The Speaker's Desk


Speaker's Audit and Deputy Speaker Schedule
This morning I conducted an audit of the Citizenship and Residency sheets and joinable groups, as was previously indicated. 24 discrepancies were identified and addressed. They are detailed below:
Wrongly masked as Citizens:
Casian (failed to be removed previously)
Sannius (not on the sheet but would fail activity checks)

Wrongly masked as Residents:
Andexia (cte'd)
Axolotl_Blob (cte'd)
East Taco (cte'd)
Gaspard (nation not in TNP)
Heloon (is a citizen)
Iceina (cte'd)
Iulius (cte'd)
Oceanica (is a citizen)
Pinguioris (is a citizen)
Swifty (cte'd)
The Land of Broken Dreams (cte'd)
Triropia (cte'd)

Wrongly included on the residents sheet:
Wilkshire (is a citizen)

Wrongly exlcluded from the citizens sheet:

Wrongly excluding from the citizens group:

Wrongly excluded from the residents sheet:
New Jerusalemm

Wrongly excluded from the residents group:

As can be seen above, people wrongly masked as residents is a particularly large problem, and going forward I will be paying close attention to this group in particular.

I have also decided upon a provisional schedule for whom is the primary person responsible for the checks. I will emphasise that this is a provisional schedule and is subject to change based on personal circumstances, computer access and further deputy speaker appointments. The second name on each day is responsible for checking the work has been work, rather than doing the work themselves - they're a reminder, essentially.
MadJack/TreekSil Dorsett/CaiusMadJack/TreekSil Dorsett/MadJackCaius/MadJackBobberino/CaiusMadJack/Bobberino
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Speaker Update
Following a review of the guides, I can announce that the first two will be disclosed to the Regional Assembly this week. However, as only these two have been completed, it will be some time before the others are disclosed. I will endeavour to provide the Regional Assembly updates in this regard.

The guides as they currently exist are:
Citizenship Application - Standard Application Process [COMPLETE]
Closing a Voting Thread [COMPLETE]

Citizenship Application - Failed Vice Delegate Checks [Not begun]
Citizenship Application - Failed Admin Check Appeal [Not begun]
Citizenship Status Check [Not begun]
Non-legislative motions: Appointment of Prosecutors [Not begun]
Non-legislative motions: Nomination to the Election Commission [Not begun]
Processing an Regional Assembly Motion [Not begun]
Opening a Vote [Not begun]

I am also appointing @Bobberino as my designated Acting Speaker under the Standing Procedures:
  1. The Speaker may, at any time, designate a Deputy Speaker to serve as Acting Speaker in the case of a vacancy or absence in the office of Speaker. The Speaker may change this designate at any time.

I also plan to appoint a number of new deputies over the coming week.

Speaker Update
Today I carried out an audit of both the citizenship and residents group in preparation for the upcoming elections. 14 discrepancies were found and addressed, they are detailed below:
Residents Group Audit:
Bruh not on sheet but in group
Darani not on sheet but in group
Interim Global Authority not on sheet but in group
Juno not on sheet but in group
Knightblood not on sheet but in group
meddoz not on sheet but in group
Poly not on sheet but in group
satoshijosh on sheet but not in group
Strland not on sheet but in group
Tinfect not on sheet but in group
Tyler the Floridaman not on sheet but in group

Citizens Groups Audit:
ApexCapitalist not on sheet but in group
Fried Noodles not on sheet but in group
satoshijosh not on sheet but in group

Actions taken:
Added to residents sheet:
Bruh, Darani, meddoz, Poly, Tinfect

Added to residents group:

Removed from residents group:
Interim Global Authority, Knightblood, Juno, Strland, Tyler the Floridaman

Removed from citizens group:
ApexCapitalist, Fried Noogles, satoshijosh

This is an improvement on the previous audit, when 24 discrepancies were found. The office will continue to work towards ensuring the minimum number of discrepancies possible.

Deputy Appointments - Part 1

Real quick... I appoint @St George, @Bobberino, and @Skaraborg as Deputy Speakers.

There will be more appointments and perhaps a proper Start-of-Term speech soon™, but I wanted to get those in fast, and they were the ones who responded the quickest.

Deputy Appointments - Part 2

I appoint @Zyvetskistaahn, and @Treekidistan as Deputy Speakers.

