Session Start: Wed Apr 10 17:05:06 2013
Session Ident: #conferenceroom
[17:05] * Attempting to rejoin channel #conferenceroom
[17:05] * Rejoined channel #conferenceroom
[17:05] * sets mode: +nt
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[17:36] * Ravania (webchat@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[17:36] * Malashaan (webchat@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[17:37] <@Gaspo> o/
[17:37] <Ravania> o
[17:37] <Malashaan> Good evening both
[17:38] <Malashaan> Are you both ready?
[17:38] <@Gaspo> Let's get to it, quickly as it were. Rav, you may consider yourself under oath, and obligated to tell the truth to the best of your knowledge. You are to testify only to facts, not speculation, and you may refuse to answer a question on the grounds that the answer may incriminate you, pursuant to TNP's bill of rights. Any questions?
[17:38] <@Gaspo> I
[17:38] <@Gaspo> I'm good to go anytime.
[17:39] <Ravania> okay
[17:39] * @Gaspo nods
[17:39] <@Gaspo> Your witness, Mal.
[17:41] <Malashaan> Ravania, you issued this statement on March 20 - do you believe everything therein to be accurate and truthful?
[17:42] <Ravania> I do
[17:42] <@Gaspo> No objection to that, btw.
[17:42] <@Gaspo> Continue.
[17:44] <Malashaan> In your own words, what was your intent in sharing the information?
[17:44] <@Gaspo> No obj.
[17:48] <Ravania> I felt supported by the replies to the order in the thread.
[17:49] <Malashaan> At the time the events occurred, the order to support the occupation of WH 40K had already been implemented, and was public knowledge, correct?
[17:49] <@Gaspo> No obj.
[17:49] <@Gaspo> (bit of leading, but i'll let that slide

[17:50] <Ravania> Yes, an hour before the first TNP-flag was visible in the raid.
[17:56] <Malashaan> In response to the objection, did anyone in the UDL order that you used your position to gather information?
[17:56] <Ravania> No
[17:56] <@Gaspo> No obj.
[17:59] <Malashaan> You said in your original statement (linked earlier) that you were angry, please calrify, who were you angry with?
[18:00] <@Gaspo> no obj
[18:03] <Malashaan> Correction - Ravania previously stated he was angry elsewhere, not in the linked statement, so the question is modified to "did you feel angry, and if so, with whom?"
[18:04] <@Gaspo> No obj.
[18:11] <Ravania> Yes, the kind of anger you feel when you're disappointed by a decision. In this case the decision made by the Acting Delegate to support a raid.
[18:14] <Malashaan> Last question from me, the dissenting opinion you shared was McMasterdonia's, another member of the government at the time in question - is it fair to say your disappointment was with the decision of the Acting Delegate, rather than the Government of TNP as a whole?
[18:21] <Ravania> Yes, the order came directly from the Acting Delegate, I was disappointed with him, not the government of TNP as a whole.
13[18:23] <Malashaan> Thank you Ravania, Gaspo has gone quiet at this time. The Defence notes that he has not indicated whether the Prosecution objects to the previous question
13[18:24] <Malashaan> The Defence is ready for the Prosecution to cross examine - if Gaspo does not return shotly, the Defence proposes scheduling a second session to complete this deposition
[18:26] * Malashaan (webchat@----) Quit (Quit: Web client closed)
[18:27] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[18:27] <@Gaspo> Yo
[18:27] <@Gaspo> Phone rajng, no objection to last question. Ready for cross?
[18:27] * Malashaan| (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[18:28] <Malashaan|> What did i miss?
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:24:12] <Malashaan> The Defence is ready for the Prosecution to cross examine - if Gaspo does not return shotly, the Defence proposes scheduling a second session to complete this deposition
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:26:30] * Malashaan (webchat@----) Quit (Quit: Web client closed)
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:27:21] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:27:24] <@Gaspo> Yo
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:27:48] <@Gaspo> Phone rajng, no objection to last question. Ready for cross?
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:27:58] * Malashaan| (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[18:28] <@Gaspo> [18:28:12] <Malashaan|> What did i miss?
[18:28] <Malashaan|> Yes, ready for cross
[18:30] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@---) Quit (Ping timeout: 194 seconds)
[18:30] <@Gaspo> Alright, first up, you stated previously that noone from the UDL ordered you to gather information. Isn't it true, as Prosecutino Exhibit A shows, that created a pdf in response to a specific request from UDL Lieutenant Mahaj?
[18:31] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:36] <Ravania> Most of the content was already copied and pasted on irc by me, it was just an easier way to share the info. If I recall correctly Mahaj suggested a screenshot not a pdf. And a suggestion is hardly an order.
[18:39] <@Gaspo> So again, since you didn't answer my question, did you create the PDF (which is functionally a series of images of the thread) in response to Mahaj's request?
[18:40] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:44] <Ravania> No, I just thought it was easier than copy-pasting the whole discussion between Blue Wolf and Mcmasterdonia onto irc.
[18:46] <@Gaspo> So when Mahaj asked for screenshots, and you said "just making a pdf works too", and then said "here you go" when sharing the link
[18:46] <@Gaspo> None of that was in response to Mahaj's request?
[18:48] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:49] <Ravania> His suggestions informed how I shared the information, but I had already decided and begun to do so.
[18:49] <@Gaspo> Alright, let's change tacks.
[18:50] <@Gaspo> You were aware that the subforum from which you retrieved the thread, was not a public subforum, correct?
[18:50] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:52] <Malashaan|> I may lose connection briefly, brb if i do
[18:52] <Ravania> Yes
[18:53] <@Gaspo> Did you believe you had the authority to disclose the information therein to non-NPA individuals?
[18:54] <Malashaan|> No objection
[18:56] <Ravania> No
[18:58] <@Gaspo> I have no further questions at this time. Unless the Defense has an objection, I'd suggest we both reserve the right to recall this witness for additional questions through interrogatories, should the need arise as a result of future depositions and affidavits. Any problem with that, Mal?
[18:59] <Malashaan|> No problem although i believe Rav is supplementing his last answer
[19:00] <Ravania> I wasn't aware of the details of the law though.
[19:00] <@Gaspo> Does that conclude your response, Rav?
[19:01] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[19:01] <Ravania> yes
[19:01] <@Gaspo> Mal, for reference, this is all you missed:
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [18:59:22] <Malashaan|> No problem although i believe Rav is supplementing his last answer
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [19:00:26] <Ravania> I wasn't aware of the details of the law though.
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [19:00:51] <@Gaspo> Does that conclude your response, Rav?
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [19:01:00] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[19:01] <@Gaspo> [19:01:11] <Ravania> yes
[19:01] <@Gaspo> If there's nothing further, I believe we can wrap this up, yeah?
[19:02] <Ravania> OOC 1 AM overhere, so please

[19:02] <@Gaspo> I've nothign further, just want Mal to confirm and then you're done.
[19:03] <Malashaan> I believe we're done
[19:03] * Malashaan| (~Malashaan@----) Quit (Ping timeout: 190 seconds)
[19:05] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) Quit (Client Quit)
[19:05] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has joined #conferenceroom
[19:06] <@Gaspo> We're done, I'll PM you a coyp of the log Mal.
[19:06] <@Gaspo> The complete one, sans drops.
[19:06] <@Gaspo> Thank you both for your time.
[19:06] <Malashaan> Thank you
[19:07] <Ravania> goodnight
[19:07] <Malashaan> Night
[19:08] * Ravania (webchat@----) has left #conferenceroom
[19:27] * Malashaan (~Malashaan@----) has left #conferenceroom (Leaving)