ARCHIVED: BREAKING NEWS: The United States of New Sekai's Civil War

The 9th division of the 1st legion send their apologies to the Nebulan Field commander for our absence, unfortunately the way was not as clear as believed, afraid a rebel division held us up and we're mopping up after the party so to speak. Recommend Host nations security services check under the beds for rebs. We're interrogating the surviving officer and an inquisitorae is en-route from Kul Katura to aid in extracting what we need.

Legate Alexandra Fera
To all of those who are reading,
We have found evidence of Kannex supplying the rebels with weapons. Six new, almost unused shipping containers containing various types of firearms have been discovered in a night raid on a warehouse were sporting the Kannexian flag and shipping details, including the location of origin; Konighafen. To the Kannexian government officials who read this, if you are supplying, remember who you are supplying. These rebels were the perpetrators of multiple terrorist attacks, and took many hostages. Are these really the people you wish to be supporting? And if not, why are you? For wealth? Remember these people are responsible for atrocious actions, and they are the ones causing the instability in New Sekai.
Should Kannex refuse to stop supplying the rebels, then we will have no choice but to place trade sanctions, and eventually a total trade embargo should Kannex continue its actions.
Finally, if you wish to donate supplies-namely Llamanation and Golfia- you are more than welcome to supply Xentherida, Nebula or, most vitally, New Sekai.
Signed, Prime Minister Adam Reitano and King Christian III, of Xentherida.


Standing outside an apparently disused warehouse on the outskirts of a town in the middle of the night, a town of which no one had bothered to erect a sign stating it's name - nor did it seem like anyone even lived there - Sergeant Mark briefed his troops. "Alrighty, we got a warehouse here. Apparently the rebels are using it to store a large cache of weapons, according to intels, although it's disguised to look unused. Here's what we do; be bust in there using the battering ram and take out as many of those suckers as we can." Sergeant Mark whispered into the mic inside of his gas mask. "Then, we secure the area, and guard the weapons 'till the 'copter comes in. We seize the weapons, then escape. Remember: stealth is key. They won't worry 'bout the bang, shells are landing often 'round here. Quiet and fast, like the other raid. Let's get in there and kick some ass! Everyone ready? Good. Johnson, you take the ram and we'll cover you as the door swings open."

After a quick reply of, "Sir, yes, sir", Private Johnson took the battering ram, and hit the warehouse door with a solid BANG. Upon the lack of bullets flying their way, they entered covertly, their night-vision goggles showing them what the rebels couldn't see in the pitch-black of the warehouse. The rebels' lack of sight of the squad were mainly due to the XSF's matte black equipment and clothing, and partially due to their stealth. After sneaking their way along the wall, they heard speech. It was a little further along the warehouse, and combined with the echo the conversation was distorted. A few yards later, the squad came across a trio of rebels playing poker by a dim candlelight on a metal barrel, only ten meters away. This was the source of the conversation, which was surprisingly loud at the distance they were at.
"I'll tell ya one thing, that bang sure as hell gave me a fright. I swear, the damn shells are landing closer." one said.
"Pfft, doubt it. The shells aren't normally this close. Anyway, don't think they'll land on this old heap." another replied.
"Well, what about a spec op raid?" the first retorted. However, the third rebel put this at rest with: "Impossible. No way could the gov find out this place. A raid will never take place."
Sergeant Mark could barely suppress a smile upon hearing that. But he put that thought at rest for later before whispering to another sergeant in the squad, "Alrighty, get the tranquilliser. Not killing them unless they fire. Slow and steady now, three quick shots." And to the other squad members, "Keep alert. Gonna tranq' 'em, but if they see us, no hesitation. Got it?"
And there was no trouble in taking down the trio. Three quick shots, almost simultaneously, toppled the rebels at the barrel. And the squad progressed, occasionally taking down rebels, with the requirement for actual bullets only being used once, the sound masked by the suppressor on the C7, making nothing but a polite cough.

However, they made a major discovery, as they crept towards a single rebel on guard duty who was almost dead on his feet due to tiredness. Fatigue wasn't a problem for the Special Forces, an advantage for them in contrast to the rebels' own exhaustion. As the rebel was tranquilised - and Sgt. Mark muttered to himself, "Well, 'least he got that sleep...."- one of the troops happened to glance sideways at the cargo label. "Sir, we've got something big here, have a look", the troop whispered into his mic. Mark trooped over towards the label, and said aloud, "Holy... that's from Kannex! I can tell by the area of origin: Konighafen! And look, it even has the damned flag on it! They've been supplying the rebels! Good find, Smith. When we finish this crap, I'll alert the higher ranks of this."

Two hours later, the raid had come to a conclusion. There were a total of three rebel fatalities, while the rest had been captured. None of the Special Forces had been wounded nor killed; these troops had been training for a similar event for a combined time of 33 years between the six troops. The rebels were given over to the New Sekian government, provided they did not execute the rebels. A total of thirty containers had been captured, six of which had originated from Kannex, each full of weapons. The troops had been successfully evacuated and were already on their way to secure accommodation in which they could relax and prepare for their next mission. Sergeant Mark successfully reported the apparent Kannexian supplying of the rebels to his superiors. And action was to take place.

