Weekly update TG's




Used for drafting and tracking of weekly update TGs.​
(To be issued; Thursday 19th/Friday 20th)

TNP WA Weekly Digest
Bringing the WA to your door.

Greetings %NATION% please find below WA updates at time of writing (20/12/13)

Just finished;

Just closed up in the GA forum is "Repeal; The Early Learning Act" having passed by a margin in excess of 80% in favour. Likewise in the SC was "Commend: Sanctaria" which like it's GA counterpart passed by a great margin in excess of 80%.

Still to come;

1:Starting up General Assembly side now is; Repeal "Dignified End of Life Choices". The current suggested vote by the ministry is AGAINST. You can find out why and lodge your vote at the dedicated North Pacific thread here;

2: Kicking into life in the Security Council will be; Repeal "Condemn The Black Riders" which looks to be a controversial one.
The current ministry suggested vote for this is FOR. You can find out why and lodge your vote at the dedicated North Pacific thread here;

Final Notes

1: The WA Ministry from The North Pacific would like to take this time to wish all WA members of the region seasons greetings and a warm and happy new year to come.

2: We also encourage you all to become active in the TNP's WA Ministry. We love seeing you all active in the region and it's forums and the cabinet will gladly make itself available to anyone who is eager to learn or participate so please do consider joining us in the new year!

3: As per usual, please remember to endorse McMasterdonia to continue to strengthen the voice of the region within the World Assembly.

Until next time!

Minister for WA Affairs,
The North Pacific
I would replace "pf" with "of", "1:Starting" with "1: Starting", and "Repeal "Dignified End of Life Choices" with Repeal "Dignified End of Life Choices" or similar.

Under the final notes, could this wording perhaps be clearer:

2: We also hope to see more of you active in the WA side of things regionally come the new year. As per always, we make the experience of the Ministry available to you if you're interested in authoring something for either the GA or SC. Please do not be afraid to approach us for guidance, assistance, or support.

Finally, mcmasterdonia may prefer that exhortations for endorsements also ask for the endorsement of the Security Council.

Will try to make more suggestions soon.
Good catches on the typos. Whipped this up quickly before I went away. Will ensure they're omitted before sending.

Will also review the wording on the clause you've suggested.

Also, in this instance the request for endos is purely from a WA standpoint only. While I understand the security council point I would feel that's perhaps more down to Ash or Zyv to make that particular request. :)
TNP WA Weekly Digest
Bringing the WA to your door.

Greetings %NATION% please find below WA updates at time of writing (24/12/13)

Just finished;

Just closing up is repeal; "Dignified End of Life Choices" which is set to pass by a 79% margin.

Also just finished is Repeal: "Condemn the Black Riders" which was defeated at vote.

Still to come;

1: Starting up General Assembly side now is; Pollution Control Act;

Currently the ministry suggested vote is AGAINST. This act is riddled with significant issues all of which are explained in detail and debateable at the official TNP thread which we encourage you all to participate in here;


2: Kicking into life in the Security Council will be; Condemn The Black Riders;
This act looks promising and seems to be part of a grander picture, and thus the suggested vote in this instance is FOR. The official TNP debate thread can be located here, again we encourage you all to participate in it;


Final Notes

1: The WA Ministry from The North Pacific would like to take this time to wish all WA members of the region seasons greetings and a warm and happy new year to come.

2: We also encourage you all to become active in the TNP's WA Ministry. We love seeing you all active in the region and it's forums and the cabinet will gladly make itself available to anyone who is eager to learn or participate so please do consider joining us in the new year!

3: As per usual, please remember to endorse McMasterdonia to continue to strengthen the voice of the region within the World Assembly.

Until next time!

Minister for WA Affairs,
The North Pacific
TNP WA Weekly Digest
Bringing the WA to your door.

Greetings %NATION% please find below WA updates at time of writing (28/12/13)

Just finished;

Just closing up is; "Pollution Control Act" which was defeated 6,666 votes to 3,348.