I believe this will round out my team, but if anyone has a convincing argument that they should be part of The Office as well, I'm willing to hear it and perhaps make an appointment in a future message.

An Actual Opening Statement

First of all, I'd like to thank the Regional Assembly for giving me the opportunity to serve in this position, Madjack for giving me the opportunity to learn the job as a Deputy in the last term, and Bobberino for making the election competitive compared to the Delegate and Vice Delegate races. For the future, I encourage everyone to please consider running for office. I know elected officials get harped on and picked apart, but it is a way to show your dedication to the region.

In the past two posts, I made some quick deputy appointments to keep operations uninterrupted, so you know most of my team already. Thanks to Bobberino, Madjack, Treekidistan, and Zyvetskiistaahn for sticking around, and a big warm welcome to Skaraborg, whose passion for their past time as a deputy lead them right back here.

Additionally, because I'm a fan of stability, I did offer Caius a spot, and they did get back to me today. I'm not going to pull the rug under them, so... I appoint @Caius as a Deputy Speaker.

I know it's a big team, but it's a globe-spanning team, so there should ideally be someone around at all the times the region itself is active.

To some other business items:
  • @Bobberino will be my designated acting speaker should I become incapacitated or removed.
  • I will have a schedule for when each deputy is responsible for citizenship checks, hopefully by the end of the week. However, I will still be constantly reviewing the applications thread. I don't like letting things sit for too long. I harp on Lord Lore all the time about Forum RP map updates and how things would be easier working in real-time instead of in batch, and the same concept applies here. Plus, with the passage of the Accelerated Admission Act, we have less time to act on applications, but also a chance for me to fix errors.
  • Speaking of the AAA, an instruction for the deputies concerning error handling: If you spot an error in citizenship application handling, please bring the error to me. I will investigate and announce the corrective action.
  • A change to the Standing Procedures is being considered, specifically around Non-Legislative Motions and their scheduling. I know there were some past complaints about them starting too quickly after seconding, not leaving any time for the region to object to scheduling, so I will be looking to patch that. Remember, objections to the scheduling of a vote happen after the Speaker schedules the vote, not after the second motion to vote. I've made that mistake myself many times myself, and past speakers pounded that into my head. (That's RA Rule 1.3.)
  • One of the things I thought about doing was keeping some sort of dashboard pinned with information about ongoing debates and votes. I'll probably try it out and see if it's useful.
  • Let's get those how-to guides finished this term!
I'm looking forward to serving you all this term! Any questions or comments, please put them below, and as always, thanks for reading!


Deputy Reappointment

Things happen, and I fully understand that life sometimes gets in the way. Zyvet unfortunately didn't make their oath in time, but that's not a problem we can't fix.

I once again appoint @Zyvetskistaahn as Deputy Speaker.
Mr. Speaker, can you review the links at the bottom of the Legal Code page? I note there’s a link to the PPO passage and a bill from Gorundu is not referenced. I want to make sure the proper amendments are linked at the bottom.
Mr. Speaker, can you review the links at the bottom of the Legal Code page? I note there’s a link to the PPO passage and a bill from Gorundu is not referenced. I want to make sure the proper amendments are linked at the bottom.
As discussed on Discord...
1. The link labeled "Amended July 15, 2022" was going to the PPO, which I have now removed since that doesn't edit the Legal Code.
2. Gorundu's amendment is for the Constitution, not the Legal Code.
Deputy Appointments and a short Opening Address

I would like to thank the citizens of The North Pacific for electing me as Speaker and I’m incredibly grateful and honoured to take on this role. As I stated in my campaign, there won’t be any real changes to how the office will operate and my goal is to get checks and votes counted as efficiently as possible!

Like last term, there won’t be a Speaker’s schedule, but I will always encourage my deputies to actively do citizenship checks!

Other than that, I believe there isn’t much more to say about the upcoming term. I will be trying to update the guides once I get settled in my new position. If there is more news and information, it will be posted in this thread in a separate post
Now let’s move on to the interesting part. Here are my appointments:

First of all I will reappoint @Bobberino as Deputy Speaker. They will also be my designated acting speaker. @Sil Dorsett, @St George and @Treekidistan will also be reappointed as Deputy Speakers. The experience and knowledge of these reappointments will be a great tool for the Speaker’s office and Regional Assembly.

