The Nogorian Government accepts and thanks the Anarchy Government for their aid in these desperate timesMystery Player:The Anarchy Government, is willing to pay out $3.2 billion values (NSEconomy seems down, can't convert currency) to the Nogori government to help support the war against the rebels. However, no troops will be sent at this time.
The Nogorian Government happily accepts the ten million Shilats and grants the nation of Kalatun permission for unarmed reconnaissanceKalatun:In Kalatun:
Following a National Assembly vote of 354/480 and a Senate pass of 103/132, the Kalatunian government wishes to send $10 Million Shilats (tied with value of Lorbankian Shilling/Shilat) to the government of Nogori, in an attempt to strengthen relations between the two nations. Kalatun also requests unarmed air reconnaissance over areas of interest/rebel-held areas in Nogori on behalf of the Nogori government.
However, the National Assembly declined the use of any weapons on the Communist rebels, with a vote of 121/480, and as such, Kalatun cannot offer armed aerial support.
"Think of it as a foreign investment", said Hans Evotkie, Socialist Representative of Valbeoch's 3rd District, in front of the National Assembly. "We can assist a nation in need of help, and in return, strengthen our regional status, and make a diplomatic friend upon the way". The National Assembly were quietly chatting with each other as his words rang out.
The quiet chatter broke: "Yes, this would be a good idea, you see", said Elinor Trigos, Socialist Representative of Rodaris' 5th District. "As a Socialist Nation, and not a Communist one, we need to show the world that we do not approve of Communism, specifically; Communist rebellions against fully-functioning nations. We have long been opposed to Communism, as well as violence. I'm sure that ten million Shilats is no big ask to help improve international relations."
At this point, the chatting became loud talking, especially from the Conservative side of the National Assembly, where many seemed to agree wholeheartedly.
Roland Kullas, Prime Minister of Kalatun, rose and said: "All in favour of 10 Million Shilats of aid to Nogori and reconnaissance missions from out airforce say 'aye' and raise your hand." The overwhelming majority of the National Assembly, it seemed, supported this. "All not in favour of 10 Million Shilats of aid to Nogori and reconnaissance missions from our airforce say 'nay' and raise your hand." This time, the presence was much fewer.
The National Assembly was in silence as the votes were counted up, and Roland Kullas announced: "Motion passed: three-hundred and fifty four out of four-hundred and eighty".
By the end of the day, the Senate had also voted in favour of this proposed diplomatic interest action.
"Are you sure this is the right decision?", Roland Kullas said to Aputsiaq Jeremiassen, President of Kalatun, in President Jeremiassen's office, that evening.
"It is what was democratically agreed on", replied Jeremiassen.
"Now we wait for Nogorian approval or rejection".
The nation of Nogori happily accepts the Jacksonville humanitarian aidJacksonville:Council of the Republic, National Assembly building, East Jacksonville City.
A special session of the Council of the Republic is being held today following the votes in the house and Senate to give humanitarian assistance to Nogori. All 300 members have gathered for this session eager to help another nation.
"Members of the Council of the Republic, today, we are here to decide on whether we will give humanitarian aid to the Nation of Nogori." , begins Yuri Nikosovich, President of the Council of the Republic. "I open the floor for formal debate."
" Members of this Council, I believe that it is our duty to send humanitarian aid to a nation in need of it. ", says Pastor and Councillor Aliaksandr Byerov. "It is our responsibility to help Nogori. I feel that God is saying that we should."
Councillor Svetlana Joksamova walks up to the stand and begins to speak. "My fellow Councillors, i agree with the words of the pastor. It is our duty to help out Nogori and I will donate to the cause myself. i hope that you will all join me in supporting the bill before us. I make a motion to vote."
The President of the Council speaks up and asks if there is a second. All of the sudden, Dmitry Lokomtov speaks up and seconds the motion. The President instructs them to begin voting. After five minutes of voting, the vote comes back 293-0-7.
"The bill to send humanitarian aid to Nogori passes the Council of the Republic with 293 votes in favor and 7 abstentions. I hereby call upon the President of Jacksonville to begin sending the aid to Nogori."
An hour later, President Nico Astanov signs the bill into force which allows for the Jacksonville Humanitarian Council and the Jacksonville Crisis Center to begin sending aid to the nations. They will begin arriving later this week.
(OOC: I have talked to Nogori about the aid btw. This is not a spur of the moment post.)
The Nogorian Government thanks Jacksonville for their aid and help in these times of division and depressionJacksonville:Midnight. Classified location.
Jacksonian An-124's have flown from Northern Jacksonville into Andrenne as part of an agreement between the two nations to allow for the medical and humanitarian aid to be given to Nogori. The planes are all loaded up and are ready for takeoff.
"Commander Kolyana, I can report that the An124's are ready to go.", begins Lt. Tatiana Sokalova. "Shall we give them the green light to go?"
The Commander stands up and responds, "Yes Tatiana. Give them the orders for takeoff. Lets get this aid rolling." The commander watches as the planes takeoff into the dark sky. " There they go. The first humanitarian aid from Jacksonville to any other nation. Keep a constant eye on them. Make sure they arrive. "
"Of course Commander. I will oversee the operation." , responds the Lt.
The Commander returns to the command center and informs President Astanov that the planes are now heading for Nogori with the aid from the Jacksonville Crisis Center.
12:30AM. JN Admiral Alexandrov and JN Jacksonville
The Jacksonville Navy is preparing to help send aid to Nogori, but this time from the Jacksonville Humanitarian Council. This aid will be sent from two aircraft carriers, the Admiral Alexandrov and the Jacksonville. This is the first test of the Admiral Alexandrov as it was just commissioned on January 8th. Nonetheless, they are loaded with An-26's an An-124's that are fully packed with food, water, and medical supplies. Before the takeoff, the lead Admirals of both ships are communicating to ensure that conditions are stable for flight.
"Admiral Dagarnov, the planes on the Jacksonville are loaded and are ready for takeoff. Weather conditions are excellent right now. I think we should let them begin sending the aid." , says Admiral Lyazorovich, First Admiral of the JN Jacksonville.
"I agree Admiral. The conditions are excellent right now but we are not ready yet to begin sending the aid. Our planes are still loading up. Go ahead and send yours. We will join in as soon as we can." responds Admiral Dagarnov, First Admiral of the JN Admiral Alexandrov.
" Whatever you say Admiral. We will start sending the supplies to Nogori and we hope you will join in soon. "
A few moments later, planes from the JN Jacksonville takeoff and head towards the Nogorian capital. 30 planes takeoff in all. After the Jackdo's aircraft has gone, the Admiral Alexandrov begins to let their planes fly to some of the major cities. Doctors are in the planes as well and are going to give as much medical care as possible.
The Lands of Anarchy Military will send 20,000 troops to Nogori to replace the Ninhundish force. More troops may be sent later.Ninhundland:As due to current event the Ninhundish Army has decided to leave Nogori because of the issues its created with the NWU and other nations. The Ninhundish Government called this a "Frachenlos" (Ninhundish Adjective roughly translating to Question Less) Choice.
Empire of XagillForeign Affairs Department
A statement from the Department of Foreign Affairs:
The Xagillian Government and Emperor Alexander XXVIII condemn the communist rebels.
We support King Judicael Magnus Axsel and his legitimite government which we believe are the legitimite rulers of Nogori
Thus if the government needs any army personal from Xagill, we shall honor the request.
In the meantime we shall send some humanitarian aid to the country.