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Election Saga Ends: The Downfall of the Greens
Election Results are in and a Purple Wave has struck Ilia. The Democratic March Coalition has picked up enough seats to form a Majority Government in all 3 of the Constituent Republics and the Coalition. Before the Snap Elections with the Union of Liberals and Greens abandoning the government the Parliaments of Itrea, Icetio and the Coalition were hung and without any hope of forming even a Minority Government.

This election has been a major miscalculation for the ULG, despite only contesting seats in Itrea and Icetio they had been riding high since the election in 2016 holding the second largest number of seats. With public perception plummeting over their abandoning of their supply agreement they lost over six million votes and fell to fourth place which has been a major boon for the SU and CVP, enough for the SU to intentionally steer more support to their coalition partners the CL.

Prime Minister Elections are planned for later in the month but with the Democratic March maintaining the Government little is expected to change.

Party NamePolitical BlocSeats Before Election
(Local/State/City - Total)
Seats After Election
(Local/State/City - Total)
Seat ChangeVotesShare of Votes
Socialist UnionDemocratic March178/24/14 - 216202/26/14 - 242+2636,226,25539.47%
Commonsense Voter's PartyCentre-Core Group93/12/6 - 111104/15/6 - 126+1518,919,72020.62%
Communist LeagueDemocratic March61/8/7 - 76104/15/6 - 125+3615,580,74016.98%
Union of Liberals & GreensCentre-Core Group97/11/5 - 11363/9/5 - 77-3611,216,77512.22%
Party of the RepublicUnited Right!56/6/0 - 6240/1/0 - 41-217,267,8107.92%
Non-Partisan AllianceUnited Right!32/4/1 - 3714/2/1 - 17-202,560,2502.79%
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Norsian Commonwealth News Network

THe Norsian Autobahn is restored and open for unrestricted civilian use.

During the Norsian Great War the Autobahn was subjected to brutality in various areas in various ways, some parts of it were mined some shelled out by artillery or tanks during battle.
Thanks to the efforts of the HRI and the Ministry of Development damage to the autobahn network and the minefields have been undone and the autobahn is safe to be traversed by non military non tracked vehicles allowing civilians and military alike to travel through the country unhindered once again.

This freeing of resources and the re-establishment of proper logistical routes will no doubt serve to be an immense boon for Norsia with plans to expand it in a later years already being drafted.

For those who don't know, have kids watching or are peering in at Norsia with a looking glass, The Norsian Autobahn is a vast high speed 2, 4, and 6 lane road network that acts as the arteries of Norsia, allowing for easy. fast and direct travel to all of our major towns and cities. It connects Lusovo in the east to Lenefels in the west. the first phase of the Autobahns initial construction began in 1922 and completed in 1933 with its second and then final phase 2 having started in 1934 and having been completed in 1940.

On the Emperor's fiftieth birthday, as the Empire and Commonwealth celebrate, foreign aid planes finally set out for Norsia.
SNN News | By: Suresh Jandhan | Posted: April 19, T.A. 2018


A cargo plane, one of many, en route to Norsia carrying foreign aid supplies.

PATALIPUTRA, SYRIXIAN EMPIRE- As the New Year rolled in, the Norsian Commonwealth delivered a response, penned personally by its monarch, Queen Alycia Severyn, to a letter penned by the State Department, specifically Lalu Prasad Bourdillon, the then-ambassador to Norsia, which scorned the State Department's handling of foreign policy as "frankly detestable", among many other remarks. The primary complaint of the Norsian government was that sufficient foreign aid was not being supplied to the Kingdom of Arrandal, which had recently suffered a fatal terrorist attack in its capital, Bravondy. Four months later, much had changed. ATSCA had been passed, and foreign aid was flowing steadily into Arrandal, as well as the Kingdom of Prydania, which was and is recovering from a brutal civil war that concluded last year.

Ambassador Bourdillon had been replaced with Watana Patimapragorn soon after the disaster with Norsia, and three days ago, the State Department finally contacted the Norsians again. Ambassador Patimapragorn noted in an interview a day later, "We knew the Norsians would respond quickly, but we did think they would deny the offer again." However, in a shocking shift, they accepted. The Norsians, already being assisted with the help of many nations, each catering to a specific form of aid, requested aid from the Empire in the form of clothing, food, and water in the western part of the country, specifically the cities of Henebruck and Lenefels and their surrounding vicinities. Following 3 days' preparation, early this morning, the first of many cargo planes bound for Norsia took off.

