Office of the Vice Delegate


Week 13 Update
December 8th, 2019
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We have had another positive week of gains on increases in endorsement counts as well as another increase in the number of WA nations in the region. The Security Council currently holds an Average Endorsement Percentage of 61.5% with the delegate sitting at a strong 67.2% endorsement percentage. This is a 3% increase from the time McMasterdonia took over as the WAD onsite in mid-October and a 21.7% increase since they were elected in September. I plan this week to work with getting all members of the Security Council over the 60% hump and push the Delegate into the 70% range of endorsements.

A new initiative that I will be pushing out is posting these weekly updates to the Regional Message Board to further communicate to the members of the region the status of the Security Council and for those members to ask questions. I look forward to seeing the response and hopefully, it will be a beneficial one in the long term.
I think this is a great development that'll help increase the SC's gameside visibility, as well as strengthen the trust between the SC and our gameside population.

End of Term Address
December 29th, 2019

What a term this has been. It has truly been a pleasure and an honor serving as Vice Delegate for these past 4 months. This past term we saw a variety of changes to the World Assembly Development Program, additions and resignations on the Security Council, and a successful Delegacy transition. But in 2019 we saw even more initiatives taken by the Security Council in conjunction with other governmental bodies for the betterment of the region as a whole.

Security Council Year in Review
  • Development and Deployment of the Lifetime Achievement Awards and expansion of WADP censuses.
  • Introduction of the widely successful Card Lottery which many Keepers have won some impressive cards.
  • Evaluation of the WADP Awards through a region-wide survey and deployment of changes stemming from that survey.
  • Review and Improvements to the coding of the WADP to improve consistency and reduce glitches.
  • Led three successful Delegacy Transitions for Delegate Pallaith (January 2019 - April 2019), Delegate El Fiji Grande (May 2019 - August 2019), and Delegate McMasterdonia (September 2019 - December 2019). One transition included a novel transition event for one transition.
  • Addition of Nessuno (Nessuno), Crushing Our Enemies (General COE), El Fiji Grande (El Fiji Grande), Siwale (Siwale), and Marcus Antonius (Ethnon) as the newest members of the Security Council.
  • Adjustments to the Line of Succession.
  • Changes to the Citizenship Process allowing the Vice Delegate more time to review applications more thoroughly.
  • Introduction of a regular Vice Delegate update, which includes posting to the Regional Message Board.
It has been a very productive year for the Security Council and one that I hope to see continue into 2020. I would like to thank all members of the Security Council, past and present, for their hard work and dedication in 2019. Additionally, I would be remiss if I did not thank the architect behind the WADP, r3naissanc3r, who has done so much to help make this year the success it has been. I would like to personally thank him for all of his help during this previous term. Finally, I want to thank all the members of the North Pacific that take part in our community, from our two RP communities, our legislators, World Assembly proposal writers, our Card Guild, soldiers in the North Pacific Army, Executive Staffers, the Executive Council, those in elected office, and members of staff. We all contribute in our own way to the North Pacific. Without that contribution, we would not have this wonderful and vibrant community. I thank you all for such a wonderful 2019 and I truly look forward to what 2020 will hold for us all.

Security Council Update

Wishing you all a very happy and safe New Year!


Weekly Update
January 5th, 2020

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Sike...There is one more update that I get to give you before the next Vice Delegate is elected in the coming week. So remember to get out their and vote! I will keep this update fairly brief and a good indicator for the start of the new term. We see some minor shuffling for places 4/5 and 6/7. Overall plenty of increases on the board and a good form of members checking their nations. I have also added an Average Security Council rating to give an at a glance idea of the Security Council.

Annotation 2020-01-05 214056.png

I would also like to congratulate all members of the North Pacific on pushing the region into the #1 position in Nationstates for endorsements! This is an awesome achievement, so let us all work together to maintain that position for as long as possible.

Best of luck to everyone who is running in this General Election and may the odds be ever in your favor!

