TNP Minecraft

May I ask what Minecart plugins you have? Because I can't exit the cart, or leave one unattended, and goes super slowly.
CraftBook is the problem; I've heard it affects rails. Apparently, CraftBook also allows you to disable and enable some features. May I request that those be disabled, but should that have no effect, they could be re-added? This is all assuming no-one requires them.
In case I decide to sink back into my old cancerous habits: whitelist IZ42 plox. I may or may not get on.
Join Syrixia! Wir haben diamonds! :0
In case I decide to sink back into my old cancerous habits: whitelist IZ42 plox. I may or may not get on.
Join Syrixia! Wir haben diamonds! :0
Just because you move them doesn't mean I don't know where they are.
You won't very soon.

We're constructing a new capital, Pataliputra.
I keep seeing random, 1-block deserts. Note that all around it is forest. Apparently, I'm also the only one able to see it.

That's not desert that's just a glitch. Looks like the grass you find in swamp biomes.
It says Biome: Desert right in the image. Unless swamp grass color has been drastically changed from the black-ish color it was when I last played, that's not even close.
That's not desert that's just a glitch. Looks like the grass you find in swamp biomes.
That's definitely the colour of desert grass; swamp biome colours are deeper greens.

Well whatever it it, its gone now. At the same co-ords and its back to forest. You were right, it was a glitch.
The exterior of the central skyscraper of the new metropolis, Cosonia, is finished! The Shard is over 160 meters tall (very tall in MC equivalent; distance is distorted). Made of quartz and glass, and with a glowstone spire, it is the tallest building built so far. It will also be the central building of Cosonia. It is currently unilluminated, but will be when interior construction is underway. Image!

Okay, I haven't played in quite a while, and I probably won't be doing much, but I'd like to see what you guys have been up to ^-^ My username is planetfifa_y6
Mapeera House, Kampala
Just a tip what to build :D


Mapeera House, Kampala
Just a tip what to build :D


You could come on Minecraft and join us; and maybe build it for us. We do need a government building.
No users found for that name.

EDIT: Never mind, he put in his actual username. See above post!

EDIT 2: lilly2525 does not exist. You sure that's your UN?
Never mind. Talked to Lorbank on IRC. He does not have a minecraft account.

He downloaded a pirated copy of the game. In other words, he has obtained what Minecrafters call "Cracked".
This server is not very active. We need to renew the public interest, or else all that the players have built would be in vain!

Plus it's fun. :P
Whitelists DrOmni9885 and whatever Yerae's name is.

Sorry it took so long.
Maybe if you whitelisted me (*COUGH HINT COUGH COUGH*) it might be a bit more active.
Yes, please, and come visit Cobblestonia before you do anything else!
Or visit Pataliputra! We have open homes and a thriving city!