This comes on an auspicious day, as HM the Emperor has reached 50 years of age. Numerous citizens and celebrities have congratulated him, as well as politicians of all parties. Later in the summer, formal celebrations will be held to mark his "official birthday," including a gathering of delegates from across the Commonwealth, and possibly the Empire's allies.

© Imperial Broadcasting Corporation, T.A. 2017. All rights reserved.

Yuubiian Economy Doing Very Well

At the moment, the Yuubiian economy is doing very well. Governor Wehr has done a good job at establishing relations with Highton and partnering with this nation is good for Yuubiia because it makes the economy do very well. Mr. Jones who is an economist from Yuubiia claims that this is the best the Yuubiian economy has been in a very long time.
New Constitution for the VF
The Karthied Herald, May 13, 2018
The official Constitution of the Federation of the Vestrugat has been adopted by the Landesgrad. The peoples of the Vestrugat can expect to see sweeping changes throughout as a new, and hopefully more stable, government as outlined by the constitution is phased in. High Chancellor Hettenberg will continue to serve as first Chancellor of the Federation until the end of his term in 2020. All other ministers and special committees are expected to remain the same until then as well.
May 15th, 2018

This morning, Parliament Representative Josef Eriksen was found dead in the alleyway between a small deli shop and a few homes. The ageing man was found lying in a pool of his own blood, and an examination of the body has found 29 bullet holes in his body, and after careful inspection of the bullet, it has been concluded that it was fired from a Kanadian Military weapon, most likely an assault rifle.

Later examination led the Kalgary Metropolitan Police Department to state that this attack was most likely carried out by the infamous organized crime syndicate, the Kanadian mafia.

The Kanadian mafia was formed most likely just near the end of the Provocation War in 1920. They became powerful after providing to the public what the struggling Kanadian economy couldn't, and thrived during the Fascist uprisings in the 30's. They were weakened heavily, however, by the strict Fascist government, but came back again in the 50's and 60's while Kanada was seperated, helping families move from side to side and smuggling goods between the two occupied territories.

Due to the amount of news coming from the Mafia has dwindled since the 90's, it has been assumed they simply went away, but this and a few other occasions earlier this year may show that they're still here, under the surface.

Madam Grace III has stated that she will not speak about this topic to the public.
The End of the Ruskan Monarch
In the Empire of Ruskaland, The nation was in mourning; Since the king, Ruskatin I, Died at age 54.
With the end of Ruskatin I, Many Ruskans wonder who will be next in line for the throne, But one week after Ruskatin I died, It was announced by the Ruskan Government, that Ruskatin I, had no heir.
With this news, The nation fell to chaos. With no strong leader to lead and make Ruskaland safe, Law and order slowly decreasing. Similarly with the Monarch Government.
Then, Heliski Verushka(He-lee-skee There-Esh-kha), a simple representative of the state of Pevtro, Managed to seize the throne, and begin reforms with the government, and the actual nation.
To begin with, He made Ruskaland a Social Democracy, with elections every 8 Years for what the national political party of Ruskaland, and a Vice-President.
Then, He changed the Flags, and coat of arms of Ruskaland.
After that, He began reconstructing the Ruskan Armed Forces, and renamed it to Ruskan National Forces.
Lastly, He began making plans to help the nations population to live much more better then previously under the Empire of Ruskaland.
And, Despite being Socialist, The Socialist Republic of Ruskaland has made no plans, or actually wants to begin a revolution in other nations, and would much rather stay neutral.
Protests canceled due to rain

Protests against the ascension of King Sherwin to the throne of Alstenbek were planned to be carried out over the week in Nalgorhaem but bad weather has lead to them being called off.

There are still many in Alstenbek who are unhappy with an Esplandian sitting on the throne and would much prefer an Alstenbeker as ruler. There are a number of distant relatives of the late king who they claim would be better. Some even want Sigurt’s daughter to rule, despite her deteriorating condition.

The protests had to be cancelled as spring storms have lead flooding and the closure of streets and thoroughfares in the Alstenbek capital. A spokesman for the protesters said they’ll reschedule and hope for better weather.

King Sherwin’s office could not be reached and no official statements about the protests have been released.
Esplandia Bombs the Moon, for Science

Esplandian scientists fired a number of low yield missiles at the moon as part of an ongoing project to test the so-called ‘Hollow Moon Hypothesis’. The hypothesis proposes that Eras’ moon is either wholly hollow or otherwise contains a substantial interior space. No data exists to support the idea, but seismic data gathered has shown that the moon ‘rings like a bell’.