Finally I would also like to welcome @Cloud to the team of deputies! It’s great to see newer nations show interest in getting involved in TNP and I am super excited to work with them!

Please take your oaths!
Following my election as Justice, I'm afraid I feel I must resign as a Deputy Speaker. I have much enjoyed my time as part of the team, and I know that going forward that office is in good shape.
Thank you for your service as Deputy Speaker. You've offered a lot of experience and help during the start of this term and I hope you will enjoy your role as Justice. If you'd ever feel home sick, you'll always have a place as a Deputy :salute:
Acting Speaker Procedures
  1. The Speaker may, at any time, designate a Deputy Speaker to serve as Acting Speaker in the case of a vacancy or absence in the office of Speaker. The Speaker may change this designate at any time.
  2. The Acting Speaker will assume all the powers and duties of the Speaker's Office when the office is vacant or when the Speaker is absent.
I will be absent from Saturday 11th February to Friday 17th February due to a booked holiday in Norway. Since @Bobberino is the designated acting speaker they will assume all the powers and duties of the Speaker’s Office during these 7 days and all questions regarding the Speaker’s office should be directed to them. I wish Bobberino good luck and I hope that I will return from my skiing trip in one piece!

Speaker of the Regional Assembly
Mini Citizen Stats Report:
So because I was bored I just felt like compiling some stats of how many citizenship applications and so on we've had since January 1st so for all you nerds out there who are the slightest interested, here you go:

Applications between January 1st - February 28th
Total number of applications:
Total number of successful applications: 49
Total number of new citizens including appeals: 51
Successful applications rate: 75%
Failed Admin check: 14
Failed Speaker's check: 1
Failed VD-check: 0
Failed both Admin and Speaker's check: 1
Appealed their rejection to the RA: 2
Total number of different nations that applied: 59
Nations that applied more than once: 6
Number of nations that applied and became citizens during this period that still are citizens: 24 out of 51 (47%)

I could probably do more than this with some stats on loss of citizenship, but that can be done for the next time. (If there is one)
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Closing and Opening Address

Four months goes quickly, and it felt like yesterday I was elected as Speaker for the first time. (Well, I was elected Speaker yesterday, but for my second term). Last term went quite well in my opinion. It is difficult to sum up the last four months, but I would say that the checks were efficiently done and votes were properly counted and conducted. Thanks @Bobberino, @Cloud, @Sil Dorsett, @St George and @Treekidistan for serving as deputies last term. You have all been very helpful during this term and the Speaker's office would not be in a better place without you.

Moving on to this term, as promised, I will be expanding the team with a couple of new deputies and even a past speaker will be returning to the office! I am thrilled to see how many have been interested in joining the Speaker's office this term! Furthermore, the guides for the Speaker's office will be completed this term and I intend to work closely with the admins this term, so we are prepared to update the sheet, if necessary, to accommodate new frontiers. We also had problems sending out the API-telegrams this term due to r3n not being around. Since it has not affected our citizen numbers, it is not a high priority issue, but it would be good to address that problem too during this term.

Other than that, our main goals will be to perform checks and conduct votes efficiently. Now let's move on to the most fun part:

Deputy Appointments!

Previously, the office has had a schedule for its deputies. I do not intend to have one this term, unless I find it necessary, or it is requested by the deputies. I am also going to make it clear that the deputies are allowed to schedule and count votes this term, so we can further improve the efficiency of the office.

There will be eight deputies this term. First, I am re-appointing @Bobberino, @Cloud and @Sil Dorsett as Deputy Speaker and I am also appointing @Kvylia, @Nutmeg The Squirrel, @Oceania, @Robespierre and @Sauron as new deputies for this term!

