This Court is now in session and will hear the case of The North Pacific v. Ravania, as filed by Deputy Attorney General Belschaft, here.
Representing The North Pacific will be Gaspo, Attorney General, and Belschaft, Deputy Attorney General.
Representing the Defendant will be malashaan, Counsel for the Defence and Ravania.
Presiding over this case will be Abbey Anumia, Chief Justice and Moderating Justice, Sanctaria and punk d, Court Justices.
The Defendant is charged with one count of Treason and one count of Espionage. The Defendant has 48 hours to enter a plea, and if they do not enter a plea in that period, a default plea of "Not Guilty" will be entered. Additionally, the Defendant is asked to notify the Court as to who will be serving as their Attorney. If they do not do so then they will be listed as representing themselves, although this may be changed at any time. After a plea has been entered, the trial will progress to pre-trial motions.
Ravania, how do you plead?
Estimated timetable (subject to change, times in GMT)
30th March - 1st April: Plea
1st April - 3rd April: Pre-trial motions
4th April - 18th April: Discovery
11th May - 15th May: Arguments
15th May - 19th May: Recess for Judgement
Official Evidence
Court Exhibit B: First UDL Official Statement (03:04 AM GMT 20/03/13)
Court Exhibit C: Second UDL Official Statement (10:12 PM GMT 20/03/13)
Court Exhibit D: Ravania's Statement (08:48 PM GMT 20/03/13)
The Office of The Attorney General
Of The North Pacific
Request for Indictment
Accused: Ravania
Complaining Party: The North Pacific
Prosecutors: Gaspo, Belschaft
The Office of the Attorney General humbly requests that the Court issue an indictment charging Ravania with the crimes of Treason(LC-C1S1.1) and Espionage(LC-C1S1.2).
Relevant Sections of Law
Legal Code - Chapter 1 Section 1.1:Section 1.1: Treason
2. "Treason" is defined as taking arms or providing material support to a group or region for the purpose of undermining or overthrowing the lawful government of The North Pacific or any of its treatied allies as governed by the Constitution.
3. Specifically, no player maintaining a nation in a region or organization at war with TNP may maintain a nation within TNP, or participate in the governance thereof, for the duration of hostilities.
4. At this time, there are no regions or organizations at war with TNP. At this time TNP is allied with Stargate, the South Pacific, Taijitu, International Democratic Union, Osiris and Equilism.
5. The Speaker will update the preceding clause as appropriate.
Legal Code - Chapter 1 Section 1.2:Section 1.2: Espionage
6. "Espionage" is defined as the use of a Nation or Persona within The North Pacific for the purpose of gathering information for a group or region not officially sanctioned by the lawful government of The North Pacific as governed by the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
7. The information gathered must be of a nature that a person that has not registered on the official forums or attained public office would be unable to access it without cracking technical security measures.
Statement of Facts
It is hereby alleged by the Office of The Attorney General that on the 18th of March 2013 the accused, Ravania, illegally transmitted information he had accessed as a Private in The North Pacific Army (NPA) to his superiors and colleges in The United Defenders League (UDL). Ravania was, at that time, aside from being a Private in the NPA both a Citizen and Regional Assembly Member of The North Pacific (TNP) and a Lieutenant in the UDL.
The information in question consisted of a thread from a restricted NPA section of the TNP forums, in which Acting Delegate Blue Wolf II and former Delegate MCMasterdonia discussed a NPA deployment order issued by the former, and that MCMasterdonia was opposed to. Further, this operation - namely the support of the occupation of a region by the name of Warhammer 40000 - was one that Ravania and the UDL were opposed to and had recently attempted to liberate the region.
This incident was then discovered and reported to the NPA by Eluvatar, commander of the North Pacific Intelligence Agency (NPIA) and a fellow UDL Lieutenant, on the evening of the 19th of March 2013. Due to a sense of duty, at the same time Eluvatar informed the UDL Capitalis de Societate, henceforth referred to as Commanding Officer, Unibot of his actions.
Subsequent to this, and following informal communications via Internet Relay Chat (IRC), at 03:04 AM (GMT) on the 20th of March The UDL released an official statement, issued by UDL Commanding Officer Unibot, acknowledging both receipt of the information and that Ravania was the source. Further, at 10:12 PM (GMT) that same day a second official statement was released, this time issued by acting UDL Commanding Officer Earth, again confirming these details.
Shortly before the UDL issued their second official statement Ravania posted a personal statement acknowledging guilt, at 08:48 PM GMT on the 20th of March.
Following these incidents a number of investigations have been ongoing, of which the Office of The Attorney General has been a part. At this point in time, whilst the investigations are not concluded, we are confident that a sufficient evidentiary basis exists for us to seek indictment.
Supporting Evidence
Exhibit One: First UDL Official Statement (03:04 AM GMT 20/03/13)
Exhibit Two: Second UDL Official Statement (10:12 PM GMT 20/03/13)
Exhibit Three: Ravania's Statement (08:48 PM GMT 20/03/13)
Conclusion and Recommendation
Based on the evidence above, and the significance of the crime, the Office of the Attorney General strongly urges the Court to accept this indictment, as this Office is confident in the strength of the case and the evidence in its possession.
Belschaft, Deputy Attorney General
Representing The North Pacific will be Gaspo, Attorney General, and Belschaft, Deputy Attorney General.
Representing the Defendant will be malashaan, Counsel for the Defence and Ravania.
Presiding over this case will be Abbey Anumia, Chief Justice and Moderating Justice, Sanctaria and punk d, Court Justices.
The Defendant is charged with one count of Treason and one count of Espionage. The Defendant has 48 hours to enter a plea, and if they do not enter a plea in that period, a default plea of "Not Guilty" will be entered. Additionally, the Defendant is asked to notify the Court as to who will be serving as their Attorney. If they do not do so then they will be listed as representing themselves, although this may be changed at any time. After a plea has been entered, the trial will progress to pre-trial motions.
Ravania, how do you plead?
