Pan-Gotic Union

Vote to Suspend the Kingdom of Andrenne from the PGU
Vote: < Yes >
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Vote to Suspend the Kingdom of Andrenne from the PGU
Commonwealth of Yalkan
Vote: < Abstain >
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Vote to Suspend the Kingdom of Andrenne from the PGU
Nation: Prydania
< Yes >
Prince Harris dug his fingers into his eyes to try to wake himself up. He had, thankfully, not been recognised on his excursion into the Xentheridan nightlife, but a few more nights like that might just kill him. He needed a hobby that kept him away from drunken nights out. Maybe Haevar could recommend something. He became briefly aware of two aides having a whispered conversation behind him and decided to pay attention. Neither of the two were budging from their position but they both did not sound sure that their position was right.

Harris tried to get the Chair's attention. "Before Gotmark casts a vote there is a procedural issue that we would like clarity over. The PGU constitution does not note what kind of majority is needed for a suspension to pass. Legislation is a simple majority. Admission three quarters. Suspension? It's neither, but also both, in that a suspension could be looked at as legislation taking an action - i.e. an act to suspend Andrenne from the PGU - but it also pertains to membership, and the only majority the constitution speaks about in terms of membership is a three quarters one.

We ask what approach the Chair is taking to suspension votes."
"I would be willing to concede to a three-quarters majority vote to remove a member from the PGU, in line with the precedent of admission" Frost replied tersely.
"We are not voting to remove Andrenne though. We are voting to suspend them. Their hypothetical reinstatement would be along the same lines- simple majority vote. If we're reinstatin' them via a simple majority, we should only need a simple majority to suspend 'em."
"The Gotmarker delegation thanks the chair for the clarification, and would welcome legislative proposals to set that clarification down in law for future situations. On the current subject, we cast the following vote."

Vote to Suspend the Kingdom of Andrenne from the PGU
Nation: Gotmark
Vote Totals:
For Votes 8

Against Votes 0

Abstentions 5
Vestrugat Federation

"With a vote of eight to zero with five abstentions...the Kingdom of Andrenne is hereby suspended from the Pan-Gotic Union, temporarily stripped of its privileges of membership, and relieved of responsibilities towards it. This suspension can, and I hope will, be reversed by a simple majority of member nations in the future. May peace return to Gothis, and may Andrenne and those aidin' them, someday retreat from the madness they've embarked on."
"Now we have a bit to get to but let's face facts. I was made Deputy Chancellor for a specific reason, to help wrangle votes for the last Chancellor. His abrupt departure put me in a position I nor anyone here expected. I did my duty, seeing us through an immediate crisis. With that settled I'm goin' to be honest about my intentions. I'm goin' to name Jorgen Årnad of Goyanes my Deputy Chancellor. And I'm going to then resign. Mr. Årnad has led this body before, and you all stand more to gain from him then me. I will resume my post as the Kingdom of Prydania's representative once Mr. Årnad is in place. So without any further ceremony, I hereby name Jorgen Årnad my Deputy Chancellor, effective immediately. And I now resign as Chancellor."

Ronnie Frost stood, shook Jorgen Årnad's hand, and took his seat at the desk reserved for the Prydanian delegation.
Jorgen shook Frost's hand. He was a nice man. Standing at the podium, he fondly remembered the first time he addressed the union.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I wish I could be up here on more pleasant circumstances. But I have led this union through thick and thin, and I'll do it again. However, we have business to attend to, specifically two applicant proposals that were brushed aside due to the incident with Andrenne. Discussion is hereby now open on the applications for both Hessunland and Alliaronia."

He took a sip from his glass of water.

"In addition I would like to name Prince Harris of Gotmark to be my deputy, should he accept. Once discussion and voting is complete I will summon an election as well, seeing as we are overdue."

He sat back down, opening the floor to debate.
Mr. Løfgren slammed his hand on the desk in front of him whilst standing up quickly.

"I motion for a vote! For he Hessunland! For Alliaronia!"

He sat back down in silence.
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Sylvi smirked.

"Valland seconds the motions for both. Hessunland has shown much potential and willingness to participate cooperatively on the world stage, and the Alliaronians are the brothers and sisters of the Vallish people. We support the entry of both states unequivocally."
Årnad stood.

