[At Vote]: Repeal "Quarantine Regulation" [Complete]


Repeal "Quarantine Regulation"

A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Category: Repeal

Resolution: GA#385

Proposed by: Umeria

Description: WA General Assembly Resolution #385: Quarantine Regulation (Category: Health; Area of Effect: Healthcare) shall be struck out and rendered null and void.

Argument: The World Assembly,

Understanding that the logistics of quarantines raise many issues due to the individual's needs conflicting with society's;

Acknowledging that the resolution puts a number of measures into place which fixes some of these issues and improves the standards of quarantines;

Regretting that 385 GA fails to cover many issues involving medical ethics and medicine within a quarantine;

Questioning whether the resolution's four point definition of "treatment" is malleable enough to cover untested methods or procedures;

Concerned that 385 GA requires any appropriate treatment available to be given to infected persons regardless of whether the treatment would, as a side effect, permanently cripple the person;

Unsettled by the resolution's mandate to put infected persons in the nearest quarantine to them, causing drastic displacement if a person happened to be far away from their home at the time;

Distraught by 385 GA's complete lack of information on what constitutes appropriate force when restraining infected persons attempting to escape a quarantine;

Believing that the resolution does not properly address these matters, and skims many central issues on the topic of quarantines;

Worried that 385 GA makes it extremely difficult to pass further legislation on ethical problems as pertaining to quarantines;

Hoping to clear the hastiness of the resolution from these halls and pass a new resolution that fills the gaping hole 385 GA created;

Hereby repeals "Quarantine Regulation".


The author of the target resolution is the author of this repeal, which speaks volumes about whether or not this repeal effort ought to succeed. This repeal is being done with the aim of replacing the current resolution with a superior version, one that would address the mandates that do more harm than good. As it stands, the resolution overburdens nations by trying to do too much without regard for the most effective way each individual nation could apply its principles. Further review was not only warranted, it was desired by the author, and is not the final vision for this proposal that the author intended. As it is so clearly the aim of the author and the resolution's proponents to see the most perfect version of this resolution possible and they themselves do not believe this is it, we need not concern ourselves solely with the individual merits of the resolution.

For these reasons, the Ministry of World Assembly Affairs recommends a vote for the resolution.
Voting on this resolution has ended.

Thanks to those nations who cast their votes. Your participation is a great help to the region.

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