Can I have admin checks performed on the following: @The Noviosyus @UNC
Both fail (multiple accounts) - PM sent to them.Can I have admin checks performed on the following: @The Noviosyus @UNC
Done.Please remove @Owenstacey's deputy speaker masking.
You request is a difficult one for me to fulfill because it's unclear to me to what extent you already understand the context. I suppose I'll need to assume ignorance and explain fully. I'm sorry it is taking so long.On May 3 I contacted Eluvatar to request context for the suspension of the vast majority of my forum privileges. They responded that it "would be a little while." I contacted them again on May 22 requesting the same. In this last case I did not receive a response. There has been no response on my request for review. I now can no longer delete conversations, though the only ones that I've ever deleted are Voting Booth messages, though there may be one that I deleted as the person is no longer playing NS so far as I know. I'll have to look.
I have been nothing but open with Eluvatar and Admin and I am repaid by nonnresponsiveness and falsehood.
What is the status of my request for context regarding my alleged communications with others via PM?
You request is a difficult one for me to fulfill because it's unclear to me to what extent you already understand the context. I suppose I'll need to assume ignorance and explain fully. I'm sorry it is taking so long.
The quote immediately above is from your first PM to me. I realize that, technically, quoting a part of a PM conversation without asking permission is against the rules, but you were acting in your capacity as Admin and you did ask. The "baity references" I can understand if not agree with. As to what you're writing of preceding that I have no idea. I received no Admin PMs regarding this or, if "I" (ref my appeal) did, then there are no PMs that I currently have access to regarding the matter, nor did I read any and then delete them.Eluvatar:You were given mod preview and a PM restriction in October of last year after some concerning conduct. Specifically, some private messages of an oddly personal and unasked-for nature and some baity references to members of this board in posts.
From the same PM. You were the one that offered to provide context Eluvatar. I asked for said context and failed to receive an answer. I know what I mean by the word, but what you mean I do not know. Assume that I know nothing about the matter whatsoever apart from what you wrote above.Eluvatar:If you need more context for your restrictions, please feel free to ask.
Please mask @Cretox State as Deputy Speaker.
Oath is here, and appointment is here. Plus he looks kinda qt.
Done.Just confirming the above.
DoneNot sure how this got missed, but...
Please add @Artemis to the government registry as an Election Commissioner and mask them here appropriately.
A question for you, if you would: some time ago, in spam I think, you said to me, "I am not what you think." I answered, "I'm not surprised."
Would you be kind enough to tell me what you are? Or what you think I think you are?
Fails (multiple accounts) - PM sent to user.Requesting an admin check on @Godric The Gryffindor
This never existed as far as I can tell. Anyhow, the new subforum has been made:, I would like to request that I and my current active deputies @BMWSurfer, @9003, and @BluieGamer receive access to HA's Leadership sub-forum, if it still exists. If it's been archived or otherwise lost, could I have a new one made? We are in desperate need of a private sub-forum for administrative tasks in Home Affairs. Thank you!
Done.Hello. Not sure how you do name changes here but I'd like my name changed to CSP.
Done.Can I ask that @Lady Raven Wing be given necessary permissions to access the Court's Special Chambers?
I hope to build a University Staff. However, I think you have a point that staff activity can for now be limited to the Executive Discord. This in mind, I will hold off on that request.Masked.
What do you need a joinable group for? The entire University subforum is public as far as I can see.
DoneGood night, The North Pacific! I have a doubt. How can I change my name in this forum? I want to be "Ihese" instead of "Federal Republic of Ihese". Thank you in advance!
Thank you very much!Done
Done. I'll note he has FA, Culture, and TNPU as additional masksSince @Wonderess has lost citizenship, they have also lost their seat on the election commission. Please remove them from the government spreadsheet and remove their forum mask.
Loss of Citizenship/Residency Notifications
The following have failed to maintain a nation in TNP and will be remasked as a member:
DoneI respectfully would like to have my username changed to “John Doe Smith” (this is not my real name of course).
Done.Hello, I would like to have my name changed to "CD- betterThanFlash"