(OOC: Purpose misspelling of Konghafen 'cause otherwise the text would go crazy...)
Chancellor Hans Kreutzer, through the Aussenministerium, states he is unaware of the participation of any Kaiserreich agency in the sale of arms and munitions to the Constitutional Party of New Sekai. All agencies and officials of the Empire of Kannex are perfectly in line with international and imperial law in all their dealings. The Empire has little patience for groundless accusations and suggests that Xentheridan government would best be worrying about its involvement in New Sekai and the burden their forces have made on the New Sekaian populace.

Meanwhile, small flagless ships speed across the Central Ocean, carrying crates of weapons and munitions. Among the shipments are anti-tank rocket launchers, various degrees of explosives, and metal parts necessary for the maintenance and construction of helicopters and tanks. Also making its way into rebel hands are thousands of automatic rifles, all for a pretty penny. New Sekai, torn asunder by civil war, lacks in maritime border control. Shipments reach the coast of southern Daini Ni and are transported via overland routes to rebel ground.
Press Release:


Since this conflict seems continue, we believe it prudent to announce this government's position on the matter. His Majesty's Government condemns the Governments of Nebula, Golfia, Kannex, and Xentherida for interfering internal the affairs of a sovereign state. The conflict only escalates when more nations bring their militaries into it.

His Majesty's Government also declares itself neutral. It supports neither the legitimate government of New Sekai, nor the regime set up by the Constitution Party. Both are equally as problematic and contemptible.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the good people of New Sekai who are forced to endure years of hardship under an incompetent regime, and now under a civil war caused by extremists radicalized by the ineptitude of a failing government.

His Majesty's Government would also like to state that the Kingdom of Plembobria is prepared to grant full asylum to person's fleeing violence in New Sekai.


Sydney Briggs, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Plembobria
Press Release:


Since this conflict seems continue, we believe it prudent to announce this government's position on the matter. His Majesty's Government condemns the Governments of Nebula, Golfia, Kannex, and Xentherida for interfering internal the affairs of a sovereign state. The conflict only escalates when more nations bring their militaries into it.

His Majesty's Government also declares itself neutral. It supports neither the legitimate government of New Sekai, nor the regime set up by the Constitution Party. Both are equally as problematic and contemptible.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the good people of New Sekai who are forced to endure years of hardship under an incompetent regime, and now under a civil war caused by extremists radicalized by the ineptitude of a failing government.

His Majesty's Government would also like to state that the Kingdom of Plembobria is prepared to grant full asylum to person's fleeing violence in New Sekai.


Sydney Briggs, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Plembobria
The Khan wishes to respectfully remind his majesty King Tozian and Prime Minister Briggs that both the Imperial Military Khanate of the Kingdom of Wolfsea and the Empire of The Watching Nebula hold an alliance with the rightful government of New Sekai and, as such, are acting within the bounds of our treaty with the King and his government.

- Princess Keren
Wolfsea's representative in the Faibuaizu Alliance Council
Xentherida has finally chosen to put troops onto the ground; however, these will not be in open fighting. Instead, these troops are part of the Xentheridan Special Forces, who will be conducting raids on a list of intel-gathered locations. In this act, the XSP will hope to eliminate high-ranking officials in the rebel forces and potentially steal/destroy any supplies, whether they be food, ammunition, weapons (including firearms), or even tanks or other vehicles. There will be a series of simultaneous raids at classified times and locations.

However, this decision has not been announced to the general public, and is being kept a secret, as not to undermine its confidentiality and put the raid, or the raiders, at risk.
Alright then.
To all of those who are reading,
We have found evidence of Kannex supplying the rebels with weapons. Six new, almost unused shipping containers containing various types of firearms have been discovered in a night raid on a warehouse were sporting the Kannexian flag and shipping details, including the location of origin; Konighafen. To the Kannexian government officials who read this, if you are supplying, remember who you are supplying. These rebels were the perpetrators of multiple terrorist attacks, and took many hostages. Are these really the people you wish to be supporting? And if not, why are you? For wealth? Remember these people are responsible for atrocious actions, and they are the ones causing the instability in New Sekai.
Should Kannex refuse to stop supplying the rebels, then we will have no choice but to place trade sanctions, and eventually a total trade embargo should Kannex continue its actions.
Finally, if you wish to donate supplies-namely Llamanation and Golfia- you are more than welcome to supply Xentherida, Nebula or, most vitally, New Sekai.
Signed, Prime Minister Adam Reitano and King Christian III, of Xentherida.