Estimated timetable (subject to change, times in GMT)
30th March - 1st April: Plea
1st April - 3rd April: Pre-trial motions
4th April - 18th April: Discovery
11th May - 15th May: Arguments
15th May - 19th May: Recess for Judgement
Official Evidence
[Mar 18 2013, 05:51 PM] <Ravania> btw McM is questioning BW in NPA thread
[Mar 18 2013, 05:51 PM] * Tim-Opolis nods
[Mar 18 2013, 05:52 PM] <Solm> Btw: BW is smart. And his ultimate goal is to turn NPA raider.
[Mar 18 2013, 05:52 PM] <Tim-Opolis> Indeed.
[Mar 18 2013, 05:54 PM] <Ravania> BW: I've already looked into it, and there is no violation of the NPA doctrine. Also, NPA is a neutral military, we support our friends and allies if they ask for assistance regardless of gameplay alignment.
[Mar 18 2013, 05:54 PM] <Solm> And would not of made this move just for lulz, so don't think that we have some upper ground.
[Mar 18 2013, 05:54 PM] <Solm> lol should we ask him to help against TBH?
[Mar 18 2013, 05:54 PM] <Tim-Opolis> Heh
[Mar 18 2013, 05:54 PM] <Tim-Opolis> Yus
[Mar 18 2013, 05:54 PM] <Ravania> MCM: Lastly, what made TBH come to us out of all their resources in the raiding world? We are hardly a mercenaries first choice. Or did you offer our services to them? My main concern is that this will set the precedent that we are simply a piling army, that moves whenever we are asked to, particularly, when said mission, has little relevance or benefit to The North Pacific.
[Mar 18 2013, 05:55 PM] <Mahaj> yo Rav
[Mar 18 2013, 05:55 PM] <Ravania> MCM: When the region is still split on military grounds, my concern is that a raiding mission such as this which holds little relevance or benefit for The North Pacific could cast the Army in a bad light. I'm supportive of raiding and defending for fun, or when it benefits our interests. I'm not sure support missions of such kind, would either be fun, or beneficial.
[Mar 18 2013, 05:55 PM] <Tim-Opolis> That's fantastic
[Mar 18 2013, 05:55 PM] <Mahaj> could we get screenshots?
[Mar 18 2013, 05:56 PM] <Mahaj> if you have chrome, there's an extension that screenshots the whole page, even stuff below the fold
[Mar 18 2013, 05:57 PM] <Solm> wut
[Mar 18 2013, 05:57 PM] <Solm> Gimme this extension
[Mar 18 2013, 05:57 PM] <Mahaj> at least i've heard there is
[Mar 18 2013, 05:58 PM] <Mahaj> hm i think its called screensh00ter
[Mar 18 2013, 05:59 PM] <Ravania> just making a pdf works too
[Mar 18 2013, 06:01 PM] <Mahaj> okay yeah its not below the fold
[Mar 18 2013, 06:01 PM] <Mahaj> dissapointing
[Mar 18 2013, 06:01 PM] <Mahaj> i'll talk to my friend see what he was talking about
[Mar 18 2013, 06:03 PM] <Ravania> --link removed-- <-- here you go
[Mar 18 2013, 06:04 PM] --> Earth joined the channel
[Mar 18 2013, 06:04 PM] --- ChanServ changed mode: +o Earth
[Mar 18 2013, 06:04 PM] <FriarTuck> *glomph*
[Mar 18 2013, 06:11 PM] <Ravania> Hm, I never knew pdf, kept the links provided...
[Mar 18 2013, 06:12 PM] <Tim-Opolis> It does
[Mar 18 2013, 06:12 PM] <Ravania> i can even reply from the pdf...
[Mar 18 2013, 06:14 PM] <Tim-Opolis> Yuup.
[Mar 18 2013, 05:51 PM] * Tim-Opolis nods
[Mar 18 2013, 05:52 PM] <Solm> Btw: BW is smart. And his ultimate goal is to turn NPA raider.
[Mar 18 2013, 05:52 PM] <Tim-Opolis> Indeed.
[Mar 18 2013, 05:54 PM] <Ravania> BW: I've already looked into it, and there is no violation of the NPA doctrine. Also, NPA is a neutral military, we support our friends and allies if they ask for assistance regardless of gameplay alignment.
[Mar 18 2013, 05:54 PM] <Solm> And would not of made this move just for lulz, so don't think that we have some upper ground.
[Mar 18 2013, 05:54 PM] <Solm> lol should we ask him to help against TBH?
[Mar 18 2013, 05:54 PM] <Tim-Opolis> Heh
[Mar 18 2013, 05:54 PM] <Tim-Opolis> Yus
[Mar 18 2013, 05:54 PM] <Ravania> MCM: Lastly, what made TBH come to us out of all their resources in the raiding world? We are hardly a mercenaries first choice. Or did you offer our services to them? My main concern is that this will set the precedent that we are simply a piling army, that moves whenever we are asked to, particularly, when said mission, has little relevance or benefit to The North Pacific.
[Mar 18 2013, 05:55 PM] <Mahaj> yo Rav
[Mar 18 2013, 05:55 PM] <Ravania> MCM: When the region is still split on military grounds, my concern is that a raiding mission such as this which holds little relevance or benefit for The North Pacific could cast the Army in a bad light. I'm supportive of raiding and defending for fun, or when it benefits our interests. I'm not sure support missions of such kind, would either be fun, or beneficial.
[Mar 18 2013, 05:55 PM] <Tim-Opolis> That's fantastic
[Mar 18 2013, 05:55 PM] <Mahaj> could we get screenshots?
[Mar 18 2013, 05:56 PM] <Mahaj> if you have chrome, there's an extension that screenshots the whole page, even stuff below the fold
[Mar 18 2013, 05:57 PM] <Solm> wut
[Mar 18 2013, 05:57 PM] <Solm> Gimme this extension
[Mar 18 2013, 05:57 PM] <Mahaj> at least i've heard there is
[Mar 18 2013, 05:58 PM] <Mahaj> hm i think its called screensh00ter
[Mar 18 2013, 05:59 PM] <Ravania> just making a pdf works too
[Mar 18 2013, 06:01 PM] <Mahaj> okay yeah its not below the fold
[Mar 18 2013, 06:01 PM] <Mahaj> dissapointing
[Mar 18 2013, 06:01 PM] <Mahaj> i'll talk to my friend see what he was talking about
[Mar 18 2013, 06:03 PM] <Ravania> --link removed-- <-- here you go
[Mar 18 2013, 06:04 PM] --> Earth joined the channel
[Mar 18 2013, 06:04 PM] --- ChanServ changed mode: +o Earth
[Mar 18 2013, 06:04 PM] <FriarTuck> *glomph*
[Mar 18 2013, 06:11 PM] <Ravania> Hm, I never knew pdf, kept the links provided...