Also just finished is; "Condemn the Black Riders" which was passed 8,203 votes to 1,551.

Still to come;

1: General Assembly Blues;

Currently at vote now is; Freedom to Bear Arms

Currently the ministry suggested vote is AGAINST. This act is among one of the most questionable acts we've had this displeasure of seeing come up for vote in a long time, if you would like to get involved in the official TNP debate, please do so here;


Following on from that in three days time will be; Repeal "Child Firearm Safety Act"

The Ministry's suggested vote on this one again is AGAINST. While the draft is well written, the arguments made are generally pretty lacking in any substantial manner, and are easily countered by the strength of the target resolution. If you wish to involve yourself in the official TNP debate prior to this coming to vote, you can do so here;


2: Security Council News;

Nothing to report council side at this time.

Final Notes

1: We also encourage you all to become active in the TNP's WA Ministry. We love seeing you all active in the region and it's forums and the cabinet will gladly make itself available to anyone who is eager to learn or participate so please do consider joining us in the new year!

2: As per usual, please remember to endorse McMasterdonia to continue to strengthen the voice of the region within the World Assembly.

Until next time!

Minister for WA Affairs,
The North Pacific
Currently the ministry suggested vote is AGAINST. This act is among one of the most questionable acts we've had this displeasure of seeing come up for vote in a long time, if you would like to get involved in the official TNP debate, please do so here;

Would suggest "the displeasure of seeing".
Currently the ministry suggested vote is AGAINST. This act is among one of the most questionable acts we've had this displeasure of seeing come up for vote in a long time, if you would like to get involved in the official TNP debate, please do so here;

Would suggest "the displeasure of seeing".
Sadly too late Elu, I wanted to get it out fast given the current Res at Vote. Will slow down for you in future :tb3:
TNP WA Weekly Digest
Bringing the WA to your door.

Happy New Year %NATION%, please find below WA updates at time of writing (7/1/14).

Just finished;

WA Catch-up News:

"Repeal "Child Firearm Safety Act" was defeated 8,208 votes to 2,529.

"Commend Harmoneia" was passed 8,095 votes to 1,932.

Still to come:

1: General Assembly Blues:

Currently at vote is; Repeal "Permit Male Circumcision"

Currently the Ministry suggested vote is AGAINST. While the intent of this repeal may have seem well placed, the end result is a repeal argument that unforunately falls on it's face. You can find the official TNP Debate thread here:


Coming up after that will be: Repeal: "Anti-Cyberterrorism Act"

The Ministry found itself quite conflicted when analyzing this particular text, however the Ministry suggested vote here was to ABSTAIN. The TNP Debate thread is currently deadlocked, so please do cast your delegate vote here:


2: Security Council News:

In Queue at the moment and likely to make quorum is "Commend: Eluvatar". The piece is written by two TNPers, namely Kiwi and McMasterdonia, and was reviewed by the Ministry throughout its drafting period, as a result the suggested vote here when it reaches quorum will be FOR. The Debate thread can be found here;


Final Issues:

1: We also encourage you all to become active in the TNP's WA votes and debates. We love seeing you all active in the region and it's forums and the cabinet will gladly make itself available to anyone who is eager to learn or participate so please do visit the WA affairs section of the Delegates Government in the forums as often as possible!

2: As per usual, please remember to endorse McMasterdonia to continue to strengthen the voice of the region within the World Assembly.

Until next time!

Minister for WA Affairs,
The North Pacific
Will send this one out tonight after work (9 hours ish from now)so if you spot anything oh great turtle god adviser, please do point it out :D
"Happy New Year %NATION% please find below WA updates at time of writing (7/1/14)" -- I'd include a comma after %NATION% and a period at the end of the sentence.

"Currently at vote now " -- Yes, we are currently voting right now on an ongoing present resolution on the floor as we speak...