The goal of the explosive experiment was to figure out the internal structure of the moon. Measuring how long the reverberations from the explosions last, how powerful they are, and how big the waves get which will aid in determining what the moon is made of.

Remote seismic stations had been deployed previously in preparation for this test, scattered across the lunar surface. The data collected will be collated and studied, and shared with the rest of the world in the coming weeks.
Arrandal’s Rose Palace Restored
The large complex of the Palat Roz, Arrandal’s traditional seat of power, has reopened after a major reconstruction project. The Rose Palace (as it’s known in Mercanti) dates back five hundred years to the short lived Second Principality of the Arranfels. It later served as the seat of authority for the Calagvic family as they unified Arrandal under their rule.

The Palace had been bombed during the Kleszka, the period of strife following the death of Bajoras III which saw much of the nation torn apart and the government brought to the point of collapse. The Palace was then later shelled last year by artillery during a terrorist attack which was orchestrated as an attempt to aid the escape of notorious war criminal, Iskaya Bathory. The shelling, however, only caused minor damage to the buildings east wing.

The restored Waiczyn has been meeting in the west wing of the palace since they were recalled back in December, even as restoration continued on the east wing and central hall. Much of the palace had already been restored as part of the ongoing renewal projects launched right after Jadzia’s coronation three years ago.

King Jadzia was present for the rededication, though the ceremony was lead by Archbishop Anastazja Sorza. The Lords Paramount were all in attendance (with the exception of Keizer Alexander though a representative from the empire was present in Jadzia’s grandmother and Alexander’s daughter, Amira). Also present were twenty members of the Royal Hussars, dressed in their traditional green and silver as well as their traditional ‘wings’. The Hussars were officially restored as the nations Palace Guards by the Waiczyn last month, reversing a wartime measure which rolled the Hussars into the regular army, which was done to bolster the numbers of the beleaguered armed forces in the latter days of the war.

An official statement put out by the King’s office announced that Jadzia would hold court within the restored great hall as part of the festival of Pentecost. Anyone will be allowed to apply as either a petitioner or witness, as applications are now being accepted. This will be the first time in almost two decades that an Arrandalian monarch will sit on the rose throne in an official capacity.
Norsian Commonwealth News Network


Norsian Nationalist Party illegalized as a party!: Armed Polizei conduct Search Warrants and arrests on High profile Norsian Nationalist Party meeting halls, officials and investors.

Quickly following a non televised statement from the Ministry of Foreign affairs jointly with the Ministry of National Defense announcing the illegalization of the Norsian Nationalist Party as a "Rats nest for Ultra Nationalist Tyrants and Nazi's to plot and grow strong. After months of debate and deliberation, it has been decided that the Norsian Nationalist Party for the sake of Norsia and its neighbors, Must go into the dark endless night. We must act before they do and bring us back to kneel. in our nations vulnerable state.

It is as such, that the Polizei of this nation have been given authorization and warrant to conduct searches for illicit items, substances and weapons, and to conduct arrests where necessary for national security. This however does not brand supporters and members of this party as criminals or Ne'er do wells. Norsian citizens are entitled to their beliefs and opinions, that has not become a crime."

Civilian onlookers and NNP supporters and members captured footage and pictures of several of these raids taking place at NNP meeting halls, documenting armed and armored Polizei units arresting men and women. and confiscating Greater Norsian Regime flags, guns and other now illegalized items belonging to the party, while other non detained members shouted hateful obscenities, and slogans among other things in protest and support for their friends and colleagues.

June 23, 2018

GOJANNESSTAD, NYHETT-- Goyanes' main opposition party, the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has fractured after a bombshell report arose early last Friday, alleging that party leader Alexander Bijner used funds from the official party bank account to purchase several new V.A.V. Mk. 7 sportscars and an apartment in a beach community in Vikstad, Valland. The reports were corroborated by the Inspector General of the LDP, that after a review of the party account ledger, found that the funds had been extracted overnight between last Friday and Saturday and wire transferred into Bijner's bank account.

Bijner confessed to the reports early this morning, in a press conference at the LDP headquarters in Franstiken, Gojannesstad. Bijner stated that he " deeply regrets using part funds for personal expenditure" and that he is "stepping down from party leadership effective at noon." The LDP council elected an interim standing leader, MP for Hofsby, KO, Marie Norton.

