Future RP - Information

Didn't realise there was this other thread! In terms of corp leadership, I'm setting myself up as low-tech so it makes more sense if I was the leader in cheap labour or manufacturing (imagine modern-day India, in terms of low-cost manufacturing and outsourced labour). If that's not a valid speciality, I'll think of something else!
Trinster will likely be changing its specialty to heavily armored vehicles, but will maintain a shipbuilding arm.
I'm going to justify my use of zeppelin airships on Tek.

First, I want to get things out of the way: a lot of development has been done on military airships since the early 20th century. We're not looking at something like this:

but more like this:

Not this:

but this:

Also, although the atmosphere of Tek is practically nonexistant, numerous rocket engines are easily able to suspend the massive airship in the air, due to the use of hydrogen gas to lower the ship's density.

And third, the issue of using flammable hydrogen is negated by the fact that any explosion would die out fairly quickly, since there is, as stated before, very little atmosphere and as such very little oxygen. Any hull breach could be isolated by the use of blast doors fairly quickly, causing all oxygen in that area of the ship to be consumed before the hydrogen runs out.
I have no issue with the use of airships in general as Ceretis uses them regularly in modern RP. (Look at our airline.) I do wonder about their viability in the nonexistent Tek atmosphere.

I'd have little issue with them used on any other planet, but on Tek might not have enough atmosphere to support their weight. They'd mostly have to fly using non propeller type engines to keep them afloat. (e.g. rockets, etc)

But I do applaud your inventive thinking.
It does say rockets, so I think we're good. The hydrogen in the middle is mostly there to make the thing easier to support, instead of it being like a regular spaceship with hallways and suchlike in the middle.
Can I get added to the corporations list: Techislovakia, Exports: Education (major), Orbital Engineering/Computing (minor); mid-high tech
Can I get added to the corporations list: Techislovakia, Exports: Education (major), Orbital Engineering/Computing (minor); mid-high tech
Can I get added to the corporations list: Techislovakia, Exports: Education (major), Orbital Engineering/Computing (minor); mid-high tech
sorry, when I first posted here I didn't know that posts had timestamps on them. I now see that this is a year old
Actually, Tech, thank you for gravedigging this. I was just thinking, would all of this info about what is beyond Eras still apply?

Discussions welcome. 1% so I can't write much atm.
Mod note: I dislike thread necromancy and gravedigging in general. Thread locked. Start a new thread if you wish to continue this discussion.