Edit: Additionally, a new mini citizen stat report will be published shortly :)
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Mini Citizen Stats Report:
Because I personally find it interesting, here's another mini citizen stat report:

Applications between March 1st - April 30th
Total number of applications:
Total number of successful applications (new citizens): 82
Successful applications rate: 77%
Failed Admin check: 17
Failed Speaker's check: 14
Failed VD-check: 0
Failed both Admin and Speaker's check: 1
Passed VD-evaluation check: 8
Applicants who failed admin check, but qualified for VD-evaluation check: 8 out of 17 (47%)
Total number of different nations that applied: 90
Nations that applied more than once: 15
Number of nations that applied and became citizens during this period that still are citizens: 55 out of 82 (67%)
Correcting Two Errors

Whilst extensively checking through all applications made this term, I detected two errors made by the office in May and I would like to apologise for not noticing these until now and I take full responsibility for the mistakes that have occured. These are grave errors that should never have been able to happen. Here they are:

Error 1:
Kakastania failed the admin check and were subject to a VD-evaluation check, a check that unfortunately never happened. Due to a high frequency of applications and their application being ticked in the citizen sheet as "rejected for failing admin check" it was easily misinterpreted that the application had been dealt with and therefore was ignored. With no VD-check happening they should have been granted citizenship after seven days, but never were. To prevent a mistake similar to this one, the office will not be ticking nations who've failed the admin check, but are subject to an evaluation as "failed admin check" to keep better track of applications.

Kakastania is granted citizenship, but are immideately removed as they do no longer reside in the region.

Error 2:
Cimaru's application never went through an admin check, yet on the citizen registry sheet it says that their application had been rejected for failing an admin check. This incident was most likely caused by a misclick or similar that made the office think that the application had been dealt with when it hadn't. Once again there was a high frequency of applications which lead to their application being forgotten.

@cimaru is granted citizenship since no action was taken by the admins in 7 days, but immediately loses it since they have failed to meet the posting requirements..

Once again I sincerely apologise for the errors that have occured and I am both saddened and shocked that this has happened. I will be doing everything I can to make sure these things do not happen again.

Speaker of the Regional Assembly
Minor errors that were caught by a diligent Speaker. Thanks for the update :)
I appreciate the transparency and the corrective actions.

It seems that both these errors are the result of the 'failed admin check' tickbox column - are you considering getting rid of the column going forward? Perhaps you could replace it with a text input column where deputies would write PASS or FAIL in?
I appreciate the transparency and the corrective actions.

It seems that both these errors are the result of the 'failed admin check' tickbox column - are you considering getting rid of the column going forward? Perhaps you could replace it with a text input column where deputies would write PASS or FAIL in?
To prevent a mistake similar to the first one, I have ordered the office to not be ticking nations who've failed the admin check, but are subject to an evaluation.

For the second one, I do not have an answer to why the box was ticked, but I guess it was some sort of a misclick. By keeping an even closer eye on the application's page and the work of my deputies, it should not happen again.

Going forward, I believe these changes should be enough to prevent future mistakes.
With the Speaker’s Office having two less deputies since the start of the term I am worrying (and probably you too) about the future of the office. It was not looking bright until I managed to lure @Neptune back into The Speaker’s Office. We were on the verge of a collapse, but with this appointment, hopefully we will weather the storm and the crazy amount of applications we are receiving at the moment. And don’t get me started on the massive amount of votes we have to schedule every week! Scary! Therefore, there is no doubt in my mind that we need more deputies and I am happy to hereby appoint @Neptune back as Deputy Speaker! Welcome back to the squad!
A Closing Statement

Do Speakers have closing statements?

I might as well.

It has been a fun eight months and a learning experience to serve as Speaker. My time as Speaker has however not been free of issues. This term, the citizen sheet, has not worked as it should and we have had to rely on @Sil Dorsett for a very long time for posting checks. We now all have the ability again to conduct the citizenship status check again and I appreciate the effort Sil Dorsett has put in to make this possible.

Secondly, I am happy to see how efficiently the office has worked with citizenship applications (a heads up to you @Cloud). We had two minor errors at the start of term, but those were addressed and since then everything has operated smoothly. I am grateful to see that Deputies have handled votes when I have not been available which meant that I did not have to rely as much on myself on handling votes this term which was a mistake I made the first term. That has also made the office operate at a faster pace which was my goal for this term.

I am pleased with the outcome of these two terms and feel like it is time to pursue something else on NationStates, hence why I have decided not to run and instead hand over the keys to the Speaker's Desk to @Cloud who I know will take good care of the Office! Since January, they have been an exceptional Deputy who deserves to step up as Speaker. I will probably stick around the Office for a bit more time, because someone has to water the plants and protect our rum cabinet whilst the Speaker is out opening and closing votes.

With that said, it has been an honour to have been elected Speaker twice and to have served two terms. I hope I have not let you down and I would like to thank all my Deputies who have helped out this term! Goodbye!