The Vallish authorities nor V.A.V. have released any comment on the issue. It is unknown whether or not the money will be returned, along with the property. Nyhettan prosecutors and investigators stated that "they are speaking to LDP leaders over possible theft charges. It is unknown at the moment wether or not the LDP will further pursue theft charges.

The stepping down of the former party leader was seemingly not enough for more than half of the LDP Landesdag members, who decided that they were switching parties to the Sentrum party. Around 1 PM Saturday, the Stortinget and Landesdag finished approval for a snap general election in approximately 1 month, where it is expected that the Sentrum Party will become the new opposition. Grand Emperor Anthony has approved the election order, and is set to dissolve the Landesdag on July 21 for the snap election.

Some political scientists and historians are speculating that the fracture of the LDP is going to start the next era of the Goyanean party system, with the NUP remaining, and the Sentrum party most likely taking the place of the LDP. We will keep releasing updates on the situation as it happens.
Massacre in the Saken Triangle
Today A massacre took place in the Saken triangle where the three main building of the republic are.It all started when protesters where protesting the signing of a bill where gay marriage was made illegal.The group know as PRA or the People's Revolutionary Association lead the protest with it's leader John Realname,started rallying the people.As the politicians saw what was going on the TRI was called to suppress the protesters.They started throwing rocks at them and that is when they started to open fire.Over 30 protesters died,but John was not one of them.The president made this announcment "This will not be tolerated,these people had lives like us and how they were ended was not right,the republic sends it's condolences to the family's.The TRI has also sent their aplogies,We have a picture of their leader
Remember Love,Kill,Die for our republic and our president long live the Saum.
May 15th, 2018

Earlier today, the body of Parliament Representative Rasmus Hansson was found dead and charred inside of the fireplace of his summer home in Konigser, Kanada. The death has been confirmed a homicide, but the cause remains unconfirmed. Many Sundeonian extremists confirm that this was done by the Kanadian Mafia, a seemingly ancient organized crime group. This is due to the heavy belief that they were targeting the Sundeonian representatives of the Kanadian parliament, such as the murder of Josef Eriksen in mid-May. More information is expected to emerge as the investigation goes on. Our condolences to Mr. Hansson's family.

Accusations of the government not attempting to crack down on said 'Kanadian Mafia' by Sundeonian Extremists who remain after the brutal conflict some months ago have begun to spring up. Yet without solid evidence for the claim, the government seems to ignore them.

Both of these topics will have more information added as the days pass and we uncover more.
HRM Giorgio I reveals illness
HRM Giorgio I has been getting iller and iller as of the past few months due to a mystery illnes, until now! He has decided to reveal his illness. Cuts to King speaking "I have been diagnosed with Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. With a heavy heart, I announce my retreat from most Royal duties." Cuts back to studio We pray for the King in this hard time, and hope that he will have quality time with his families as he enters his last years. The Regent has been announced as the heir to the throne.
HRM Giorgio I dies, aged 43
The Royal Palace has given the news that the king is dead. His Majesty made they chice of dying via euthinasia. He will be suceeded by his son who has chosen the name Giorgio II. May his reign be blessed.
Heliski Verushka, President of the Socialist Republic of Ruskaland, Calmly sat on his chair. He managed to finish his paper work a couple minutes ago, and now he was just enjoying his day, as best as he could.

When all of a sudden, his adviser, entered the room, took a chair, placed it right in front of the president's desk. And said, "Mr. President. We need to talk." Heliski simply replied with,"Yes? What is it?" "We cannot let any anti-socialist parties exist in Ruskaland. Ruskaland was supposed to be socialist from the start of its creation. Parties like the, Fascist Party, Democratic Party, and so on, Go against the point of Ruskaland; To be a Socialist nation. If we ban them, We could basically make sure that Ruskaland can stay Socialist. We could keep the Socialist, our party, and the Communist Party active, and not banned, so that Ruskaland never falls to a non-socialist country." Said Heliski's adviser. Heliski then replied with, "True. If a political party cannot keep the true goals of Ruskaland, then that party is not needed. Tomorrow, I shall make an official announcement. And the Political Parties, excluding our party, the socialist party, and the communist party, will be banned.