Standing outside an apparently disused warehouse on the outskirts of a town in the middle of the night, a town of which no one had bothered to erect a sign stating it's name - nor did it seem like anyone even lived there - Sergeant Mark briefed his troops. "Alrighty, we got a warehouse here. Apparently the rebels are using it to store a large cache of weapons, according to intels, although it's disguised to look unused. Here's what we do; be bust in there using the battering ram and take out as many of those suckers as we can." Sergeant Mark whispered into the mic inside of his gas mask. "Then, we secure the area, and guard the weapons 'till the 'copter comes in. We seize the weapons, then escape. Remember: stealth is key. They won't worry 'bout the bang, shells are landing often 'round here. Quiet and fast, like the other raid. Let's get in there and kick some ass! Everyone ready? Good. Johnson, you take the ram and we'll cover you as the door swings open."

After a quick reply of, "Sir, yes, sir", Private Johnson took the battering ram, and hit the warehouse door with a solid BANG. Upon the lack of bullets flying their way, they entered covertly, their night-vision goggles showing them what the rebels couldn't see in the pitch-black of the warehouse, especially due to the XSF's matte black equipment and clothing. After sneaking their way along the wall, they heard speech. It was a little further along the warehouse, and combined with the echo the conversation was distorted. A few meters later, the squad came across a trio of rebels playing poker by a dim candlelight on a metal barrel. This was the source of the conversation, which was surprisingly loud at the distance they were at.
"I'll tell ya one thing, that bang sure as hell gave me a fright. I swear, the damn shells are landing closer." one said.
"Pfft, doubt it. The shells aren't normally this close. Anyway, don't think they'll land on this old heap." another replied.
"Well, what about a spec op raid?" the first retorted. However, the third rebel put this at rest with: "Impossible. No way could the gov find out this place. A raid will never take place."
Sergeant Mark could barely suppress a smile upon hearing that. But he put that thought at rest for later before whispering to another sergeant in the squad, "Alrighty, get the tranquilliser. Not killing them unless they fire. Slow and steady now, three quick shots." And to the other squad members, "Keep alert. Gonna tranq' 'em, but if they see us, no hesitation. Got it?"
And there was no trouble in taking down the trio. Three quick shots, almost consecutively, toppled the rebels at the barrel. And the squad progressed, occasionally taking down rebels, with the requirement for actual bullets only being used once, the sound masked by the suppressor on the C7, making nothing but a polite cough.

However, they made a major discovery, as they crept towards a single rebel on guard duty who was almost dead on his feet due to tiredness. Fatigue wasn't a problem for the Special Forces, an advantage for them in contrast to the rebels' own exhaustion. As the rebel was tranquilised - and Sgt. Mark muttered to himself, "Well, 'least he got that sleep...."- one of the troops happened to glance sideways at the cargo label. "Sir, we've got something big here, have a look", the troop whispered into his mic. Mark trooped over towards the label, and said aloud, "Holy... that's from Kannex! I can tell by the area of origin: Konighafen! And look, it even has the damned flag on it! They've been supplying the rebels! Good find, Smith. When we finish this crap, I'll alert the higher ranks of this."

Two hours later, the raid had come to a conclusion. There were a total of three rebel fatalities, while the rest had been captured. None of the Special Forces had been wounded nor killed; these troops had been training for a similar event for a combined time of 33 years between the six troops. The rebels were given over to the New Sekian government, provided they did not execute the rebels. A total of thirty containers had been captured, six of which had originated from Kannex, each full of weapons. The troops had been successfully evacuated and were already on their way to secure accommodation in which they could relax and prepare for their next mission. Sergeant Mark successfully reported the apparent Kannexian supplying of the rebels to his superiors. And action was to take place.

(OOC: Purpose misspelling of Konghafen 'cause otherwise the text would go crazy...)
After reading a report about Kannex supplying The United States of New Sekai's Constitutional Party with weapons, we giving a warning to Kannex and impose economic sanctions, economic blockade/economic embargo against Kannex. If this carry on, we will impose diplomatic sanctions (A second warning) against Kannex.
Chancellor Hans Kreutzer, through the Aussenministerium, states he is unaware of the participation of any Kaiserreich agency in the sale of arms and munitions to the Constitutional Party of New Sekai. All agencies and officials of the Empire of Kannex are perfectly in line with international and imperial law in all their dealings. The Empire has little patience for groundless accusations and suggests that Xentheridan government would best be worrying about its involvement in New Sekai and the burden their forces have made on the New Sekaian populace.

Meanwhile, small flagless ships speed across the Central Ocean, carrying crates of weapons and munitions. Among the shipments are anti-tank rocket launchers, various degrees of explosives, and metal parts necessary for the maintenance and construction of helicopters and tanks. Also making its way into rebel hands are thousands of automatic rifles, all for a pretty penny. New Sekai, torn asunder by civil war, lacks in maritime border control. Shipments reach the coast of southern Daini Ni and are transported via overland routes to rebel ground.
We are reconsidered about the economic sanctions and economic blockade/economic embargo against Kannex. However, right now the decision of the monarchy of The United States of New Sekai will allowing the economic sanctions and economic blockade/economic embargo against Kannex carry on, until the votes at The Ichiinsei, if the majority votes is against the economic sanctions and economic blockade/economic embargo, we will remove it.
Press Release:


Since this conflict seems continue, we believe it prudent to announce this government's position on the matter. His Majesty's Government condemns the Governments of Nebula, Golfia, Kannex, and Xentherida for interfering internal the affairs of a sovereign state. The conflict only escalates when more nations bring their militaries into it.

