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"Citizens of Ethia, we interrupt your regularly scheduled broadcast to bring you urgent news! approximately twenty-five minutes ago Ethian One ceased transmitting and it is now believed that a serious aerial accident may have occured, The Senate is urging calm as investigators work to provide clarity on this developing situation"


"Patriarch Lucian is being briefed on the situation and is expected to join the Senate session in the next hour alongside King Arlan of Tovaegh, Premier Gabrielle of the UMS and Prince Mago of the Messian Principality, at this stage details are still emerging, the most holy Patriarch alongside Autarch Tollus have called for calm and courage during this most terrible of tragedies"


"King Arlan has made a brief speech before the Haldaerthaengh stating "Whether accident or act of malice Tovaegh will do its Duty alongside our fellow member states!" Naval investigation units have been deployed to the crash site"


"Could this be a terrorist act?"

"What else is going to take down the most secure flight in Northern Eras!!!"


"Terrorists seeking to destroy our way of life! ive been telling you all for years that the threat is real! Kings, Presidents, Empresses!!! They are coming for us all!!"

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Naval Forces dispatch vessels to assist in search for Ethian One

KARISTE, VA — The Commander of the Scalvian Naval Forces’ Western Fleet, Rear Admiral Karl Tsahkna has announced that the Scalvian Naval Forces will deploy frigate Commonwealth and heavy corvette Pakri to assist in the search of the downed Ethian One.

Ethian One, the state aircraft of the FEU is believed to have crashed into the ocean off of Ethia’s Eastern Coast earlier today. Scalvian coastal radar stations informed that they had lost radar contact with the aircraft around six hours ago. The Prime Minister has convened an emergency session of the National Defence Committee and Federal MPs have been recalled to Kariste.

Scalvia Responds
The Scalvian Naval Forces have been quick to react, with the latest announcement of two ships to be deployed immediately to assist in the search. The Scalvian Air Force has launched ten sorties in an attempt to also find the aircraft. The President of the Commonwealth has issued a statement urging for calm and patience as Commonwealth and FEU units continue to try and locate Ethian One.
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L'Aventure de l'Année Begins in Dessaix
The roughly 700km trip is the biggest competitive paddling race in Lanceria.

The race began to cheering crowds lining the start area.

Marc Tonnac - Sept. 10th, 2024
The biggest paddling trip of the year began in Dessaix today as more than 250 paddlers begin the onerous journey from Dessaix to the southern shore of Lac Rouyer, a race with a distance of about 700km crossing almost half of Lanceria. Boats of many kinds are present in this year's race including kayaks, tripping and marathon canoes, and six to eight person voyageur canoes of up to 8.5 metres long.

"I've been a competitive marathon paddler for a while now, but I have yet to take on a trip of this length." said Frédéric Laburthe d’Humeaux, a renowned paddling athlete who travelled from Saintonge to participate in the race. "The race is gathering more and more notoriety around Eras and my partner and I are excited to push our limits to conquer it." Frédéric is one of around 50 participants that have travelled internationally to undertake the trip, many of whom have international competitive experience.

The race began with a sprint from the start line to each respective boat after which crews set out from Dessaix down the river to their first milestone of Lac du Verre Rouge. The intense journey is known to scratch out more than a few racers along the way following the river through the forests in Berthier and into the valleys of the mountains before reaching Lac Rouyer.

This is the 19th year the race has been organized and there's already rumors of big promotions for the 20th anniversary next year. To spectate, the Point Harlonne campground at Lac Rouyer will be open to receive the racers finishing the race. Regular pictures, updates, and the route can be found at aventureannee.com.
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