ARCHIVED: The Great War

(OOC: Nobody knows the U2 is from Hiskjriaana, it's unmarked. It could be from Nebula or Rhuvenland for all anybody knows.)
(OOC: There are all kinds of ways of knowing where an aircraft is from besides just markings. :))
(OOC: what says? The Hiskjriaanii Air Force is better than you would think.)
(OOC: Nobody knows the U2 is from Hiskjriaana, it's unmarked. It could be from Nebula or Rhuvenland for all anybody knows.)
(OOC: There are all kinds of ways of knowing where an aircraft is from besides just markings. :))
(OOC: what says? The Hiskjriaanii Air Force is better than you would think.)
(OOC: Airframe design, for one. Do you make your own planes? Dead giveaway. Bought it elsewhere? We track those deals. Flight characteristics, spectral analysis of the exhaust gases, and thermal signature of the engines can be distinctive. One of the satellites that picked you up is otherwise part of our earth-sensing and atmo analysis work towards finding a way to improve or correct Sadakoyama's persistent inclement weather. Then there are the assets, human and otherwise, monitoring activity at your (and everyone's) airbases.
We are scientists, our entire national culture is dedicated to observation and information gathering.)
(OOC: Nobody knows the U2 is from Hiskjriaana, it's unmarked. It could be from Nebula or Rhuvenland for all anybody knows.)
(OOC: There are all kinds of ways of knowing where an aircraft is from besides just markings. :))
(OOC: what says? The Hiskjriaanii Air Force is better than you would think.)
(OOC: Airframe design, for one. Do you make your own planes? Dead giveaway. Bought it elsewhere? We track those deals. Flight characteristics, spectral analysis of the exhaust gases, and thermal signature of the engines can be distinctive. One of the satellites that picked you up is otherwise part of our earth-sensing and atmo analysis work towards finding a way to improve or correct Sadakoyama's persistent inclement weather. Then there are the assets, human and otherwise, monitoring activity at your (and everyone's) airbases.
We are scientists, our entire national culture is dedicated to observation and information gathering.)
(OOC: Now I'm no law expert, but I'm fairly certain it's illegal to be doing that much surveillance.)
(OOC: Apologies for butting in, but if you two are going to have a long conversation in OOC, might I recommend you move it to the OOC thread linked in the OP? Thanks.)
"Commence bombing raids on Cronaal."
"Sir, the Cronaal are acting in our aid. Why---"
"It makes no sense!" the Emperator shouted. He could handle human stupidity, but insanity pushed him over the line. "They were allied with Rhuvanland, and now they start a bloody campaign against them? Something is very wrong! Now deploy the bombers!"
Nowe looked at Sebt and Nursson with concern. "I want peace for Guslantis. Both you gentlemen should know that. Yes, I'm quite aware of the Guslant Gold. Hilley would not have left me in charge had I not have. Let me hear a lick of what you are asking me to do before I give the entire fleet a death warrant," she said firmly. The GusNet monitor went into split-screen as the new window showed a map of the region. On the map were many small red triangles, showing the bombers. A female soldier went up to the monitor, and tapped the triangles to show more information about them. "Ma'm, the Nebulans...," started the soldier before Emily put a hand on her shoulder. Nowe could do nothing. Her hands were literally tied. The pains of being neutral. She knew about an aerial attack, and all she could do was watch. She felt really bad for the receiving end of the bombers, but could not be focused on at the moment. She looked back on her guests, and spoke with confidence. "I can assist with non-perishable supplies and medical ships in addition to safe travels through the Guslant Strait. Anything else that you were require?" she asked.
Funkadelia will keep its long honored tradition of neutrality in foreign wars and will not be involved in this conflict.

Emperor Menelik II has released a public general communique that criticizes this conflict for being ludicrously petty, and a waste of valuable life in resources over such a ridiculous cause. The Funkadelians take pride knowing that they are one of the few peace loving nations left in the world.
"Essentially what I am thinking is that we can assemble a combined naval fleet led by the Guslant Gold, and launch a coordinated, massive amphibious attack on Nebula's home territory, while our air forces bomb Nebulan garrisons across the region in places such as Pelhafor, which the Nebulans are attacking now." Nursson paused. "However there is one mystery still to solve; the mystery of the allegiances of Cronaal, and who exactly the Cronaals are fighting."
"That would mean a declaration of war," argued Nowe. Unfortunately, when she looked at Akerman, the general's smile widened. The strategy used during the Schnellerkrieg was two-pronged, and now, as the Prime Minister laid it out for them, which made Emily very excited.
"While this may be a rogue fleet, concerning the uprisings in Cronaal and the mysterious death of the Syrixian ambassador to Cronaal it is more likely Cronaal has betrayed its allies and is going to war. They're going insane! How can we sit back while they burn cities and kill just because?"
(OOC: You're meant to note Diana's messier-than-usual signature.)
(OOC 2: Originally posted in Helmebaine Alliance!)