His Majesty's Government also declares itself neutral. It supports neither the legitimate government of New Sekai, nor the regime set up by the Constitution Party. Both are equally as problematic and contemptible.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the good people of New Sekai who are forced to endure years of hardship under an incompetent regime, and now under a civil war caused by extremists radicalized by the ineptitude of a failing government.

His Majesty's Government would also like to state that the Kingdom of Plembobria is prepared to grant full asylum to person's fleeing violence in New Sekai.


Sydney Briggs, Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Plembobria
The Khan wishes to respectfully remind his majesty King Tozian and Prime Minister Briggs that both the Imperial Military Khanate of the Kingdom of Wolfsea and the Empire of The Watching Nebula hold an alliance with the rightful government of New Sekai and, as such, are acting within the bounds of our treaty with the King and his government.

- Princess Keren
Wolfsea's representative in the Faibuaizu Alliance Council
The United States of New Sekai are allowing Nebula, Golfia and Xentherida to intervene in this war. However, we won't give any comment about Kannex, we are confused about our situation with Kannex?
Im Wirtschaftsministerium. - The Ministry of Economy.

Deep wrinkles burrowed into Lord Minz's forehead, as if setting up camp below the minister's ashy gray hair. His eyes poured over the Manhatt Journal and the ministry reports sprawled open-paged on his desk. He sipped a cup of steaming coffee and his frown softened. "Well, what have we here. The Sekaians did it." The article was on the bottom of the first page, important enough to feature prominently, but not enough to be top story.

"It should be no worry, Herr Minister."

Minz glanced up at his chief secretary, a suited civil servant sitting by the window, a stack of papers in his lap. His smile graced the dimly lit room. He was the very archetype of a faceless bureaucrat.

"After all, our business with New Sekai forms only a small fraction of our total trade. Most of what we export there is foodstuffs anyway. With all the chaos and the rebels and the foreign troops wrecking their economy, it's more likely that this embargo will end up hurting them more than us."

"True," Minz conceded, "but it's the action that counts in the political world, not the result." The minister held up his papers in the light. "So the Sekaian monarchy places an embargo on us. Now, what if the others -- the Xentheridians and the Nebulans -- what if they embargo us? All based on a rumor."

"That's the job of the Aussenministerium, Herr Minister. Our ministry handles commerce only with countries we do actually trade with. It's not our job to go pretty-pleasing them to open their doors and drop the embargoes. Even if it is based on a rumor."

Minz was skeptical. "Is it a rumor?"

"What is, Herr Minister?" The young bureaucrat was now fanning himself with his files.

"That we're supplying weapons to the Sekaian Constitutionalists."

"Well, it surely is a rumor, Herr Minister, considering the press and especially the Democrats are spreading it around in their newspapers and -- "

"No, well, I mean -- are we selling weapons to the Sekaian rebels, or are we not?" Lord Minz asked, leaning forward.

The young man reclined in his chair. "I don't know, Herr Minister. One would think that our intelligence services -- if they did do it -- wouldn't be so indiscreet, with a flag and all that. Could it be the mafia? Or worse yet, a Nebulan false-flag operation. They're still angry over our support of West Rhuvanland -- "

"Is that a rumor?"

The bureaucrat's lips broke into a cool smile. "Why of course, Herr Minister. And that one happens to be a true rumor." His smile faded. "But this case is unusual. Perhaps the Geheimdienst (the Secret Service) really is selling weapons, without the Chancellor's knowledge. Or perhaps he does know. Or perhaps we are not selling them weapons at all. Either way, the Sekaians seem to think we are. I expect das Kanzleramt to launch an investigation soon."

The Aussenministerium condemns the Sekaian imposition of an embargo on the Kannexan Reich, calling it misguided.
Chancellor Hans Kreutzer, through the Aussenministerium, states he is unaware of the participation of any Kaiserreich agency in the sale of arms and munitions to the Constitutional Party of New Sekai. All agencies and officials of the Empire of Kannex are perfectly in line with international and imperial law in all their dealings. The Empire has little patience for groundless accusations and suggests that Xentheridan government would best be worrying about its involvement in New Sekai and the burden their forces have made on the New Sekaian populace.

Meanwhile, small flagless ships speed across the Central Ocean, carrying crates of weapons and munitions. Among the shipments are anti-tank rocket launchers, various degrees of explosives, and metal parts necessary for the maintenance and construction of helicopters and tanks. Also making its way into rebel hands are thousands of automatic rifles, all for a pretty penny. New Sekai, torn asunder by civil war, lacks in maritime border control. Shipments reach the coast of southern Daini Ni and are transported via overland routes to rebel ground.
In accordance with Kannex's lack of knowledge of any weapon supplies to Sekian Constitutionalists, and complete sincerity of their denial, we offer to donate troops to monitor any potential illegal weapon smuggling. We can also send out patrol boats on the edge of Sekian-owned ocean, to tackle the supplying operations.
Not only will these actions help find out the actual perpetrator, but upon seizing them, the cargo will prove useful to top up supplies, or, sold for scrap. Either way, they will prove useful.

