
To any leader, ambassador, or minister reading this, the nation of Andrenne would like to extend it's hands out in friendship by allowing other nations to apply for embassies within the three largest cities of Andrenne, Mitta, Kalmö, and Fjellne. Should a nation wish to establish trade, please let us know within the application. All replies will be personally read over by the Andrennian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sven Kalder. A reference map of Andrennian major cities will be below.

General Information
Nation's Official Name:
Nation's Shortened Name:
Form of Government:
Head of State:
Head of Government:
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent):
Views on Andrenne:
Embassy Information
Security Personnel:
Would you like Andrennian National Guard to patrol outside your embassy?
Embassy Appearance:
Would you like the embassy to be placed in Mitta, Kallmö, or Fjellne?:
Would you like to establish trade with Andrenne?
Main Exports:
Main Imports:
What port/s would you like to use for trade links?
Nation's Official Name:
Nation's Shortened Name:
Form of Government:
Head of State:
Head of Government:
Minister of Foreign Affairs (or equivalent):
Views on Andrenne:
Embassy Information
Security Personnel:
Would you like Andrennian National Guard to patrol outside your embassy?
Embassy Appearance:
Would you like the embassy to be placed in Mitta, Kallmö, or Fjellne?:
Would you like to establish trade with Andrenne?
Main Exports:
Main Imports:
What port/s would you like to use for trade links?
(P.S. Please put replies in spoilers! Thanks!)