
Tonight was the first night on this shift where i've felt my position to be warranted. I had to help 3 people settle into their rooms at 1:30 in the morning. Now it is back to reading, surfing the web, and watching movies. Tonight is Episode I: The Phantom Menace.
I spent the greater part of this month trying to think up ways that i could ditch one girl to spend more time with another
really? i dont. never dated an anthropologist. the one i was trying to ditch was a fashion designer and the new one is a biologist.
Oh great she's going to talk to you about transcriptase or heat shock proteins or something else equally sciency. Quickly, read this Paley excerpt! Ah, ontological arguments and science.
Thankfully i have been spared so far. and anyway, i love it when a girl makes me feel uneducated. plus listening to her awesome not quite french accent say anything is fairly fun
You're a pile of worms. *sticks your face in a pile of worms that have been feeding on mulched copies of James Joyce's Finnegans Wake.* :evil:

Bet you feel real stupid now.
I confess that I have hitherto not completed a basic English composition course for College. I confess that I will be taking a course online that will probably be a joke, considering.
I confess to being rather excited about the idea that i am going to be medivaced (in business class) to a new country.
I confess to having had a couple of awkward moments this week with girls that I hadn't called when i got back to aus