I am writing from the desk of the SMITH'S PALACE of CRONAAL as I must inform you that we are unhappy with the behaviour against and the treatment of our nation. We have had ministers, such as EDEN HALL, being murdered in foreign land. Actions like this are outrageous and show what kind of filthy animals the rest of this land is, NEBULA disgusts us for being to bigoted and rude, demanding things from smaller, more vulnerable nations and then beginning wars against said nations for almost no reason. RHUVANLAND disgusts us for being so weak, it's people's actions against other nations, such as us, and it's barbaric ways. SYRIXIA disgusts us because for being ridiculous in mind and measure and also failing to keep it's citizens and guests safe from the barbaric RHUVISH, they allowed one of our nation's most beloved people to be tortured and murdered like a pig on a farm, simply because they failed to protect him and still, we mourn. GUSLANTIS disgusts us for denying war, it shows us that it too weak to protect it's own people, it's own allies and wishes to hide in damned bunkers like fearful cats, they wish to let the world around them die and burn as they hide. They are cowards and we believe they should not be trusted by anyone. SADAKOYAMA disgusts us because of it's demeaning surveillance against any and all nations, they have no legal right to do this in our eyes and must be destroys by our armies and all others. DUE to this, we hereby declare war on:


Yours Sincerely,
Mikita looked nervously at Nursson. Her hands shook and she walked toward the monitor. "Civilian lives cannot be risked. Cronaal and Nebula have crossed the border of humane warfare. Killing civilians is not something I want my nation to stand up for. Chemical warfare either. Alfred, we must create order in this war of nations. We will create peace at any cost. I will not join your plan of war, but I will go down there with my best men. Give me clearance into Rhuvanland's capital, as you are their closest ally, I will walk into a battle if I must, peace is something to die for," she said firmly.

In the Augustus Town harbor, a familiar-looking woman boarded the Guslant Gold and used her ID to open the main bunker within the ship. "The Governor will be here soon," she said, closing the large bunker door behind her.
"Wait a second..." Nursson quickly remarked. "I just received a notification from the Syrixian Intelligence Agency. Cronaal has declared war on both Guslantis and Syrixia, as well as Rhuvanland and a couple other nations." Nursson looked up. "We have no choice now..."
Official Communicate from the Most Serene Republic of Syrixia:


To: The Provincial State of Cronaal, and, to a lesser extent, other nations participating in the ongoing conflicts
From: The Most Serene Republic of Syrixia

This betrayal by the Provincial State of Cronaal is the last straw. Their declaration of war is filled with baseless accusations and we believe the Cronaal government is, frankly, going insane, and taking things way too far. Syrixia will not settle for this. While it is most regrettable, and while Syrixia is most reluctant to do this, Syrixia cannot stand by as thousands are killed by the day. We will stand by our allies and fight to the last man until peace reigns once more. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in Pelhafor, in Rhuvanland, and wherever innocent people are dying. We shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, and we shall bring peace to the region once more, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, and we shall fight in the hill. We will never surrender!

It is with this triumphant remark that the Most Serene Republic of Syrixia hereby declares war on the nations of Nebula and Cronaal.


Alfred Nursson
Prime Minister of Syrixia

John Sirus
Deputy Prime Minister of Syrixia​
"Cronaal has broke Guslant promised neutrality. That evil queen betrayed us. I will not enter a war!" Nowe screamed. Meanwhile, a message was patched through to Queen Diana from an unknown location.

"Evening bitch!", said Leah to the Queen over transmission, which was quite ironic for the most peaceful Guslant. "I know you're a stupid Cronaal and everything, but I thought you knew how to spell neutrality! Obviously, your thick skull can only take information that is useless and stupid! Next time I'll just have your Minister of Foreign Affairs tell you...oh wait, I forgot, he's dead. You've lost all respect from the Monarchy, your NPTO delegate has lost my vote, and oh, you suck at fighting. So yes, I hope you enjoy the waning days of your civilization, because Guslantis will never fall to the Cronaal." The transmission ended and was forwarded to Mr. Nursson.