"You can find the official TNP Debate thread here; " -- I might be wrong but I always thought the correct punctuation here was a colon

"The TNP Debate thread is currently deadlocked on it's vote, so please do cast your delegate vote here; " -- A) "deadlocked" is sufficient, "on it's vote" redundant; B) again, I always thought ":" was better here than ";" I could be wrong though.

It might be best to be consistent as to whether The Ministry is capitalized.

" it's forums " -- the contraction is used for "it is" not for "its" (possessive).

If you want the titles to rhyme, perhaps you could change "Final Notes" to "Final Issues?"

In terms of text, it might be sensible to ask people to vote on the deadlocked proposal if they have an opinion, but that's probably implied.

NB: Don't take my nitpicking to mean I don't like it, it's good :)
Nah grammar and I hate each other mate. Your input is always appreciated hence why I let this one sit for you to get at it before I sent it :p
TNP WA Weekly Digest
Bringing the WA to your door.

Greetings! %NATION%, please find below WA updates at time of writing (17/1/14).

WA Catch-up News:

Right of Emigration was passed 9,026 votes to 2,627.

Commend Eluvatar was passed 8,894 votes to 1,562.


Still to come:

1: General Assembly Blues:

Currently at vote is; Repeal "International Radio Act"

Currently the Ministry suggested vote is FOR. The draft author makes some good arguments and all in all has provided a reasonable product. Want to get involved in the debate? Have your say? You can do so below:


Coming up after that will be: Repeal: "On Abortion"

This was quite possibly one of the hardest reviews we've ever had to do, and we expect a firecracker of a debate both WA side and TNP side, especially given the suggested vote is FOR. Want to know why?! Want to rant and rave and force us to change our minds?! Excellent! We'll see you here:


2: Security Council News:

Currently at vote is Commend Laissez Faireholm which in truth should never have seen the light of day. It's really nothing exceptional and has several pivotal flaws to it. Feel free to check out what and why:


The SUGGESTED VOTE is always given from an OBJECTIVE standpoint only, it does not necessarily reflect the views of the members whom comprise the ministry and it's highly advised you view the TNP threads above to understand why suggested votes are what they are.

Final Issues:

1: This week saw two TNPers passing legislation in the World Assembly, which goes to show it can be done. If this is something you're interested in or intrigued by, feel free to use the proposals forum below, we'll always provide support and feedback where and if we can!


2: As per usual, please remember to endorse McMasterdonia to continue to strengthen the voice of the region within the World Assembly.

Until next time!

Minister for WA Affairs,
The North Pacific
There's an errant bracket, otherwise it looks great, syntactically.

I'm really concerned about your recommendation re: On Abortion, but I guess I'll have to look at the topic! :D
There's an errant bracket, otherwise it looks great, syntactically.

I'm really concerned about your recommendation re: On Abortion, but I guess I'll have to look at the topic! :D
Thing is, the proposal itself stands well... makes some good arguments, and some valid ones. And neutrally speaking I can't fault it. Although personally I'm against it.

Added the disclaimer this week to cover my ass :P
TNP WA Weekly Digest
Bringing the WA to your door.

Greetings! %NATION%, please find below WA updates at time of writing (25/1/14).

WA Catch-up News:

Repeal "International Radio Act" was passed 9,609 votes to 1,417.

Repeal "On Abortion" also failed by a very narrow margin of around a thousand votes.

Liberate Slavia was passed 8,851 votes to 2,681.

Still to come:

1: General Assembly Blues:

Currently at vote is; Industrial Pollution Control

Currently the Ministry suggested vote is FOR. This is a much more refined and sensible approach to this topic than the author previously put forth and while it still is not a perfect product, and has some flaws, it's not the worst environmental proposal to ever surface either. To find out more, have a view at the TNP thread here;


Coming up after that will be: Repeal "Protect War Correspondents"

While the official review for this proposal is yet to be posted (due by Monday) the Ministry can state at this time it will be recommending a FOR vote on this piece. Keep an eye on the thread below for the Ministry's official review;


2: Security Council News:

No new news this week!

