Admin Requests

On May 3 I contacted Eluvatar to request context for the suspension of the vast majority of my forum privileges. They responded that it "would be a little while." I contacted them again on May 22 requesting the same. In this last case I did not receive a response. There has been no response on my request for review. I now can no longer delete conversations, though the only ones that I've ever deleted are Voting Booth messages, though there may be one that I deleted as the person is no longer playing NS so far as I know. I'll have to look.
More recently certain events regarding Discord servers that I was a member of that were not part of TNP have now changed hands to become part of TNP RP. I have quit those servers. This is quite reminiscent of how I would expect the Catholic Church to react in a similar situation with respect to purchasing the servers and making them useless.
I have been nothing but open with Eluvatar and Admin and I am repaid by nonnresponsiveness and falsehood.

I have cancelled my Patreon monthly contribution but will retain the Supporter badge. This seems appropriate.

What is the status of my request for context regarding my alleged communications with others via PM?
On May 3 I contacted Eluvatar to request context for the suspension of the vast majority of my forum privileges. They responded that it "would be a little while." I contacted them again on May 22 requesting the same. In this last case I did not receive a response. There has been no response on my request for review. I now can no longer delete conversations, though the only ones that I've ever deleted are Voting Booth messages, though there may be one that I deleted as the person is no longer playing NS so far as I know. I'll have to look.


I have been nothing but open with Eluvatar and Admin and I am repaid by nonnresponsiveness and falsehood.


What is the status of my request for context regarding my alleged communications with others via PM?
You request is a difficult one for me to fulfill because it's unclear to me to what extent you already understand the context. I suppose I'll need to assume ignorance and explain fully. I'm sorry it is taking so long.
You request is a difficult one for me to fulfill because it's unclear to me to what extent you already understand the context. I suppose I'll need to assume ignorance and explain fully. I'm sorry it is taking so long.
You were given mod preview and a PM restriction in October of last year after some concerning conduct. Specifically, some private messages of an oddly personal and unasked-for nature and some baity references to members of this board in posts.
The quote immediately above is from your first PM to me. I realize that, technically, quoting a part of a PM conversation without asking permission is against the rules, but you were acting in your capacity as Admin and you did ask. The "baity references" I can understand if not agree with. As to what you're writing of preceding that I have no idea. I received no Admin PMs regarding this or, if "I" (ref my appeal) did, then there are no PMs that I currently have access to regarding the matter, nor did I read any and then delete them.

As to the baity references, without stating whom, I have, apparently, angered certain Admin staff and some forum members in various places on the forum and, so far as I know, those specific posts still exist in my forum blog and the OOG thread that I made some while ago. I have had posts both temporarily deleted and permanently altered with no record of such showing on the post itself. I know of no one that can do such except Admin.
If you need more context for your restrictions, please feel free to ask.
From the same PM. You were the one that offered to provide context Eluvatar. I asked for said context and failed to receive an answer. I know what I mean by the word, but what you mean I do not know. Assume that I know nothing about the matter whatsoever apart from what you wrote above.

I would like to know exactly when these claims were made and and what, precisely, my alleged statements were, preferably by quoting said, presumably, PMs. I am not asking to know who made these claims.

From my POV this is, at this point, an unsubstantiated claim made by Admin.

Edited for clarity.
I finally went digging through my convos. The one that I mentioned previously is still there, but I'd forgotten about one with someone that I won't name without their permission. I'll TG them for permission if you should find it necessary. Here's a personal question that may've been misinterpreted:

A question for you, if you would: some time ago, in spam I think, you said to me, "I am not what you think." I answered, "I'm not surprised."

Would you be kind enough to tell me what you are? Or what you think I think you are?


The last question was my only interest here. My question, to me, was straightforward, though poorly worded. I wasn't interested in them from an emotional standpoint, but rather in what they thought that I thought they were biologically. Admittedly, at that time, I thought they were a young female, but there was no untoward interest on my part other than the fact they were were someone who enjoyed spam as well. The reason for my lack of surprise was that it occurred to me that they were an older male that enjoyed spamming as a young person. I also made a number of comments regarding some personal info that they had shared hither and yon in spam, as I was learning to enjoy spam, but only if it was sufficiently complex. This was no more than I'd have done regardless of their age or gender.

Edit: sufficiently complex and interactive.
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I'd like to apologize for a probable misperception. People often misunderstand why I say and do the things that I do. This is both my fault and theirs. You, for example, may have thought that I was attempting to do something that I was not at the forum some little while ago. A misinterpretation, particularly among young people, but not limited to them.

No response is necessary and that would be for the best.

Be well,

In the interest of transparency this TG is my final communication with this person.

Any further context that I need to be aware of?

Edited to remove a name.
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Hello, I would like to request that I and my current active deputies @BMWSurfer, @9003, and @BluieGamer receive access to HA's Leadership sub-forum, if it still exists. If it's been archived or otherwise lost, could I have a new one made? We are in desperate need of a private sub-forum for administrative tasks in Home Affairs. Thank you!
Hello, I would like to request that I and my current active deputies @BMWSurfer, @9003, and @BluieGamer receive access to HA's Leadership sub-forum, if it still exists. If it's been archived or otherwise lost, could I have a new one made? We are in desperate need of a private sub-forum for administrative tasks in Home Affairs. Thank you!
This never existed as far as I can tell. Anyhow, the new subforum has been made:
I see that I had forgotten to mention that my above quoted TG was sent the same day that I made the above post. My error.

Edit: name removed from previous post. Permission to share quoted TG requested of them.

Edit 2: permission has been granted by the individual, provided that they remain nameless. Let me know if you need the confirmation TG quoted. I may have to ask them if they mind if one of Admin can contact them. I don't know how else that you can verify I'm providing an accurate quote. Eras perhaps or GBM.
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Hello! I would like to request moderation privileges over the University since I am now Chancellor as documented HERE. My oath can be found HERE.

I would also like to be filled in on how joinable groups work and create a University one if one does not already exist. Thank you!
Hello! I would like to request moderation privileges over the University since I am now Chancellor as documented HERE. My oath can be found HERE.

I would also like to be filled in on how joinable groups work and create a University one if one does not already exist. Thank you!

What do you need a joinable group for? The entire University subforum is public as far as I can see.

What do you need a joinable group for? The entire University subforum is public as far as I can see.
I hope to build a University Staff. However, I think you have a point that staff activity can for now be limited to the Executive Discord. This in mind, I will hold off on that request.
Good night, The North Pacific! I have a doubt. How can I change my name in this forum? I want to be "Ihese" instead of "Federal Republic of Ihese". Thank you in advance!
Since @Wonderess has lost citizenship, they have also lost their seat on the election commission. Please remove them from the government spreadsheet and remove their forum mask.
Done. I'll note he has FA, Culture, and TNPU as additional masks
I respectfully would like to have my username changed to “John Doe Smith” (this is not my real name of course).