ARCHIVED: BREAKING NEWS: The United States of New Sekai's Civil War

We were unaware that a ceasefire had been reached. Please inform us when these events take place.
No, is only a ceasefire between The monarchy, the new government and The Constitution Party. (I'm hoping I'm making sense.)

(OOC: I mean The Constitution party is still hostile of the other forces in The United States of New Sekai.)
What new government? We had not heard of any new government rising to power.

In any case, the rebels began hostilities by firing upon our scouts, who were attempting to find a base of operations to be used for all peacekeeping operations in the area.
What new government? We had not heard of any new government rising to power.

In any case, the rebels began hostilities by firing upon our scouts, who were attempting to find a base of operations to be used for all peacekeeping operations in the area.
(OOC: I mean The United States of New Sekai did have a new election before/near at the beginning of the war: . Which I mean there is a new government/new president.)

If the government of New Sekai wishes it we will immediately withdraw from the fortress. If they demand it, we will withdraw entirely.
Mr Insanity:
United Llamas has decided to send medical supplies and military aircraft to aid New Sekai Army. Expect to recieve supplies and aircrafts by May 19, 2015 2:00 a.m. (Eastern United States time).


- Gen. B.O.B. Llama
Minister of Defense
We also included a couple of these:


(Some) Armed with these:

Thank you.
Your welcome, please contact Pres. Kimchi Bubba or, Cheif of Staff, Gen. Tod Llama.
If the government of New Sekai wishes it we will immediately withdraw from the fortress. If they demand it, we will withdraw entirely.
No, we still allowing your nation to do the operations.
Mr Insanity:
United Llamas has decided to send medical supplies and military aircraft to aid New Sekai Army. Expect to recieve supplies and aircrafts by May 19, 2015 2:00 a.m. (Eastern United States time).


- Gen. B.O.B. Llama
Minister of Defense
We also included a couple of these:


(Some) Armed with these:

Thank you.
Your welcome, please contact Pres. Kimchi Bubba or, Cheif of Staff, Gen. Tod Llama.
NP and alright then.
"All right! Continue the attack!"
Nebulan troops had halted their advance after the diplomatic hiccup with New Sekai. Barricades were set up to prevent rebel attacks, and the troops had hunkered down, waiting for orders.
Now they attacked, pulling down the barricades and storming the interior of the fortress. The rebels' supply chains had been cut by the Nebulan advance and attack, and many were going hungry due to corrupted rationing. Most were not a match for the well-trained, well-equipped Nebulan soldiers.
Within an hour, the soldiers had breached almost every part of the fortress. Only a few saferooms at the bottom of the mountain were still defended by rebels, and had been left for last by the Nebulans.
"All right! Continue the attack!"
Nebulan troops had halted their advance after the diplomatic hiccup with New Sekai. Barricades were set up to prevent rebel attacks, and the troops had hunkered down, waiting for orders.
Now they attacked, pulling down the barricades and storming the interior of the fortress. The rebels' supply chains had been cut by the Nebulan advance and attack, and many were going hungry due to corrupted rationing. Most were not a match for the well-trained, well-equipped Nebulan soldiers.
Within an hour, the soldiers had breached almost every part of the fortress. Only a few saferooms at the bottom of the mountain were still defended by rebels, and had been left for last by the Nebulans.
We should warn you apparently to intels we got, they sending a heavy assault to the base, so be ready for defending the base. Also, we think there is something must be at base what they really want? So meanwhile defending or after defending, we need your nation to search the base to find out why they really want base?
Mr Insanity:
"All right! Continue the attack!"
Nebulan troops had halted their advance after the diplomatic hiccup with New Sekai. Barricades were set up to prevent rebel attacks, and the troops had hunkered down, waiting for orders.
Now they attacked, pulling down the barricades and storming the interior of the fortress. The rebels' supply chains had been cut by the Nebulan advance and attack, and many were going hungry due to corrupted rationing. Most were not a match for the well-trained, well-equipped Nebulan soldiers.
Within an hour, the soldiers had breached almost every part of the fortress. Only a few saferooms at the bottom of the mountain were still defended by rebels, and had been left for last by the Nebulans.
We should warn you apparently to intels we got, they sending a heavy assault to the base, so be ready for defending the base. Also, we think there is something must be at base what they really want? So meanwhile defending or after defending, we need your nation to search the base to find out why they really want base?
We can divert our ninth division to provide reinforcements but the Nebulan forces might need to hold tight for a day or so.
Mr Insanity:
"All right! Continue the attack!"
Nebulan troops had halted their advance after the diplomatic hiccup with New Sekai. Barricades were set up to prevent rebel attacks, and the troops had hunkered down, waiting for orders.
Now they attacked, pulling down the barricades and storming the interior of the fortress. The rebels' supply chains had been cut by the Nebulan advance and attack, and many were going hungry due to corrupted rationing. Most were not a match for the well-trained, well-equipped Nebulan soldiers.
Within an hour, the soldiers had breached almost every part of the fortress. Only a few saferooms at the bottom of the mountain were still defended by rebels, and had been left for last by the Nebulans.
We should warn you apparently to intels we got, they sending a heavy assault to the base, so be ready for defending the base. Also, we think there is something must be at base what they really want? So meanwhile defending or after defending, we need your nation to search the base to find out why they really want base?
We can divert our ninth division to provide reinforcements but the Nebulan forces might need to hold tight for a day or so.
Alright then.
If you wish United Llamas to aid, we unfortunately can not use our soldiers, but we can use our new, highly sophisticate, UAV drones to take out the chairman of this rebel organization. We just need the coordinates of this man, and you can trust me, WE WILL TAKE HIM OUT!