Meanwhile, in Pigletville, huge anti-aircraft guns rose from the ground and large tanks began to roll out of the army barracks. In Augustus Town, the Guslant Gold pushed out from shore and was one of the large warships forming a blockade around the Guslant border. On the western side, a huge wall of men was being built, guarding the Cronaal from attacking from the west as fighter jets flew above.

"Don't worry, Madam Governor, the plans are already in motion," said Akerman patting the governor on the back. "If these plans do fail, however, Hilley has handed control of Pigletville to us. Go, he requests you in the Royal Bunker," said Hall, leading the governor out of the room and downstairs toward the Royal Bunker.
The entire army of Cronaal began to mobilize, Diana had sent recently forced all the males, 15-40, to join the National Army of Cronaal. She'd gone mad with power, simply sending thousands, millions to their deaths. The entire army was roughly a 13 million estimate once all the men were enlisted but it was officially only around 1 million and only smaller units of 50,000 could be sent at a time, this information disappointed Diana but she, even in her insanity, understood that it was simply impossible to send an army of 1,000,000 and arrive within the month. Diana quietly crept over to her bedroom's balcony, it was pitch-black but she could see the entire city from her spire, the beautiful array of lights and colors, flashes and beams, she never understood how light was so beautiful, how it rejuvenated her and gave her hope, how it- She stopped and remembered Eden. Eden was her greatest friend, knowing him since birth, and had supported her like family. She began to cry tears of hate and despair, she remembered when she saw what the terrorist had done to him, how Eden was screaming, squealing in deafening pain as if he were a tire on a care that was hitting the break too quickly.

Meanwhile in Rhuvanland, Adrian Grove noticed the silence as Diana released the declaration, they were silent. He knew they were discussing, he knew that he had to fire soon and fast.
"Secondary guns!" Adrian commanded, the side of the ship facing the ocean began to upon up in many areas, revealing cannons and weaponry alike the other side, Adrian was to fire upon the ships of Syrixia.
"Should we take this threat seriously, Sciencemaster?" The young aide asked nervously. Sadakoyama had only once before been at war, but that had been a minor squabble, not an existential threat. Every citizen trained to defend themselves, their nation, and the pursuit of science, but none wished for it. It caused fear and suffering for the people, it was bad for the economy, it was hard on the furniture and worst of all, it got in the way of valuable research.

"I take all threats seriously. But there are four other nations racing to destroy this mad monarch, I don't expect we will need to get involved. Raise us to DEFCON Beta and get some fighters in the air. Put a couple of strike teams together with SST transport, just in case we need to use more proactive measures."

As the young man spoke on the phone, relaying the orders, Sciencemaster Bolívar idly rubbed the charm on his dog tag chain. To the uninitiated, it looked like a tiny gold trophy. It was given to him the day he became Sciencemaster, and it represented the destiny of Sadakoyama- not only the country, but the idea, the values and goals of its people.

Sad little queen on her sad little hill, the SM fumed. Why must they fear and hate science so much?. People like her were the reason the original Sadakhan fled their respective homelands, the reason Sadakoyama existed in the first place.

He placed a call on his personal secure line to his counterpart in the Department of International Studies. Sciencemaster Svetlana Abbiati was unsurprisingly already fully informed of the situation. They conferred only briefly; she approved of his decisions thus far taken and she assured him her information channels in Cronaal were activating as they spoke, information on the political and military situation--including locations and movements of key personnel--already pouring in. She suggested a plan of action for his strike teams that refined his initial thoughts.

As the director of the DDT terminated the call, he shivered a little. They worked well together, he and Abbiati, but her cold emotionless tone gave him chills every time. There was a slight, resonating timbre to her arch vocal tone that was almost reptilian.
The first unit had arrived at the city where Adrian was. This unit consisted of 5,000 medium ships, 10,000 small ones and 2 warships, it was a formidable force that had been following Adrian's unit to help avoid situations like this, the ships began to, slowly, surround the Syrixians that surrounded Adrian's unit, this movement was unexpected to all but the Sadakoyamans, they knew many things about the world that others did not. They slowly began to prepare their weaponry after loosely surrounding the Syrixian forces whilst Adrian spoke to them.