[Mar 18 2013, 06:12 PM] <Tim-Opolis> It does
[Mar 18 2013, 06:12 PM] <Ravania> i can even reply from the pdf...
[Mar 18 2013, 06:14 PM] <Tim-Opolis> Yuup.
00:42:11: <Eluvatar> Mr Deputy Minister Sir
00:42:30: <Scandigrad> How may I be of service?
00:42:44: <Eluvatar> I must speak with you urgently about the UDL leak.
00:42:54: <Scandigrad> Very well.
00:43:18: <Eluvatar> The NPA soldier who reproduced private materials from the NPA forum in a secure UDL channel was Ravania
00:44:01: <Scandigrad> On what basis do you know this information?
00:45:41: <Eluvatar> I was present in the secure UDL channel because my duties in the UDL require it
00:45:52: <Eluvatar> Reviewing my logs I found that he shared info
00:46:01: <Scandigrad> May I request a copy of this?
00:46:48: <Scandigrad> And any additional pertinent information?
00:47:09: <Eluvatar> I will PM you a log shortly
00:47:17: <Eluvatar> What information do you desire?
00:48:37: <Scandigrad> Information linking Ravania to leaking information to the UDL willfully, and with full knowledge of his actions.
00:50:12: <Scandigrad> I would like to share this chat with the MoD, with your permission of course.
01:10:06: <Eluvatar> I'm sorry, the log will be slightly delayed
01:10:18: <Scandigrad> Very well.
01:10:29: <Eluvatar> My ethical obligation to report my contravention of UDL secrecy has turned into a lengthy discussion.
01:10:35: <Eluvatar> It appears I am discharged.
01:11:29: <Scandigrad> Well that's a problem.
00:42:30: <Scandigrad> How may I be of service?
00:42:44: <Eluvatar> I must speak with you urgently about the UDL leak.
00:42:54: <Scandigrad> Very well.
00:43:18: <Eluvatar> The NPA soldier who reproduced private materials from the NPA forum in a secure UDL channel was Ravania
00:44:01: <Scandigrad> On what basis do you know this information?
00:45:41: <Eluvatar> I was present in the secure UDL channel because my duties in the UDL require it
00:45:52: <Eluvatar> Reviewing my logs I found that he shared info
00:46:01: <Scandigrad> May I request a copy of this?
00:46:48: <Scandigrad> And any additional pertinent information?
00:47:09: <Eluvatar> I will PM you a log shortly
00:47:17: <Eluvatar> What information do you desire?
00:48:37: <Scandigrad> Information linking Ravania to leaking information to the UDL willfully, and with full knowledge of his actions.
00:50:12: <Scandigrad> I would like to share this chat with the MoD, with your permission of course.
01:10:06: <Eluvatar> I'm sorry, the log will be slightly delayed
01:10:18: <Scandigrad> Very well.
01:10:29: <Eluvatar> My ethical obligation to report my contravention of UDL secrecy has turned into a lengthy discussion.
01:10:35: <Eluvatar> It appears I am discharged.
01:11:29: <Scandigrad> Well that's a problem.
[17:15] <@Gaspo> Alrihgt, Astarial is here to authenticate this log - she will independantly submit a copy to the Court, for verification purposes. Testifying today is Scandigrad, Deputy Minister of Defense for The North Pacific. His testimony is in regards to TNP v. Ravania, and will consist of the story of his involvement in events, and the authentication of a log being submitted as Prosecution
[17:15] <@Gaspo> Exhibit B.
[17:16] <@Gaspo> Scandigrad, do you swear that what you're about to share is the full truth, related to these matters, related to the best of your knowledge, and confined only to things you know, rather than any opinion or speculation?
[17:16] <Scandigrad> I do.
[17:17] <@Gaspo> Please begin.
[17:18] <Scandigrad> Hold on, I'm reviewing the log real quick.
[17:18] <Scandigrad> I was contacted by Eluvatar, who wished to speak to me regarding a leak within the NPA.
[17:19] <Scandigrad> At the time, the Minister was not available.
[17:20] <Scandigrad> My first priority was to determine the authenticity, particularly where this information came from, and whether it was first hand or second hand information.
[17:22] <Scandigrad> Once this criteria had been established, I also began probing for some information to build a case for a court martial. Unfortunately the member in question had left by that time, and we (the Minister and myself) decided it would only impede a general court investigation to conduct a court martial anyway.
[17:22] <Scandigrad> Finally, I do indeed authenticate that the log I have presented is accurate.
[17:23] <Scandigrad> Is there anything further I need to elaborate on, sir?
[17:24] * @Gaspo (~Gaspo@----) Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[17:25] <Scandigrad> I'll assume that means no. This concludes my testimony.
[17:28] * Gaspo (~Gaspo@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[17:28] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Gaspo
[17:28] <@Gaspo> My apologies, folks. No need to start over - Scandi, Asta will provide me with the gap logs. Please continue.
[17:29] <@Gaspo> Asta has shown me the logs in question; there is no further scope needed for your statement at this time. Should a follow-up be necessary, I will contact you. Much obliged, sir.
[17:29] <@Gaspo> ---------------
[17:15] <@Gaspo> Exhibit B.
[17:16] <@Gaspo> Scandigrad, do you swear that what you're about to share is the full truth, related to these matters, related to the best of your knowledge, and confined only to things you know, rather than any opinion or speculation?
[17:16] <Scandigrad> I do.
[17:17] <@Gaspo> Please begin.
[17:18] <Scandigrad> Hold on, I'm reviewing the log real quick.
[17:18] <Scandigrad> I was contacted by Eluvatar, who wished to speak to me regarding a leak within the NPA.
[17:19] <Scandigrad> At the time, the Minister was not available.