- President Kimchi Bubba
The rebels had lost the fortress. The final saferooms had been breached at the bottom. Huge vaults were buried underneath, but orders had come down not to open them until a general was present, and the Nebulans still had to hold the fortress against the rebel attack.
While soldiers broke open the saferooms, others set up defenses at the top and near the entrances. Machine guns were trained on the surrounding areas, artillery set up near the summit, and incendiary bombs set to detonate on a signal and burn the nearby forest.
Meanwhile, drones were sent up to sweep the area for rebel scouts.
If you wish United Llamas to aid, we unfortunately can not use our soldiers, but we can use our new, highly sophisticate, UAV drones to take out the chairman of this rebel organization. We just need the coordinates of this man, and you can trust me, WE WILL TAKE HIM OUT!

- President Kimchi Bubba
Yeah but one problem, we don't know where he is? We don't have much intels of the location of him.
The rebels had lost the fortress. The final saferooms had been breached at the bottom. Huge vaults were buried underneath, but orders had come down not to open them until a general was present, and the Nebulans still had to hold the fortress against the rebel attack.
While soldiers broke open the saferooms, others set up defenses at the top and near the entrances. Machine guns were trained on the surrounding areas, artillery set up near the summit, and incendiary bombs set to detonate on a signal and burn the nearby forest.
Meanwhile, drones were sent up to sweep the area for rebel scouts.
Alright then. However, we still have intels they really still want that base and they are still planning tried to recaptured the base.
We have been preparing against that very eventuality. We are also trying to get a high-ranking officer to lead the investigation of the vaults.
In response to the rebels' desire to recapture the base acquired by Nebulan forces, the Royal Xentheridan Air Force is sending two squadrons of bombers and fighter aeroplanes to help defend against rebel forces. These aircraft will be distributed from the HMS Triumphant, an aircraft carrier ship located 40 miles north-by-north-east of New Haven America.
Finally, statistics have come in to show that at least 50 rebel-held targets have been destroyed by the Xentheridan Drone Fleet. These range from strongholds to smaller items like vehicles, tanks, and artillery pieces.
Drone pilots are reporting rebel scouts in the area. We have sent out several squads of commandos to capture or kill them.
Prepare for Llama drones to hook up with yours. THEY ARE NOT ENEMY DRONES!!! DON'T SHOOT! Sending coordinates of Llama drones Waiting for Nebulan drones to respond with coordinates.
The Llama drones rendezvoused with the Nebulan aircraft above the fortress. Soon drones from both nations spotted rebel advance squads moving toward the fortress. The pilots, in their command center, informed their superiors of the rebels, who contacted the commando leader.