"You, you are feeble and puny. You underestimate the armies of my nation, right now thousands of men are being forced to join our forces and destroy you." Adrian spoke confidently, he assumed that he could defeat Syrixia, crush them with his larger army of which he could waste away like it was thin air, the people were meaningless to him.
Only a few hours later, an uncoded message was sent to the appropriate diplomatic contacts for Nebula, Rhuvenland, Syrixia, and Guslantis. It consisted of a large data file appended to a short video featuring a pale blond woman with a vacant, almost sleepy expression. In a languorous, toneless voice she spoke:

"To whom it may concern; I represent the Council of Sciencemasters of Sadakoyama. I'm sure you are aware that the inexplicable belligerence of the monarch of Cronaal has united us by becoming a common enemy. As your forces are already mobilized and in some cases already engaged with the Cronaali, we feel our best contribution to terminating this affair is to provide you with the intelligence we have gathered thus far. The data is unencrypted to do with as you will. Of particular note is our estimation of the most likely locations for the Queen herself to be sequestered; if we understand how these primitive monarchies function it is our belief a well-aimed cruise missile... or twenty... should be sufficient to bring this unfortunate unpleasantness to a swift conclusion."

(OOC: I'll let you folks decide what the specific nature of the intel received is)
Sebt stood in thought for a moment as he received this new information "The Cronaal don't expect the Wolvesh to be a threat... The Hyperion's main gun can disable a vessel with a single shot but it can fire three times at most, five at a push, before the heat reaches dangerous levels... the same applies to our satellite weapons although they may be able to get off seven shots before they need to cool off...our frigates are armed with 24 torpedoes a piece." willingly giving this information to both the Syrixians and the Guslants "We could neutralise roughly 70 vessels in the right conditions but I strongly suspect Cronaal has a significantly larger fleet than that... I will have our second fleet in readiness and have the Legions prepared for deployment." checking the map he considered the options "The fastest route to take to reach most of their target nations would be to enter the central sea via the straits of the Imperium Augustum, if we can open a line of communication with them and with Belschaft we can try and set a trap for the Cronaal fleet there, it may require some convincing but if we can convince them both that Cronaal will most likely force their way through then we can easily cut off their main route, allowing us to concentrate on holding them near Sadokayama. If we can depend on Ceretis and Xentherida to hold the northern entrance of the Central Sea that will allow New Sekai's fleet to intercept in the west. The more fronts we can engage upon the faster we can wear Cronaal down before we bottle them." the map updating to show his plans "Once bottled we can just wait it out until Diana comes to her senses or somebody more willing to listen to reason takes over. I can have the Third fleet head to Sadokayama to assist in their defence." he suggested, knowing his plan depended on a lot of diplomacy between the members of both alliances but Cronaal was too big a threat for either groups to ignore or to try to fight alone. His face indicated he had considered something but it was not something he liked the idea of, those.... things... they would be excellent shock troops but he couldn't stomach the thought of the wretched creatures, he remembered seeing the, the mutilations, the self-inflicted disfigurement. The other nations wouldn't understand what they were, why Wolfsea had kept them out of the public eye, how can they explain that these things were already dead, that they chose to be dead.
The Triple Federation of Trinster is furious at Cronaal's decision to declare war on states that have (mostly) only defenced themselves, as such we will give Cronall a 5 hour grace period to declare a white peace, or we will declare war. Consider this a warning.
In a fateful decision, the Emperator ordered all ships in the south to return in order to prepare for a full-scale invasion of Cronaal, on the grounds that the government of Cronaal was at this point a far greater threat to Nebulan sovereignty than Rhuvanland and Kannex.
Transmission sent and received via a scrambled un-encrypted channel... Original location unknown... The speakers voice is also scrambled making the identity of the transmission a mystery...

Cronnal has gone too far, their Queen mad with power and conquest. While we could not save Hall, we do mourn his death and are saddened that his passing is being utilized for an act of war. We implore the Queen of Cronnal to stand down and surrender peacefully. If not, we have no choice but to authorize our entire Ordú an Bháis and help bring about a swift but bloody end to this tyranny and restore peace and order to the North Pacific. As a closing remark, we also ask the Nebulans to cease and desist their imperialistic methods that helped create the current crisis. While we have no quarrel with you at the moment, we are sending this in the hopes of avoiding a fight.