[17:20] <Scandigrad> My first priority was to determine the authenticity, particularly where this information came from, and whether it was first hand or second hand information.
[17:22] <Scandigrad> Once this criteria had been established, I also began probing for some information to build a case for a court martial. Unfortunately the member in question had left by that time, and we (the Minister and myself) decided it would only impede a general court investigation to conduct a court martial anyway.
[17:22] <Scandigrad> Finally, I do indeed authenticate that the log I have presented is accurate.
[17:23] <Scandigrad> Is there anything further I need to elaborate on, sir?
[17:24] * @Gaspo (~Gaspo@----) Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[17:25] <Scandigrad> I'll assume that means no. This concludes my testimony.
[17:28] * Gaspo (~Gaspo@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[17:28] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Gaspo
[17:28] <@Gaspo> My apologies, folks. No need to start over - Scandi, Asta will provide me with the gap logs. Please continue.
[17:29] <@Gaspo> Asta has shown me the logs in question; there is no further scope needed for your statement at this time. Should a follow-up be necessary, I will contact you. Much obliged, sir.
[17:29] <@Gaspo> ---------------
Session Start: Tue Mar 19 06:16:02 2013
Session Ident: Unibot
[06:16] Session Ident: Unibot (EsperNet, mcmasterdonia|Away) (~Unibot@*snip*)
03[06:16] <Unibot> Hey Mcm
[06:16] <Unibot> Word is you're against this TNP raid in Warhammer
[06:17] <Unibot> Just as a note, a RA vote to override BW's call for the raid support probably would be way more sucessfully with you proposing the vote, instead of someone like Tim.
[06:17] <Unibot> Lack of political capital, UDL membership and all of that.
[06:18] <Unibot> He was talking about proposing the vote though.
Session Close: Tue Mar 19 10:21:21 2013
Session Ident: Unibot
[06:16] Session Ident: Unibot (EsperNet, mcmasterdonia|Away) (~Unibot@*snip*)
03[06:16] <Unibot> Hey Mcm
[06:16] <Unibot> Word is you're against this TNP raid in Warhammer
[06:17] <Unibot> Just as a note, a RA vote to override BW's call for the raid support probably would be way more sucessfully with you proposing the vote, instead of someone like Tim.
[06:17] <Unibot> Lack of political capital, UDL membership and all of that.
[06:18] <Unibot> He was talking about proposing the vote though.
Session Close: Tue Mar 19 10:21:21 2013
[09:38] <@Gaspo> MCM, you're here to give a statement regarding your involvement in the Ravania affair. Please consider yourself under oath - you are obligated to tell the truth to the best of your knowledge, and to refrain from speculation or opinion. Do you have any questions before we begin?
[09:38] <mcmasterdonia> No
[09:39] <@Gaspo> Excellent. In an affidavit, I'm not allowed to ask any questions, so I will simply cede the floor to you as you relate, for the record, your involvement in the discovery and investigation of the Ravania affair.
[09:39] <mcmasterdonia> Ok
[09:40] <mcmasterdonia> So, after having an argument with the Acting Delegate at the time about what I considered to be The North Pacifics military interests, I went away from my computer for a while. When I returned, I had two queries on IRC, one from Tim and one from Unibot
[09:41] <mcmasterdonia> The one from Tim informed me that he was going to introduce an attempt to override the NPA's Deployment in support of the Black Hawks Raid
[09:42] <mcmasterdonia> The one from Unibot, basically said the same, however he mentioned that it would probably be better if I introduce the override to the Regional Assembly, noting that I apparently have more political capital than Tim does in the region.
[09:42] <mcmasterdonia> If I may find the log - one moment
[09:42] <@Gaspo>
[09:42] <@Gaspo> it is available here, as Prosecution Exhibit E
[09:43] <mcmasterdonia> Ah, yes that is the log
[09:43] <mcmasterdonia> The part that alerted me to the fact that the NPA forum was compromised, is where he said that word is I was against it
[09:44] <mcmasterdonia> It was clear to me that they were not proposing the deployment override simply because they had found out about it on Nationstates
[09:45] <mcmasterdonia> This led me to making a post in the High Command Centre of the North Pacific Army discussing the potential leak, as well as making a post in the Regional Assembly, NPA Deployment Override thread
[09:45] <mcmasterdonia> Specifically here:
[09:46] <mcmasterdonia> "It also seems that some of the opposition and queries raised in the private NPA thread have made it to the top of UDL already. I'm not sure how this can be addressed without too many ramifications, but it annoys me greatly."
[09:46] <mcmasterdonia> During this time, I had a discussion with Eluvatar about the situation
[09:46] <mcmasterdonia> Which led him to conduct his own private investigations into it, which he subsequently informed the NPA High Command about his findings, which led to the discharge of Ravania from the North Pacific Army.
[09:47] <mcmasterdonia> Just rereading, to make sure that I have got everything.
[09:48] <mcmasterdonia> That's everything.
[09:48] <@Gaspo> Thank you for your statement. Should the Defense wish, you may be recalled for a deposition to answer questions - I trust you will be reasonably available should that need arise.
[09:48] <@Gaspo> Thank you for yoru time.
[09:48] <@Gaspo> *your
[09:48] <mcmasterdonia> I will be available.
[09:48] <mcmasterdonia> No problem at all Gaspo.
[09:48] <@Gaspo> Thank you.
[09:48] <@Gaspo> <END>
[09:49] <@Gaspo> thansk buddy
[09:49] <@Gaspo> *thanks
[09:49] <mcmasterdonia>
[09:49] <@Gaspo> Asta, please PM a complete copy of this log to Abbey.
[09:49] <Astarial> o7
[09:49] <@Gaspo> Thanks.
[09:38] <mcmasterdonia> No
[09:39] <@Gaspo> Excellent. In an affidavit, I'm not allowed to ask any questions, so I will simply cede the floor to you as you relate, for the record, your involvement in the discovery and investigation of the Ravania affair.