The commandos in the woods began to move stealthily toward the advance squads. They could hear the voices of the rebels, who were trying to set up a barricade for defense. Sandbags and concrete blocks had been used to create a tough-looking, though small, protective wall. The rebels were unloading more sandbags and concrete from a truck to extend the wall. One bored-looking man stood on guard, an assault rifle held loosely at his side. He was the only openly armed rebel.

The commandos opened fire. The guard was killed instantly, and the others scrambled for shelter behind the wall. The commandos weaved through the trees, firing at any rebels who showed themselves. A few rebels were able to return fire, but this made them better targets. Within a minute, the commandos had taken the wall. The dozen or so rebels had all been killed. One commando had been wounded.

"They're trying to set up checkpoints and defensive positions as preparations for their attack," reported the commando leader over his headset. "We've taken one of these checkpoints. When the main assault force arrives, we can set up an ambush. We'll need reinforcements, though."
"We'll send you three tanks and two more squads. I trust you to command the defensive force and to ambush the rebels effectively. In the meantime, you'll have to stay there. We can send you extra equipment and materials, so you can beef the wall up."
"Yes, sir!"
From his F/A-18 , Squadron Leader Higgins looked down at the New Sekian landscape. In the distance, he could see two of such rebel checkpoints that were described by the Nebulan forces.
"Alrighty boys, we got a couple of those rebel checkpoints." Higgins radioed to his squadron. "I want two of ya to split from us and give 'em a coupla payloads. Not too much, they don't need much. However, before ya attack 'em, make sure they don't belong to our allies."
Immediately, two aircraft separated from the formation and flew over to the checkpoints. A few minutes later, each of them returned, and a faint explosion could be heard.
"We got them" replied one of the bombers.
"Alrighty. Scout around for more of 'em, intels say there should be another dozen. Let's split and hunt 'em down."
And on that note, the squadron split.

(OOC: Sorry about my poor in-character roleplaying... :blush: )
In response to the rebels' desire to recapture the base acquired by Nebulan forces, the Royal Xentheridan Air Force is sending two squadrons of bombers and fighter aeroplanes to help defend against rebel forces. These aircraft will be distributed from the HMS Triumphant, an aircraft carrier ship located 40 miles north-by-north-east of New Haven America.
Finally, statistics have come in to show that at least 50 rebel-held targets have been destroyed by the Xentheridan Drone Fleet. These range from strongholds to smaller items like vehicles, tanks, and artillery pieces.
Alright then.
From his F/A-18 , Squadron Leader Higgins looked down at the New Sekian landscape. In the distance, he could see two of such rebel checkpoints that were described by the Nebulan forces.
"Alrighty boys, we got a couple of those rebel checkpoints." Higgins radioed to his squadron. "I want two of ya to split from us and give 'em a coupla payloads. Not too much, they don't need much. However, before ya attack 'em, make sure they don't belong to our allies."
Immediately, two aircraft separated from the formation and flew over to the checkpoints. A few minutes later, each of them returned, and a faint explosion could be heard.
"We got them" replied one of the bombers.
"Alrighty. Scout around for more of 'em, intels say there should be another dozen. Let's split and hunt 'em down."
And on that note, the squadron split.

(OOC: Sorry about my poor in-character roleplaying... :blush: )
(OOC: It's ok.)
"What is it?"
"Sir, the drones are detecting the main rebel army moving in!"
"Contact the commandos and ground troops. We'll be ready for them!"