Transmission ends...
Cronaal is a direct threat to our society. Although the threat posed by Rhuvanland was... questionable, Cronaal is far closer and far better armed. We must aid our fellow nations in neutralizing this threat.
"If you want to play that game go ahead. The Syrixian Empire died a long time ago, but its spirit did not!" said Gundersen, before having all the ships surrounding him fire on Adrian's ship. The ship was battered, bruised and breached before it finally sunk. But back in Syrixia, Gundersen's promise was coming to fruition. Tens of thousands of people joined the army. The insanity of the Cronaal leadership was real, and many Syrixians did not want to have this insanity exist. Before the SYRIXIAN conscription, Cronaal conscription brought their military up to 1 million. Now, Syrixia's was at 1.5 million, and ready for war.

Quickly, Syrixia's navy, which was already a force to be reckoned with, became the stuff of nightmares. Making their way to Cronaal, legion upon legion of ships blockaded the entire Cronaal coast. Syrixian ships fired on everything on the coast that looked military-related, being sure to spare the civilians. Squads of planes and a couple aircraft carriers with even more planes on them arrived. The planes began bombing the interior of Cronaal, unleashing at least five on each provincial capital, and around ten on Smithworks, again being sure to spare any cultural icons or exhibits. Syrixia was on the offensive.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Defense sent a notice to the Nebulan Emperator informing them that a truce was in their best interests until Cronaal was defeated and split into occupation zones. Then, fighting could resume.
The Nebulan naval attack began. The northeastern islands were cut off and fell quickly. Paratroopers were deployed onto the Cronaal mainland, along with tanks deployed by landing ships in a concealed bay. The invasion had begun.
(OOC: didn't realise we were going in heavy that quickly XD so much for the strategy lol)

The Hyperion's main gun fired its third shot before initiating it's cooldown, the aircraft carrier it had targeted listed to the side as water flooded into the hull from the gash seared along it's waterline by the Heliocannon. Sebt arced his fighter around, narrowly outmanoeuvring the fighter on his tail, his cannon's burst tearing through the enemy fighters wing. The 1st fleet was drawing closer to the harbour and the Ravens were already swarming, disabling the defensive emplacements. The 2nd legion's infantry had already begun landing via airship, the wolvesh forces surprising the Cronaal forces with their preference for close quarters combat. In the bay the Adler and Osprey lined up, covered by the Paladin turrets of the Dominion from the aerial onslaught, both frigates were heavily damaged, the Osprey was practically sinking, both ships fired their last torpedoes, breaching the sea wall before engaging engines at full speed, their prows crashing through the warehouses on the harbourside as the crews jumped out, eager to continue the fight on land. Both vessels were salvageable but it could be months before they were ready, indeed the first fleet had been battered heavily but even with serious damage the Wolvesh vessels carried on, the Imperium was lost, along with the Adler and Amethyst, and that made the Wolvesh even more determined to take the city no matter what. Sebt called in his Wing, arranging a V formation as they turned their attention to the remains of the enemy air force, their preference for knife-fight range combat serving them well even in the air thanks to their use of F-35II's. Sebt heard his radio come to life, the fleet defending the town had surrendered, as the order went around, Sebt issued and order to ceasefire immediately. As the medics rushed in to aid Cronaal and Wolvesh wounded alike Sebt carefully landed on the Keres, it had been a hard fought battle but now they had a beachhead, the remainder of the 2nd Legion could land at the harbour. He sighed with relief, glad that for now he could rest.
While the Wolvish and Nebulans were working their way into Cronaal's interior in various places, along with Syrixia and Nebula dropping paratroopers, Syrixian soldiers went one step further. Marching all the way from a peninsula in the far east of the Larineth province to the city of Smithworks itself, they already had the city surrounded.

For the first time, Diana was scared. She knew what she had to do, destroy Smithworks. She grabbed her youngest daughter Rydia, aged 6, and brought her with her to the bunker in the bottom of the Smith's Palace. Diana's insanity was forcing her to use a fallout weapon that the city was armed with, a nuclear bomb that was constructed in case the Royal Family were on the verge of destruction, a bomb made to destroy a city and a family to save the nation. Diana wept slightly, ignoring her daughter's inquisition as they sped down the hallways and the endless staircases.

They arrived, Diana picked up Rydia and held her on her hip, she continued to cry slightly. The large, imposing 12-foot-thick steel door began to sound alarms and open as Diana quickly rushed inside to the Overseer's Chamber. She ran throught he endless waves of corridors and rooms, all useless as the cabinet had already dissolved entirely leaving the nation in a state of decay. Closer, closer she got to the panel that would destroy everything her nation stood for. Closer and closer.

