The North Pacific Bar and Grill

Well Darcania it'll be good to see you in the RP more.

HoneySheep, this bar is many things, and I suppose part of it is a hockey bar.
Just watch out when you ask for your check. :D
I'm hoping for the Caps.

Also, a Leafs fan? I'm so, so sorry. :( :P
Let's not even talk about my poor Leafs, I'll say what I say every year now "There's always next year, right?" As long as they win a Stanley Cup before I die I'll die a happy man!

Good luck to your Caps, honeysheep, but I think my money's on the Rangers. Looking forward to seeing how it ends, all tied up with half left in the third.

Tonse, turn it up a little, would you? This is getting intense!

The Hawks are my one true love, but we're gonna get a Rangers/Ducks final and it will make me sad.
I don't know, I feel like the Ducks and Chicago are going to have a pretty close series. It could go any way I think. Rangers will probably beat out the Lightning though.
*Sigh* Syrixia, what have I told you about Anschluss?
As I have recently started making soft drinks for the denizens if TNP, I ask if you would stock them. You get a 55% cut of the sales!
I'm going to miss my Election Sig :(
Yeah, I still miss my old signature. It had all of my many positions in a single organized row. Shame it'll be a while until I can use it again, if ever. :\
Don't feel so bad. Think about the consequences of HAVING a lot of stuff in your sig. I still have all MY stuff in my sig, which is, due to all of this, a convoluted mess. -_-
That you're not sharing the anschluss! Gib me clay too!
I will destroy you, subjugate your citizens, and force them to work in slave camps where good workers get whipped and are given a few bread crumbs to eat and bad workers die via steamroller lathered in acid, followed by a harrowing and torturous total dismemberment and human-baking in the oven. You cannot escape me. Your doom is coming and it is me. I am the storm. My legions will burn your cities to the ground and spare none but those worthy to toil for my purposes alone. I will completely annex your despicable territory into my glorious empire, and wipe all things Trinster from the face of this Earth. Nothing will survive. You're dead, kiddo.

The Leafs got a new head coach in Mike Babcock! (Arguably the best coach that money can buy at this point for those of you peasants who don't follow hockey) A round on me to celebrate a new era of Leafs hockey! I predict that by the time Babcock leaves Toronto he'll have done it after holding Lord Stanley's finest piece of silverware!
Tonse? I'm back for the Stanley Cup Finals old friend! Going to be a good series, and I plan on spending a good deal of those games here with some good beer! Usual fish & chips, eh? Here's a little extra tip for you and the chef.
Sup guys, I'm new from around here. Just got here from TSP. Hey, do guys have bourbon here by any chance?
Sup guys, I'm new from around here. Just got here from TSP. Hey, do guys have bourbon here by any chance?
[me]nods as he grabs a bottle of bourbon.

"You want it on the rocks or straight?"