could recognize that those who drank the beer were healthier. Beer helped to build community relations, build community in its production, and helped to safeguard the community against illness.
Community consensus will be sought when we start to sum up. Happily, we'll be keeping this open for another week or so as well.
I vote Avignia for the North Eastern continent. The name was originated from the latin phrase "avem ignis", which translates to "bird of fire", the closest possible translation for the word "Phoenix".

"Avem Ignis" was shortened to "Avignis" and then the final form "Avignia".

The reasoning behind a Phoenix-Related name is the existence of the Phoenix Strait, and it's corresponding alliance. These names would make most sense if the continent name fit such a theme.

Source: Created the name "Avignia"
I vote Avignia for the North Eastern continent. The name was originated from the latin phrase "avem ignis", which translates to "bird of fire", the closest possible translation for the word "Phoenix".

"Avem Ignis" was shortened to "Avignis" and then the final form "Avignia".

The reasoning behind a Phoenix-Related name is the existence of the Phoenix Strait, and it's corresponding alliance. These names would make most sense if the continent name fit such a theme.

Source: Created the name "Avignia"
THANK YOU! I was wondering where I had remembered the name from. I forgot you had created it, btw- thanks for that too. :P
So it looks like most of the continent names have been settled thus far... Kian, Icenia, Collandris, Iteria and Meterra are all but confirmed.

The last two we need to figure out are the northwest continent (the one where Goy, Nin, Andy, Cojedes, Lore and Gotmark are) and the northeast continent (the one where Cogoria, Kanada and others is).

For the NW continent, it looks to be between Gathas, Gothas and Gothis.

For the NE continent, it looks to be between Avignia, Craviter and Cavitria.

While I understand the reasoning behind wanting to use the name Avignia, I do have to ask... how long has the strait actually been known as the Phoenix Strait? I ask this because as Cog pointed out, the majority of the nations that are currently on that NE continent are either monarchies or have been monarchies at some point in their history. Hence his suggestion to use the name Craviter or Cavitria which is an augmentation of the Latin phrase coronávit terram, meaning crowned land. I personally like the name Cavitria the best but I'm not on the continent so my vote probably doesn't carry much weight...
The name “Phoenix Strait” PREDATES the current map. It was first used as the name for a strait between the Empire and Guslantis on the old map. I started using it for the strait that now has the name when the new map came out, and it stuck.
And I'm not debating what we name the strait, the name Phoenix Strait is already very well established in RP canon and won't change. What I am debating is the name of the continent... do we name it after the strait (which admittedly has been in use for a long while across various iterations of the map) or do we name it after the fact that the majority of nations on said continent are either historically monarchies or had monarchies at one point. My question was asking which is older in the timeline, the use of the name Phoenix Strait or the monarchies themselves? And I apologize if my question wasn't clear the first time around.
It's a retroactive type thing. Having the continent be named Avignia would give IC reason to have the names Phoenix Strait and Phoenix Union. The continent itself would most likely be named after folklore, IE primitive peoples who believed in spirits and beings such as Phoenixes.
Except for the fact that about half of the nations on that continent do not actually border / are on the Phoenix Strait (7 on the strait versus 10 not on the strait).
I vote Craviter for the North Eastern continent name. Like Nightsong said, technically a majority of people on the continent aren't even on the Phoenix straight.
Except for the fact that about half of the nations on that continent do not actually border / are on the Phoenix Strait (7 on the strait versus 10 not on the strait).
8 on the straight
Except for the fact that about half of the nations on that continent do not actually border / are on the Phoenix Strait (7 on the strait versus 10 not on the strait).
8 on the straight
You were removed from the map, and your opinion is not valid.

flakey pls stahp
SAA Kanada:
Except for the fact that about half of the nations on that continent do not actually border / are on the Phoenix Strait (7 on the strait versus 10 not on the strait).
8 on the straight
You were removed from the map, and your opinion is not valid.

flakey pls stahp
No, The nations are Cogoria, Maloria, Syrixia, Xen, Lorbank, Esroniet, EC, and Kasch.
SAA Kanada:
Except for the fact that about half of the nations on that continent do not actually border / are on the Phoenix Strait (7 on the strait versus 10 not on the strait).
8 on the straight
You were removed from the map, and your opinion is not valid.

flakey pls stahp
No, The nations are Cogoria, Maloria, Syrixia, Xen, Lorbank, Esroniet, EC, and Kasch.
also you cant stop the flakey
Xentherida, alongside Ceretis, are on the Collandris continent and are not relevant at the moment to the conversation at hand on what to name the northeast continent.
Question... How was it determined that the body of water currently known as the Phoenix Strait became known as such?
The Phoenix Strait on the old map was named because both Guslantis and Syrixia, two nations that pretty much had control over the strait, both were nations that “rose from the ashes” similar to that of a Phoenix, and hence the strait was named that, like Nightsong mentioned, Syrixia took the name with him during the reset. Nightsong originally suggested the term, and being the laid-back person that I am, agreed to the naming.

I do not however, believe that the whole continent should be named like the strait. I think the name Phoenix is already heavily used, with both the Union and the Strait being named as such, and naming it *shocker* after a Phoenix is just stupid, to be blunt, and I don’t feel is entirely representative of the entire continent.
I'm not on this continent so feel free to disregard me on this one, but I'd like to throw in my agreement with Bootsie here. The majority of the nations on the continent are not along the strait (an imbalance that will likely only increase as the continent is filled out). It's an important strait, no doubt, but from a historical perspective so is the strait where Imperium Augustum is on the other side of the continent and I think it gets plenty of recognition as-is where it doesn't really warrant the whole continent also being named after it.

If any landmass should be named after the strait it could be the smaller continent/island that Xen, Ceretis, and Syr are on as it's encompassed on two sides with roughly half its coastline and every nation bordering the strait at some point.
Craviter for the Northeast would be my preference.


As for the Northwest? I prefer Gothis for aesthetic reasons.