"The motion and seconding have been noted. The voting period has now begun."

Admission of Hessunland:[/b] < Yea | Nay | Abstain >
[b]Admission of Alliaronia:[/b] < Yea | Nay | Abstain >
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Nation: Prydania
Admission of Hessunland: < Yea >
Admission of Alliaronia: < Yea >
Nation: Valland
Admission of Hessunland: < Yea >
Admission of Alliaronia: < Yea >
Nation: Commonwealth of Yalkan
Admission of Hessunland: < Yea >
Admission of Alliaronia: < Yea >
Nation: Mintoria
Admission of Hessunland: < Yea >
Admission of Alliaronia: < Yea >
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Nation: The Imperial Federation of the Vestrugat
Admission of Hessunland: < Nay >
Admission of Alliaronia: < Nay >
"In addition I would like to name Prince Harris of Gotmark to be my deputy, should he accept. Once discussion and voting is complete I will summon an election as well, seeing as we are overdue."
Prince Harris did a double-take at Jorgen Årnad's words. This was unexpected, but it would raise eyebrows and heckles back home if he refused. He composed himself before rising to his feet.

"This is as surprising as it is honouring. On behalf of the Grand Duchy, I accept."

Nation: Gotmark
Admission of Hessunland: < Yea >
Admission of Alliaronia: < Yea >
Årnad stood.

"Both motions pass. Please welcome Alliaronia and Hessunland to the Pan-Gotic Union."

He took a glass of water.

"We are overdue for an election. As such, I am opening candidacy declarations. Candidacy declarations will last four days."
Årnad stood again.

"Well seeing as nobody has put their name into the running I shall volunteer my name forwards. I will also re-extend the period for declarations another four days."
An unnerving silence seemed to descend upon the PGU hall, with nobody stepping up to speak to deliver their speech first. Mats took a swig of water, building his courage. Might as well be the first one to speak.

He stood, clearing his throat, then spoke. “This year we have seen the world descend into an alarming amount of chaos and conflict. From Dučrijeka and Andrenne, to the Vestrugatia and Kaludgar, the border conflicts between Predice and New Aleman, and now a new war between the Imperium Epiphani and Yamatau, it’s clear to see Eras is on a dark path, and it’s something I believe the PGU needs to step in and intervene in. Especially after humanitarian disasters such as the indiscriminate bombardment of Kosada, it is imperative that the PGU becomes a stronger force for good to at least offset the terrible suffering now upon this planet.”

“The proposals I would like the PGU to focus on range from relief for civilians - such as with increased civilian medical aid, airdropping of vital supplies, Union-wide peacekeeping operations, and the establishment of civilian safe-zones - to more forceful intervention such as the heavy promotion and hosting of peace talks, arms embargoes, or even organisation-wide economic sanctions against warring states to economically force them to come to a peaceful solution; an extreme option, but still an option nonetheless.”

“Additionally, with the recent arrest of Kurt Ventur Jr, there’s almost certainly a power vacuum created in the arms smuggling network, and it is essential that the PGU crack down on arms smuggling while it’s still fractured and disorganised if it wants any attempt to de-escalate global conflicts. This would be just one measure of ways to suppress the economic capacity of warring states, reducing bloodshed and ensuring this dark era the world is entering is as short as it could possibly be.”

He took a second to breathe, before continuing. “It is absolutely critical that this wave of instability is halted as soon as it can be, and this can only be accomplished with the full cooperation of each of the member states here today. I hope, no matter the result of this election, that at least the PGU comes out this year with a coherent and unified response to this bloodshed. However, I do hope that you delegates assembled here vote for me to serve as Speaker, holding the first Xentheridan elected term, to turn the tide of violence and foster peace and stability within nations worldwide.”

He sat back down, taking a final sip of water, but after putting the glass down he noticed it was full again. Maybe that was why there was a never ending supply, and how everyone seemed to perpetually sipping.
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[OOC: for RL reasons I can't have the burden of writing a PGU speech at this time, so I'm moving the election forward.]

Voting has commenced:


PGU Chancellor:[/b] <Jorgen Årnad | Mats Odenburg>