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Based on the program of the same name.

The gist: Poster reveals a fact that may or may not be an honest truth or stinking lie. Other can ask one question regarding the fact, prying it for clarity to establish its veracity (or lack thereof), then declare whether said fact is true or false. Guess it right, get a point, and post your own statement which may or may not be bullcrap! I'll keep track in this post.

I might as well start!

I have met Tony Blair, twice.

Indiegirl: 1
Ator People: 1
Sydia: 1
Pucktopian: 1
Oh man, this picture is so perfect for this song:


There's even an extra hint in it as to the musician(s).
First time was not longer after Labour was elected, about 1998. I was a merely stripling at the time. We went down to London on a school residential visit and he was there at the state opening of parliament. Second time was about 2004-ish, I was in Manchester for some reason I've forgotten and he was there for a conference. Both were fleeting meets, I didn't get a chance to discus policy or anything, surprisingly he didn't remember me.

How did you know? I'm not sure how this is different to the current game, but w/e, let's roll with it!

Er, Tres.