[09:39] <mcmasterdonia> Ok
[09:40] <mcmasterdonia> So, after having an argument with the Acting Delegate at the time about what I considered to be The North Pacifics military interests, I went away from my computer for a while. When I returned, I had two queries on IRC, one from Tim and one from Unibot
[09:41] <mcmasterdonia> The one from Tim informed me that he was going to introduce an attempt to override the NPA's Deployment in support of the Black Hawks Raid
[09:42] <mcmasterdonia> The one from Unibot, basically said the same, however he mentioned that it would probably be better if I introduce the override to the Regional Assembly, noting that I apparently have more political capital than Tim does in the region.
[09:42] <mcmasterdonia> If I may find the log - one moment
[09:42] <@Gaspo>
[09:42] <@Gaspo> it is available here, as Prosecution Exhibit E
[09:43] <mcmasterdonia> Ah, yes that is the log
[09:43] <mcmasterdonia> The part that alerted me to the fact that the NPA forum was compromised, is where he said that word is I was against it
[09:44] <mcmasterdonia> It was clear to me that they were not proposing the deployment override simply because they had found out about it on Nationstates
[09:45] <mcmasterdonia> This led me to making a post in the High Command Centre of the North Pacific Army discussing the potential leak, as well as making a post in the Regional Assembly, NPA Deployment Override thread
[09:45] <mcmasterdonia> Specifically here:
[09:46] <mcmasterdonia> "It also seems that some of the opposition and queries raised in the private NPA thread have made it to the top of UDL already. I'm not sure how this can be addressed without too many ramifications, but it annoys me greatly."
[09:46] <mcmasterdonia> During this time, I had a discussion with Eluvatar about the situation
[09:46] <mcmasterdonia> Which led him to conduct his own private investigations into it, which he subsequently informed the NPA High Command about his findings, which led to the discharge of Ravania from the North Pacific Army.
[09:47] <mcmasterdonia> Just rereading, to make sure that I have got everything.
[09:48] <mcmasterdonia> That's everything.
[09:48] <@Gaspo> Thank you for your statement. Should the Defense wish, you may be recalled for a deposition to answer questions - I trust you will be reasonably available should that need arise.
[09:48] <@Gaspo> Thank you for yoru time.
[09:48] <@Gaspo> *your
[09:48] <mcmasterdonia> I will be available.
[09:48] <mcmasterdonia> No problem at all Gaspo.
[09:48] <@Gaspo> Thank you.
[09:48] <@Gaspo> <END>
[09:49] <@Gaspo> thansk buddy
[09:49] <@Gaspo> *thanks
[09:49] <mcmasterdonia>

[09:49] <@Gaspo> Asta, please PM a complete copy of this log to Abbey.
[09:49] <Astarial> o7
[09:49] <@Gaspo> Thanks.
<Malashaan>: Hey
<Kiwi>: Heya!
<Gaspo>: Mal, I only have a couple questions
<Gaspo>: so
<Gaspo>: I'll let you take the lead ont hsi, and I will cross-examine.
<Malashaan>: ok
<Malashaan>: Kiwi, you may consider yourself under oath to tell the truth to the best of your knowledge, but not to offer opinion or speculation etc in your testimony. Any questions on that?
<Kiwi>: Nope. I understand.
<Malashaan>: At the time of the events at trial, as documented in Prosecution Exhibit A here:, you were defense minister for TNP, correct?
<Kiwi>: I've been Minister of Defense since late November 2012 so yes, that's correct.
<Malashaan>: I'm just waiting for the prosecution to indicate whether they object to the question before proceeding
<Gaspo>: (no obj)
<Malashaan>: Were you involved in the decision for TNP to support the raid and occupation of Warhammer 40K?
<Gaspo>: No objection.
<Kiwi>: No. It was a unilateral decision made by Blue Wolf. I will note that I am not required to be. The delegate is the Commander in Chief and thus outranks me so he is well within his power to authorise a mission. That said - I may have approved the mission if asked as we had recently has successfully co-operated with the military group in question and it has been my aim to work broaden who we work with.
<Kiwi>: erm I'll just correct myself there - "I may have approved the mission if asked as we had recently successfully co-operated with the military group in question and it has been my aim to work to broaden who we work with."
<Malashaan>: That's fine, I am not questioning the legality of the mission
<Malashaan>: It is my understanding that the occupation was already underway with the support of members of the TNP at the time of the events shown in Prosecution Exhibit A, is this correct?
<Gaspo>: No obj.
<Kiwi>: I can say with reasonable certainty that the order has been issued prior to exhibit A, yes. Considering only a few nations actually ended up participating in the mission, it's possible no nations were in actual "occupation" at the time.
<Malashaan>: Are you in possession of, or are you aware of, any evidence that the conversation in Prosecution Exhibit A was used against TNP's army in Warhammer 40k?
<Gaspo>: no obj
<Kiwi>: That's a tough question. Basically the information gained by Rav could be used politically to the detriment of the army.
<Malashaan>: But you are not aware of any evidence that it was?
<Gaspo>: no obj
<Kiwi>: I have skimmed the trial thread briefly and McMasterdonia was contacted by more than one UDL member if I recall correctly. Considering how tenuous their relationship is... to me it would be enough that right after McM had stated his opinion, he was contacted by members of the UDL who dislike him and have used abusive language in respect of him on numerous occasions.
<Kiwi>: So the mere fact members of the UDL have contacted McM would be that evidence.
<Kiwi>: That may go too far towards speculation though.
<Malashaan>: I believe it is, but we can discuss that in the Courtroom in the next phase of trial
<Malashaan>: Last question from me, it is my understanding that McMasterdonia was also a member of TNP's government at the time of the events shown in Prosecution Exhibit A, is this correct?
<Kiwi>: I don't think so. At the time he wasn't.
<Gaspo>: (no obj)
<Kiwi>: While he was delegate I promoted him to Major General in the NPA which would take effect as soon as he was no longer delegate so he's a high ranking member of the NPA.
<Malashaan>: OK, I'll look into that further. I'm done, cross exam Gaspo?
<Gaspo>: No questions at this time. Reserve right to recall via interrogatories.
<Malashaan>: I believe we're done then - I'll post the log to the Court and request that the prosecution confirms authenticity thereafter
<Gaspo>: Works for me.
<Gaspo>: Thanks Kiwi.