And with that, the following day, the news reporter, from the Pevtro News, simply said, during the broadcast; "..On our next story, we have an official message from the President of Ruskaland himself.. According to him, All political Parties, excluding the Communist, the Demo-Social Party, and the Socialist Party, are... Banned. And any political party that attempts to undo the ban, will be met by police force... That's it. Now for our next story..."
After the broadcast, some political parties attempted to protest the ban, some parties tried bombings, and some others, tried to rise up against the Socialist Republic. Most attempts failed, while some other attempts succeeded, but were covered up by the Ruskan Government, and dealt with by the Ruskan Police.

With this, some of the population wonder if the dark times, for Ruskaland, are approaching. Some wonder if the Socialist Republic is getting closer to collapse. Some blamed the Talinisians. No matter what the answer is, no one could doubt, Ruskaland was going to see some change.
Across the First People's Empire of Cogoria, people were tuning in to the State news network. Rumours had been flying across the nation as whispers that the Politburo had made a decision regarding Norsia. The screens of the nation showed a flowing plain red flag before wiping to show the news caster. "Good evening. Today's top story. Following a speech by Comrade chairman Zhukov, the Politburo voted unanimously to accept the Norsian request for assistance, and to extend an invitation to the Norsian rulers and government, or a representative there of to visit the Motherland." Wiping again, the screen changes to show Staff member of the Politburo reading out the decision and ruling of the politburo.

"The decision on what form the aid should take was discussed at length, and following a petition by Comrade Minister Collins of Infrastructure, the State shall be sending an Aid convoy with 10,000 engineers and Sappers from the Cogorian Guard Armed Forces, along with necessary supplies to assist in reconstruction efforts with emphasis on ordinance disposal and transport revitalisation. A number of technical experts are also expected to be sent along with the relief force in order to assist in preventing any degradation of the Norsian national security and preserve their national sovereignty. While this decision has met with some resistance within the Party Congress Concern over foreign intervention into the recent Norsian Civil war has caused concerns regarding Foreign Powers taking a stance against the peaceful resolution which appears to have embraced the cause of the workers. Security analysts have put this down as an extension of the rumoured Zhukov Doctrine which has seen the State budget concealing vast expenditures under the umbrella term Revolutionary Advancement, however no members of the Politburo have commented so far on whether such a doctrine exists by any name or what these expenditures have accomplished. After the Obituaries we shall be discussing the implications of the new Territorial Forces Bill."
SION, Jul 8 -- His Holiness, Solomon IV, one of the longest-reigning Popes in the history of the Church, died tonight at approximately 11:00 PM in his sleep. Fr. Camerlengo Heinrik Josef Niedermeyer reportedly came to the chambers of His Holiness due to fears from an Apostolic Palace custodian that he had died, and found the Holy Father lying motionless and still in his bed. Soon after, reportedly, His Holiness' death was confirmed.

"Pope Solomon has died today, at the eleventh hour past noon." Father Niedermeyer stated, in a public announcement. "May we rejoice, for his soul is now with God, and he is living his eternal life with the Lord in Heaven. I call upon all the cardinals of the world to convene in the Apostolic Palace to decide the future of our sacred church. That is all. May God Bless Pope Solomon."

As the Church has now entered sede vacante, it is likely that an emergency meeting of the College of Cardinals will be called tonight or tomorrow to begin Conclave, so the College may decide who the next Archbishop of Sion will be. It is believed that Cardinal Villads Dalgaard of Prydania will serve as Cardinal-Elector.
SION, Jul 10 -- The cardinals met in the Perugine Chapel as expected earlier today and chose as the new Archbishop of Sion, on the first ballot with a supermajority of votes in his favor, a man from almost "the end of the world" - the first Goyanean ever to be elected to the papacy. Thor Vjullnur, now the former archbishop of Gojannesstad and former Cardinal of the See of Goyanes, has become His Holiness, Pope John - the ninth pontiff to take that name.

The new Pope appeared on the balcony over the entrance to St. Joshua's Basilica less than an hour after white smoke poured from the chimney above the Perugine Chapel, signalling that the cardinals had made their choice; and mere minutes after Cardinal Frederik Rønning of Valland announced the result of the election. Dressed in his new white robes, the Holy Father seemed pensive and immensely grateful as he looked out at the sea of jubilant humanity in the square.

Instead of making a long speech, the Holy Father kept his inaugural speech short and humble- dedicating its entirety to the late Solomon IV and then going on to recite the Lord's Prayer, before retiring to the Apostolic Palace. Since these events earlier tonight, resulting from an election that began and concluded on this same day, many have called the election of Pope John IX a miracle, and it seems that the faithful are deeply optimistic about the future.

