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Flick back a few pages if you want an idea.

And this should answer your first question...

Welcome to TNP... Deal or No Deal

And thiiis is your host...



Artists Impression

And our contestant today, none other than...


Welcome to the show Sydia, tell us a little bit about yourself and what you want to do with your winnings.
You are a sexy man-god, Al.

If I won Miss World I would wish for world peace. My hobbies include shopping and looking pretty. If I won some money I'd buy a horse called Starbeam. My measurements are...
Well that was insightful. You've got your favorate rug in the audience cheering you on today.

*camera pans to image of rug smiling and waving at Sydia*

*audience fall into a quizical silence*

But lets get going!!!

*crowd burst back into life*

Sooo Sydia, choose the box that you believe holds the $1,000,000...

If you'll be my bodyguard,
I can be your long lost pal.
I can call you Betty,
And Betty when you call me,
You can call me Al Homa.
A man walks down the street,
He says why am I short of attention,
Got a short little span of attention,
And, whoa, my nights are so long,
Where's my wife and family?
What if I die here?
Who'll be my role model?
Now that my role model is
Al Homa
Sydia, the whole day through
Just an old sweet song keeps Sydia on my mind

Sydia, a song of you
Comes as sweet and clean as moonlight through the pines
Other arms reach out to me
Other eyes smile tenderly
Still in peaceful dreams I see the roads leads back to you
Sydia, no peace I find
Just an old sweet song keeps Sydia on my mind
Well good luck as we play, DEAL or NO DEAL...

Your first box Sydia, and its number one. Lets hope its a good one for you...

#1 opens and its...

$10,000! (half the crowd exclaims whilst the other sit nervously)

Well thats a mixed bag reaction to that, at least its not one of the top ones...

Lets see if #3 gives you any more luck...

$5,000! (the crowd settles into muffled conversation)

Oo starting to create a bit of a gap in the middle which can be good for your long term game plan, but those big numbers are still there...

How does #5 treat you...

$10!!! (The crowd cheers for the first time and ripples of applause fill the room)

Thats much more like it! Lets hope you're setting a trend...

Number 9...

Ooo no its $100,000 (crowd quietens down again)

But we've still got plenty of big money figures sitting up there, including the most important ones!

Lets open box number 11...

$1!!! Perfect! (Crowd cheers and starts to feel more hopeful for you, some are even off their feet)

And one more box before we see what you could take away immediately...

Number 13, unlucky for some but you've put your faith in it...

$1,000,000. (crowd groans and slump back into their seats)

OH no! Thats just what we didnt want to see before your first offer...

There are a lot of small figures still in there so I'm going to give you an offer of $11,000...


Deal or No Deal?
Oo and he's (unsurprisingly) decided not to deal at this early stage in the game...

well, you know what to do give me 5 more boxes you'd like to see opened...

Boxes remaining: 2, 4, 6, 8 (who do we appreciate, SYDIA!!!), 10, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26
At this point let me interrupt the flow of the game by showing tedious pictures of my family until the ad break!

Actually, I'll have boxes 15, 17, 19, 23 and...26.
Lets hope you can rebound after that last box...

We open box 15...

Oh! $0.01!!! Great choice Sydia (crowd jump out of their seats and applaud)

Moving on to box 17...

$25,000! Not too bad (crowd slow into a mild applause)

Number 19 then...

$300! Good to start getting some of these out the way! (crowd cheers)


$400!!! This rounds going well now!! (crowds cheers grow louder and louder)

And now for the last box, #26...

$75,000! Pretty well played round! (crowd cheers Sydia on)

A pretty well played round, we didnt touch any of the six figure sums so you've still got $200,000, $300,000, $400,000, $500,000, $750,000 which gives you the chance of some big money. We could do with getting rid of some of those small sums still though!

As a result of that round the offer I can give you is $47,000!! Quite an increase!

So Sydia...

That's about 32 grand in Queens, a respectable amount to be sure, but I'm gonna have to say...No Deal! And hope I have a good round!
And he's turned down the chance to go into the hall of fame at 7th, in hope of bigger fish no doubt!

Sydia, please choose 4 more boxes...

Remaining: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25
We'll be back after the break

In other words, I'm away for the weekend and the file where I've pre-listed whats in each box isn't on my laptop.
And we're back! Before the break Sydia turned down our offer of $47 000. Sydia hopes for a big money win tonight by the looks of it and theres still a lot of big numbers on the table!

Ok Sydia, lets see what box 25 holds for you...

$750!! Good job! (Crowd offer warm applause and a few whoops and cheers)

Moving on to box 22...

$50 000, not too great but it'll do for now! (a loud bellowing voice shouts "C'mon Sydia!" from the audience)

Will box 18 be a bit better...

$5!!! That was the lowest amount left! Good shout (Crowd starts to warm up and cheers Sydia)

And finally, box 14...

$200,000... Not the end of the world but we could have done with keeping that up there... (Crowd lets out a pantomime sigh)

Ok, well that was a yo-yo round but these boxes are disappearing fast now!

As a result your offer has only increased slightly to $56,000!

Deal or No Deal?

You may want to look at the figures left in the game before making your choice:

Not correct, but wow, some fresh faces in here, I'm not sure I'm comfortable with other people in me and Sydia's "special space".

As long as you stay out of Deal or No Deal (No, I'm joking, really dont, theres meant to be a freaking audience in there but they didnt show!)

Oh urm, you replied, my notifications betrayed me...

Welcome back from that unprecedented advert break!

Now Sydia, time to get serious..

Please choose four more important boxes...