<Malashaan>: Thanks Kiwi
<Kiwi>: Heya!
<Gaspo>: Mal, I only have a couple questions
<Gaspo>: so
<Gaspo>: I'll let you take the lead ont hsi, and I will cross-examine.
<Malashaan>: ok
<Malashaan>: Kiwi, you may consider yourself under oath to tell the truth to the best of your knowledge, but not to offer opinion or speculation etc in your testimony. Any questions on that?
<Kiwi>: Nope. I understand.
<Malashaan>: At the time of the events at trial, as documented in Prosecution Exhibit A here:, you were defense minister for TNP, correct?
<Kiwi>: I've been Minister of Defense since late November 2012 so yes, that's correct.
<Malashaan>: I'm just waiting for the prosecution to indicate whether they object to the question before proceeding
<Gaspo>: (no obj)
<Malashaan>: Were you involved in the decision for TNP to support the raid and occupation of Warhammer 40K?
<Gaspo>: No objection.
<Kiwi>: No. It was a unilateral decision made by Blue Wolf. I will note that I am not required to be. The delegate is the Commander in Chief and thus outranks me so he is well within his power to authorise a mission. That said - I may have approved the mission if asked as we had recently has successfully co-operated with the military group in question and it has been my aim to work broaden who we work with.
<Kiwi>: erm I'll just correct myself there - "I may have approved the mission if asked as we had recently successfully co-operated with the military group in question and it has been my aim to work to broaden who we work with."
<Malashaan>: That's fine, I am not questioning the legality of the mission
<Malashaan>: It is my understanding that the occupation was already underway with the support of members of the TNP at the time of the events shown in Prosecution Exhibit A, is this correct?
<Gaspo>: No obj.
<Kiwi>: I can say with reasonable certainty that the order has been issued prior to exhibit A, yes. Considering only a few nations actually ended up participating in the mission, it's possible no nations were in actual "occupation" at the time.
<Malashaan>: Are you in possession of, or are you aware of, any evidence that the conversation in Prosecution Exhibit A was used against TNP's army in Warhammer 40k?
<Gaspo>: no obj
<Kiwi>: That's a tough question. Basically the information gained by Rav could be used politically to the detriment of the army.
<Malashaan>: But you are not aware of any evidence that it was?
<Gaspo>: no obj
<Kiwi>: I have skimmed the trial thread briefly and McMasterdonia was contacted by more than one UDL member if I recall correctly. Considering how tenuous their relationship is... to me it would be enough that right after McM had stated his opinion, he was contacted by members of the UDL who dislike him and have used abusive language in respect of him on numerous occasions.
<Kiwi>: So the mere fact members of the UDL have contacted McM would be that evidence.
<Kiwi>: That may go too far towards speculation though.
<Malashaan>: I believe it is, but we can discuss that in the Courtroom in the next phase of trial
<Malashaan>: Last question from me, it is my understanding that McMasterdonia was also a member of TNP's government at the time of the events shown in Prosecution Exhibit A, is this correct?
<Kiwi>: I don't think so. At the time he wasn't.
<Gaspo>: (no obj)
<Kiwi>: While he was delegate I promoted him to Major General in the NPA which would take effect as soon as he was no longer delegate so he's a high ranking member of the NPA.
<Malashaan>: OK, I'll look into that further. I'm done, cross exam Gaspo?
<Gaspo>: No questions at this time. Reserve right to recall via interrogatories.
<Malashaan>: I believe we're done then - I'll post the log to the Court and request that the prosecution confirms authenticity thereafter
<Gaspo>: Works for me.
<Gaspo>: Thanks Kiwi.
<Malashaan>: Thanks Kiwi
Session Start: Wed Apr 10 17:05:06 2013
Session Ident: #conferenceroom
[17:05] * Attempting to rejoin channel #conferenceroom
[17:05] * Rejoined channel #conferenceroom
[17:05] * sets mode: +nt
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[17:36] * Ravania (webchat@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[17:36] * Malashaan (webchat@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[17:37] <@Gaspo> o/
[17:37] <Ravania> o
[17:37] <Malashaan> Good evening both
[17:38] <Malashaan> Are you both ready?
[17:38] <@Gaspo> Let's get to it, quickly as it were. Rav, you may consider yourself under oath, and obligated to tell the truth to the best of your knowledge. You are to testify only to facts, not speculation, and you may refuse to answer a question on the grounds that the answer may incriminate you, pursuant to TNP's bill of rights. Any questions?
[17:38] <@Gaspo> I
[17:38] <@Gaspo> I'm good to go anytime.
[17:39] <Ravania> okay
[17:39] * @Gaspo nods
[17:39] <@Gaspo> Your witness, Mal.
[17:41] <Malashaan> Ravania, you issued this statement on March 20 - do you believe everything therein to be accurate and truthful?
[17:42] <Ravania> I do
[17:42] <@Gaspo> No objection to that, btw.
[17:42] <@Gaspo> Continue.
[17:44] <Malashaan> In your own words, what was your intent in sharing the information?
[17:44] <@Gaspo> No obj.
[17:48] <Ravania> I felt supported by the replies to the order in the thread.
[17:49] <Malashaan> At the time the events occurred, the order to support the occupation of WH 40K had already been implemented, and was public knowledge, correct?
[17:49] <@Gaspo> No obj.
[17:49] <@Gaspo> (bit of leading, but i'll let that slide
[17:50] <Ravania> Yes, an hour before the first TNP-flag was visible in the raid.
[17:56] <Malashaan> In response to the objection, did anyone in the UDL order that you used your position to gather information?
[17:56] <Ravania> No
[17:56] <@Gaspo> No obj.
[17:59] <Malashaan> You said in your original statement (linked earlier) that you were angry, please calrify, who were you angry with?
[18:00] <@Gaspo> no obj
[18:03] <Malashaan> Correction - Ravania previously stated he was angry elsewhere, not in the linked statement, so the question is modified to "did you feel angry, and if so, with whom?"
[18:04] <@Gaspo> No obj.
[18:11] <Ravania> Yes, the kind of anger you feel when you're disappointed by a decision. In this case the decision made by the Acting Delegate to support a raid.