Following his election, the Holy Father began his pontificate with a stream of appointments. Cardinal Rønning was appointed Cardinal Secretary of State, Cardinal Matthew Araghanes was appointed Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, and bishop Sigurt Åndsby was appointed to replace His Holiness in the position of Cardinal of the See of Goyanes and Archbishop of Gojannesstad.

Numerous religious leaders from across the globe have congratulated the Holy Father on his election, including the Shaddaist Dayyan, Midbar Gadi, and Konstantin VIII, Pentarch of the Church of Saint Azulnais. Political leaders from various nations, such as Tobias III of Prydania and Diego II of Highton, have joined in congratulating the new Supreme Pontiff.

[Que the intro]

"Good day to all those joining us for today's News Hour at 12. I am your host Eva Folstad. The continuing story today is the ever growing build of refugees flooding in from the now proclaimed failed state of Tommatito by the government. According to Vargen Battalion Public Affairs Office, they are dealing with more than three hundred thousand refugees, and the number is steadily climbing.

Already there has been construction of make shift camps for these refugees, but it seems to be doing little to help the situation.

This mass exodus was of course brought on by a rampant virus ravaging the population in Tommatito. Local hospitals are already calling for mass orders of supplies in anticipation for the surge of patients.

Already many have expressed their distaste for this crisis. Some even advocating that Yalkan should close it's borders completely to the outsiders. A handful of marches have already occurred in Zeta. Tensions rise as this crisis progresses. Prime Minister Nevil has been silent on this matter and has been said to be in meetings for the passed four days. That's all we have for now."
14 July 2018

Peaceful protest in Croixbourg turns into chaos

CROIXBOURG, ESPOIRELAND; a peaceful protest today about unjust work ethics of employers turned into chaos after a Croixbourg Constabulary officer lost his temper and beat up a citizen in front of his officers, colleagues, and the people. The victim, 32-year old Louis Maisons, was sent to Cardinal Aquitaine Medical Center for treatment of his injuries.

The constable, 50-year old Claude Beaumont, was subsequently arrested after the event. Before the protest could escalate into a riot, Croixbourg mayor Martin Courtemanche arrived on the scene, and pacified the people down.

"I will ensure, even if I am just a mayor, that proper and just work ethics shall be implemented in this city," Courtemanche declared to the people. The protesters cheered and left, but with fear left in them, along with prejudice to the constabulary. Beaumont, facing charges from the Maisons family, admits his guilt and is prepared for a trial.

"I am guilty. I am ready to face them in court if that is the case," Beaumont stated in a private interview. The constable is set to be tried in July 23, in the Croixbourg regional trial court, with charges of police brutality.

GJ announces new top speeds on Høyhastikettog routes
By: Jannik Sjoll
July 18, 2018


The last test train of the new 400 km/h speed limit passes by Hellinsberg Station at maximum velocity.

GJ announced today that work and testing had been completed on the Nyhettdal and Vast-Osanhalt Høyhastikettog lines to upgrade the nation's most travelled high-speed line to a higher speed. The President of GJ, Hans Førselting, said that "these new 400 km/h speeds will allow for an elevated capacity and quality of service on GJ's spectacular network."

Trains such as the Morgensonne will now sprint between Gojannesstad and Jægerstrom to points north at 400 kilometers an hour, reducing travel times by up to half an hour on certain trains. Similar track work is being done on other core routes, such as HHT lines to Mukakstad and Igenass. It is estimated that those track upgrade projects will be completed by 2020.

The first 400 km/h trains will be departing tomorrow from Gojannesstad Stortoghass at 5:45 AM, and will arrive at Naderfjord just over an hour later.

This comes as domestic airline LuftNord filed for bankruptcy today after citing major losses due to speed increases on the HHT two years ago. This would now be the thirteenth airline that has gone out of business due to the performance of Goyanes' train system.
From the Mondic Broadcasting Company

United Dynamics Group has completed the construction of 2 military shipyards in the State of Newport. This shipyard is two of the three shipyards that is planned to be built in Newport. United Dynamics Group told the MBC that they are on track to complete the other 23 planned shipyards by 2020.

Syd Elroy
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Today the Minister of Defence has announced major reforms in the Armed Services. They are to be reorganized and downsized, as well as conscription will be abolished. The Army is to be fully mechanized. The Navy is to be expanded to 100 vessels. The Air Force is to be equipped with EF-20 fighters and EF-X fighters in some time.
From the Mondic Government

After some strenuous work by Secretary Milner of the Department of Budget Management, Secretary Xavier of the Department of Defense, and Secretary Joss of the Department of Agriculture, along with other Department secretaries, the Government has compiled the information of the RM into one form.

