The North Pacific Bar and Grill

What do you mean "another"? How are you still on you're feet after one?
Spend long enough on Romulan Ale, and you too can drink vast quantities of Klingon Bloodwine.

I'm afraid I won't be on the forum for the next day, give or take a few hours. Don't do anything major in TRotNSP without me! :cry:

[me] walks out and closes the door
And don't forget it, quak. lol

It is also amusing because your username is one letter away from being the bartender on DS9.
That flag is the Bohemian Flag. You do understand that in Polandball, which I know you're getting this mistake from, the Polish flag is intentionally upside down.
Oops, I had double flipped the Polish flag in my head. Doesn't matter, dice that was the Bohemian Flag I posted. You also could've reverse image searched the flag I posted.
*hovers over the Firefox users in a massive flying saucer shaped like the Chrome logo*

*activates robot voice*

I, for one, can have 10 chrome tabs open and still be playing games with high settings and having three chat services open at the same time. Don't know how much RAM ya'll have installed.
My current rig has 16GB, but chrome never stopped making new processes, now it only gets used for YouTube.
That's really weird. I've never encountered memory problems with chrome, albeit I don't have a million and one addons installed. Just Adblock, really.
also eats CPU cycles constantly, on a i7! A brand new one at that... I recon there's a leak somewhere in chrome, either memory or cycles.
Ya'll have weird computers. I'm running games at max settings at 60 fps (which is my monitor's limit) as well chrome with multiple tabs open with only 8 gigs and dual core i3's (albeit at 3.5gHz)