[18:14] <Malashaan> Last question from me, the dissenting opinion you shared was McMasterdonia's, another member of the government at the time in question - is it fair to say your disappointment was with the decision of the Acting Delegate, rather than the Government of TNP as a whole?
[18:21] <Ravania> Yes, the order came directly from the Acting Delegate, I was disappointed with him, not the government of TNP as a whole.
13[18:23] <Malashaan> Thank you Ravania, Gaspo has gone quiet at this time. The Defence notes that he has not indicated whether the Prosecution objects to the previous question
13[18:24] <Malashaan> The Defence is ready for the Prosecution to cross examine - if Gaspo does not return shotly, the Defence proposes scheduling a second session to complete this deposition
[18:26] * Malashaan (webchat@----) Quit (Quit: Web client closed)
[18:27] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[18:27] <@Gaspo> Yo
[18:27] <@Gaspo> Phone rajng, no objection to last question. Ready for cross?
[18:27] * Malashaan| (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[18:28] <Malashaan|> What did i miss?
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:24:12] <Malashaan> The Defence is ready for the Prosecution to cross examine - if Gaspo does not return shotly, the Defence proposes scheduling a second session to complete this deposition
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:26:30] * Malashaan (webchat@----) Quit (Quit: Web client closed)
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:27:21] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:27:24] <@Gaspo> Yo
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:27:48] <@Gaspo> Phone rajng, no objection to last question. Ready for cross?
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:27:58] * Malashaan| (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:28:12] <Malashaan|> What did i miss?
[18:28] <Malashaan|> Yes, ready for cross
[18:30] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@---) Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[18:30] <@Gaspo> Alright, first up, you stated previously that noone from the UDL ordered you to gather information. Isn't it true, as Prosecutino Exhibit A shows, that created a pdf in response to a specific request from UDL Lieutenant Mahaj?
[18:31] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:36] <Ravania> Most of the content was already copied and pasted on irc by me, it was just an easier way to share the info. If I recall correctly Mahaj suggested a screenshot not a pdf. And a suggestion is hardly an order.
[18:39] <@Gaspo> So again, since you didn't answer my question, did you create the PDF (which is functionally a series of images of the thread) in response to Mahaj's request?
[18:40] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:44] <Ravania> No, I just thought it was easier than copy-pasting the whole discussion between Blue Wolf and Mcmasterdonia onto irc.
[18:46] <@Gaspo> So when Mahaj asked for screenshots, and you said "just making a pdf works too", and then said "here you go" when sharing the link
[18:46] <@Gaspo> None of that was in response to Mahaj's request?
[18:48] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:49] <Ravania> His suggestions informed how I shared the information, but I had already decided and begun to do so.
[18:49] <@Gaspo> Alright, let's change tacks.
[18:50] <@Gaspo> You were aware that the subforum from which you retrieved the thread, was not a public subforum, correct?
[18:50] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:52] <Malashaan|> I may lose connection briefly, brb if i do
[18:52] <Ravania> Yes
[18:53] <@Gaspo> Did you believe you had the authority to disclose the information therein to non-NPA individuals?
[18:54] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:56] <Ravania> No
[18:58] <@Gaspo> I have no further questions at this time. Unless the Defense has an objection, I'd suggest we both reserve the right to recall this witness for additional questions through interrogatories, should the need arise as a result of future depositions and affidavits. Any problem with that, Mal?
[18:59] <Malashaan|> No problem although i believe Rav is supplementing his last answer
[19:00] <Ravania> I wasn't aware of the details of the law though.
[19:00] <@Gaspo> Does that conclude your response, Rav?
[19:01] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[19:01] <Ravania> yes
[19:01] <@Gaspo> Mal, for reference, this is all you missed:
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [18:59:22] <Malashaan|> No problem although i believe Rav is supplementing his last answer
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [19:00:26] <Ravania> I wasn't aware of the details of the law though.
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [19:00:51] <@Gaspo> Does that conclude your response, Rav?
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [19:01:00] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [19:01:11] <Ravania> yes
[19:01] <@Gaspo> If there's nothing further, I believe we can wrap this up, yeah?
[19:02] <Ravania> OOC 1 AM overhere, so please
[19:02] <@Gaspo> I've nothign further, just want Mal to confirm and then you're done.
[19:03] <Malashaan> I believe we're done
[19:03] * Malashaan| (~Malashaan@----) Quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
[19:05] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) Quit (Client Quit)
[19:05] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[19:06] <@Gaspo> We're done, I'll PM you a coyp of the log Mal.
[19:06] <@Gaspo> The complete one, sans drops.
[19:06] <@Gaspo> Thank you both for your time.
[19:06] <Malashaan> Thank you
[19:07] <Ravania> goodnight
[19:07] <Malashaan> Night
[19:08] * Ravania (webchat@----) has left #conferenceroom
[19:27] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has left #conferenceroom (Leaving)
Session Ident: #conferenceroom
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[17:05] * sets mode: +nt
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[17:36] * Ravania (webchat@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[17:36] * Malashaan (webchat@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[17:37] <@Gaspo> o/
[17:37] <Ravania> o
[17:37] <Malashaan> Good evening both
[17:38] <Malashaan> Are you both ready?
[17:38] <@Gaspo> Let's get to it, quickly as it were. Rav, you may consider yourself under oath, and obligated to tell the truth to the best of your knowledge. You are to testify only to facts, not speculation, and you may refuse to answer a question on the grounds that the answer may incriminate you, pursuant to TNP's bill of rights. Any questions?
[17:38] <@Gaspo> I
[17:38] <@Gaspo> I'm good to go anytime.
[17:39] <Ravania> okay
[17:39] * @Gaspo nods
[17:39] <@Gaspo> Your witness, Mal.
[17:41] <Malashaan> Ravania, you issued this statement on March 20 - do you believe everything therein to be accurate and truthful?
[17:42] <Ravania> I do
[17:42] <@Gaspo> No objection to that, btw.
[17:42] <@Gaspo> Continue.
[17:44] <Malashaan> In your own words, what was your intent in sharing the information?
[17:44] <@Gaspo> No obj.
[17:48] <Ravania> I felt supported by the replies to the order in the thread.