Preston Milton

President of The RM

Arissa Milner

Secretary of Budget Management

Avalon Joss

Secretary of Agriculture

Desmond Xavier

Secretary of Defense
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Münsterberg government under investigation after rogue foreign affairs statements
3 hours ago | Internal Affairs

The Austerean government has begun an investigation of the Münsterian Chancellor Leon Dietrich after an anonymous member of the Austerean Parliament tipped off the Court of Justice about secret correspondence with Sutherland. It is believed the correspondence regarded support for Sutherland independence, which conflicts the official Austerean statements.

All fifteen states within the Auster Coronan union are required to handle matters of foreign affairs through the Austerean government, primarily the Commission and Council of Ministers, as a result of the historic 1987 Treaty of Corona. Many officials under the Austerean member states criticise this law, and many others, which “unethically” restrict the sovereignty of the member states and hand a high amount of power to the richest member states, notably Gelders, Richelieu, and Basel. Union Council Minister-Premier Godfried Van Dijk has consistently refuted these statements, saying all member states unanimously voted in favour of the Treaty and its contents.

In terms of Sutherland, the Austerean government has declared the nation a rogue state which used the ongoing McMasterdonian civil war as an attempt to illegally secede and has refused to recognise its sovereignty; this is, officially, due to ties with McMasterdonia through trade and diplomacy. However, this has been a controversial issue internally and has seen many of the smaller member states, such as Opava and Chevreuse, become discontent and appeal to the Austerean Court about a lack of political representation.

Leon Dietrich @MunsterChancellor
Cannot believe I’ve been placed on extended suspension and put under investigation by the #AusterCorona government for baseless claims by some anonymous parliament member who refuses to show their face! #WhatAJoke REFLUTTS ~ FAVORITES 983 ~ 2,394
Fluttr statement from the Chancellor

Chancellor Dietrich refused to give further comments, to avoid statements from being taken out of context, and the Austerean Court also refused to give any comments.
From the Department of Defense in The RM

Due to recent concerns from top military advisers that the Mondic Military would be unable to prevent a land invasion, the Military has awarded a contract to United Dynamics Land Systems to develop an Anti-Tank Guided Missile Vehicle [ATGM] that can assist the troops on the ground in the event of a hostile army entering Mondic territory. This ATGM should also allow the Military to help assist fellow KU nations in the event that they are invaded.

United Dynamics Land Systems has been awarded a $4,000,000,000 ($4,800,000,000 IBU) contract to develop the IFV by 2023.

After the ATGM is developed, the Military plans on building 75 IFVs by 2024.

Desmond Xavier

Secretary of Defense
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Directed from the Acrian Division of Justice

Working diligently non-stop, the Acrian Division of Justice has been able to apprehend and secure a defector from the Infantry Corps. Sergeant Tryne Ilune, 7th Infantry Division, 2nd Battalion, Charles Company, was seen in Sector 3 by a loyal Logistics Division operator, as he attempted to rob a young couple. As he fled, the operator reported the incident and Justice Division officers were dispatched, apprehending the young Sergeant in Tulushk of Sector 3. His crimes included disobeying direct orders from a commanding officer, Treason, and Cowardice. As of now, the Justice Division would not allow any details, save for that the court martial proceedings will continue and a proper punishment would be handed down.​

Corporal Wilhelm Unryne
Logistics Division, 1st Battalion, Bravo Company

Breaking: Results of 2018 Snap Election
By: GRK Newsdesk
July 24, 2018


Volunteers count ballots under the watch of the local scrutineer in Fanorstad, Hejen's Community Center No. 1.

Since Grand Emperor Anthony announced a snap election at the behest of members of the now-fractured Liberal Democratic Party and the governing National Union Party, a month of campaigning has taken place, and the constituent Landesdags selected their list of nominees for seats.