The commandos got the news. They moved to the back side of the wall (larger now due to their additions to it) and prepared for the rebel attack.

Meanwhile, defensive lines were being set up on the slope of the mountain. Higher up, missile launchers and howitzers were being prepared for attack. Drones patrolled the skies.
Upon hearing the news of the rebel army moving in, dozens of bomber and a few fighter-escorter aircraft took off from the HMS Victory towards the defending Nebulan's position, careful to avoid New Haven America's airspace by flying through the strait.
Once they arrived at the location, they would need to spot-and engage- the rebels quickly, to help defend the checkpoint. Bombs would need to literally rain down onto the rebel positions.
The rebels were moving in. The drones were reporting that a force at least 20,000 strong was marching on the fortress.

The commandos were waiting at their checkpoint. Rebel soldiers had been expecting a safe area to prepare for the attack. Many of them were gunned down as the commandos behind the wall opened fire with machine guns. Explosions rippled across the rebel checkpoint as missiles were fired with pinpoint accuracy from the mountain.

The commandos retreated back toward the mountain. As they fled, incendiaries were activated in the forest. Within hours a large swath was burning, and the rebel attack had stalled.
The People's Republic of Zazumo condemns the actions of The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party. Terrorism is the act of criminals those responsible will be brought to justice.​
The Nebulan counterattack began. Tank lines moved into the forest, mostly extinguished due to the presence of firefighter planes. The rebels were scattered by the initial attack.

Slowly, however, they began to regroup. Two tanks at the forefront were damaged beyond repair when rebel troops swarmed them, firing high-caliber rifles and machine guns point-blank into the armor plating and tread assembly. Five Nebulans were killed.

The Nebulan soldiers retreated to a series of trenches and defensive lines near the base of the mountain. Howitzers on the mountain kept the rebels in the burned forest, where they at least had some cover. A squadron of helicopters took off from an airfield nearby, firing missiles, rockets, and machine guns at the rebel soldiers. Casualties were hideous for the attacking rebels, while the Nebulan soldiers--- safe in their bunkers and confident in the lack of rebel artillery--- gunned down any rebels who left the cover of the blackened trees.
"Commander! The rebels have breached the defensive line!"
"You'd better come and see..."

The situation was bad. The rebels had put their armored vehicles at the head of their assault, and although the missile launchers had taken out most of them, a few had reached the trench. Rebel troops used the tanks for cover, firing into the trenches. Within seconds, the few rebel armored vehicles had been disabled, but remained stuck over the trench. The rebels charged across the impromptu bridges. Some of them dove into the trenches, spreading chaos through the Nebulan lines. The Nebulans were taken by surprise, giving more ground.

However, the gunners on the higher slopes had noticed this. Artillery fire rained onto rebel soldiers in the trenches. Machine gunners picked off dozens of advancing rebels. Reinforcements were coming in on helicopter, parachuting directly into the trenches and fighting hand-to-hand with the rebels, who were caught off-guard by the sudden attack.

Back in the forest, the rebels had constructed a small impromptu defensive base. Nebulan paratroopers were attacking it. The men on the ground were calling in airstrikes on rebel machine gun nests and artillery batteries.
"Commander! The rebels have breached the defensive line!"
"You'd better come and see..."

The situation was bad. The rebels had put their armored vehicles at the head of their assault, and although the missile launchers had taken out most of them, a few had reached the trench. Rebel troops used the tanks for cover, firing into the trenches. Within seconds, the few rebel armored vehicles had been disabled, but remained stuck over the trench. The rebels charged across the impromptu bridges. Some of them dove into the trenches, spreading chaos through the Nebulan lines. The Nebulans were taken by surprise, giving more ground.

However, the gunners on the higher slopes had noticed this. Artillery fire rained onto rebel soldiers in the trenches. Machine gunners picked off dozens of advancing rebels. Reinforcements were coming in on helicopter, parachuting directly into the trenches and fighting hand-to-hand with the rebels, who were caught off-guard by the sudden attack.

