Gradea's Grill

I'll definitely be careful. Gradea, I"ll be testing out a few new guns on the range if you're interested.
[me] watches his customers go down to the shooting range. Curious, he polishes a glass, unknowing that the glass is already sparkling clean.
There should still be some in the vault, just past the .50 BMG boxes. Don't forget those have to be fired in the indoor to outdoor part of the range.
[me]fires rocket towards the end of the range

"Huh. I'm used to more kickback than that."

[me]turns back to grab an assault rifle
Looking for a kick? Try this one out... .50 cal IMI Desert Eagle. I brought the pretty one today.
*Pulls sidearm from holster*
*walks down to gun range*
*Activates suits mah-held BFG*
Lets have some fun
[me]orders a steak, rare, with a side of grilled veggies, and an entire side of beef to be racked up on the shooting range for practice. As she waits for her food, she meanders over to the gun rack to peruse her available options, having left her own arsenal at home today.
IndieGirl orders a steak, rare, with a side of grilled veggies, and an entire side of beef to be racked up on the shooting range for practice. As she waits for her food, she meanders over to the gun rack to peruse her available options, having left her own arsenal at home today.
[me] goes out the back to give the order to the chef.

"The place is a lot cleaner then it was in the TRR branch"
*Shoots BFG*

*5 targets dissapear*

well then, its a bit smaller than anticipated...