We now acknowledge the potential that it may be from other sources; after much thought, we have concluded that it is very unlike Kannex to support such a horrible cause, and there was a somewhat large potential that the shipping containers may have been stolen; we ask Kannex if there have been any peculiar thefts of such items recently. Or, as an unlikely alternative, the details on the containers may have been forged, although we somewhat doubt it was another nation's doing, even Nebula's, or, despite their evident hostility to Kannex.

Finally, we would like to point out that we would only be placing an embargo if Kannex owned up to the significant evidence, but refused to stop supplying the rebels. In the current situation, we would like to repair relations, rather than worsen them; for co-operation between our nations to find out the real perpetrators.
(OOC: The bureaucrat's suggestion that this was Nebula's doing was private; neither Xentherida nor anyone else outside of government would have known.)

The Empire of Kannex recognizes the monarchical government of the United States of New Sekai as the legitimate government, but maintains its neutrality in the civil war between the legitimate government and the rebel Constitutional Party.

One night in Könighafen, a blanket of storm covered the sky. Drops of rain trampled on the city streets as men in heavy coats made their way to the warehouses on the pier. At the huge entrance to one of the warehouses, two men stood under shelter and watched the tumultuous waves crash against each other in the dark sea.



Agent Ziu sucked the damp summer air around his mouth before expelling a cloud of white smoke. He took a few more puffs before turning to his companion. The other man was a pale, sturdy fellow in a fine suit. He looked quite like the bankers that went to work in the downtown exchange. As per tradition he wore a black tie. It marked him as part of a long tradition of wearing black ties and suits, as well as hanging out in suspicious warehouses. The mafia.

The black-tied man gave a smile reserved to friends and close business acquaintances. "So, Herr Ziu, what do you have for me today?"

"Much of the same. The Reich offers its best." Agent Ziu responded without a change in tone. He looked forward at the waves. Ziu was, of course, not his real name. It was a pseudonym he took when undertaking risky business on behalf of the imperial government. After all, Ziu was the Norse god of justice -- it was a martial name of great strength and courage. "I have eight hundred automatic rifles of the highest quality. The details are in the receipt. Grenades, tank parts, rocket launchers. You know the deal."

"Sehr gut." The black-tied mafioso grabbed the yellow package in his pocket and handed it to Ziu. Ziu ripped open the top of the bag and took a few seconds to scan over the money. Bright, plastic sheets of Kannexan imperial currency, with Kaiser Johann all over. Good.

Usually Ziu would spend a minute counting the money, but today was different. Throwing the yellow package on the wet concrete floor, Ziu's hand reached into his coat. It reappeared with something large and metal and pointed straight at the black-tied man.

"You're under arrest."

The edge of the black-tied man's lips curled like a bent needle. "Sehr komisch, Herr Ziu."

"Dies ist kein Scherz. You're under arrest."

The man with the black tie waited for a few seconds for Ziu to spring his "gotcha" face. But after a moment of awkward silence, the black-tie's smile faded. "Viktor! Ivan! Rodas!" he called.

No one answered. The two men stood alone at the door the warehouse, next the waves crashing against land and the patter of rain against the metal roof of the warehouse.

Agent Ziu manifested and waved his identification card. "Ich bin von der Reichspolizeibehörde. As I've said, you are under arrest, on charges of illegal weapons smuggling -- "

Aah! "You traitor!" With a cry, the man smacked the gun out of Ziu's hand. The pistol slid down the smooth concrete, spinning. With his other hand the gangster connected his fist with Ziu's jaw, sending him keeling backwards. Ziu was caught off-guard. The pain registered, a burning sensation in his mouth, but Ziu bit his teeth. He had been prepared for this. He dove for the gun just as the other man did, fighting and wrestling on the ground. The man climbed on top of him but he was too high -- Ziu planted his knee between the man's legs and threw him over on his back. But the man continued to scratch and punch and claw like an injured tiger. Blood splattered over the concrete. At last Ziu's fingers felt their way on cold steel. Agent Ziu climbed on top, gaining the upper hand, and emptied four rounds into the man's head.

Ziu stood, dusting himself off, and left the warehouse.