Back in the forest, the rebels had constructed a small impromptu defensive base. Nebulan paratroopers were attacking it. The men on the ground were calling in airstrikes on rebel machine gun nests and artillery batteries.
Llama forces have answered the call of the Nebulan forces. A military airstrike is being prepared this very minute, and is under the control of only: Xentherian, Nebulan, and New Sekain forces, and of course Llama forces has the most power, of the other three. :P We need coordinates of nearest airfield, please rendevous with the other aircraft, and have a letter/telegram, whatever... let me know know, even though I will know, if there is any other aircraft in this airstrike, from the lead commander there. The aircraft being sent to aid: 15 bombers, 7 drones, 10 cargo (carrying supplies and artillery), 2 tankers (have a touch-and-go landing), and 1 extra cargo plane (carrying special forces) and my aide, deputy chief of staff of the military.

Good Luck,
Thomas Bubba
- Chief of Staff of United Llama Military


A group of 5 cargo planes, are taking off from USS Alpaca. Four are carrying tanks, one carrying 3 Apache Helicopters. Excepted arrival to airfield New Sekian time.

Good Luck,
Lt. Gen. Joe Llama
Commander of USS Alpaca
"Sir! Reinforcements are arriving!"

The Llama tanks had arrived, and although they were few in number, they were a great comfort to the Nebulan forces. The rebel forces were almost completely surrounded: the Nebulans still held the fort, Llama tanks were swinging in from both sides, and at their rear, Nebulan paratroopers were dropping into the rebel encampment, taking the soldiers waiting there by surprise.
(OOC: A map of the conflict zones would be helpful. An overview of rebel and government forces thus far in the conflict, i.e. their weaponry, numbers, and command structure would also do a bonus.)

Shadowy hands from beyond the Central Ocean of the North Pacific got hold of New Sekaian contacts. Within the Constitution Party rebel armed group, a few high-ranking officials were in charge with foreign affairs and weapons supply. Now it seemed the majority of the world were on the side of the New Sekaian monarchy. But a few organizations were willing to sell weapons to the Constitutionalists. One evening, the telephone in the Constitution Party's foreign affairs bureau rang. A secret deal was offered -- a certain intelligence bureau of a certain Reich offered the shipment of several thousand automatic rifles and heavier weapons.
(OOC: A map of the conflict zones would be helpful. An overview of rebel and government forces thus far in the conflict, i.e. their weaponry, numbers, and command structure would also do a bonus.)

Shadowy hands from beyond the Central Ocean of the North Pacific got hold of New Sekaian contacts. Within the Constitution Party rebel armed group, a few high-ranking officials were in charge with foreign affairs and weapons supply. Now it seemed the majority of the world were on the side of the New Sekaian monarchy. But a few organizations were willing to sell weapons to the Constitutionalists. One evening, the telephone in the Constitution Party's foreign affairs bureau rang. A secret deal was offered -- a certain intelligence bureau of a certain Reich offered the shipment of several thousand automatic rifles and heavier weapons.
(OOC: I will give more informations of the civil war, soon as possible.)

The United States of New Sekai's Constitution Party: "We are willing to accept the deal."

(OOC: I put your nation as alleged supplying weapons to The United States of New Sekai's Constitutional Party: . Also, I thought you going start a peace conference between The monarchy, the new governments and The United States of New Sekai's Constitutional Party?: .)
Xentherida has finally chosen to put troops onto the ground; however, these will not be in open fighting. Instead, these troops are part of the Xentheridan Special Forces, who will be conducting raids on a list of intel-gathered locations. In this act, the XSP will hope to eliminate high-ranking officials in the rebel forces and potentially steal/destroy any supplies, whether they be food, ammunition, weapons (including firearms), or even tanks or other vehicles. There will be a series of simultaneous raids at classified times and locations.

However, this decision has not been announced to the general public, and is being kept a secret, as not to undermine its confidentiality and put the raid, or the raiders, at risk.