The SUGGESTED VOTE is always given from an OBJECTIVE standpoint only, it does not necessarily reflect the views of the members whom comprise the ministry and it's highly advised you view the TNP threads above to understand why suggested votes are what they are.

Final Issues:

1: We'd like to congratulate all involved in the most recent North Pacific elections and extend our congratulations to the winners. More info regarding the elections and their outcome can be found via the forum News box!

2: As per usual, please remember to endorse McMasterdonia to continue to strengthen the voice of the region within the World Assembly.

Until next time!

Minister for WA Affairs,
The North Pacific
TNP WA Weekly Digest
Bringing the WA to your door.

Greetings! %NATION%, please find below WA updates at time of writing (4/2/14).

WA Catch-up News:

Repeal "Protect War Correspondents" was passed 5,928 votes to 4,926.

Commend NewTexas was passed 8,724 votes to 1,681.

Still to come:

1: General Assembly Blues:

Currently at vote is; Civilian Protection Accord

Currently the Ministry suggested vote is AGAINST. The proposal, while well intended, and definitely in theory a good idea falls on it's face for a number of reasons outlined at the below official TNP Thread;


Coming up after that will be: Radiowaves and Microwaves Act

A review is currently pending on this proposal and an update will be posted to the RMB once it is available.

2: Security Council News:

Currently at vote is: Repeal "Liberate Nazi Europe".

Presently the suggested TNP vote by the ministry is FOR this proposal, details of which are outlined at the official TNP Debate thread here:


The SUGGESTED VOTE is always given from an OBJECTIVE standpoint only, it does not necessarily reflect the views of the members whom comprise the ministry and it's highly advised you view the TNP threads above to understand why suggested votes are what they are.

Final Issues:

1: Delegate McMasterdonia and myself have been discussing the delegate's voting policy. Any thoughts and opinions on this would be greatly appreciated and can be shared with both McMasterdonia and myself via telegram or forum mail!

2: As per usual, please remember to endorse McMasterdonia to continue to strengthen the voice of the region within the World Assembly.

Until next time!

Minister for WA Affairs,
The North Pacific
TNP WA Weekly Digest
Bringing the WA to your door.

Greetings! %NATION%, please find below WA updates at time of writing (22/2/14).

WA Catch-up News:

Repeal "Industrial Pollution Control " was passed 8,029 votes to 3,036.

"Condemn The Dourian Embassy" was defeated 6,879 votes to 2,594.

Still to come:

1: General Assembly Blues:

Currently at vote is; Repeal "Ethics in International Trade"

Currently the region is voting FOR this resolution.

Coming up at update tonight will be: ASSISTED SUICIDE ACT

The ministry on a cursory reading is suggesting a vote AGAINST this resolution. The official TNP debate thread can be viewed here for your viewing and participation:


2: Security Council News:

Currently at vote is: Commend Abacathea

The ministry, for obvious reasons has steered entirely clear of this resolution, however the voting pattern for the region appears to be FOR.

Coming to vote at update tonight will be "Commend Anime Daisuki"

The Ministry suggested vote for this will be FOR. The official TNP Debate thread can be viewed and participated in here:


The SUGGESTED VOTE is always given from an OBJECTIVE standpoint only, it does not necessarily reflect the views of the members whom comprise the ministry and it's highly advised you view the TNP threads above to understand why suggested votes are what they are.

Final Issues:

1: Delegate McMasterdonia and myself have been discussing the delegate's voting policy. Any thoughts and opinions on this would be greatly appreciated and can be shared with both McMasterdonia and myself via telegram or forum mail!

2: As per usual, please remember to endorse McMasterdonia to continue to strengthen the voice of the region within the World Assembly.