Former Speaker of the Regional Assembly
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Opening Address - September 2023
Thank you for electing me to this position and entrusting me with its responsibilities. I will do my very best to deliver on the promises I made in my campaign thread. The past eight months have been a wonderful time for the office, and I will make sure to continue that for another four. I’d also like to thank @Skaraborg for his superb service as our Speaker and for giving me and my fellow deputies an opportunity to serve the region and learn in the process.

I’d also like to thank @Bobberino, @Sil Dorsett, @Robespierre, @Nutmeg The Squirrel, @Sauron, @Neptune, @Oceania, and @Caius for their service in the last term. You all have done an incredible job. I am also very grateful to @Sil Dorsett for saving us when our RMB and forum checks malfunctioned and for providing us with a tool to use.

On to the guides: there are six left to write, with one already drafted by Skaraborg last term, and it should be finalised within a few weeks. Once each of the guides is completed, they will be posted in St George’s thread in the Regional Assembly forum, which should be done in about a few months. Each guide will be released post-by-post upon their respective completions.

A new citizen status report will be posted in a few days, which will include data from May 1 (May 24 was the upload date and not the actual date of when the report’s data ended; my apologies) to September 12. It’ll be a bit more comprehensive than the last report and will include things such as admin check failures and on what grounds they were failed, whether they qualified for a VD re-evaluation or not, and so on.

Like last term, there will be no schedule to increase the efficiency of the office.

Now, onto deputy appointments. I am hereby appointing @Skaraborg and @Chipoli as Deputy Speakers and reappointing @Sil Dorsett, @Robespierre, @Sauron, @Neptune, @Oceania, and @Caius. Please go take your oaths. I am also once again reiterating my offer: if you wish to become a Deputy Speaker, please DM me in Discord (cloudyiskies), send me a forum DM, or send me a telegram in NS (Marlducro).


Speaker of the Regional Assembly

LoA Declaration: Nov. 1–Nov. 7
Acting Speaker Procedures
  1. The Speaker may, at any time, designate a Deputy Speaker to serve as Acting Speaker in the case of a vacancy or absence in the office of Speaker. The Speaker may change this designate at any time.
  2. The Acting Speaker will assume all the powers and duties of the Speaker's Office when the office is vacant or when the Speaker is absent.

Per the above, I am hereby declaring a leave of absence. In my place, I am hereby appointing @Skaraborg to take over as acting speaker for the duration of this LoA. With exams fast approaching and sore eyes hitting me, I think it would be a good idea to focus on my studies and my recovery. I wish @Skaraborg the best of luck during these seven days.


Speaker of the Regional Assembly

LoA Conclusion Annoucement
Hello, I am back, and I am once again ready to perform my duties as the Speaker. Please give @Skaraborg a massive thank you for keeping up the good work in my absence, and thank you everyone for the well wishes I received.


Speaker of the Regional Assembly

An Update from the Speaker

Hello everyone. I’m aware of my recent inactivity, and to address any concerns that may arise, I am making this update to inform the region of my current situation.

This year has been the most stressful for me so far. Everything that has transpired IRL has hampered my ability to perform my duties as Speaker, as well as demotivated me from doing anything in general. I’ll do what I can to increase my activity this coming Christmas break and try to start and complete some of the guides.

Have a nice day, everyone, and happy holidays.

Speaker of the Regional Assembly
Deputy Appointment
A new person has joined the office! Please welcome @Picairn as our newest deputy! Please take your oath!

Opening Address - January 2024
My deepest gratitude goes out to you for electing me to this position, and entrusting me with the responsibilities and duties held therein. My congratulations go to @Kaschovia and @Chipoli for being successful in their respective campaigns. Over the next 4 months, I promise I will do my very best to deliver on the promises I made in my campaign.

I wish to thank @Cloud for his brilliant work as Speaker last term, I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for him. I thank @Sil Dorsett, @Skaraborg, @Chipoli, @Picairn, @Sauron, @Oceania, @Caius, @Neptune and @Maurnindaia [fr] for their fantastic work as Deputy Speakers.