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Office of the Vice Delegate
Opening Week: 12 January 2020


My first weekly update as Vice-Delegate was due today, and so I decided to try my hand at updating the spreadsheet in Google Sheets (since I don't use Excel) and then screen-capping it in order to display the final results. The crop job isn't perfect, and in the future, the presentation of the information will be better. This was my first attempt, so bear with me. Please do let me know if there are any discrepancies you notice, as I'm more than happy to fix whatever needs fixing. There's a long way for me to go to reach #2 in the region for endorsements, but after Keepers of the North were telegrammed today and given one week's grace period to retain their status it's only a matter of time before I break the top twenty. Here's to what'll be a productive first week for me!


Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Vice-Delegate of the North Pacific
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Should Sundred still be the red or should that be you now?

Other than that, only suggestion I'd have so far would be to highlight a row/column not visible in the screenshot when taking the screenshot. :P
Should Sundred still be the red or should that be you now?

Other than that, only suggestion I'd have so far would be to highlight a row/column not visible in the screenshot when taking the screenshot. :P
By next week that should be me, yes. I had used said highlight of Sundred to indicate who’s currently occupying the #2 seat in endorsements, but since we already have the ranks included it’s probably more for Vice-Delegate distinction. I’ll be sure to get that changed.

Office of the Vice Delegate
Week Two: 19 January 2020


This week, I'm pleased to bring you all a much better looking Vice Delegate's report; but what I'm even more pleased about is the improvement we've made across the board over the course of the past seven days. Our region is currently in the midst of the second NationStates-Reddit boom, and this is a very exciting time for nations on the Security Council to double down on endotarting and encourage endocrossing amongst some of our newest nations. As you can see, each and every Security Councilor's endorsements received stat has gone up considerably - with the most dramatic change being my endorsement count in terms of endorsements received increasing by one-hundred and twenty-two. A new endotarting alert telegram was sent out earlier this evening to highlight nations who have not yet endorsed me as Vice Delegate, and its since been pinned to the region's world factbook entry for good measure.

A few hours ago a region-wide telegram was sent out to all North Pacifican residents that informed them of the opportunities available to them and what all they should be doing to help ensure the security and stability of the region. The telegram itself was intended as a formal welcoming to Redditors joining, as in the past twenty-four hours we've grown by over one thousand residential nations. Some of them are already members of the World Assembly, a lot of them are not. I endeavored to provide them with information about the World Assembly Development Program (WADP), becoming a Keeper of the North, why exchanging endorsements is important, and how participating benefits them with awards and cards lotteries.

Speaking of the Keeper of the North status, you'll notice that we lost a chunk of Keepers since the last Vice Delegate report on the twelfth of January. This was anticipated ahead of time, and it's completely natural. We gave respondents to a telegram sent out by Sil Dorsett informing them of my election as Vice Delegate a grace period for their status to remain uninterrupted, but that grace period has since elapsed. Hence the sudden dip in Keepers, the Security Council will make a conscious over the next week to see to it that our Keeper totals rise and that we reach out to new nations calling upon them to endorse the Delegate, the Vice Delegate, and all Security Councilors.

Lastly, to conclude this week's report, I'd also like to take the time to recognize members who have been endotarting expertly over the past week. A special shoutout to @El Fiji Grande, @Pallaith, @Siwale, and @Nessuno!! All of you guys (McM too!) had above a 98% endorsements given stat over the last seven days, and I appreciate your guys' efforts to assist me in settling into my new role. That's exactly what I want to be seeing, and as a matter of fact, all of the Security Council's members have been very welcoming and helpful to me during this time of transition. I can't thank them enough for providing me with insight, teaching me, and lessening the initial learning curve. It brings me a great sense of pride to be able to do this, and I owe everyone in the top twelve a debt of appreciation for all they do to protect this region.

Here's to another week of progress,

~ Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Vice Delegate of the North Pacific
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You people need to read more anyway, tsk tsk.

Thank you, Kasch! Finally! This is validation that someone is reading my textwalls!
but like srsly who writes 122 as one-hundred and twenty-two

Office of the Vice Delegate
Week Three: 26 January 2020


Greetings all! Today is Sunday, 26 January 2020, and you know what that means! It's time for my weekly report from the Office of the Vice Delegacy, and we've got a handful of exciting things to mention for this day's edition.