Publicly, the Reichspolizeibehörde (Imperial Police Authority, RPB) announced the arrest of nine suspected mafiosi alleged to have been involved with weapons smuggling from their base in Könighafen. They are believed to have sold weapons to New Sekaian rebels, among other terrorist groups across the world. One suspect died in a shootout with cops. No other details were given.
Syrixia, being the current incumbent of the Helmebaine Alliance Secretary-General's Office, is alarmed at this conflict between two Alliance members, Xentherida and Kannex, and would like to have some sort of meeting to work this all out, for both the safety of the Alliance and North Pacifican peace itself.
Syrixia, being the current incumbent of the Helmebaine Alliance Secretary-General's Office, is alarmed at this conflict between two Alliance members, Xentherida and Kannex, and would like to have some sort of meeting to work this all out, for both the safety of the Alliance and North Pacifican peace itself.
We would like Syrixia to note that our "conflict" was merely a misunderstanding. We were under the impression that the Kannexian government was supplying the rebels, when in reality it was the Kannexian Mafiosi who were behind this. We would like to state that the issue is resolved now, and, in addition, Kannex have recently established an embassy in Xentherida.

Finally, we congratulate Kannex on their discovery on the suppliers of the rebels. Hopefully, with this knowledge, the Mafiosi supplying the rebels can be shut down, which would not only shrink the syndicates by limiting their illegal munitions smuggling, but also put a large dent in the rebels' equipment, ultimately causing the rebels to be underfunded. In the mean time, providing you can send descriptions of the types of ships the Mafiosi use, we can intercept and seize the supplies before they reach rebel hands.
Im Wirtschaftsministerium. - The Ministry of Economy.

Deep wrinkles burrowed into Lord Minz's forehead, as if setting up camp below the minister's ashy gray hair. His eyes poured over the Manhatt Journal and the ministry reports sprawled open-paged on his desk. He sipped a cup of steaming coffee and his frown softened. "Well, what have we here. The Sekaians did it." The article was on the bottom of the first page, important enough to feature prominently, but not enough to be top story.

"It should be no worry, Herr Minister."

Minz glanced up at his chief secretary, a suited civil servant sitting by the window, a stack of papers in his lap. His smile graced the dimly lit room. He was the very archetype of a faceless bureaucrat.

"After all, our business with New Sekai forms only a small fraction of our total trade. Most of what we export there is foodstuffs anyway. With all the chaos and the rebels and the foreign troops wrecking their economy, it's more likely that this embargo will end up hurting them more than us."

"True," Minz conceded, "but it's the action that counts in the political world, not the result." The minister held up his papers in the light. "So the Sekaian monarchy places an embargo on us. Now, what if the others -- the Xentheridians and the Nebulans -- what if they embargo us? All based on a rumor."

"That's the job of the Aussenministerium, Herr Minister. Our ministry handles commerce only with countries we do actually trade with. It's not our job to go pretty-pleasing them to open their doors and drop the embargoes. Even if it is based on a rumor."

Minz was skeptical. "Is it a rumor?"

"What is, Herr Minister?" The young bureaucrat was now fanning himself with his files.

"That we're supplying weapons to the Sekaian Constitutionalists."

"Well, it surely is a rumor, Herr Minister, considering the press and especially the Democrats are spreading it around in their newspapers and -- "

"No, well, I mean -- are we selling weapons to the Sekaian rebels, or are we not?" Lord Minz asked, leaning forward.

The young man reclined in his chair. "I don't know, Herr Minister. One would think that our intelligence services -- if they did do it -- wouldn't be so indiscreet, with a flag and all that. Could it be the mafia? Or worse yet, a Nebulan false-flag operation. They're still angry over our support of West Rhuvanland -- "

"Is that a rumor?"

The bureaucrat's lips broke into a cool smile. "Why of course, Herr Minister. And that one happens to be a true rumor." His smile faded. "But this case is unusual. Perhaps the Geheimdienst (the Secret Service) really is selling weapons, without the Chancellor's knowledge. Or perhaps he does know. Or perhaps we are not selling them weapons at all. Either way, the Sekaians seem to think we are. I expect das Kanzleramt to launch an investigation soon."

The Aussenministerium condemns the Sekaian imposition of an embargo on the Kannexan Reich, calling it misguided.

The United States of New Sekai don't have any comment about it because we are still confused. We only will remove the economic embargo, if there more evidence wasn't Kannex at all who were supplying weapons to The United States of New Sekai's Constitutional Party or the majority votes at The Ichiinsei, if the majority votes is against the economic embargo, then we will remove it.
Chancellor Hans Kreutzer, through the Aussenministerium, states he is unaware of the participation of any Kaiserreich agency in the sale of arms and munitions to the Constitutional Party of New Sekai. All agencies and officials of the Empire of Kannex are perfectly in line with international and imperial law in all their dealings. The Empire has little patience for groundless accusations and suggests that Xentheridan government would best be worrying about its involvement in New Sekai and the burden their forces have made on the New Sekaian populace.

Meanwhile, small flagless ships speed across the Central Ocean, carrying crates of weapons and munitions. Among the shipments are anti-tank rocket launchers, various degrees of explosives, and metal parts necessary for the maintenance and construction of helicopters and tanks. Also making its way into rebel hands are thousands of automatic rifles, all for a pretty penny. New Sekai, torn asunder by civil war, lacks in maritime border control. Shipments reach the coast of southern Daini Ni and are transported via overland routes to rebel ground.
In accordance with Kannex's lack of knowledge of any weapon supplies to Sekian Constitutionalists, and complete sincerity of their denial, we offer to donate troops to monitor any potential illegal weapon smuggling. We can also send out patrol boats on the edge of Sekian-owned ocean, to tackle the supplying operations.
Not only will these actions help find out the actual perpetrator, but upon seizing them, the cargo will prove useful to top up supplies, or, sold for scrap. Either way, they will prove useful.