[17:49] <Malashaan> At the time the events occurred, the order to support the occupation of WH 40K had already been implemented, and was public knowledge, correct?
[17:49] <@Gaspo> No obj.
[17:49] <@Gaspo> (bit of leading, but i'll let that slide

[17:50] <Ravania> Yes, an hour before the first TNP-flag was visible in the raid.
[17:56] <Malashaan> In response to the objection, did anyone in the UDL order that you used your position to gather information?
[17:56] <Ravania> No
[17:56] <@Gaspo> No obj.
[17:59] <Malashaan> You said in your original statement (linked earlier) that you were angry, please calrify, who were you angry with?
[18:00] <@Gaspo> no obj
[18:03] <Malashaan> Correction - Ravania previously stated he was angry elsewhere, not in the linked statement, so the question is modified to "did you feel angry, and if so, with whom?"
[18:04] <@Gaspo> No obj.
[18:11] <Ravania> Yes, the kind of anger you feel when you're disappointed by a decision. In this case the decision made by the Acting Delegate to support a raid.
[18:14] <Malashaan> Last question from me, the dissenting opinion you shared was McMasterdonia's, another member of the government at the time in question - is it fair to say your disappointment was with the decision of the Acting Delegate, rather than the Government of TNP as a whole?
[18:21] <Ravania> Yes, the order came directly from the Acting Delegate, I was disappointed with him, not the government of TNP as a whole.
13[18:23] <Malashaan> Thank you Ravania, Gaspo has gone quiet at this time. The Defence notes that he has not indicated whether the Prosecution objects to the previous question
13[18:24] <Malashaan> The Defence is ready for the Prosecution to cross examine - if Gaspo does not return shotly, the Defence proposes scheduling a second session to complete this deposition
[18:26] * Malashaan (webchat@----) Quit (Quit: Web client closed)
[18:27] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[18:27] <@Gaspo> Yo
[18:27] <@Gaspo> Phone rajng, no objection to last question. Ready for cross?
[18:27] * Malashaan| (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[18:28] <Malashaan|> What did i miss?
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:24:12] <Malashaan> The Defence is ready for the Prosecution to cross examine - if Gaspo does not return shotly, the Defence proposes scheduling a second session to complete this deposition
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:26:30] * Malashaan (webchat@----) Quit (Quit: Web client closed)
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:27:21] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:27:24] <@Gaspo> Yo
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:27:48] <@Gaspo> Phone rajng, no objection to last question. Ready for cross?
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:27:58] * Malashaan| (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:28:12] <Malashaan|> What did i miss?
[18:28] <Malashaan|> Yes, ready for cross
[18:30] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@---) Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[18:30] <@Gaspo> Alright, first up, you stated previously that noone from the UDL ordered you to gather information. Isn't it true, as Prosecutino Exhibit A shows, that created a pdf in response to a specific request from UDL Lieutenant Mahaj?
[18:31] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:36] <Ravania> Most of the content was already copied and pasted on irc by me, it was just an easier way to share the info. If I recall correctly Mahaj suggested a screenshot not a pdf. And a suggestion is hardly an order.
[18:39] <@Gaspo> So again, since you didn't answer my question, did you create the PDF (which is functionally a series of images of the thread) in response to Mahaj's request?
[18:40] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:44] <Ravania> No, I just thought it was easier than copy-pasting the whole discussion between Blue Wolf and Mcmasterdonia onto irc.
[18:46] <@Gaspo> So when Mahaj asked for screenshots, and you said "just making a pdf works too", and then said "here you go" when sharing the link
[18:46] <@Gaspo> None of that was in response to Mahaj's request?
[18:48] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:49] <Ravania> His suggestions informed how I shared the information, but I had already decided and begun to do so.
[18:49] <@Gaspo> Alright, let's change tacks.
[18:50] <@Gaspo> You were aware that the subforum from which you retrieved the thread, was not a public subforum, correct?
[18:50] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:52] <Malashaan|> I may lose connection briefly, brb if i do
[18:52] <Ravania> Yes
[18:53] <@Gaspo> Did you believe you had the authority to disclose the information therein to non-NPA individuals?
[18:54] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:56] <Ravania> No
[18:58] <@Gaspo> I have no further questions at this time. Unless the Defense has an objection, I'd suggest we both reserve the right to recall this witness for additional questions through interrogatories, should the need arise as a result of future depositions and affidavits. Any problem with that, Mal?
[18:59] <Malashaan|> No problem although i believe Rav is supplementing his last answer
[19:00] <Ravania> I wasn't aware of the details of the law though.
[19:00] <@Gaspo> Does that conclude your response, Rav?
[19:01] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[19:01] <Ravania> yes
[19:01] <@Gaspo> Mal, for reference, this is all you missed:
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [18:59:22] <Malashaan|> No problem although i believe Rav is supplementing his last answer
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [19:00:26] <Ravania> I wasn't aware of the details of the law though.
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [19:00:51] <@Gaspo> Does that conclude your response, Rav?
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [19:01:00] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [19:01:11] <Ravania> yes
[19:01] <@Gaspo> If there's nothing further, I believe we can wrap this up, yeah?
[19:02] <Ravania> OOC 1 AM overhere, so please

[19:02] <@Gaspo> I've nothign further, just want Mal to confirm and then you're done.
[19:03] <Malashaan> I believe we're done
[19:03] * Malashaan| (~Malashaan@----) Quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
[19:05] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) Quit (Client Quit)
[19:05] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[19:06] <@Gaspo> We're done, I'll PM you a coyp of the log Mal.
[19:06] <@Gaspo> The complete one, sans drops.
[19:06] <@Gaspo> Thank you both for your time.
[19:06] <Malashaan> Thank you
[19:07] <Ravania> goodnight
[19:07] <Malashaan> Night
[19:08] * Ravania (webchat@----) has left #conferenceroom
[19:27] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has left #conferenceroom (Leaving)
Court Exhibit B: First UDL Official Statement (03:04 AM GMT 20/03/13)
Court Exhibit C: Second UDL Official Statement (10:12 PM GMT 20/03/13)
Court Exhibit D: Ravania's Statement (08:48 PM GMT 20/03/13)