Last week, we had four Security Councilors (Pallaith, El Fiji Grande, Siwale, and Nessuno) with a rating above 98% in terms of endorsements given. This week, I'm pleased to report that we seven members endorsing over 1,360 different residential nations who have their World Assembly membership intact. The Delegate and I, who stand at 99.21% and 99.9% respectively, have also continued the trend upward that we saw from last week in terms of endorsements received with an influx of new Redditor nations joining the game. Across the board, all Security Councilors' nations have gained over ten endorsements - with many of them having acquired an additional twenty plus endorsements since last week's report.

Moreover, nations who hold Keeper of the North status are also on the rise. It was anticipated that the election of a new Vice Delegate would cause a substantial dip in this aspect of WADP tracking, but with forty-eight Keepers being added in the last seven days it seems as though this is recovering quite nicely. By the end of this week, I expect that our amount of Keepers will continue to grow even further, and in the coming days, I hope to send out more individual telegrams that will encourage nations to reciprocate my personal endorsement.

Lastly, the card lottery has been resumed, and just in time for the awards at the end of the month! Based on the results that we received from the last term via an on-site poll, the vast majority of our Keepers had said that they'd like to be able to win legendary cards from season one and season two. The preferences of North Pacificans everywhere have been taken into account, and in 2020 we'll be honing in on an approach that works best for the long-term sustainability of the program. Hopefully, everyone has been having fun card collecting so far, but in 2020 the stakes can be even higher! Let's keep on climbing higher and seeing where the prosperity of our region takes us!

In service,

~ Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Vice Delegate of the North Pacific
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Office of the Vice Delegate
Week Four: 2 February 2020


Last week, I predicted that we would continue to see growth in the number of Keepers of the North considering that we’re further removed from January’s general election. The good news? I was correct. The bad news? I wasn’t correct by very much. In the past seven days, we’ve seen an increase of twelve nations endorsing the Delegate, the Security Council, and myself. By no means is that terrible, and simple division will tell you that that’s an average of about 1.7 (let’s round-up to two in this case) nations per day becoming Keepers. However, it’s not ideal and hopefully heading into this new month we can do more to encourage those who have joined in the past month and stayed since to become more involved and help support the stability and security of the region.

Next up, the sixty-eight (68th) volume of the World Assembly Development Program (WADP) awards were published yesterday afternoon! I’d like to thank @r3naissanc3r for assisting me in this endeavour, and I’m most pleased that our champions, top 10s, and top 50s were met promptly with recognition by the program. It’s an exciting time to be a winner in these awards as well, because as previously mentioned earlier this week, the cards lottery has resumed.

It’s been advertised that I will accompany last week’s announcement of the cards lottery’s return with details relating to the odds of acquiring certain cards and what future winners can expect in terms of what’s up for grabs. As such, I’ll happily do so, and I’m most pleased to elaborate on what adjustments I have planned for the upcoming weeks of fine-tuning.

Firstly, winners have a two-thirds (2/3) odds of being awarded with a legendary card from season two. For the remaining one-third (1/3), winners will have a chance at being awarded with a legendary card from season one. These odds, which were determined strategically, allow us to better satisfy the aspirations of our Keepers by offering them two seasons worth of legendaries, just like they wanted us to be able to do, while also enduring the long-term viability of the lottery. Since season one legendaries are now at a premium, we’ve adopted a more conservative approach to their distribution. Nonetheless, they’re still available, and with the projections we’ve reviewed they will continue to be available for years to come.

Additionally, in my campaign thread from early last month I said that I’d have a willingness to participate, brainstorm, refine, execute, and hopefully pioneer more ideas once I see the WADP through the eyes of its manager. I also said that the ideas of my opponent at the time, Artemis, were solid, and that cards were exciting to me. This rings true roughly one month (twenty-two days) later, and as a sort of follow-up to that I’ll be introducing discussion this week amongst WADP overseers about whether or not service in the Executive Staff, Election Commission, or elsewhere should factor into someone’s odds of winning legendaries.

For now, we’ve settled one a two-thirds and one-third split, and I imagine it’ll remain that way for the foreseeable future. I’m not interested in rocking the boat in that regard, but even so I’m sure that @Sil Dorsett, r3n, and I will be monitoring the effectiveness of these new odds over the course of the remainder of the term. At which point, if we need to review something or implement an alternative to something, I’ll be sure to announce it in future reports.