Now today, after the Landesdag was dissolved, polls closed, and results were counted, here are the official results:

-The National Union Party WILL REMAIN AS GOVERNMENT; gaining 17 seats in the Stortinget (totaling 231), and 4 seats in the Riksdag (totaling 84).
-The Nationalists WILL REMAIN AS JUNIOR PARTNERS; however they lost 3 seats in the Stortinget (totaling 15), and their solitary RIksdag seat (totaling 0).
-The Sentrum Party WILL BECOME THE NEW OPPOSITION; gaining 64 seats in the Stortinget (totaling 78), and 19 seats in the Riksdag (totaling 19).
-The Liberal Democrats ARE NO LONGER THE OPPOSITION; losing 66 seats in the Stortinget (totaling 4), and 21 seats in the Riksdag (totaling 2).
-The Socialist Front ARE NO LONGER REPRESENTED; having lost all seats (4 in Stortinget).
-Der Hessen WILL REMAIN AS A MINOR REPRESENTED PARTY; despite having lost 8 of its former 10 only-Stortinget seats (totaling 2).
-The Independents WILL REMAIN AS A MINOR REPRESENTED FACTION; having lost no Stortinget seats (totaling 8), and only losing one Riksdag seat (totaling 3).

Jon Norberg will remain as Prime Minister, and the new opposition leader will be Vilkas Hendriksberg. The Grand Emperor will formally open the Landesdag on Wednesday.

Here is a chart of the results:

Goyanean Space Agency completes crew swap for Rohe Space Station; Prepares for Lunar Mission Launch.
By: Vilkas Rennings
July 25, 2018


The Nøtt capsule containing the three crewmembers floating in the Araethi Ocean before recovery by the HMS Harald Svensson.

The Goyanean Space Agency, in conjunction with the Imperial Goyanean Navy, has succesfully recovered the 2017-2018 mission to the Rohe Space Station. The three astronauts, Kristoff van Østerby, Niklaus Hoffenberg, and Johan Ratsenger, splashed down in their Nøtt capsule in the Araethi Sea earlier today.

The HMS Harald Svensson, an IGN warship containing a well deck, recovered the capsule. A team of navy divers extracted the astronauts onto a rigid-inflatable boat, before towing the capsule into the well deck of the ship. So far, the crew of three is making a good recovery, and slowly readjusting to gravity after spending nine months in space.

As the crew came splashing down, another crew of three set out for the 2018-2019 expedition, lifting off from the Guangdao Island Spaceport in Ascalon just minutes before the crew splashed down. The three astronauts are Madeline Heineker, Ragnar Grøstings, and David Skermerhorn. They are set to dock with the space station sometime later today.

As the 2018-2019 crew launched for Rohe, Jon Norberg and Matthias Høystein announced that next week, the first Goyanean crew launch to the lunar surface since 1980 will take place. Three astronauts, Hans Bergen, Danneg van Zant, and Markus Vasterås, will go to the lunar surface and conduct a moonwalk, as well as several experiments on the lunar surface.

More updates will be provided as information is made available.
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The House of Yuki Imperial Wedding Announcement

This just in, the Empress herself, live from her home in Seta, has announced that her daughter, Veronica, and her beloved, Akira Zetsu, the Scion of the House of Zetsu, will be married. The announcement breaks a precedent almost a millennia old, by which the ruling Empress or Emperor of the Principality chooses not to marry in order to dedicate their entire lives to ensuring the survival of the state, its sons and daughters, and its interests both internally and abroad.

However, if one has kept up with the news lately, this revelation is hardly unanticipated. Akira, pictured below and to the left, has been seen more frequently in Seta, specifically, at the Empress' residence, often with very few personnel in tow, if any at all.


Sources also have stated that Veronica, pictured above and to the right, has sent her attendants out to scout out suitable locales, potential wedding planners, in addition to food caterers, seamstresses, flower purveyors, and even entertainers both locally and abroad. As this will be the first time in a long time since the Imperial Family has hosted such an event, this ceremony will be sure to be one for the books, as our very own Heir Apparent seeks to set the stage for a new and progress era.

And Now For Our Latest News From the Defense Affairs Ministry...
Red Brigade Stops Bomb Plot Instigated By The Remnant

Defense Affairs Officials state that early Tuesday morning, elements of the Red Brigade special forces branch in conjunction with local IYG Police breached and apprehended several members of the Remnant rebel faction in an apartment located on the outskirts of South Nioki. Reports indicate that...

We have received reports from the family of former Himikan President, Yasuhiro As? has died earlier this morning. He served as the President of Himika as the Prime Minister under Malorian rule and the inaugural holder of the Himikan Presidency from January 27th, 1950 to 1974. Born in May 1925, he died at the age of 93 years old.
Current President, Yukiteru Amano will be giving a speech on the former President this afternoon.