We now acknowledge the potential that it may be from other sources; after much thought, we have concluded that it is very unlike Kannex to support such a horrible cause, and there was a somewhat large potential that the shipping containers may have been stolen; we ask Kannex if there have been any peculiar thefts of such items recently. Or, as an unlikely alternative, the details on the containers may have been forged, although we somewhat doubt it was Nebula's doing, despite their evident hostility to Kannex.

Finally, we would like to point out that we would only be placing an embargo if Kannex owned up to the significant evidence, but refused to stop supplying the rebels. In the current situation, we would like to repair relations, rather than worsen them; for co-operation between our nations to find out the real perpetrators.
Alright then.
(OOC: The bureaucrat's suggestion that this was Nebula's doing was private; neither Xentherida nor anyone else outside of government would have known.)

The Empire of Kannex recognizes the monarchical government of the United States of New Sekai as the legitimate government, but maintains its neutrality in the civil war between the legitimate government and the rebel Constitutional Party.

One night in Könighafen, a blanket of storm covered the sky. Drops of rain trampled on the city streets as men in heavy coats made their way to the warehouses on the pier. At the huge entrance to one of the warehouses, two men stood under shelter and watched the tumultuous waves crash against each other in the dark sea.



Agent Ziu sucked the damp summer air around his mouth before expelling a cloud of white smoke. He took a few more puffs before turning to his companion. The other man was a pale, sturdy fellow in a fine suit. He looked quite like the bankers that went to work in the downtown exchange. As per tradition he wore a black tie. It marked him as part of a long tradition of wearing black ties and suits, as well as hanging out in suspicious warehouses. The mafia.

The black-tied man gave a smile reserved to friends and close business acquaintances. "So, Herr Ziu, what do you have for me today?"

"Much of the same. The Reich offers its best." Agent Ziu responded without a change in tone. He looked forward at the waves. Ziu was, of course, not his real name. It was a pseudonym he took when undertaking risky business on behalf of the imperial government. After all, Ziu was the Norse god of justice -- it was a martial name of great strength and courage. "I have eight hundred automatic rifles of the highest quality. The details are in the receipt. Grenades, tank parts, rocket launchers. You know the deal."

"Sehr gut." The black-tied mafioso grabbed the yellow package in his pocket and handed it to Ziu. Ziu ripped open the top of the bag and took a few seconds to scan over the money. Bright, plastic sheets of Kannexan imperial currency, with Kaiser Johann all over. Good.

Usually Ziu would spend a minute counting the money, but today was different. Throwing the yellow package on the wet concrete floor, Ziu's hand reached into his coat. It reappeared with something large and metal and pointed straight at the black-tied man.

"You're under arrest."

The edge of the black-tied man's lips curled like a bent needle. "Sehr komisch, Herr Ziu."

"Dies ist kein Scherz. You're under arrest."

The man with the black tie waited for a few seconds for Ziu to spring his "gotcha" face. But after a moment of awkward silence, the black-tie's smile faded. "Viktor! Ivan! Rodas!" he called.

No one answered. The two men stood alone at the door the warehouse, next the waves crashing against land and the patter of rain against the metal roof of the warehouse.

Agent Ziu manifested and waved his identification card. "Ich bin von der Reichspolizeibehörde. As I've said, you are under arrest, on charges of illegal weapons smuggling -- "

Aah! "You traitor!" With a cry, the man smacked the gun out of Ziu's hand. The pistol slid down the smooth concrete, spinning. With his other hand the gangster connected his fist with Ziu's jaw, sending him keeling backwards. Ziu was caught off-guard. The pain registered, a burning sensation in his mouth, but Ziu bit his teeth. He had been prepared for this. He dove for the gun just as the other man did, fighting and wrestling on the ground. The man climbed on top of him but he was too high -- Ziu planted his knee between the man's legs and threw him over on his back. But the man continued to scratch and punch and claw like an injured tiger. Blood splattered over the concrete. At last Ziu's fingers felt their way on cold steel. Agent Ziu climbed on top, gaining the upper hand, and emptied four rounds into the man's head.

Ziu stood, dusting himself off, and left the warehouse.

Publicly, the Reichspolizeibehörde (Imperial Police Authority, RPB) announced the arrest of nine suspected mafiosi alleged to have been involved with weapons smuggling from their base in Könighafen. They are believed to have sold weapons to New Sekaian rebels, among other terrorist groups across the world. One suspect died in a shootout with cops. No other details were given.

After reading a report about Mafiosi is the real criminals who supplying The United States of New Sekai's Constitutional Party with weapons not Kannex. "We apologized about the economic sanctions and economic blockade/economic embargo, we have place on Kannex and we now remove it. Also, we are now designated the Mafiosi as terrorist organization."
"Sir! Reinforcements are arriving!"

