Phrases that should be banned


Ever find they're some things people say that you just can't stand? Do you think it should be banned? Then, let's work together!!! I'll go first:

"Support our troops."
"I'm not racist, but..."

"We need a revolution" when said by anybody who votes Democratic

"No offense, but..." Go fuck yourself. If you're going to say something offensive, own up to it.
"phrases that should be baned" :P

These are really the bane.

Any phrase where the word England suddenly has twice the number of syllables should be banned.
Any phrase with the words "Simon Cowell", "Entertainment" and "Genius"
any phrase containing either "Mansplain", "Cis", "Meninism" or "SJW" (I will attack people with a chisel for those)
and last but not least "Shrek is Love, Shrek is life" (where the chisel will once again be used, this time propelled with a tennis racquet)

Any phrase where the word England suddenly has twice the number of syllables should be banned.
Any phrase with the words "Simon Cowell", "Entertainment" and "Genius"
any phrase containing either "Mansplain", "Cis", "Meninism" or "SJW" (I will attack people with a chisel for those)
and last but not least "Shrek is Love, Shrek is life" (where the chisel will once again be used, this time propelled with a tennis racquet)

Any repost of statements from a Republican politician, particularly any of the presidential hopefuls.
"Y'know, Hitler did lead the first anti-smoking campaign..."

"Y'know, Hitler did help Germany get back on its feet and become wealthy..."
I can't stand moral relativism XD

But to the topic-

Any phrase that contains "upside down land" or something dumb like that.
Any phrase or post on the RMB that responds to a friendly greeting post with "But it is x time here!? LOL!" Guess what people, there is a thing called timezones.
Lol I'm getting off topic here but that one sounds like there's a story behind it :P
Oh there is! :P
Lets just say one should never ever try and stop an angry woman from hogging off a tub of ice cream!

Oh! And the terribly sexist comments like "You seem a bit on the edge today, it's that time of the month??? "
"Please separate your desks and put away your things. When you're done with the quiz, sit quietly and don't talk."