Lastly, as I know this report is getting quite lengthy, I’d like to go over a few others aspects for which we’ve improved in the last week: the Delegate’s endorsement count is up by nineteen, I’m inching closer to the top fifteen in endorsements for the entire region, and Pallaith has overtaken Sundred as second in the region for endorsements received. Most every member of the Security Council has seen their endorsements increase, with a couple exceptions, and citizenship checks have been very timely.

This closes out another productive week from the Office of the Vice Delegacy, and going into week four I hope to build on what we’ve been able to do so far. Stay tuned next Sunday for another, hopefully more concise update. As always, thank you for your continued support and think you for allowing me to be your Vice Delegate.

In service,

~ Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Vice Delegate of the North Pacific
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Office of the Vice Delegate
Week Five: 9 February 2020


Aye, everyone!

Another week of positive growth is in the books, and our Delegate has exceeded 1,000 endorsements! For the first time since May of 2018 (thank you for that citation, @Praetor) we have over ten thousand nations in residence, and with this regaining of a milestone comes yet another opportunity for the World Assembly Development Program to flourish. Last week, we had five-hundred and eighteen (518) Keepers of the North. Since then? We’ve seen an increase of sixteen in the number of nations endorsing the Delegate, all Security Councilors, and myself. Now that we’re at five-hundred and thirty-four (534) Keepers, I’d like to see that number continue to grow much like our region’s population is continuing to grow. We’ve enjoyed a pretty decent improvement in that number over the past seven days, but it’s always best to aim for higher and now is especially a good time for that.

Progressing further down the list of happenings, we’ve seen increase in endorsements received across the board for all Security Councilors. This is a very good sign and it’s a trend that projected to continue upward. Earlier this week, Great Bights Mum sent out a telegram to nations endorsing her, but not endorsing me. In doing so, I’ve seen my personal nation’s endorsements amass by over forty and in addition to being ranked seventeen in the region I’m also now above seven-hundred (700)! I greatly appreciate the support of members like her, and I’m especially thankful to be in a region where we all help one another out whenever it’s needed.

Lastly, to close out this week’s worth of updates as we proceed into the fifth week of the term, it’s important that I notify everyone of some upcoming releases that’ll be occurring. As promised in my campaign thread last month, I’ve been focusing considerably on the topic of disclosure in the Security Council and over the last few days I’ve been working with others to prepare the eventual declassification of five threads for release. What is and what is not suitable for public viewing is something that our members have talked about and I’m happy to say that in leading these discussions it’s been very easy to find common ground. Before next week’s report, be on the lookout for newly declassified threads.

~ Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Vice Delegate of the North Pacific
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Office of the Vice Delegate
Week Six: 16 February 2020


Heading into the sixth week of the current term now seems to be a good a time as any for us to reflect on the progress that's been made thus far. Since his re-election on the eleventh (11th) of January, Delegate @mcmasterdonia's endorsements received statistic has increased by one-hundred and fifty (150), his percentage of endorsements received has risen from 69.2% to 73.5% - a 4.3% differential, and he continues to maintain an endorsements given rate of 99% or above. In terms of my endorsements received figure, I began the term with four-hundred and fifty-two (452) endorsements. Since then we've seen that number increase by over two-hundred and eighty (280), and my percentage of endorsements received has risen from 28.7% to 52.03% - which is a differential of 23.33%. Across the board, we can see that members of the Security Council who went into the term with mid to high 700s stats are all now firmly positioned in the 800s range, and many Security Councilors have been consistently delivering endorsements given rates of 98%+. This truly is a testament to the dedication of the Security Council and its members, and for that, I thank them for their diligence.

Moving on, it's time to focus on the present! The ongoing "Endorse Your Heart Out" event, which was launched a mere five days ago on the eleventh (11th) of February, is yielding very positive results. In addition to the region-wide telegram I sent out indicating such progress two days ago, we've since exceeded our second goal aimed at collectively amassing 280,000 endorsements, and with our sights set on meeting the third goal of 290,000 endorsements, several Security Councilors have been doing a phenomenal job of advertising the event to residents and working to promote our objectives for all to see. I'm very pleased with the efforts of our World Assembly recruiters and Endorsement Team members to help lift the number of Keepers of the North, and I appreciate the time that everyone has spent on preparing something of this scale. The executive administration has been doing an outstanding job overseeing this campaign for endotarting, and it's a privilege to be able to broadcast the successes of events like these to you all.