3: The Minister wishes to take the time to thank all that voted in favour of the most recent commend. It's moments like this that really do highlight the solidarity of the region and the Minister extends it's thanks to all.

Until next time!

Minister for WA Affairs,
The North Pacific
TNP WA Weekly Digest
Bringing the WA to your door.

Greetings! %NATION%, please find below WA updates at time of writing (10/3/14).

WA Catch-up News:

Cultural Site Preservation was passed 7,075 votes to 4,135..

Liberate St Abbaddon was passed 7,085 votes to 3,553.

Also closing up at the moment is;

Responsible Armaments Trading
A resolution to slash worldwide military spending.

For: 2,655. Against: 8,262.

Voting ends in 70 minutes at time of writing.

Still to come:

1: General Assembly Blues:

Coming up at update will be: RIGHT TO ADEQUATE SANITATION

The ministry on review is suggesting a vote AGAINST this resolution. The official TNP debate thread can be viewed here for your viewing and participation:


2: Security Council News:

Coming up next in the Security Council will be Repeal "Condemn Greater Tezdrian", which comes to vote in 36 hours.

The ministry, will be recommending a FOR vote in relation to this and synopsis and appraisal will be posted to the TNP thread in due course, link provided below.


The SUGGESTED VOTE is always given from an OBJECTIVE standpoint only, it does not necessarily reflect the views of the members whom comprise the ministry and it's highly advised you view the TNP threads above to understand why suggested votes are what they are.

Final Issues:

1: A reminder to all wishing to use the debate thread to cast their votes to the Delegate, you MUST have a WA nation residing in TNP at the time and it must be noted on your profile. Votes not in accordance with this per new delegate guidelines will be discarded.

2: As per usual, please remember to endorse McMasterdonia to continue to strengthen the voice of the region within the World Assembly.

3: The Minister wishes to take the time to thank all that voted in favour of the most recent commend. It's moments like this that really do highlight the solidarity of the region and the Minister extends it's thanks to all.

Until next time!

Minister for WA Affairs,
The North Pacific
TNP WA Weekly Digest
Bringing the WA to your door.

Greetings! %NATION%, please find below WA updates at time of writing (25/3/14).

WA Catch-up News:

"Moratorium on Animal Testing" was defeated 8,372 votes to 2,760.

"Condemn Cormac A Stark" was defeated 7,453 votes to 2,175.

Also closing up at the moment is;

Repeal "Rights and Duties of WA States"
A resolution to repeal previously passed legislation.

Voting ends in 22 hours at time of writing and this resolution will be discarded due to illegalities determined by the WA.

Still to come:

1: General Assembly Blues:

Coming up at update will be: Universal Suffrage Act

The ministry on review is suggesting a vote FOR this resolution. The official TNP debate thread can be viewed here for your viewing and participation:


After that will be: Strategic Arms Reduction

The ministry on review is suggesting a vote AGAINST this resolution. The official TNP debate thread can be viewed here for your viewing and participation:


2: Security Council News:

At vote today is: Condemn Auralia.

The ministry, will be recommending a AGAINST vote in relation to this and synopsis and appraisal will be posted to the TNP thread in due course, link provided below.


The SUGGESTED VOTE is always given from an OBJECTIVE standpoint only, it does not necessarily reflect the views of the members whom comprise the ministry and it's highly advised you view the TNP threads above to understand why suggested votes are what they are.

Final Issues:

1: A reminder to all wishing to use the debate thread to cast their votes to the Delegate, you MUST have a WA nation residing in TNP at the time and it must be noted on your profile. Votes not in accordance with this per new delegate guidelines will be discarded.

2: As per usual, please remember to endorse McMasterdonia to continue to strengthen the voice of the region within the World Assembly.

3: The Minister wishes to take the time to thank all that voted in favour of the most recent commend. It's moments like this that really do highlight the solidarity of the region and the Minister extends it's thanks to all.

Until next time!

Minister for WA Affairs,
The North Pacific