The Llama tanks had arrived, and although they were few in number, they were a great comfort to the Nebulan forces. The rebel forces were almost completely surrounded: the Nebulans still held the fort, Llama tanks were swinging in from both sides, and at their rear, Nebulan paratroopers were dropping into the rebel encampment, taking the soldiers waiting there by surprise.
Your welcome! Glad to see the planes arrived safely. I assume you guys fueled them up and back to the ship. We are planning another "D-Day", the USS Llama and USS Bubba will rendezvous with us in a few minutes. Combined we will have a total of 75 cargo planes filled with paratroopers. We are planning to take a direct flight from the ships, and dive far enough from enemy fire . Make sure transport is there, to pick up the paratroopers to rendezvous with the other ally forces. Send us coordinates of good spot for jumping. The planes we will take a u-turn, and land with tanks, a total of 225. Leave planes for one day, hope you have enough hangars :P , then send them back. They won't need to be refueled, only refuel if something went wrong, and need it to get back to the ship.

Thank You,
Lt. Gen. Joe Llama
The Xentheridan government is please to announce that is has struck one hundred targets with bombing runs, ever since they were first implemented into this conflict. We also would like to say that we have destroyed at least five weapon stockpiles, and, after two days worth of bombardment, annihilated a rebel base. In the mean time, secret raids have acquired fifteen locations and secured vital intelligence to other locations. Finally, we are willing to donate large amounts of tanks and other vehicles, along with a vast array of weapons, lethal and non-lethal, to any new assaults on the rebels, and that, upon New Sekai's agreement, we shall deploy peacekeeping forces in the cities, to keep the citizens safe from any potential terrorist attacks.
The Xentheridan government is please to announce that is has struck one hundred targets with bombing runs, ever since they were first implemented into this conflict. We also would like to say that we have destroyed at least five weapon stockpiles, and, after two days worth of bombardment, annihilated a rebel base. In the mean time, secret raids have acquired fifteen locations and secured vital intelligence to other locations. Finally, we are willing to donate large amounts of tanks and other vehicles, along with a vast array of weapons, lethal and non-lethal, to any new assaults on the rebels, and that, upon New Sekai's agreement, we shall deploy peacekeeping forces in the cities, to keep the citizens safe from any potential terrorist attacks.
Alright then.
The Environmentalist Utopia of Hiskjriaana condemns the actions of the Constitution Party of New Sekai and will assist the Monarchy by providing the following: 900 medical personnel and equipment, 1000 humanitarian aid personnel along with 5 EC725 helicopters to assist in search and rescue and other humanitarian aid tasks, 1 squadron of Su-35s to create and maintain air superiority over rebel-occupied areas, and 3 A-10 squadrons to assist in the attacking of rebel positions.
The Aussenministerium of the Kannexan Reich urges both the Monarchy and the Constitution Party of New Sekai to agree to a ceasefire and reach a peaceful settlement.
The Environmentalist Utopia of Hiskjriaana condemns the actions of the Constitution Party of New Sekai and will assist the Monarchy by providing the following: 900 medical personnel and equipment, 1000 humanitarian aid personnel along with 5 EC725 helicopters to assist in search and rescue and other humanitarian aid tasks, 1 squadron of Su-35s to create and maintain air superiority over rebel-occupied areas, and 3 A-10 squadrons to assist in the attacking of rebel positions.
Thank you.
Due to the current ceasefire Hiskjriaana will hold back all aerial activities until further notice (excluding the EC725s).
No, your nation can do the operations. Just The Monarchy and the new government and The United States of New Sekai's Constitutional Party have a ceasefire between us.
A ceasefire is only valid if all parties involved in the current conflict immediately cease hostilities. Without guarantees of truce, the Constitution Party cannot help but defend themselves against monarchy-allied operations.
A ceasefire is only valid if all parties involved in the current conflict immediately cease hostilities. Without guarantees of truce, the Constitution Party cannot help but defend themselves against monarchy-allied operations.
Alright then. Aswell, you wasn't cleared about that.

Senso Kyoki The King of The United States of New Sekai said: "All the nations who are allied to us in this war, please cease hostilities against The United States of New Sekai's Constitutional Party, to let this peace talk happened."
All parties to the conflict have been invited to send representatives to a peace conference in Könighafen, Kannex. Representatives must and will receive safe passage to Könighafen. Both sides have been invited to state their terms.
All parties to the conflict have been invited to send representatives to a peace conference in Könighafen, Kannex. Representatives must and will receive safe passage to Könighafen. Both sides have been invited to state their terms.
Alright then.

(OOC: Should we do the peace talk on a separate thread?)
(OOC: Either is fine with me.)
(OOC: Ok. I rather do it on a separate thread to make it clear what topic its it, if it mixed it together will get bit confusing. Also, your nation is the one who starting the peace talk and it is your nation, I'm bit sure you the one need do start the thread?)