Diana forced the door open with her heels as she rushed to the panel before people came into the bunker, to inquire about why it had been opened. She viciously mashed several buttons.
Diana pondered for a moment. She remembered, 8829037749BH122K, as it was written on a small piece of paper beside the panel.
Diana kissed her daughter's forward as she cried, she cried tears of love as she laid her forehead on her daughter's.

Smithworks was consumed by light...

It was lucky Syrixian soldiers were surrounding Smithworks. They did not dare to go closer yet, especially when the bomb detonated. The Mad Queen had killed thousands, no, millions, including government officials. At this point it would be a miracle if anyone in the city survived. The Mad Queen and Rydia certainly did not. Nevertheless, this made Syrixian efforts much easier. At this point Cronaal had collapsed, and the remainder of the troops were in disarray. Wolvish, Nebulan and Syrixian ground increased, and Rhuvish troops landed in Cronaal as well to take a piece of the pie.

Sebt thumped the command console within the communications suite aboard the Hyperion "That stupid damn woman!" his shoulders visibly shaking with rage, not aware the other allied commanders could see his reaction, he massaged the bridge of his nose, trying to hide the tears of rage and grief, hinting at an all-too-personal pain brought about by the sight of the mushroom cloud. "How dare she... how dare she do something like that to her own people!" he snarled before composing himself and turning to the screen "What now..." he asked, clearly still angered but knowing that they had to make some kind of decision as to how to proceed. The Medical Corps had the necessary equipment but to set up close enough to help the surviovrs would take a few days "We brought supplies to treat radiation victims but we'll need time to get ready."

((OOC: a colour key would be hany on that map Syrixia, #justsayin'))
(OOC: Dark blue is Wolfsea, Magenta is Rhuvanland, White is Syrixia, and Red is Nebula. The gray is what remains of the tattered state of Cronaal.)
(OOC: Dark blue is Wolfsea, Magenta is Rhuvanland, White is Syrixia, and Red is Nebula. The gray is what remains of the tattered state of Cronaal.)
((ooc: Roger roger, Roger))
Sadakoyama dispatches an SST with a hastily assembled science team, security detail, and some limited emergency supplies, to arrive in four hours. A fast hydrofoil cruiser loaded with medical supplies and personnel and a more comprehensive science corps to follow, arriving the next day. Our hospital ships collecting Rhuven refugees have been diverted to Cronaal. Some of our new potential citizens will get to earn field experience a little sooner than anticipated.

It is not everyday one gets to study the effects of a nuclear detonation in a populated area.
Sebt gave a cold stare towards the Sadokayaman representative "Remember, the survivors medical care comes first..."
Chester Kray, the former NPTO Representative of Cronaal, sat in a small, wicker seat outside in the NPTO HQ Gardens. He pondered and thought about what would happen to his beloved home that had been destroyed and mistreated by his queen, Diana. His mind was also filled with sorrow, he missed his family who'd died in Smithworks, he also felt fury and rage, this was caused by the death of Eden Hall, he'd only visited Syrixia to discuss the terrorism and support them but he ended up dead, it angered him how Diana had mishandled this and turned her mourning into furious hate that had driven her mad.

He looked up into the beaming, glistening sun that shone onto his body. It reminded him of what Diana once was, a shining beacon to Cronaal who would never hurt a fly. The woman who'd given a family heirloom to the Guslant king, the woman who'd supported hundreds of charities with her own money. He then looked at the dirt, a small patch beneath the bench that a few small ants and assorted insects were crawling around, it reminded him of what she'd become. A vile person who's only goal was their own advancement in the world.

Chester began to push his arms forcefully onto the soft, cushioned seat of the wicker bench and began to walk inside, he had to continue discussing things with Auel. He sighed depressingly
Keren was walking out into the garden, narrowly avoiding running into Chester, she looked up at him "Mr Kray... I know it probably means nothing to you but I am truly sorry for what happened..." she sighed, her usually stoic expression was gone, replaced with a look of genuine concern.
Sebt gave a cold stare towards the Sadokayaman representative "Remember, the survivors medical care comes first..."
"Of course; but if in the process of treating symptoms we study the effects suffered by the victims, we may one day be able to mitigate or reverse this kind of chromosomal damage entirely. Or find a new and better way to prevent cancers from UV solar radiation. Any number of new and exciting things. You may think we lack compassion, and that may be so; but we are looking at a far bigger picture. We don't want to just ease the suffering of one patient, we want to cure the disease."