Recent events have suggested to me that my first priority of the term should be to carry out a full audit of all Speaker’s Office paperwork, to make sure that they are up to date. After that, I will introduce the Weekly Regional Assembly Report, and then work on completing the Speaker’s Guides. All of that whilst keeping the consistency of Speaker’s work I promised in my campaign.

I have made the decision that there will be no Deputy Speakers’ schedule this term, I will instead keep consistency through strict expectations for Deputies.

Now, onto Deputy appointments. I am firstly appointing @St George, @Sil Dorsett, and @Picairn to serve as Deputies this term. Please take your oaths promptly. More appointment(s) are likely to follow.

Well, that’s enough for now, I again thank you for electing me, and let’s get this term started!

Speaker of the Regional Assembly
Having been asked by the Speaker, I have conducted an audit of the residents group and corrected 28 descripencies, which follow in a spoiler.
Azhers - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet.
Blue Wolf II - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet.
Coders - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet.
Constance - in group but not on sheet - nation doesn't exist, removed from group
cyberegypt - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
ejay - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
Elfiburg - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
Elyak - in group but not on sheet - nation doesn't exist, removed from group
Enderstan - in group but not on sheet - nation doesn't exist, removed from group
Holy Melkite Kingdom - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
JayDee - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
Jeltronia - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
Joshbly - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
Kaiser de Oberlanz - in group but not on sheet, nation in Lazarus, removed from group
Karloman - on sheet but not in group, added to group
Karl XIV - in group but not on sheet, nation in Balder, removed from sheet
Lower Pensaland - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
Magecastle - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
Marianne-Britannia - on sheet but not in group, added to group
MiniMan - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
Narconolio - in group but not on sheet - nation doesn't exist, removed from group
The Republic of Ukelect - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
The Smol Scholar - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
Tri1 - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
WRSpiral - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
ZahonyiCs - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
ZleekyGgh - in group but not on sheet - nation doesn't exist, removed from sheet
Zuplan0107 - in group but not on sheet, added to sheet
An audit of the Citizenship group will take place in the coming days.
Following on from that, I have conducted an audit of the Citizen group and sheet. Surprisingly, there seems to be less problems than originally thought.

There were only three discrepancies:
Caecar - in group but not in the sheet, added to sheet
Norgad - in group but not in the sheet, added to sheet
the.bleaker.zoo - had been remaining as a citizen despite not having met the posting requirements for quite some time
Any more significant numbers of discrepancies will be reported on this thread.
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Acknowledgement of Mistakes Made Previously in the Citizenship Applications Process
I wish to take some time to acknowledge some mistakes made recently in the process of citizenship applications. This statement is part of my vision of transparency for the Speaker's Office. These errors come from the Speaker/Deputy Speaker not explicitly rejecting applications, which is an action that must be taken per this court ruling which ruled that the Speaker's Office must take demonstrative action for something to take effect.

These mistakes are as follows:
cyberegypt: Application was not rejected by the Speaker. However, they reapplied and were granted citizenship
Eliott: Application was not rejected by the Speaker. However, their nation is now CTE
ZahonyiCS: Application was not rejected by the Speaker. However, they reapplied and eventually were given citizenship
Kenmoria + Goa Kingdom: These applicants were not rejected by the Speaker. However, Kenmoria reapplied and Goa Kingdom no longer has a nation in TNP
Mixton6: and Twice were they not explicitly rejected, however they reapplied and now have citizenship
Killik360: Application was not rejected by the Speaker, however their nation is not in TNP
Murias: Application was not rejected by the Speaker after failing the Admin Check, however they reapplied later and now have citizenship
Ashya: Application not rejected by the Speaker, they reapplied and were explicitly rejected then AND application not rejected by the Speaker
Greater Ale Permars: Application not rejected by the Speaker, they reapplied and got citizenship
Turbiatop: Application not rejected by the Speaker after failing the Admin Check, nation has CTE'd
President WD Gadlela: Application not rejected by the Speaker after failing the Admin Check, nation is no longer in the region
There is one mistake that does require further action. @Pland Adanna applied for citizenship here, and failed the Admin Check. They were never explicitly rejected by the Speaker's Office and never reapplied for citizenship. As their nation is still in TNP, I hereby grant them citizenship.

I apologise for these mistakes and wish to reiterate that applications must be explicitly rejected if they fail a check.

I thank @Skaraborg for being a leader in identifying these errors, as well as my other Deputies for helping.
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