To round out this week's worth of reporting, I'm excited to announce an expansion that'll be happening of the various statistics tracked and monitored by the Office of the Vice Delegacy. A few days ago on Discord I asked if the citizenry would possibly be interested in seeing something similar to what the Speaker's Office does for the citizenship registry. Only... instead of recording how many new citizens were added during a set period of time, I would be recording how many Vice Deegacy checks were performed, how long the response times on those checks were, some averages of the time taken, and how many of them ended up becoming Keepers of the North. The answer to this question? A resounding yes, and as such I'm happy to bring that type of information to the people upon the conclusion of the present month.

Stay tuned for next week's update, and come the end of the month be on the lookout for a release of various statistics on checks performed. It's an honor to have served another week, and I encourage everyone currently participating in the "Endorse Your Heart Out" event to keep on keeping on! Slow and steady wins the race, as they say, but mass improvement is even better! I know what this community is capable of, so let's see it!

Eternally yours,

~ Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Vice Delegate of the North Pacific
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Office of the Vice Delegate
Week Seven: 23 February 2020


As we all know, the flow of endorsements is by no means linear. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, but the reality of it is that we've been fortunate to experience constant and consistent growth over the last few weeks. This week, as evidenced by the above spreadsheet, we took a bit of a step back. With the "Endorse Your Heart Out" event set to conclude on the twenty-fifth (25th) of February, that leaves us a day and a half or so more to continue recruiting World Assembly nations and convincing them to become Keepers of the North. Last week I thanked our recruiters and our advertisers for their dedication to making this ongoing event a success, and I'd like to do so again this week. Over the course of the past seven days, we've seen an increase in the number of Keepers of the North: it's gone from five-hundred and fifty (550) to five-hundred and sixty-two (562). Despite the meager losses we've seen on some individual Security Councilors' endorsements received counts, I believe this to be a step in the right direction as we're gaining more and more Keepers by the day.

Additionally, I'm pleased to see that our members have continued to maintain endorsements given percentages at or exceeding 97%, and so long as it's a healthy bottom line in terms of influence accumulation then I'd say our endotarting efforts are proving fruitful. Not everything can be measured with numbers, but a lot of it can. The good news is that we're in a region where we're able to track things such as this and that we have access to the tools that will help us do so. In the long run, this week of slight decreases in endorsement counts can be seen as an outlier to every other week thus far in the term. and even then a lot of progress is still being made beyond the metrics.

To help increase my own number of endorsements received, I've sent out a telegram alert just moments ago. The previous dispatch alert, which had been done over thirty days ago, had run its course and in the future, these will be happening on a much more frequent basis so as to maximize their efficiency. In next week's report, there'll be statistics included for Vice Delegate checks, as promised from last week's report. As we near the end of the month, I'm happy to be able to be the first Vice Delegate to bring these kinds of information to you all, and hopefully, access to increased information will provide the Regional Assembly with more material to reference when looking at the performance of my office.

As always, my door is open for questions, comments, inquiries, etc. either via telegram, Discord, or response in this thread. Week seven is as good a time as always to make a push for further improvement, so let's get it done.

~ Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Vice Delegate of the North Pacific

Office of the Vice Delegate
Week Eight: 1 March 2020


Happy days, TNP!

As I cited last week, when we began the term our Delegate was holding steady at eight-hundred and ninety-five (895) endorsements received. Of course, we've already seen the number of endorsements drastically increase since then, but what's more eye-catching is the realization that nowadays our sixth (6th) ranked Security Councilor, El Fiji Grande, is above where the Delegate was at that time. With our seventh (7th) and eighth (8th) ranked Security Councilors being within striking distance of that number, it's quite possible that another week like this one could see at least eight members above the nine-hundred (900) mark. That type of forward progression is tremendous for the Security Council, it's tremendous for our Delegate, and it's tremendous for the safety of our region.

