Provisional Election Vote Count

Several votes came in while I was asleep, so the cote count is once again updated! COE has not edited the link into the opening post, so once again you can find it here.
I really thought I did... oh well. Fixed now.

Alta Italia:
While we're at it, may I ask: What voting system do we use? Plurality? 50%+1? If Bootsie made a sudden comeback, and voting for Speaker ended at 30 for Lord Nwahs, 29 for Bootsie, and 3 for Johnsjoe, what would happen? Would Nwahs win, as he had earned a plurality, or would we have a runoff with just Bootsie and Nwahs, and no candidate would have earned an absolute majority?
We elect delegate and vice delegate by majority. We elect speaker and court justices by plurality.
New provisional vote count for the ongoing judicial election is linked in the OP. Sorry for missing the delegate election entirely, and not completing the counts for the other two we had recently. So many elections happening at once overwhelmed me and I checked out for a while.
Oh, I have one already that I've been keeping up to date, but I forgot to post it this time. Here it is: Link. Updating the OP now.

EDIT: I briefly forgot that I can do html pages for these, and linked to a public spreadsheet. The spreadsheet has been made private, and the public html page is now linked above.
So, since people on the IRC have already been trying to provisionally count the votes, I've taken the liberty of doing the work for them. Thanks to COE for the template, and I'll be updating the count as necessary: Provisional Count
You're welcome guys! I try to keep it as updated as possible, so all votes should be on there.
The provisional vote count for the current judicial election is here and in the OP. Please note this is an unofficial tally, using only publicly available information. I am not using any power or resource of the election commission to create this sheet.
I decided I'm not gonna bother with the provisional count for the current special elections, since nominations will almost inevitably be re-opened. I'll just wait till the second round of voting and start then.
Well it's certainly been a while since I did one of these, but this election promises to be very exciting, so I'm resurrecting this thread.

As a reminder: This document is compiled using publicly available data posted by The Voting Booth and other users in the official voting thread. It may not take into account that some votes may be invalid. It is created and managed independently, and does not reflect any official tally certified by the TNP government. It may not take into account votes that have been changed since they were originally cast. It may also simply be inaccurate.

Also remember that as a candidate, I am absent from the Election Commission, and do not have access to The Voting Booth account. Here's the Provisional Count for the current General Election: Link.
Here is a provisional count for the May 2019 General Election. This is done as an unofficial count and any discounted ballots are by my interpretation of election laws.