Court Bulletin Board & General Information

Since it gave rise to some confusion, I will clarify for the record that Eluvatar takes the Court's seat on the Bar Commission (This was what I meant to convey with the wording 'Judicial Bar Commissioner'). This seat was previously held by Lord Dominator while they were on the Court as Justice, hence, Eluvatar is selected in place of Lord Dominator.
The Court also has to nominate a citizen to sit on the Bar Commission, and this nomination is subject to a confirmation vote by the Regional Assembly. The Court has nominated Lord Dominator, who takes the place of Vivanco after Vivanco's resignation from the Bar Commission.

I apologise for the confusion I caused, and I hope that this clarification helps alleviate it.
I am standing down as THO due to time constraints - I thank the Court for appointing me to assist them in their duties thus far, and wish them the best of luck going forward.
The latest cases before the Court have revealed a need to revise the Court Procedures. The Justices have come to a unanimous agreement on the following addition to the Procedures:
Chapter 7: Recusal of the Chief Justice
  1. In any matter where the Chief Justice is recused, if that matter requires the Chief Justice to take actions, the remaining justices and Temporary Hearing Officers will promptly designate from among themselves a Justice or Hearing Officer to carry out those actions.
The Court has elected me to serve as Chief Justice for the term.

As Chief Justice I have received notice of the selection of @TlomzKrano as Court Examiner, and I hereby confirm their appointment. TlomzKrano please take your oath.
The Court, spearheaded by Justice Pallaith, has amended the Court Rulings Index to list pertinent information in a clearer and more readily accessible manner. The new Index gives a brief overview on the results of the cases alongside any subsequent changes in status.
As a part of that work, some cases have been renamed to fit within the style that the Court has been developing. The renamed cases, and their former names, are as follows:

18. On the Constitutionality of Prohibiting Sedition has been renamed to On Prohibiting Sedition
22. On the Constitutionality of the Minor Error Clause has been renamed to On the Minor Error Clause
24. On the Constitutionality of the Intelligence Exception to the Freedom of Information Act has been renamed to On the Intelligence Exception to the Freedom of Information Act
36. On the Permanence of Rejected Applications for the Regional Assembly has been renamed to On the Permanence of Rejected Applications for the RA
40. On Promptness and the Time at which Regional Assembly Membership Begins and Ends has been renamed to On Promptness and the Time at which RA Membership Begins and Ends
41. On the Physical Representation of Outdated Rulings on Requests for Review has been renamed to On Recognizing Outdated Rulings
42. On the Recusal of Justice Funkadelia from an Ongoing Request for Review has been renamed to On the Recusal of Justice Funkadelia
44. On Regional Assembly Oversight of the North Pacific Armed Forces has been renamed to On RA Oversight of the North Pacific Armed Forces
49. On a Regional Officer Banning Nations during NationStates Events has been renamed to On Regional Officers Banning Nations during NationStates Events
52. On the Ability of the Court to Review RA Proposals has been renamed to On Court Review of Prior Court Rulings
53. On the Validity of a Previous Ruling has been renamed to On the Reconsideration of Court Review of Prior Court Rulings
58. On the Sentence issued by the Court in the Case of The North Pacific v. Whole India has been renamed to On the Authentication of Images in Criminal Trials
60. On the Form of the Oath of a Delegate has been renamed to On the Form of the Delegate's Oath
62. On the Constitutionality of Vague Laws and Gross Misconduct has been renamed to On Vague Laws and Responsible Action
65. On the Constitutionality of the Reject Fascism Act has been renamed to On the Restriction of Citizenship Due to Illegal Affiliation
69. On the Delegate's Authority to Issue Sanctions has been renamed to On the Definition of Treaties and the Delegate's Authority to Sanction Residents

The Court wishes to highlight the immense work done by Justice Pallaith in an effort to make the Court, and the Court's cases, more accessible.
As discussed in the Court's request for feedback from the public, the Court has now implemented a list of people who are available to serve as Temporary Hearing Officers. The list is intended to replace the informal shortlist that previous Courts have operated with, and open up an avenue for interested citizens to gain judicial experience.
I felt it was appropriate to post this here, as it is an announcement pertaining to the Court. Due to my appointment as Minister of Foreign Affairs for the upcoming term, I must regrettably step down from the Court once again. I am sorry I could not have been more present in the last month, as duty forced me to be absent for a time, and duty has called me again, but this time without the benefit of simply being set aside temporarily. Even if it were such a situation, I would still resign, as I do not want the Court to continue to have an absent member when the region can choose someone more permanent to step into the role. I do love the work we do on the Court and I looked forward to diving in deeper and being part of the reforms we have been working on. Attempted Socialism is doing a great job in this area and I am glad many of these things are finally happening, whether it is Court procedure or revisiting outdated rulings. Keep up the good work, and someday down the road perhaps I will be back and be a part of it again. Apologies in advance for the special election we will now have to have!
As I am recused in the request for review arising from the trial of TNP v. KEKISTON, GrandEngland, the appointed Standby Hearing Officer shall take my place for the request for review. @Simone please take your oath.
The Court has unanimously agreed to nominate @Just a Lore as Bar Commissioner, subject to a confirmation vote by the Regional Assembly.
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I have a question. My nation got banned from TNP, I feel as if the ban was unjust. What do I do.
The Court has chosen me to be the Chief Justice for the July 2024 judicial term.

The Court has chosen @Vivanco to serve as the judicial bar commissioner.

I would also like to announce the formation of a pilot clerk program. Inspired by the old Speaker staff, I will be putting out a call for anyone interested in future Court service or learning more about the region’s legal system and case law. This will have its own thread, similar to our call for THOs. I will explain some of the specifics in that thread, but the gist of it is I will quiz the clerks on legal matters, ask them to prepare mock documents and arguments, and spend additional time going over our region’s legal history and practices. Hopefully, if we get good participation and the program is successful in contributing to legal education and conditioning better prospective candidates for justice, we can make it more permanent and formal in our Court organization. If not, hopefully everyone will be on the same page as to the efficacy and wisdom of such an idea.