Next up, we have a handful of statistics to present for those interested in what I've been doing on the front of citizenship. As promised in last week's report, here are some findings about the number of security checks completed, how many prospective citizens have passed those security checks, how often they're being done, and how I've upheld my commitment to doing them:

Since my election as Vice Delegate of the North Pacific, which occurred on the eleventh (11th) of January, there have been fifty-nine (59) Vice Delegate security checks performed. Of those fifty-nine (59) security checks, ninety-seven (97) applicants were passed and zero (0) applicants were failed. During processing, the average response time for a security check to occur was well under twenty-four (24) hours, and in some cases, the response time took place within a matter of minutes - half an hour or less on occasion. Overall, I'm very pleased to be fulfilling my duties as they relate to my role in the citizenship process for new nations. In my campaign, I had said these security checks would be performed twice a day at minimum, but since then they've actually been occurring far more frequently and have been processed as needed.

Lastly, to close out this week's worth of updates, it's a privilege of mine to have published the sixty-ninth (69th) volume of the World Assembly Development Program awards. Yesterday evening, recognition was given residents of the North Pacific who have demonstrated outstanding dedication to being Keepers of the North and have been proactively endorsing their region-mates for the past month. Each and every award bestowed was well deserved, and I'd like to thank our native populace for making volumes such as the most recent one released possible. We've seen it on the spreadsheets for weeks now, it's been talked about, it's been followed, but by endorsing each other we've truly made this region stronger, more stable, and more influential than it was when we first began the term.

Although it's not mid-term quite yet, this is to another healthy two months of growth! It's been an honour, and I'm happy to continue working with the Security Council to offer you all the very best regions possible on NationStates.

Seven weeks strong and counting,

Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Vice Delegate of the North Pacific
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Office of the Vice Delegate
Week Nine: 8 March 2020


It's been an interesting week...

Positives: The majority of Security Councilors saw their total of endorsements received grow, our number of Keepers of the North grew, all members are still staying around the 97%-98% range (where I'd like them to be) for endorsements given, and we've set a new all-time record in terms of endorsements exchanged. We regained our position as number one in the world for endorsements, and the recently-concluded "Endorse Your Heart Out" event resulted in an additional 50,000 endorsements being exchanged. All good stuff.

Negatives: The Security Council did a bit of a shuffle with positioning in its number of endorsements received. Sundred went down one slot, El Fiji Grande went up four slots and landed in the number two seat, Pallaith fell to number six, and Nessuno pulled into number seven. Not bad, per se, but not expected either. I am gaining on COE and will hopefully make my way into Sil and Lore's range.

For the North,

Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Vice Delegate of the North Pacific
I don't think I've ever seen a VD transition this long. Will you even be #2 in endorsements by the time the term ends?

Why are more people not concerned?
I don't think I've ever seen a VD transition this long. Will you even be #2 in endorsements by the time the term ends?

Why are more people not concerned?
I have both noticed, been concerned, and privately expressed my concerns to Robes.

I'm not sure how long most VD transitions take but I do think this one is definitely one of the longest I've seen.
It is not ideal but I am less concerned about it because I think Robes has been working hard to address it. Secondly, the second position and all other close people are held by the Security Council. Even if I was forced to resign, one of them could hold the seat while Robes was still the acting Delegate.
I don't think I've ever seen a VD transition this long. Will you even be #2 in endorsements by the time the term ends?

Why are more people not concerned?
The reason for why I don’t think people have expressed as much concern is because when looking at the overall picture we’re not in a bad spot by any metric. In my weekly report heading into week eight, I noted how our seventh and eighth-ranked Security Councilors are right up around where the Delegate would have been at the beginning of the term.

Because of the immense growth we’ve experienced elsewhere it's more difficult to get a non-SC nation up to those heights since building endorsements is a time-consuming process and is driven by repetition and persistence. When maintaining those levels you’re inevitably playing the long game, and it takes time for North Pacificans to recognize your nation on a consistent basis.

As for what I do to help, I regularly return endorsements, you’ll note that I have a 98.41% of endorsements given regionally, WADP alert telegrams/dispatches are being done one a weekly basis, and the “Endorse Your Heart Out” event was great for promotion of endorsing my nation. I’m very active, very present in the community, and I interact with the duties of my office in a way that allows me to fulfill them despite being number two in the region.

That’s not to say that endotarting is of no priority to me, because quite clealry it is. Even so, I don’t allow that to inhibit my ability to carry out the duties of the office I was elected to and I’d say I preform those duties at a high level. It’s nearing midterm, and there’s a lot of time left. This week I should be climbing over two members of the Security Council, so I’m confident that it’s very much achievable, as every week has indicated progress thus far.
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Office of the Vice Delegate
Week Ten: 15 March 2020



(+) Keepers of the North, an increase of seven (7).
(+) Growth in the number of endorsements received for every Security Councilor, barring a couple of exceptions.
(+) WADP alert sent out a couple of days ago for this week and another one on the way early for this upcoming week.


(1.) Increase General COE's endorsements received percentage.
(2.) Increase my own endorsements recieved percentage.


Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Vice Delegate of the North Pacific
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Office of the Vice Delegate
Week Eleven: 22 March 2020



(+) Keepers of the North, an increase of seven (7).
(+) Growth in my own endorsements received number and percentage


(1.) Promote non-Keepers to become Keepers of the North in preparation for this month's WADP awards. More manual approach as opposed to automation/mass-telegramming iin order to achieve this.
(2.) Continue to grow my own endorsements received.

Trust the process,

Robespierre (Francois Isidore)
Vice Delegate of the North Pacific
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I am not one to involve myself in regional politics too heavily so far, but I do have some concerns. If we assume you continue to grow your endorsement count by as much as you have this week, it is still going to take an additional three weeks to get to second place, and if we look back, the last two times you cracked the number you got this week were Week 8 (March 1st) and Week 5 (February 9th), so there is no real indication that is some sort of upward trend.

I am concerned that you will not reach second-place in endorsements by the time the term wraps up. What measures are you taking to ensure that isn't the case? Aren't you concerned about how your issues gaining endorsements reflects on your term as Vice Delegate?
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Office of the Vice Delegate
Resignation: 23 March 2020

Good day,

It brings me no pleasure in the slightest to be delivering this message to you all tonight, but nonetheless I find that it’s a necessary outcome. Over the course of the past month or so, I’ve sustained a few notable hits to my morale both in-character and in real life out-of-character and as much as this pains me, the fact of the matter is that at present I am not able to be your best option. Thus I must step aside, and in turn, I will allow myself the time to get back to doing things with pride, with passion, with energy, and with care for the future.

At the end of the day, NationStates is a game. That’s what it’s always been, that’s what it is, and that’s what it’ll always be. It seems as though the ones who retire from it and leave the activity of their careers behind are almost always the ones who come crawling back a few weeks later, only to return to the same activity they maintained prior. For that reason, I won’t be retiring and although I contemplated it a few times over the past couple weeks I soon realized that it would inevitably be a temporary retirement if I were to go through with it.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, but if it weren’t for the community we have here and if it weren’t for the people playing alongside us then this game would not be worth playing. Going forward, I’d like to focus on aspects of this game that I find to be the most enjoyable, as I’ve found that the more I have a passion for something the better I perform and the better I’m able to serve a region I care so much about. That’s not a slight to this office, nor is it a slight to any of you. I’ve enjoyed being your Vice Delegate, I’ve enjoyed serving to the best of my ability, and I’ve enjoyed being afforded this level of opportunity.

I’d like to take the time to thank you all for that because this isn’t about me but rather it’s about all of you. You deserve someone with their smile intact, and you deserve someone who knows best. If I’m being honest, I feel stuck and I feel as if somewhere along the way I’ve lost my smile. Giving up has never been something that I’ve ever entertained the thought of doing, and more so letting go can be quite tough for anyone but especially for me. If I can’t be who it is that I want to be for you all then there’s no reason for me to be here.

As such, it is with a heavy heart that I hereby resign as Vice Delegate of the North Pacific. Thank you for the honour, thank you for the privilege, and most of all thank you for the patience. If you had told me five years ago that I’d be in this position, with this opportunity, with these stakes, and with this community… well, it’s incredibly likely that I never would have believed you.

Because of your support, because of your kindness, and because of your good faith I was able to aspire for more. This isn’t a goodbye - it’s an “until another time”, because with a brighter tomorrow on the horizon I’m confident that I’ll be able to dedicate myself to you all again in due time. If you have anything you’d like to talk with me about or ask of me, my DMs are always open to all North Pacificans. Thank you for letting me do this.

~ Robespierre
Thank you, Robes! Your work did not go unnoticed. Best of luck in the future both here and/or abroad.
Sad to see you go, and I think you did a great job while you were here. Good luck with future endeavors.